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Issues of Power Quality in Electrical Systems

Article in International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering · January 2016

DOI: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20160504.12


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Daniel Johnson
Federal Polytechnic, Ede


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International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering
2016; 5(4): 148-154
doi: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20160504.12
ISSN: 2326-957X (Print); ISSN: 2326-960X (Online)

Research/Technical Note
Issues of Power Quality in Electrical Systems
Daniel Ogheneovo Johnson1, 2, *, Kabiru Alani Hassan2
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

Email address:
[email protected] (Daniel O. Johnson)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Daniel O. Johnson, Kabiru A. Hassan. Issues of Power Quality in Electrical Systems. International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering.
Vol. 5, No. 4, 2016, pp. 148-154. doi: 10.11648/j.ijepe.20160504.12

Received: May 23, 2016; Accepted: June 2, 2016; Published: July 13, 2016

Abstract: It is not enough to have power supply. The characteristics of supply voltage at all-time are very essential for smooth
operation and service-life of equipment. The voltage characteristics determine the quality of the power supply. The degree to
which the supply voltage characteristics conform to the acceptable standard is referred to as Power Quality. With ever increasing
use of power electronic devices in domestic and commercial settings as well as sensitive equipment in the industries for
automated production, the need for maintaining good power quality has become necessary. This paper elucidates on Power
Quality as well as issues associated with it. The causes and consequences of power quality problems are discussed. Techniques
for mitigating power quality problems are presented.
Keywords: Harmonics, Overvoltage, Power Quality, Power Quality Monitoring, Voltage Quality, Voltage Sag, Voltage Swell,

from nominal values of frequency, current and voltage

1. Introduction magnitude. The deviation can also be in term of shape of
The quality of power supply is very important in any power waveform. Power Quality may also be explained to be the
network particularly to electricity consumers. Power quality degree to which the supplied power is compatible with the
encompasses availability of supply, frequency and voltage smooth operation of electrical equipment. In other words, it is
magnitude as well as waveform characteristics of the power a measure of how well a power system supports smooth
supply. Power is described to be of good quality if the operation of its loads. From a customer perspective, Power
electricity supply is constant at acceptable, steady values of Quality problem is any power problem manifested in voltage,
voltage and frequency; and has smooth sinusoidal waveform. current, or frequency deviations which result in power failure
However, in practice, varying electricity demands, certain or misoperation of customers’ equipment [1].
equipment (at home, office and industry) and faults cause Poor power quality is a serious problem for domestic,
disturbances on the power system, thereby causing it to commercial and industrial consumers. For instance, some
deviate from normal characteristics. appliances and gadget at domestic level may not work
Power quality is poor when at least one of these occurs properly if the voltage is below or above acceptable value
the supply is not constant (outage or interruption), which may even damage the appliance. Poor power quality
when the supplied voltage is lower to or above may cause bulb and electrical equipment to malfunction or not
acceptable range of magnitude, operate at all and which eventually leads to early failure. In
when the power system frequency is fluctuating. industries, low power quality is problematic for increasingly
and when the current and voltage sinusoidal waveform automated sensitive production machineries.
of the supply is distorted. There has been steady increase of power quality research
So power quality can be defined as the extent of deviation and publications in the last two decades as result of significant
concern and increase of power quality problems mostly
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 2016; 5(4): 148-154 149

caused by proliferation of electronics equipment such as reduction of line voltage to half.

