Elementary Basic 5 - SB

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Elementary Book

LizandJohn Soars

canfcanT. wasfwerefcould . Politerequests
. Wordsthatgotogether

Doyouknowthe comichero,Superman?

fEl Listen yourideas.



I Alfie and his cousin ivy aretalking about Superman.

Completewhat Alfie saysusing can and the verbsin the box.

Alfie Superman'sfantastic!
speak see flv
Ivy Hmm!What can he do?
Alfie He can do everlthing!
Il'v No. he can't!
Alfie Yes,he can. He at the speedof light, he -
through buildings,andhe everylanguagein the worldl

lE Listenand check.

f!f,| Listento the rest of the conversation.Answer the questions.

. Whichlanguages
. Whichsportsdotheytalkabout?

Completethe lines from the conversationwith can or can't+ verb.

I ' Can vou anv lansuaees?'
'Yes,I can.I Frenchand Spanishi
2 'You- Frenchat all!'
J 'I - skateboardlYou - !'
A ' vou ?'
'I - a bit, but my mum and dad brilliantly.
5 'Suoerman ever ltthing. There'snothing
Suoerman t'

I[! Listenandcheck.Practisethe sentenceswith a partner.

38 Unit5 . Super
lvy can'tcook.Canyou?

I lftl thechartfor Ivy.Put (/) or (X).


I Sayallpersons
of conandcont.Whatdoyounotice? Can...? lvy Yourpartner
a foreign
I can,youcan.he
cook x
! can'tt
2 fill Listenandrepeatthesesentences. SWtm
I canspeak =
French./kan/ playtennis
Canyouspeak =/kcn/
Yes.lcan.=/kien/ ski
No.I can't.=/ku:nt/ playanymusical
3 Saythesesentences.
2 Work with a partner.Ask and answerquestionsabout hy.
o o O oO O
Yes,shecan./ No,shecan't.
Youcanswim. I can'tski.
)) Grammar
3 Completethe sentences
about hy with adverbsfrom the box.

(not)atatl(x2) a (littte)
bit(x2) quitewell
verywe[[ reallywe[[ brilliantly

1 Shecan speakSpanish a littlebit

2 Shecant cook
3 Shecan swim
4 Shecan play tennis
5 Shecan ski
6 Her dad can nlav the suitar
7 Her mum can play the piano _.
8 Shecan'tolav anvthins

lffl Listenand comparethe sentences.

Ask questionsto completethe chart in exerciseI about

vour Dartner.

5 Tell the classabout you and your partner.

lff,! Listenand underlinewhat you hear.

1 Shecan/ can't cook.
2 | can/ can'thear you.
3 They can/ can'tcome to the party.
4 Can / Can'tyou seemy glassesanl.where?
5 You can/ can'talwaysget what you want.
6 Can / Can'tyou do the homework?
With a partner,taketurns sayingthe sentences.
Sayif you hear
canor can't.
Unit5 . Super
me! 39
Past- wos/were/could

I fISf Readand listen to the questionsabout the presentand the past.Completethe answers.

Present Past
What day is it today? What day was it yesterday?
t+' .
tL ) _. It was
What monthis it now? What month was it last month?
It's-. It was
ls it sunnytoday? Was it sunny yesterday?
itis./ -, it isn't. it was.I -, it wasn't.
Whereareyou nowit Where were you yesterday?
l'm inlat I was in/at
Whereareyour parentsnow? Where were they yesterday?
They'rein/at-. Theywerein/at -.
A reyouin E ngland
now ? Wereyou in England last year?
I am./ l'm not. I was.I -,1 wasn't.
Canyou ski? Could you ski when you were five?
lcan./ lca n ' t I c o u ld .I -, 1 c o u ld n ' t .
Canyourteacherspeaka lot Could your teacherspeakEnglish
of languages? when he/shewas seven?
Yes,- can./ No,- can't. Yes,- could. / No, - couldn't.

2 Ask and answerthe questionsaboutthe pastin exerciseI with

a partner.
the PastSimpleof to be.

