How To Get A Job
How To Get A Job
How To Get A Job
SALARY : R1 590 747 - R1 791 978 per annum (Level 15), (an all-inclusive salary
package) structured as follows: Basic salary – 70% of package; State
contribution to the Government Employee Pension Fund – 13% of basic salary.
The remaining flexible portion may be structured in terms of the applicable
remuneration rules.
CENTRE : Head Office, Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : An undergraduate qualification in Human Resource Management / Public
Administration / Management / Industrial Psychology / Management Sciences
/ Social Sciences at NQF level 7 and a postgraduate qualification at NQF level
8 as recognised by SAQA. Completion of the Senior Management Services
Pre-entry Certificate upon appointment. 8-10 years’ experience at senior
managerial level. Extensive experience in Human Resource Management /
Public Administration / Management / Industrial Psychology / Management
Sciences / Social Sciences environment. Knowledge of the Constitution of
South Africa. Knowledge of the Public Service Regulatory Frameworks as well
as the Public Finance Management Act. Knowledge of all relevant
Departmental and Human Resource Regulatory Frameworks. Knowledge of
DPSA Guides, Circulars and Regulations related to Human Resources
Management and Development. Application of Employee Engagement
Frameworks. Strategic capability and leadership. Service delivery innovation,
client orientation and customer focus. People management and empowerment.
Financial, knowledge and information management. Programme and project
management. Problem solving and analysis. Business report writing. Human
Resource Management. Planning and organising. Presentation,
communication, decision making and initiating action. Coaching and
facilitating. Computer literacy. Diplomacy. A valid driver’s license, willingness
to travel, work extended hours or on call.
DUTIES : The successful candidate will be responsible for, amongst others, the following
specific tasks: Oversee the management of Human Resource Strategy and
Planning, Change and Culture Management Strategies and Organisational
Development processes in the Department. Oversee the Branch annual
performance, business and operational plans are aligned to the Departmental
Strategic Plan. Oversee the management of People Acquisition, mobility and
people benefits operations. Oversee management of People Benefits policies
and strategies. Oversee the transformation and Gender, Employee Wellness,
Labour Relations and Discipline Management operations. Oversee
Occupational Health and Safety operations. Oversee the design of learning,
special programmes, systems, delivery of functional and generic training
programmes and Human Resources Development processes. Oversee the
management of Education, Training and Development Strategy. Provide
strategic direction, leadership and ensure the strategic positioning. Provide
strategic direction on the Branch Annual Performance Plans (APP) aligned to
the Departmental Strategic Plan. Ensure practice of good governance and
compliance in the Branch. Manage human, financial and physical resources
within the Unit.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C Mocke Tel No: 082 301 8580
APPLICATIONS : Quoting the relevant reference number, direct your comprehensive CV, citing
the start and end date (dd/mm/yr) of each employment period to be considered,
together with an Application for Employment Form (New Z.83), obtainable from
any Public Service department or at, by the closing date to:
[email protected]