power electronic, energy-efficient lighting, information
technology equipment etc. Most of the publications detail
some causes and mitigation techniques of poor power quality.
In this paper, in addition to presentations of more causes and
its effect, emphasis is placed on power quality monitoring and
in design stage of electrical systems and equipment. Power
quality challenges can be drastically reduced if equipment and
power systems are designed to cope well with it.
Power Quality issues surface in electric equipment, electric
arc furnace, aircraft electrical system, railway systems, Figure 1. Voltage sag [3].
renewable energy, electric motors, industrial processes, in
power transmission and distribution systems; and in many 2.1.2. Voltage Swell
other electric power systems applications. Power Quality Voltage swell is the opposite of voltage sag which is
involves areas of voltage variations, frequency fluctuations, momentary increase in nominal supply voltage. Voltage swell
transient, harmonics, current and voltage imbalance etc. [2] is rise to within 1.1 to 1.8 pu of the normal voltage for duration
from half a cycle to several seconds. It occurs when heavy
2. Causes of Poor Power Quality load is turned off, loss of generation, badly regulated
transformer, faulty conditions at various points in the AC
The complexity of a power system to convey electric energy distribution system, under-loading of a phase while other two
from the point of generation far away from load centres to the phases in a 3-phase system are overloaded. Figure 2 shows the
point of utilization combined with variations in demand, waveform of voltage swell.
weather conditions, unbalanced loading on distribution
transformer phases as well as the use of complex and
electronic equipment by consumers and many other factors
allow many chances for reduction in the delivered power
Quite a number of issues causes power quality to be poor.
Whatever happen in power systems that causes changes from
nominal values of supplied voltage, that distort the waveform
sinusoid, that affect frequency stability, will degrade power
quality. Some of these are listed below.
Figure 2. Voltage swell.
2.1. Voltage Variation
2.1.3. Flicker
The common problems of voltages have to do with their Flicker is the effect of random and repetitive variations in
magnitudes. Voltage variation occurs in many forms and each voltage between 0.9-1.1 pu. It result in rapid visible changes
form has appropriate terminology. Voltage variation is in brightening and dimming of screen and variation in the
deviation from nominal voltage value which can be for a very luminosity produced by light bulb. It causes irritation to
short duration (millisecond to seconds) or long duration human sight. It is caused by switching on and off of electric
(longer than one minute). Short-duration voltage variation motor, pulsating load, arc furnaces and welding equipment.
mostly occurs as dips or sags, spike or surge, swells, while 2.1.4. Voltage Spikes or Surge
long duration voltage variation occurs as flicker (voltage Voltage surge is similar to voltage swell but it is very high
fluctuation), under-voltage, overvoltage, and interruption. increase on the nominal voltage usually for very short duration.
These cause the line voltage to go higher or lower than the It is usually caused by lightning strikes, arcing during
nominal voltage magnitude for certain period. Voltage switching operation on circuit breakers and contactors,
variations occur as result of faults on the transmission or switching surge or transient.
distribution network, switching of capacitive loads, loading 2.1.5. Overvoltage
problems. Overvoltage is an increase in nominal rms voltage greater
than 1.1 pu for duration longer than one minute. It result from
2.1.1. Voltage Dip or a Sag switching off of large load, incorrect tap setting of
Voltage sag is reduction in rms nominal voltage for short transformers, inadequate voltage control, fault on the line.
period of time. Voltage dip occurs when the supply voltage
falls within 0.1 to 0.9 pu of the nominal voltage for period of 2.1.6. Undervoltage
up to one minute. It is caused by fault on the line, starting of Undervoltage is decrease in nominal voltage to less than 0.9
electric motor or switching of heavy load, excessive loading, pu for longer than one minute duration. Causes include
starting up of wind turbine etc. Fig. 1 shows voltage dip of
150 Daniel O. Johnson and Kabiru A. Hassan: Issues of Power Quality in Electrical Systems

switching on of large load, circuit overloading, fault on the other load connected to the distribution network is affected by
line. this voltage distortion. [2, 9].
2.1.7. Interruption
Power interruption occurs when the supply line voltage
reduces to less than 0.1 pu for a period not longer than 60
seconds. It becomes sustained interruption if it is longer than
one minutes. Causes include insulation failure,
improper/faulty grounding, and lightning and insulator
flashover. It results in opening and automatic re-closure of
protection devices to isolate faulty section of the system.
Figure 3 gives illustrates interruption.
Figure 4. Harmonic [10].