with the pastof the verb to be and can.
3 Completethe sentences
I I wasn'tat schoolyesterdaybecauseI - ill.
2 Mv oarents at work lastweek.Thev on holidav
in Spain.
3 Where you last night? I phoned,but you
at home.
Whatisthe pastof can"t
4 I- readandwritewhenI - just five.
|/y ou/ he/ she/ itlwe/they
5 My sister readuntilshe- seven.
3 IIilil andrepeat
Listen thesentences.
)ts Grammar 5.2- 5.3pl37
Reference T a lk in ga b o u ty o u
4 Workwith a partner.Askandanswerquestions
. at 8.00thismorning
. youat 8.00 Ihisnorning?
at 10.00 lastnight
. at thistimeyesterday I wasat hone/inbed/
. lastSaturday evening at work/intown...
. lastSunday morning
40 Unit5 . Super
CE [istening
5 PabloPicassowas alsoa child prodigy. Readand
C h i l dp r o d ig ie s
completethe conversationabout him.
I Look at the photos.Who arethe children?
What can they do? Why are they thild prodigies'?
D-T/^ D.,
L 0( /-ua- L IMSS*
25 October l88l-8 April 1973

A Hey,tookat thatpainting!
lt'sa Picasso,$/.4
B Ohyes!Fantastic!
A Wherelwas Picassoborn ?
B InM6laga.
A Ah!Sohe'-spanish?
B Yes,hel
A o-his parents
B Well,they t- richandthey6- poor.Hisfather,
DonJos6,' -a painter
anda professor
of art.His
mother,DofiaMaria, t- a housewife.
5o,e- Picasso
goodat drawingwhenhel0
2 lEil Listenand completethe sentences
aboutMarc Yu. young?
Readthem aloud. oh,yes.He"- a chitdprodigy.
He12- draw
beforehe"- speak. to
Hisfirstword -l6pit,
Marc Yu - Pianist
1 He was born on January 19_, in
California,USA. Wow!Whata storyl
2 He - the piano and lhe cello.
3 He _ the piano when he
-1 He - the cello when he
Lastyear,he playedwith LangLang,the famous Chinese
rianist,in NewYork.They_ a big success.

3 \\rork with a partner.Look at the information and make

sentences about Cleopatra.

CleopatraStratan - Singer
She,/born/October7th, 2002/Mo1dova,near Romania. tEil Listenand check.Practisethe conversation,
She/sing beautifully when/just two years old
When/three, she made an album, La vArstade trei ani. Talkingabout you
Her album/a big success.150,000/soldround the world.
Work in groups.Ask and answerthe questionsabout you.
I When/born?
fTftf Listen and check.
2 Where/born?
-{sk and answerquestionsabout Marc and Cleopatra. 3 Where/parentsborn?
. When/ born? 4 How old wereyou when you could ... ?
. Where . walk . talk . read . swim . ridea bike
/ born?
. Howold/ when/ could...? . usea computer . speak
a foreignlanguage

Unit5 . Super
me! 4l
A talented FOR
Do you haveany talentedpeoplein your family?
What can they do?

Look at the pictures of Nicola Benedettiand her father,Gio.

Readthe introduction to the article.Answer the questions.
I What doesNicola do?
2 Why was2004specialfor her?
3 Where doesshelive?
Nicola Benedetti is a world-famous
4 What doesher sisterdo? violinist. Shewas the BBC Young
5 What doesher father do? Musician of the Yearin 2004 when
Work in two groups. she was 16. Shelives in Chiswick,
Group A Readabout Nicola. Answer thesequestions. west London, near her sister,
I Was music important in her family? Stephanie,who is also a violinist.
2 How old was Nicola when shecould play the violin? Their father, Gio Benedetti,is a
3 Did her father work hard?
4 Were her grandparentsrich or poor? businessman.He lives with his wife,
5 Is money important to Nicola and her father? Francesca,in Scotland.
6 Does her father like classicalmusic?
7 What doessheteachher father?What doeshe teachher? s''a'4
8 When doessheplay the violin with her sister?

Group B Readabout Gio. Answer thesequestions.

1 Where was Gio born?
2 IJ/hy couldnt he buy the |aguar car?
3 What was Gio'sbusiness?
4 How old was Nicola when shecould play the violin?
5 Can Gio play a musical instrument?
6 What music doeshe like? What doesnt he like?
7 Does Nicola work hard?
8 Why doeshe cry?

4 Work with a partner from the other group. Tell youi - .

partner aboutyour person.

from the text referto?
5 Who or whatdo theseadjectives

busy important difficult proud

hard-workingclassical expensive passionate
poor close independent sentimental

Nicola'sfather busy.

What do you think?

