Sanskriti Unviersity: Applications of Nano-Technology in Medical Filed

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Submitted by,
Prachi Kushwah B.ed (zbc)
Fifth semester
Submitted to,
Dr. Durgesh Wadhva
• Introduction
• History
• Classification according to module
design configurations
• Application
• Abstract
• Poster
What Is Nanotechnology?

❖ It is the study of controlling and manipulating
matter on an atomic and/or molecular scale.
❖ It deals with structures the size of 100 nanometers
or smaller in at least one dimension.
❖ A disruptive technology, with a potential to change
the world as we know it today.
❖ It's a very diverse technology
History Of Nanotechnology

Feynman suggested that it should

On December 29, 1959, physicist be possible to make machines at
Richard Feynman gave a radical “There's Plenty of Room at the a nano-scale that "arrange the This lecture was the birth of the
lecture at an American Physical Bottom”. atoms the way we want", and do idea and study of nanotechnology.
Society meeting at Caltech titled. chemical synthesis by mechanical
• According to Feynman, Albert R. Hibbs -a noted
mathematician originally suggested to him "The idea
of a medical use for Feynman's theoretical

• Albert R. Hibbs suggests a very interesting

possibility for relatively small machines. He says

• "It would be interesting in surgery if you could

swallow the surgeon. You put the mechanical
surgeon inside the blood vessel, and it goes into the
heart and "looks" around... It finds out which valve
is the faulty one and takes a little knife and slices it
out. Other small machines might be permanently
incorporated in the body to assist some
inadequately- functioning organ".

• What Feynman and Hibbs considered a possibility,

today is becoming a reality,
Year Development in nanotechnology
1959 R. Feynman initiated thought process

1974 The term nanotechnology was used by Taniguchi for the first time

1981 IBM Scanning Tunnelling Microscope

1985 "Bucky Ball”

1986 First book on nanotechnology Engines of Creation published by K. Eric Drexler, Atomic Force Microscope

1989 IBM logo was made with individual atoms

1991 S. Ijima discovered Carbon Nano tube for the first time

1999 1st nano medicine book by R. Freitas 'Nano medicine" was published

2000 For the first time National Nanotechnology Initiative was launched

2001 For developing theory of nanometer-scale electronic devices and for synthesis and characterization of carbon
nanotubes and nano wires, Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology was awarded

2002 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology was awarded for using DNA to enable the self-assembly of new structures
and for advancing our ability to model molecular machine systems.

2003 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology was awarded for modeling the molecular and electronic structures of new
materials and for integrating single molecule biological motors with nano-scale silicon devices

2004 First policy conference on advanced nanotech was held. First center for nano mechanical systems was
established, Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology was warded for designing stable protein structures and for
constructing a novel enzyme with an altered function.

2005-2010 3D Nano systems like robotics, 3D networking and active nano products that change their state during use
were prepared

2011 Era of molecular nano technology started

Applications Of Nanotechnology

The different fields that find potential applications of nanotechnology are as follows:

a. Health and Medicine

b. Electronics

c. Transportation

d. Energy and Environment

e. Space exploration

Drug Delivery



Medical Robotics

Therapeutic Applications

Cell Repair

Blood Clotting
Drug Delivery

In this technique the

required drug dose is used, Thus, variety of nano
In nanotechnology nano This highly selective
and side-effects are lowered particles such as dendrimers,
particles are used for site approach can reduce costs
significantly as the active and nano porous materials
specific drug delivery. and pain to the patients.
agent is deposited in the find application.
morbid region only.

Micelles obtained from block

A targeted medicine reduces
co-polymers, are used for Similarly, nano Iron nano particles or gold
the drug consumption and
drug encapsulation. They electromechanical systems shells are finding important
treatment expenses, making
transport small drug are utilized for the active application in the cancer
the treatment of patients
molecules to the desired release of drugs. treatment.
cost effective.

❖ With nanotechnology, minute surgical instruments and robots can be made

which can be used to perform microsurgeries on any part of the body.

❖ Instead of damaging a large amount of the body, these instruments would be

precise and accurate, targeting only the area where surgery should be done.

❖ Visualization of surgery can also be improved. Instead of a surgeon holding the

instrument, computers can be used to control the nano- sized surgical
instruments. "Nano cameras" can provide close visualization of the surgery

❖ Less chance of any mistakes or faults

❖ Surgery could also be done on tissue, genetic and cellular levels.


• Nanoparticles have high surface area to volume ratio.

• This allows for many functional groups to be attached to a nanoparticle, which can seek out and
bind to certain tumor cells.

• Additionally, the small size of nanoparticles (10 to 100 nanometers), allows them to preferentially
accumulate at tumor sites (because tumors lack an effective lymphatic drainage system).

• Limitations to conventional cancer chemotherapy include

✓ drug resistance,
✓ lack of selectivity,
✓ lack of solubility.

Nanoparticles have the potential to overcome these problems.

Photodynamic therapy

Light may also be used to

The light gets absorbed by the
produce high energy oxygen
A particle is placed within the particle and if the particle is
molecules which will chemically
body and is illuminated with metal, energy from the light
react with and destroy most
light from the outside. will heat the particle and
organic molecules that are next
surrounding tissue.
to them (like tumors).

It does not leave a "toxic trail"

of reactive molecules Photodynamic therapy has
This therapy is appealing for throughout the body potential for a noninvasive
many reasons. (chemotherapy) because it is procedure for dealing with
directed where only the light is diseases, growth and tumors.
shined and the particles exist
Applications In Medical Robotics


• Nanorobots are nanodevices.

• Diameters and dimensions.
• To repair or detect damages and infections.
• Exfuse themselves through human excretory system.
• Nano-robotics, although having many
applications in other areas, have the most useful
and variety of uses in medical fields.

• Potential applications include early diagnosis

and targeted drug delivery for cancer,
biomedical instrumentation, surgery,
pharmacokinetics, monitoring of diabetes, and
health care.

• Future medical nanotechnology expected to

employ nanorobots injected into the patient to
perform treatment on a cellular level
Therapeutic Applications – cleaning of

A mouthwash full of smart nanomachines could Four remote-controlled nanorobots examine

identify and destroy pathogenic bacteria while and clean the sub occlusal surfaces of a
allowing the harmless flora of the mouth to patient's teeth, near the gum line.
flourish in a healthy ecosystem
Blood Clotting

When there's an injury :- They can also form when

Blood clots are a good
Blood clots are healthy they shouldn't, causing
thing, saving us from a
and life saving when heart attacks and other
lot of trouble.
they stop bleedings. serious problems.

• Efficient Drug Delivery

• Repairing Body Cells Becomes Easy
• Replacing Abnormal Genes
• Non-invasive Imaging Tools

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