In figure 4 above, the green waveform shows the normal ac

voltage at 50Hz which is sine wave or sinusoid. The smaller
waveform at 150Hz is the third harmonic. Its presence,
combined with normal sine waveform to make the operating
voltage waveform to be distorted as shown in the figure.
Figure 3. Interruption. 2.3. Frequency Fluctuation
2.1.8. Outage Frequency variation or fluctuation is deviation of power
Power outage is a condition of zero voltage for long period. system frequency from acceptable standard nominal value
Outage is also use of power equipment failure. Failure of (usually 50 or 60Hz). At any time, power generation on power
equipment in the power system network, storms, objects (trees,
system should be equal to power demand, if there is more
cars, etc.) falling on or hitting power lines or poles, human
demand than generation the frequency tend to drop but if
error, badly coordinated or failure of protection systems are
causes of power outage [4]. demand is less than generation, frequency tend to go higher.
Fault on transmission line, disconnection of large load,
2.2. Harmonics shutting down or going off of large generator may also result
Harmonics are AC voltage and current integral multiples of in frequency fluctuations. Frequency fluctuations outside
the supply fundamental frequency. For instance in a 50Hz tolerance value of ± 5% is not healthy for power system which
system, a second harmonic is 2× 50 = 100Hz, third harmonics may lead to system collapse.
is 3 × 50Hz = 150Hz while the seventh harmonic is 350Hz. 2.4. Supply Interruptions
Interharmonics are frequencies that are not integer multiples
of the fundamental power frequency. Instability of or epileptic power supply is still major
When harmonics and fundamental frequency are added together, socioeconomic concern particularly in the developing
it results in single distorted waveform. Normally in a three-phase countries. In fact, it is the major power quality problem in
system, only odd harmonic occurs (3rd, 5th, 7th etc.) [5]. these countries. This is due to acute shortage in the grid to
Harmonic frequencies in the power systems are common meet electricity demand, occasioned by lack of adequate
cause of power quality problems. Harmonics distorts current investment in the power sector. Aging power facilities and
and voltage waveform of the supply. Causes of harmonic are poor maintenance of the existing ones contribute in no small
usually nonlinear electric loads which include UPS, rectifier, measure to power quality problems.
inverter, variable drives, arc furnace, welders, voltage
controller, and frequency converters [6]. 3. Effect of Poor Power Quality
Electric arc furnace is major culprit of power quality
The effect of power quality problem is distortion in voltage
degradation in a connected distribution system, it introduces
waveform of the supply from sinusoid, or deviation from its
harmonics, propagate flicker and causes imbalance in currents nominal value or complete outage. Power quality problem can
and voltages [7]. last for milliseconds to up to hours. [11]
Nonlinear load are harmonic-producing in a power The nonlinear load characteristics of several power
distribution system. When connected to supply, their impedance electronic; domestic, industrial and office equipment
changes with supplied voltage and draw non-sinusoidal current connected to electric power supply could cause electrical
even if the supply is sinusoidal. The non-sinusoidal current has disturbances leading to poor power quality. Equipment such as
harmonic content that interact with the power distribution photocopier, computer, printer etc. can produces electrical
system to create voltage distortion in the network [8]. So any disturbance that can destroy certain sensitive equipment
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 2016; 5(4): 148-154 151

connected to the same supply source or in some cases could 5. Power Quality Standard for IT
cause them to malfunction. Industrial drives powered by
electronic converter create electrical disturbance. When Equipment
disturbance occur or power quality is poor, loss of production ITI curve is published by Informaton Technology Industry
happen with consequent financial losses. Council (ITI, formerly known as the Computer & Business
Major effect of voltage sag includes early failure of Equipment Manufacturers Association CBEMA). The curve
equipment, loss of efficiency in rotating machine, malfunction describes the supply input voltage range (voltage sag, swell,
of information technology equipment, loss of data or stability, interruption) that can be tolerated by most Information
process interrupt, malfunction of measuring and control Technology Equipment ITE [1, 15]. The curve is specifically
instrument etc. prepare based on 120V 60Hz line supply system typical of
Voltage spike and swell causes destruction of electronic USA but it is applicable to any other voltage supply system
component, melting of insulation materials, too much bright (e.g. 240V, 50Hz) because it is scaled in percentage of voltage
screen, excessive light glow, damage or stoppage of sensitive not in the voltage magnitude.
equipment, data processing errors or data loss, The ITI curve shows the length of time in millisecond or
electromagnetic interference. cycle (horizontal axis) IT equipment can safely operate and
Harmonics causes power wastage and makes power to be survive under-voltage, overvoltage, sags and swell at the
used inefficiently and untimely failure of equipment. It affect given percentage of the nominal voltage (vertical axis) [16].
smooth operation of industrial machine, thereby causes The figure 5 below provide more details about the ITI curve,
production stoppage. In hospitals it can result in loss of life. It for instance at 90-110% of the nominal voltage the equipment
affect data processing activities of information technology will operate satisfactorily for infinite length of time. At 120%
equipment, for instance, in real time such as banking nominal voltage (swell) it will operate safely for 25 cycle
transaction processing may be lost, etc. [12] Overheating of which is 0.5 second, this may be the time when heavy load is
wiring and equipment are among effect of harmonic. switched off.
When communication cable lie in parallel with power
cables, harmonic frequencies interfere with communication
signal resulting in erroneous signal. This can cause disaster
in train. Harmonic can cause incorrect operation of
protective relays.
Economic cost of Power Quality problems is huge
particularly in industry. The cost include production loss,
damage to expensive equipment, salary cost, restart cost.
Non-financial cost include inconvenience, for instance being
unable to watch news or football match or programme on TV.
This may be quantify in extra amount of money a customer
want to pay to avoid this inconvenience [4, 13, 14].

