Ltbill 639000164509
Ltbill 639000164509
Ltbill 639000164509
Total Amount Payable at a time within 1st Due date* (Rs,) 42.183.00
Amount payable at a time through e-Payment within 1st Due date 41,695.00
Breakup of Charges
Category Total
Energy Charge(Rs.) 48109.68
Fixed/Demand Charge(Rs.) 1185.53
$Government Subsidy(Rs.)& -7348.40
Meter Rent(Rs.) 790.36
MVCA Charge(Rs.) 735.37
LPSC Charges(Rs.)## 4382.22
Gross Amount(Rs.) 47854.76
Adjustments** -4388.03
Payment may be made using RTGS/NEFT in your exclusive a/c no:
WBB10206432716131674 with IFSC code ICIC0000104
As per order of WBERC dated 30.03.2023 & Subsidy from West Bengal Govt
# Outstandings: Rs.0.00
Last Payment Details:Amount(Rs.):6830.00 Payment date :09.02.2023
MVCA @ 23 p/kwh for the month of APR,2018-MAR,2019
MVCA @ 23 p/kwh for the month of JUL,2016-MAR,2018
This bill has been downloaded from WBSEDCL Mobile App, Sahayogi on 2023-09-14 16:12:34 .