Citerion D ESS
Citerion D ESS
Citerion D ESS
Grade Level 10
Statement of Inquiry Humans impact the efficiency of many natural and artificial systems
that depend on the interaction between their components, and how
well each function within the overall system.
Objective Criterion D (Reflecting on the Impacts of Science)
Assessment Title Take action!
Due Date(s) for
5th May 2023 on Managebac
Assessment Overview
Earth: a planet that sustains everyone, everywhere. Today, a healthy environment is seen as the bedrock
upon which all development is built. The concepts of a changing climate or of biological diversity loss pose
a threat to the environment. The triple planetary crisis – the crisis of climate change, of nature and
biodiversity loss, and of pollution and waste – is front and centre on the global stage. Humanity now
understands that we must transform societies and economies to protect planet Earth, our only home, so
that this small blue vibrant planet, alone in the universe, may sustain everyone, everywhere.
In this task, you will choose an environmental issue, research its cause, and a known scientific solution. You
must next evaluate the solution considering A factor (environmental, ethical, political, or social) and
present your research in the form of an essay.
Assessment Instructions
• This summative task will test your Research and Communication skills on printed media (essay)
• Ensure your name is on the first page of your submission papers.
• Margin of page should be 1 inch for top, bottom, left and right
• Minimum spacing of 1.5
• All page numbers are placed in the upper right-hand corner.
• Font size 11 or 12; Font choice of Calibri, Cambria, or Times New Roman
• No fancy or colorful texts.
• 2 -3 pages excluding bibliography.
• Word limit 1200 – 1500 words
You will complete the assessment in parts: (All research MAY be completed at home; Essay Writing
ONLY will be completed during classtime)
**Here is a guide
1. Point one
a. support
2. Point two
a. support