4. Regulating Standards on Power

There are quite a number of professional standard
organisations for power quality while many are national body,
few are transnational. The most widely accepted standards
are International Electrotechnical Commission IEC and Figure 5. ITI Curve.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer IEEE. These
standard organisations provides the minimum benchmark At 200% of the nominal voltage, the equipment can tolerate
required, acceptable technical practice and gives it for it for 0.05 cycle, when longer than this period, it enters
recommendation on electrical and electronic technical issues. prohibition zone. At 500% of the nominal voltage, it can only
Table 1 provides recognise international standard on specific operate for 0.2ms or 0.01 cycle,
power quality issues. In short, when the voltage is within the constraint define by
the shaded area, the equipment will operate or function
Table 1. IEC and IEEE standard on power quality issues. normally. When the voltage fall below the shaded region i.e.
Power Quality Issues Appropriate Standards no damage region, the equipment may stop operating or
1 Voltage sag/swell IEC 61000-4-11, IEC 61000-4-31 IEEE P1564 malfunction though no damage should result. When the
2 Flickers IEC 61000-2-2, IEEE P 1453 voltage fall in the region above and outside the shaded region
4 Harmonic IEC SC 77 A, IEEE 1346, IEEE SA - 519-2014
(prohibited zone), the equipment might damage except it is
PQ test, measurement IEEE 1159, IEC SC 77 A/WG 9, IEC
and monitoring 61000-4-1, IEC 61000-4-30 protected with fuse or any other protective device.
152 Daniel O. Johnson and Kabiru A. Hassan: Issues of Power Quality in Electrical Systems