Work asa class.Discussthe questions.
. DoNicolaandGiohavea goodrelationship?
. Howaretheysimilar?Howaretheydifferent?
. DoesNicolahavea goodrelationship
. Whataboutyour Whoareyoucloseto?Why?
Nicola Benedetti Gio Benedetti

t When I wasyoung, music wasn't very 5I *", bom in a small village nearLuccain
important in our house.Then,when I was Italy. We were poor but happy.When I was
four, I startedplaying the violin. In my first ten, I cameto Scotlandto live with mv uncle.
lesson,I wasso happy,I couldn't stop crying. It wasvery difficult.
My dad, Gio, was alwaysbusy.He wasvery When I was 16,there was a beautiful car - a
hard-working.His parentswerepoor, so he faguar- in the shopsbut I couldn't afford it.
wanted to give me and my sistereverything. It was too expensive.So I starteda businessto
I like hard work too, and I know what I want make money - a dry-cleaningbusiness.Soon
- if someonesaysto me "You can't do that", I therewere 15 shops.By the time I was 19, I
think "Oh yesI can!" That'svery like my dad. could afford the |aguar.That was a very good
But my dad'sa businessman,and I'm an day!
artist.Money is very important to him, but Nicola was alwaysindependent,like me. She
for me, successisn't the sameasearninglots could play the violin when shewasfour. Now
of money.He likes the music I play,but he sheplaysconcertsall overthe world. I am so
doesn'tlike classicalmusicvery much. I teach proud of her. Shepractisesfor sevenhours a
him about music,and he tells me about day.Scotlandis so proud of her. Everybody
business. knows her now.
My sisterand I arevery close.We sometimes I can't play any musicalinstruments.I like
play together- not professionally,but country and westemmusic,but not classical.
at family occasionslike weddingsand at Nicola knowswhat shewants.Shehas a
Christmas. passionto succeed,like me, and sheworks
I live for my work. I neverwant to stop. very hard to get it. When sheplaysthe violin,
Music is my life. t she'spassionate - that'sthe Italian in her.
When I seeher play,I often cry.I can't help it.
I'm verysentimental.9

Unit5 . Super
me! 43

N o u n+ no u n Verb+ noun

I Matcha nounin A with a nounin B. 5 Matcha verb with a noun.

Do wewriteonewordor two?
postoffice businessman
send----.. a car

Wffi book-*\ room

a lot of text messages
speak a suitandtie
earn TVa lot
sunr. station(x2)
live threelanguages
living park
play a motorbike
bus way
wear onthethirdfloor
hand bike
lookafter a lot of money
railway lights
watch theguitar
cal. stop
traffic glasses 6 Ask and answerquestions.
petrol bag

2 Testthe other studentson the nouns that go together.

3 IED Listento threeconversations.

Write all the
noun + noun combinationsyou hear. tEtr Listento the shortconversations.
After eachone
saywhichverb+ noun combinations you hear.
I postoffice , _,
Workwith a partner.LookattEtr on p123.Choose
andlearnthemby heart.
two ofthe conversations
With a partner,write a short conversation.Include some
with a prepositionfrom the box.
9 Completethe sentences
noun + noun combinations.Act your conversationto
the class. of to from on at with for
I Do you like listening to music?
z What sort music do you like?
3 Where'syour girlfriend -? Is sheMexican?
4 Is Paulamarried Mike?
5 Do you want to come shopping_ me?
6 Werethere any good programmes- television
last night?
7 What do vou want vour birthdav?
8 Can I soeak Dave?Is he work todav?

fTI?f Listen and check.What are the replies?Practise

the conversations.

44 Unit5 . Super

I IED Listen and completethe conversations.Where are the people?

A Can you open the A Could you - me

A Can I have a -. for me, please? A Could I havethe the -, please?
please? C Sure.No -. please? E It's 10.30.
B Yes,ofcourse. A Thanks. D Certainly,Madam. A Thanks a lot.

I What differencesare there in A's requestsin exercise1? 5 Havemore conversations

with someof
I Can/Could/... I andCon/Could
you.../ express
a request.
Can/CouldI askyoua question? a cola paybycreditcard
Can/Couldyoudo something for me? thebill
a vanilla
I Con/Couldexpress
a 8[ass
of water
I canswim./lcould
swimwhenI wasfour. a returnticket
tED Listenandrepeattherequests.
Noticehowtheintonationfallsandrises. jeans
try onthese sitnextto you
givemea lift openthewindow
CanI havea cottee,please? voutellmethetime,please?
CanI havea cola,please?
Practisethe conversationsin exercise1.

Completethe requestswith CanlCouldL.. ? or CanI Couldyou ... ? 0f course-Diet

I CanI have a cheesesandwich,please? Sorry.We don'thaveanyoola.
z postthis lettei for me,please?
3 givemeyour emailaddress?
a speakto you fo1,1,moment?
5 lendme {,20tilltrii'irorrow?
6 giveriieahand with this box?

tED Listenandcompare. Canyourememberthereplies?

Practisewith a partner.
Unit5 . Super
me! 45

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