Introduction To ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
Introduction To ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
Introduction To ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
Friday, September 04, 2020 8:27 AM 1. Folksonomy. It allows users to categorize and
Information and Communication Technologies classify/arrange information using freely
• Information and Communication chosen keywords (e.g., tagging). Popular social
Technology (ICT) deals with the use of networking sites such as Twitter, Instagram,
different communication technologies Facebook, etc. use tags that start with the
such as mobile phones, telephone, pound sign (#). This is also referred to as
Internet, etc. to locate, save, send and hashtag.
edit information. 2. Rich User Experience. Content is dynamic and
is responsive to user’s input. An example would
Web 1.0:
be a website that shows local content. In the
• When the World Wide Web was invented, case of social networking sites, when logged on,
most web pages were static. Static (also your account is used to modify what you see in
known as flat page or stationary page) in their website.
the sense that the page is “as is” and 3. Long Tail. Services are offered on demand
cannot be manipulated by the user. The rather than on a one-time purchase. In certain
content is also the same for all users. cases, time-based pricing is better than file-
This is referred to as Web 1.0. size-based pricing or vice versa. This is
WEB 2.0: Dynamic Web Pages synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that
charges you for the amount of time you spent
• Web 2.0 is the evolution of Web 1.0 by in the Internet, or a data plan that charges
adding dynamic web pages—the user is you for the amount of bandwidth you used.
able to see a website differently than
4. User Participation. The owner of the website is
others. Examples of Web 2.0 include
not the only one who is able to put content.
social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video
Others are able to place a content of their
sharing sites, hosted services, and web
own by means of comment, reviews, and
applications. evaluation. Some websites allow readers to
• Web 2.0 allows users to interact with the comment on an article, participate in a poll, or
page: instead of just reading a page, the review a specific product (e.g.,,
user may be able to comment or create a online stores).
user account. Web 2.0 also allows users to 5. Software as a Service. Users will subscribe to
use web browsers instead of just using a software only when needed rather than
their operating system. Browsers can now purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if
be used for their user interface, you do not always need to use a software. For
application software (or web applications), instance, Google Docs is a free web-based
and even for file storage. application that allows the user to create and
edit word processing and spreadsheet
• Most websites that we visit today are documents online. When you need a software,
Web 2.0. like a Word Processor, you can purchase it for
a one-time huge amount and install it in your
computer and it is yours forever. Software as
a service allows you to “rent” a software for a
minimal fee.
• Certain words are imprecise. The words 5. Microblogging. These are sites that
“old” and “small” would depend on the user. focus on short updates from the user.
• Since machines use logic, there are certain 6. Blogs and Forums. These websites allow
limitations for a computer to be able to users to post their content.
predict what the user is referring to at a
Example: Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr
given time.
Mobile Technologies
Blackberry OS
Windows Phone OS
Windows Mobile
Assistive Media
Saturday, October 24, 2020 1:45 PM
• Students will be better users of search engines. ○ Books and documents from
In particular, they can be more deeply aware of dominant sources are often peer
search techniques that will give results that are reviewed.
useful for their academic and chosen career.
○ ISSN or ISBN registration
MEDIA & INFORMATION SOURCE INDIGENOUS ensures that standards were
KNOWLEDGE, LIBRARY, INTERNET followed in producing these
• Local knowledge
• Information found on the Internet
• Knowledge that is unique to a given culture or
may be quite varied in form and
• IK contrasts with the international knowledge
• It is more difficult to determine its
system universities, research institutions and
reliability and accuracy.
private firms. (Warren
• Accessing information on the Internet
• Characteristics
is easy, but requires more discipline to
○ oral tradition of communication check and validate.
○ Academic
○ Public
○ School
○ AltaVista
○ Bing
○ Lycos
• an act or instance of using or closely
• use search operators and other punctuation imitating the language and thoughts of
to get optimize search. another author without authorization;
○ AND & OR operator the representation of that author's work
as one's own, as by not crediting the
For conditional searching original.
Search result must agree on the • Using other people’s words and ideas
given condition without clearly acknowledging the source
The operator AND narrows the of the information
search by retrieving only records HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM
contain both terms.
• You need to cite the things you copy on
The operator OR broadens the the internet.
search to include records
containing either keyword, or • Put quotation marks around everything
both. that comes directly from the text and
cite the source.
• Plus (+)
• Paraphrase, but be sure that you are not
○ To indicate that the word after the simply rearranging or replacing a few
sign is a required word must be found in words and cite the source.
the search.
• Use the style manual in properly citing
○ Ex. +preventive sources.