6. Power Quality Monitoring 7. Mitigation Technique

Power Quality Monitoring (PQM) is the process of There are numbers of measures to ensure good power quality
gathering, analysing and interpreting raw power measurement delivery. Mitigation of power quality problem may take place at
data into useful information [1]. It involve, over a period of different level of power system: at power plant, at transmission
time, process of measuring voltage and current of the supply lines and stations, at primary and secondary distribution
and examining their waveform, although the analysis is not networks as well as at the service equipment and customers’
limited to these two quantities. It includes inspection of wiring, building wiring. It should be noted that the problem of power
grounding, equipment connections. The monitoring of power quality cannot be eliminated completely except some
supply helps to detect present and potential power quality equipment can be done away or if lightning strike can be
problems that may gradually shortens the life span of prevented or if fault can be eliminated. However effect of power
equipment. PQ monitoring help to improve facilities’ power quality problem can be drastically reduced to almost zero.
quality performance.
Power utilities are to ensure that the quality of power 7.1. Availability
supplied is within specified and acceptable standards and be Ensuring there is adequate power in the grid. Adequacy of
ever ready to normalise any technical issues that affect the the grid is the capacity of the power plant and transmission
quality of power delivered. The latest advances in electronic
lines to meet up with the load demand and energy need of the
and communication technologies offers opportunities for
monitoring large and complex power systems in an efficient customers. It relates to the sufficient generation, transmission
manner. Utilities can take this advantage to collect data on and distribution infrastructure within the system to satisfy
different part of power networks, assess the performance of customer electric demand [20, 21]. This is necessary to
the system and respond accordingly as well as address minimise power quality problems.
complains from the power consumers [17].
Good power monitoring instrument provides useful 7.2. Design of Equipment
information and reliable analysis about power quality. Equipment manufacturer should be well aware of power
Examples includes:
quality issues and design equipment in such a way that the
In-plant power monitor which gives the voltage profile and
equipment itself does not contributes to power quality
wave shape of the supply for voltage sag, swell, voltage
variation and harmonic level evaluation. problems. Also the equipment should be design to withstand
Digital Fault Recorder DFR, triggers on fault event and and be less sensitive to disturbances in the power systems.
records current, voltage and their waveform at the time of the This will help in reducing effect of power quality problems.
fault for analysis.
Disturbance Analyser can measure wide variety of power 7.3. Interfacing Devices
disturbance from a very short duration transient voltage to There are numbers of power electronic devices that can be
long duration undervoltages and outages employed to interface between the supply socket and
Flicker Meter is a measuring device to evaluate the level of
sensitive equipment. This is to prevent power quality
voltage flicker annoyance. The flicker meter is a special
analyzer modelling response of a chain consisting of reference problem in the supply from reaching the equipment. An
60W incandescent lamp-eye-brain of an average observer. It example is the use of automatic voltage regulator AVR to
has two main part, the first part attempt to simulate the maintain constant voltage into sensitive equipment in spite of
behaviour of the set lamp-eye-brain and the second part focus any voltage sag, swell and any form of under or overvoltage.
on statistical analysis of the instantaneous flicker perception Another example is UPS which maintains supply to
[18, 19] equipment when there is momentary power interruption.
Circuit Monitor provides accurate, reliable and fast alarm Another one is Dynamic Voltage Restorer DVR which
detection and multiple levels of information on each power restore smooth sinusoidal line voltage even if the source
quality issue to help identify the source and cause of a problem voltage waveform is degraded or distorted. DVR is voltage
including harmonic power flows, flickering, sag, swell.
source converter. DVR is usually use to interface between
Oscilloscope measure voltage and current and can display
harmonics present in all power quality events. the power source and sensitive load to be protected.
Power Quality Meter and Analyser is an instrument similar
7.4. Filter
to oscilloscope but more suitable and more versatile for power
quality monitoring. It can measures frequency, voltage, Filter are used to permit the flow of wanted frequency and
current, phase rotation, apparent and real power, harmonics block unwanted signal from getting to the protected
and can also record and store the measured data and analyse equipment. Filter is constructed with capacitors inductor and
them with PC-software. resistor that create low impedance path for the wanted
fundamental frequency and high impedance path for the
frequency intended for elimination. Harmonic filter cancel
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering 2016; 5(4): 148-154 153

harmonics produced by nonlinear load by injecting an exact 8. Conclusion

complimentary harmonic current to it. Different filters types
This paper has, in details, properly expatiated what power
include active harmonic filters, passive harmonic filters,
quality is. It pointed out the causes of power quality problems
line-reactors, electronic feedback filters and special as inadequate grid, voltage variations/deviation, frequency
transformers that use out of phase windings to accomplish fluctuations and waveform distortions. The effect of power
harmonic reduction [22] quality problems include inefficiency, overheating and
shortening service-life of equipment, loss of data, process
7.5. Proper Grounding of Electrical System interrupt, insulation breakdown. While, it is not feasible to
Proper grounding of electrical system does not only protect completely eliminate the causes, the quality of power supply
installation, equipment and users but also play a key role in can be improved and the remaining effect in the supply can be
mitigated. The proven mitigating techniques are adequate
enhancing better performance of the system. Poor earthing is
energy availability in the grid, use of interfacing devices (UPS,
one of the causes of poor power quality, particularly at the
AVR, DVR etc.), use of power quality improving devices (tap
consumers end. changing transformer, lightning arrestor, SVS), use of filter to
block harmonics, as well as proper grounding of electrical
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