Hope Paper 4 Part A
Hope Paper 4 Part A
Hope Paper 4 Part A
4 Care coordination: A
designated care coordinator To improve access to care, support
will be assigned to each
patient, responsible for
self-management, and enhance care Diabetes Intervention:
coordination for diabetic patients in
coordinating appointments, Implementation of
follow-ups, and rural areas.
communication among Telehealth Diabetes
healthcare providers and The program will incorporate the Management Program
5 Community resources and
following components: (TDMP).
support: The TDMP will 1. Telehealth consultations:
collaborate with local
resources, such as support Patients can access diabetes care
groups, educational specialists and primary care
workshops, and financial
providers through virtual
assistance programs, to
provide additional support consultations, reducing travel
for patients in rural time and costs.
6 Educational resources: 2. Remote monitoring: Continuous
Online educational glucose monitoring (CGM)
materials and self-
systems and mobile health
management tools will be
provided to patients to applications will be utilized to
enhance their knowledge track patients' blood glucose
and skills in managing their Hope Aghedo-Akoda
diabetes. levels and provide real-time
feedback to healthcare
2. Symptoms: Diabetes is characterized
Over time, uncontrolled diabetes by a wide range of symptoms, FACTS ABOUT DIABETES
may result in a range of
including increased urination, thirst, Diabetes is a chronic metabolic
complications that impact multiple
tiredness, impaired eyesight, poor disorder that affects how the body
bodily systems, including the eyes,
wound healing, and recurrent processes glucose, the primary source
kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood
vessels. Proper management can
infections. of energy for our cells.
significantly reduce the risk of these 3. Diagnosis: typically based on blood There exist two primary
complications. tests that measure blood glucose levels, classifications of diabetes.: type 1 and
5. Prevention: While type 1 diabetes such as fasting blood glucose, oral type 2, and another form called
cannot be prevented, type 2 diabetes glucose tolerance test, and HbA1c test. gestational diabetes that can occur
prevention is possible by adopting a during pregnancy.
4. Diabetes Management and treatment:
healthy lifestyle, including regular 1. Sources and risk factors:
physical activity, maintaining a Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin
healthy weight, eating a balanced therapy, which involves administering Type 1 diabetes develops when the
diet, and avoiding tobacco use. insulin either through injections or an immune system erroneously
insulin pump. Blood glucose damages insulin-producing beta
References cells in the pancreas. Although the
monitoring, a healthy diet, and regular
DiMeglio, L. A., Evans-Molina, C., exercise are also essential for actual origin is unclear, it is thought
& Oram, R. A. (2018). Type 1 that both genetic and environmental
managing type 1 diabetes (DiMeglio et
diabetes. The Lancet, 391(10138), factors have a role in its onset and
al., 2018).
2449–2462. progression (DiMeglio et al., 2018).
https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140- Type 2 diabetes management involves
Type 2 diabetes is caused by a
6736(18)31320-5 lifestyle modifications, including a combination of insulin resistance
healthy diet, regular physical activity, (where the body's cells don't
Westman, E. C. (2021). Type 2
and weight loss if needed. To assist respond effectively to insulin) and
Diabetes Mellitus: A
regulate blood sugar, doctors may give insufficient insulin production. Risk
Pathophysiologic Perspective.
either oral or injectable non-insulin factors include overweightness,
Frontiers in Nutrition, 8.
medicines Insulin therapy may be inactive lifestyle, heredities, age,
707371 necessary if blood glucose remains and culture (Westman, 2021).
uncontrolled (Westman, 2021).