Application For Travel Document: Part 1. Information About You
Application For Travel Document: Part 1. Information About You
Application For Travel Document: Part 1. Information About You
2.i. Country
If you checked box "1.f." provide the following information 2.k. City or Town
about that person in 2.a. through 2.p.
2.l. State 2.m. ZIP Code
2.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
2.n. Postal Code
2.b. Given Name
(First Name)
2.o. Province
2.c. Middle Name
2.p. Country
2.d. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) ►
If you are applying for a non-DACA related Advance Parole Document, skip to Part 7; DACA recipients must complete Part 4
before skipping to Part 7.
If you checked "6" or "7", where should the notice to pick up 10.i. Country
the travel document be sent?
8. To the address shown in Part 2 (2.h. through 2.p.) 10.j. Daytime Phone Number ( ) -
of this form.
9. To the address shown in Part 3 (10.a. through 10.i.)
of this form.:
If the person intended to receive an Advance Parole Document 4.d. City or Town
is outside the United States, provide the location (City or Town
and Country) of the U.S. Embassy or consulate or the DHS 4.e. State 4.f. ZIP Code
overseas office that you want us to notify.
4.g. Postal Code
2.a. City or Town
4.h. Province
Part 8. Employment Authorization Document for New Period of Parole Under Operation Allies
1. I am requesting an Employment Authorization Document
(EAD) upon approval of my new Operation Allies
Welcome (OAW) period of parole.
Yes No
Part 10. Information About Person Who Prepared This Application, If Other Than the Applicant
NOTE: If you are an attorney or representative, you must Preparer's Contact Information
submit a completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance
as Attorney or Accredited Representative, along with this 4. Preparer's Daytime Phone Number Extension
application. ( ) -
Preparer's Full Name
5. Preparer's E-mail Address (if any)
Provide the following information concerning the preparer:
1.a. Preparer's Family Name (Last Name)
1.b. Preparer's Given Name (First Name) To be completed by all preparers, including attorneys and
authorized representatives: I declare that I prepared this benefit
request at the request of the applicant, that it is based on all the
2. Preparer's Business or Organization Name information of which I have knowledge, and that the
information is true to the best of my knowledge.
3.g. Province
3.h. Country