• Minus (-)
○ Ex: -personal
• Wildcard (*)
It’s not all about the looks, either. Productivity A guide to productivity tools for researchers
tools often have built-in spelling and grammar
Digital tools give researchers great ways to be
checkers, calculators, and other tools to make
sure that you are producing not only stellar-
looking products, but also accurate and Procrastination is the devil. And yet we often
statistically sound products as well. find ourselves ticking off minor tasks - or
scrolling through endless pictures of exotic
Cross-Application Integration
destinations we’re probably never going to
The biggest benefit to using a productivity suite, visit - on a regular basis instead of getting
like OpenOffice Suite or Microsoft Office, is stuck into the next important task. Tackling a
that all of the applications can be integrated research project may seem like a mountain
with each other, and your data and work is usable you’re not quite ready to climb, but with a
within the platform. little smart working and a few digital tools on-
side you’ll be done in no time.
What does this mean exactly? Let’s say you have
a database of names and addresses that you need Procrastination isn’t the only enemy of
to turn into address labels. This should be a research. Time restraints, barriers to
fairly easy task, unless your database is managed information and a lack of willingness from
by different software. A productivity suite would participants can all pose brick walls for any
allow you to import that database of names into research project, but overcoming them isn’t
your word or data processor into a simple impossible. If you’re suffering from a chronic
template. Then, presto! You’d have labels you lack of productivity you need some handy tips,
could print and send. tricks and tech to get you back on track, boost
your focus and put those endless distractions
Or, what about charts and graphs you created in
to bed. So if you’re spending more time on
your spreadsheet program that you need in your
Twitter than on market research, this article
presentation? Sure, you could save those images
is for you.
and insert them manually, but a productivity suite
would allow you to embed those charts and
graphs directly into the presentation software.
Here are some of the productivity tools for
Now, if there’s any change to the data in those
research which you could use:
charts and graphs, they would automatically
change in your presentation too.
Perhaps the biggest benefit that we have not yet Asana Logo
mentioned is for those who work from home.
Keeping track of who’s doing what, and when,
You’re used to having all the up-to-date, name-
will help keep you accountable for your part in
brand applications in an office setting, but it’s
the research project. That’s where Asana,
not always the same once you’re at your home
project management software and
office. Using our recommended productivity tools
ensures that you will have the compatibility to
work with your files at home, and then easily
transfer that work back to your office software.
Saturday, October 24, 2020 2:36 PM Often cited as the holy grail of research tools,
Mendeley helps ease the pain of many
tool, comes in. In Asana members of your researchers’ Achilles’ heel: referencing. This
research team can be assigned to subtasks handy software helps you cite and store your
within tasks, ticking off “small wins” as you go. references, building a library of work as you go.
This will help tasks seem much more Many researchers spend a lot of time reading -
manageable, while helping you stay on top of Mendeley helps you keep the important parts
what’s expected of you, and when. together and well organized.
Logo_dark_with_tagline-1 Procraster LogoProcraster
Boosting productivity isn’t all about avoiding The clue to this workflow tool is in the name:
distraction. It’s about making smart choices to Procraster is a procrastination-busting tool. It’s
streamline the time you spend on daily tasks. built on the notion that we delay important
Manually transcribing interviews and other tasks for a few simple reasons. We consider the
research materials is time-consuming and task too big, we think we’ve made an error, we
draining - let automation and artificial don’t know where to start, we need to finish
intelligence take the reins and create a something else or we need it to be perfect.
transcription for you to search and analyze in Procraster lets you flag and categorize these
no time at all. Trint is a productivity tool that tasks and then gives step-by-step advice to get
will take your qualitative interviews to a new you back on track. If you’re struggling with
level of efficiency. focus group questions and don’t know where to
Trello LogoTrello start, this one’s for you
Key for those that like visual tools, Trello is 750 Words Logo
the digital organization tool that helps you plan Writer’s block can send you running for your
out and conquer your research. It’s hard to procrastination go-to sites quicker than you can
ignore your workload when it’s laid out and say “qualitative research.” 750words aims to
labelled for you, so keeping Trello running when keep you on track by encouraging writers to pen
you’re working will keep you on track. You can at least three pages per day, which should be
set due dates, add notes and organize each manageable. Writing part of your research
task into itemized columns, so you’ll know the paper may seem like it’s too big to tackle, but
status of everything on sight. Once you taking things a day - and 750 words - at a time
experience the satisfaction of seeing your makes things so much easier. Small, daily
completed tasks pile up you’ll never look back. victories are very productive in the long run.
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