Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
Generic Name: Metformin effectively Mainly use for Metformin is Side effects of Adverse effect of Assess Instruct patent
Metformin lowers blood treating type 2 contraindicated in metformin include: Metformin include: patient’s renal about the
glucose levels by: diabetes. patients with: Nausea Lactic function. nature of
Activating the Renal Diarrhea acidosis Assess more diabetes and
Pharmacological enzyme, Other uses of the dysfunction Vomiting Hypoglycemi frequently in importance of
Classification: adenosine drug include: Congestive Loss of a patients at following
Biguanide Class monophosph Managing cardiac failure appetite Low Vitamin risk for renal therapeutic
ate activated gestational needing drug Constipation B12 levels impairment. regimen,
Therapeutic kinase diabetes treatment Headache Monitor adhering to
Class: (AMPK), Treating and Hypersensitivity Sweating patient’s specific diet
Antidiabetics which inhibits preventing to Metformin Metallic glucose level and, losing
the polycystic Acute or taste in the regularly to weight, getting
Available Forms: glucogenesis ovary chronic mouth evaluate the exercise,
Oral that leads to syndrome metabolic Bloating effectiveness following
Solution: decreased (PCOS) acidosis Heartburn of therapy. personal
500 glucose Addressing Impaired Notify hygiene
mg/5mL production in weight gain hepatic function prescriber if programs, and
Tablets: the liver. issues Diabetic glucose level avoiding
500 mg, Diminishing caused by ketoacidosis increases infection.
850 mg, intestinal antipsychotic Type 1 despite Explain how
1,000 mg absorption medication diabetes therapy. and when to
Tablets Enhancing Preventing mellitus Monitor monitor
(extended insulin type 2 eGFR below patient closely glucose level.
-release): sensitivity diabetes and between during times Teach
500 mg, 30 and 45 of increased evidence of
750 mg, mL/minute/1.73 stress, such low and high
1,000 mg m2. as infection, glucose levels.
fever, surgery Explain
or trauma. emergency
Insulin measures.
therapy may Tell patient to
be needed in not change
these drug dosage
situations. without
Monitor prescriber’s
patient for knowledge.
evidence of Encourage
anemia patient to
annually. report
Monitor abnormal
vitamin B12 glucose level
level every 2 test result.
to 3 years. Advise patient
Patient with to not cut,
inadequate crush, or chew
vitamin B12 extended-
or calcium release
intake or tablets;
absorption instruct patient
may be to swallow
predisposed them whole.
to subnormal Tell patient
vitamin B12 that inactive
level. ingredients
If patient has may be
not eliminated in
responded to the stool as a
4 weeks of soft mass
therapy with resembling the
maximum original tablet.
dosage, an Advise patient
oral not to take
sulfonylurea other drugs,
can be added including OTC
while keeping drugs without
metformin at first checking
maximum with
dosage. If prescriber.
patient still Instrcut patient
does not to carry
respond after medical
several identification at
months of all times.
therapy with Tell patient to
both drugs at report all
maximum adverse
dosage, reactions and
prescriber that diarrhea,
may stop both nausea, and
and start upset stomach
insulin generally
therapy. subside over
If metformin- time.
associated Discuss risk of
lactic acidosis unintended
is suspected, pregnancy
immediately with patient
discontinue experiencing
drug and perimenopaus
promptly e
institute drugs Advise patient
that impair to discontinue
renal function, breastfeeding
result in or discontinue
significant drug.
hemodynamic Warn patient
change, against
interfere with excessive
acid-base alcohol intake
balance or while taking
increase drug.
metformin Instruct patient
accumulation. to stop drug
Temporarily and
discontinue immediately
drug in notify
patient with prescriber
restricted about
food and fluid unexplained
intake due to hyperventilatio
surgery or n, muscle
other pain, malaise,
procedures dizziness,
because of light-
increased risk headedness,
of volume unusual
depletion, sleepiness,
hypotension, unexplained
and renal stomach pain,
impairment. feeling of
Stop drug at coldness, slow
the time of or or irregular
before, an HR, or other
ionized nonspecific
contrast symptoms of
imaging early lactic
procedure in acidosis.
patients with
between 30
and 60
73 m2; In
patients with
a history of
alcoholism, or
HF; or in
patients who
will be
eGFR 48
hours after
the imaging
restart drug if
renal function
is stable.