Revision Exercises
Revision Exercises
Revision Exercises
Exercise No. 1
Compare the relationship between the adjective and the noun in NPs such as personal style and
personal computer; a red house and a red herring.
Exercise No. 2
Identify the underlined structures in the sentences below according to both form and function.
Form refers to the word class, names of phrases and clauses. Function refers to the specific role
that the structure plays in the sentence (e.g., S, V, O, A, premodifier or postmodifier of H-noun,
Exercise No. 3
For each sentence below, identify the clausal structure (e.g., SVOCA) of each main clause,
labelling each constituent and indicating ellipted elements (if any) clearly. Indicate what type of
sentence it is.
The book that Jonathan read (S) is (V) on the shelf (aC). => complex sentence
Exercise No. 4
Can you turn this Christmas tree-like arrangement of words into a complete sentence and
explain the underlying thinking pattern you used to move from morphemes to larger units
such as clauses and sentences?
Some Pan Make
Fluffy Really Cake
Exercise No. 5
Take a quick look at the sentence listed below and assign a word-class label to each word:
That young but experienced chef cooked a really superb pizza for me yesterday.
Exercise No. 6
As you’ve already seen, the word-class of a word is determined not just by its meaning, but also
its form (what it looks like) and its function (what it is doing in the phrase, clause or sentence).
For each word in ‘When you have decided where to go during the holidays, contact my friend,
who works as a travel agent and is able to give you good discounts.’, give reasons for your
choice in the table below.
Exercise No. 7
Account for the different uses and meanings of the italicized words, considering the way in which
they pattern with other clause elements:
Exercise No. 8 Match the parts of speech below with the corresponding word in all capitals
embedded in a sentence:
a) Adverb g) Verb
b) Adjective
c) Conjunction 1) RIGHT the wrong.
d) Pronoun 2) He kept the FAST for a week.
e) Noun 3) He has no command OVER himself.
f) Preposition 4) A BETTER man than he never lived.
5) He knows BETTER than to quarrel. 7) ALL is fair in love and war.
6) He went AFTER I came.
Exercise No. 9
What is the internal structure of the NP ‘the analogy troubling many loyal Tory voters’?
Disregard noun phrases embedded inside the noun phrases.
Exercise No. 10
How many noun phrases can you identify in the sentence ‘She has got the best deal possible
from a Congress that might otherwise have appointed a city manager’? Remember that a noun
phrase may occur inside another noun phrase.
• two NPs
• three NPs
• four NPs
• five NPs
Exercise No. 11
Consider the following sentences: a) Can you help with these dishes? b) All I’ve got is a couple
of cans of soup. c) We need to can the meat immediately. What word classes do the italicized
items belong to? Specify whether the items fit into the class of lexical words or function words.
Be mindful of the fact that English words can jump word class boundaries very easily.
Exercise No. 12
Identify the sentence ‘Even though scientists have had to fight for funding, they have persisted
in their research’ as simple, compound, complex or compound-complex:
• simple
• compound
• complex
• compound-complex