Exploring Your Personal Year - Ann Perry

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Ann Perry, Numerologist

Exploring Your Personal Year

If is important to observe the Universal Year and to gain an understanding around the
vibration it brings. It is however much more important to observe our own personal year

and the vibration that a ects us so personally.

For instance let us look at the scenario where the Universal Year is a 9. You are likely

surrounded by endings of friendships, marriages, business enterprises etc. but you are
living a 1 Personal Year which is all about New Beginnings. What to do? Understanding
the vibration surrounding your own Personal Year can help you stay a oat when you are
not in sync with the Universal Year. It is important to observe and try your best to follow

the current of your personal vibration in your personal year.

First We Need to Know the Universal Year…

How Do You Calculate a Universal

Year Number?
To calculate the Universal Year Number you simply add the numbers of the year up

individually and reduce this to a single digit.

For example: 2016 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9

The year 2016 is therefore a “9” year for the universe.

*Note: If your personal year adds up to an 11, you will feel the in uence of the 11 and
the 2 years. Likewise, if it adds up to 22 you will feel the in uence of the 22 and the 4

Ann Perry, Numerologist

Exploring Your Personal Year

How Do You Calculate a Personal

Year Number?
First you will need to calculate the Universal Year Number. You cannot calculate your

own Personal Year Number without it. Your Personal Year Number is the number of the
Universal year plus your own birth, month and day.

EXAMPLE 1: If your birthday is March 25th and you want to nd your personal year for

March = 3

25th day reduces to (2+5=7)

Universal Year is 9 (2+0+1+6=9)

Now add 3 + 7 + 9 = 19 1+9 = 10 1+0 = 1

Your personal year is a 1.

EXAMPLE 2: If your birthday is February 14th.

February = 2

14th day reduces (1+4=5)

Universal year is 9

Now add 2 + 5 + 9 = 16 1+6=7

Your personal year is a 7.

Ann Perry, Numerologist

Exploring Your Personal Year

Personal Year Explanation Chart

This is a year of new beginnings. New opportunities will be all around you. The universe
will give you lots of energy to work with. This is GO TIME! It is the beginning of a whole
new cycle. Anything you begin this year will in uence the next 9 years. Follow your

dreams! Make a list of goals and follow through with achieving them. You are planting
seeds this year.

After a busy year of new beginnings, you are feeling tired from working so hard last year.
This is the year to get in your TIME OUT chair. This is a year when your patience will be

tried. This year you will feel like spending time with one person. The group dynamic does

not appeal to you this year. You will be spending time in one on one relationships. It is
not unusual to feel a little low and possibly sensitive in a year of 2. This is because the

universe has taken all that energy you had last year and is asking you to rest before you
launch into the busy year of the 3.

This is the year that your interest in being social returns. Your energy is returning and

many creative ideas are “downloading” into your awareness now. This is a creative
energy. The group dynamic will be important to you this year. You will not have a lot of
focus as your mind will be very busy. You will likely feel like getting out of a rut and

having more fun this year. This is typically a very optimistic year.

Ann Perry, Numerologist

Exploring Your Personal Year

After a year of fun this is the year when your focus returns and it’s back to work for you!
This year you can focus on whatever you choose to. You must be careful not to focus too
much on your limitations as you can create the feeling of being stuck. This is a great year
to take a course or to build a solid foundation for your life. This is an action year where

goals can more easily be achieved if you stay focused on a positive direction. You may
feel the need to hold on to your money for fear you won’t have enough.

The theme of the personal year of 5 is all about freedom! This is the year of change and

unexpected events. You should engage in travel this year as the experience of travel is a
great learning opportunity. Be careful not to squander your money as the restraints of

last year are being lifted. You can be over indulgent this year so watch for any addictions
you may have. This is a great year for taking risks and trying something entirely new!

Explore the Personal Years Explained on my YouTube channel - click


Ann Perry, Numerologist

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