Undecimo-Listening - Task 2-2023

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Colegio Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Nota obtenida: Puntos Obtenidos Porcentaje

Materia: Inglés / Nivel: Undécimo / Código: 80025

Indicador: understand specific details in clear and organized classroom talks and presentations provided there
is some prior knowledge of the topics: natural disasters, environmental problems, helping nature, and
nonprofit and NGOs.

Valor: 10%

Fecha de entrega: Sábado 9 agosto 2023

Listen to someone getting advice from a friend to practice and improve
your listening skills.
Do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio and do the
A.-Match the definitions ( A- H) with the vocabulary ( 1- 8) 8pts.


o Anxiety ( ) a.- to fear something happening in the future

o To dread ( ) b.- a sudden feeling of intense fear which may

include fast heart rate, sweating, shaking and being
out of breath

o A symptom ( ) c.- confident and organized

o A panic attack ( ) d.- an uncomfortable feeling of nervousness or


o To hyperventilate ( ) e.- a sing you have an illness or health condition

o A distraction ( ) f.- to breathe too fast, causing too much oxygen to

enter the blood

o To spin ( ) g.- to turn very fast

o Together ( ) h.- something that stops you from focusing on what

you´re doing.

Listening B2: Getting advice – 1 Choose the correct answer. 6 PTS.
1.- What has made Clara check on Ben?

A. He missed their class that day.

B. He's missed a few classes.
C. He has a lot of essays to write.

2.-What does Ben do at the beginning of the conversation?

A. He makes the problem sound more than it is.

B. He makes the problem sound less than it is.

C. He is honest about the problem from the start.

3.What is the main way Ben's anxiety is affecting normal life?

A. He feels stupid.

B. He can't remember what day it is.

C. He doesn't want to go out.

4.- What is the surprising thing about panic attacks, according to Clara?

A. How many people have them.

B. That they make you feel so bad.

C. That people keep their panic attacks private.

5.- How does Clara recognize Ben's problem is panic attacks?

A. She had the same problem in the past.

B. She has the same problem now.

C. She and Ben live together.

6.-What does Clara warn Ben about the advice she will give?

A. It will be difficult to hear.

B. It won't be easy to follow.

C. It isn't very practical.

Listening B2: Getting advice – 2 Put the pieces of advice in the order you hear
them 12pts.

 Do something to make your heart beat too fast.

 Do regular physical activity as part of your lifestyle.
 Talk to a doctor
 Do something to keep your mind busy
 Make yourself breathe too fast on purpose.
 Put yourself in a stressful situation.

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