Academic Writing I Book (Ford)
Academic Writing I Book (Ford)
Academic Writing I Book (Ford)
Book: Academic Writing I (Ford)
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2: Narrative Essay
2.10: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
2.11: Your Instructions for Essay 1
02.12: Grammar
2.12: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
2.1: Essay Basics
2.2: Introduction to Narrative Essay
2.3: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
2.4: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell
2.5: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart
2.6: Video: The Danger of a Single Story
2.7: How to Write an Annotation
2.8: How to Write a Summary
2.9: Writing for Success: Narration
03: Illustration
3: Illustration/Example Essay
03.1: Introduction to Illustration
3.1: Introduction to Illustration/Example Essay
03.2: Writing for Success: Illustration
3.2: Writing for Success: Illustration/Example
3.3: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri Klass
3.4: “April & Paris” by David Sedaris
03.5: Student Sample: Illustration
3.5: Student Sample: Illustration/Example Essay
03.6: Grammar
3.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
04: Compare
4: Compare/Contrast Essay
04.1: Introduction to Compare
4.1: Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay
4.2: “Disability” by Nancy Mairs
4.3: “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise” by Alex Wright
4.4: “A South African Storm” by Allison Howard
04.5: Writing for Success: Compare
4.5: Writing for Success: Compare/Contrast
04.6: Grammar
4.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
6: Using Sources
6.10: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism
6.11: Avoiding Plagiarism
6.12: How to Write a Summary by Paraphrasing Source Material
6.13: MLA Format
6.14: Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA)
6.15: Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA)
6.16: APA Citation Style, 6th edition: General Style Guidelines
06.17: Grammar
6.17: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
6.1: Preliminary Research Strategies
6.2: Intermediate Research Strategies
6.3: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
6.4: How to Search in a Library Database
6.5: Evaluating Sources
6.6: Why Is Research Important?
6.7: Tools for Evaluating Sources
6.8: Using Multiple Sources
6.9: Using Sources in Your Paper
7: Argument Essay
7.1: Introduction to Argument Essay
7.2: Evidence
7.3: Rogerian Argument
7.4: “The Case Against Torture,” by Alisa Soloman
7.5: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin
7.6: Writing for Success: Argument
7.7: Student Sample: Argument Essay
Detailed Licensing
A detailed breakdown of this resource's licensing can be found in Back Matter/Detailed Licensing.
1: An Overview of the Writing Process is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.1: Introduction to Writing
Reading and Writing in College
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
Understand the expectations for reading and writing assignments in college courses.
Understand and apply general strategies to complete college-level reading assignments efficiently and effectively.
Recognize specific types of writing assignments frequently included in college courses.
Understand and apply general strategies for managing college-level writing assignments.
Determine specific reading and writing strategies that work best for you individually.
As you begin this section, you may be wondering why you need an introduction. After all, you have been writing and reading since
elementary school. You completed numerous assessments of your reading and writing skills in high school and as part of your
application process for college. You may write on the job, too. Why is a college writing course even necessary?
When you are eager to get started on the coursework in your major that will prepare you for your career, getting excited about an
introductory college writing course can be difficult. However, regardless of your field of study, honing your writing skills—and
your reading and critical-thinking skills—gives you a more solid academic foundation.
In college, academic expectations change from what you may have experienced in high school. The quantity of work you are
expected to do is increased. When instructors expect you to read pages upon pages or study hours and hours for one particular
course, managing your work load can be challenging. This chapter includes strategies for studying efficiently and managing your
The quality of the work you do also changes. It is not enough to understand course material and summarize it on an exam. You will
also be expected to seriously engage with new ideas by reflecting on them, analyzing them, critiquing them, making connections,
drawing conclusions, or finding new ways of thinking about a given subject. Educationally, you are moving into deeper waters. A
good introductory writing course will help you swim.
Table 1.1 “High School versus College Assignments” summarizes some of the other major differences between high school and
college assignments.
Table 1.1 High School versus College Assignments
Reading assignments are moderately long. Teachers may set aside some Some reading assignments may be very long. You will be
class time for reading and reviewing the material in depth. expected to come to class with a basic understanding of the
Teachers often provide study guides and other aids to help you prepare Reviewing for exams is primarily your responsibility.
for exams.
Your grade is determined by your performance on a wide variety of Your grade may depend on just a few major assessments. Most
assessments, including minor and major assignments. Not all assessments are writing based.
assessments are writing based.
Writing assignments include personal writing and creative writing in Outside of creative writing courses, most writing assignments
addition to expository writing. are expository.
The structure and format of writing assignments is generally stable over Depending on the course, you may be asked to master new
a four-year period. forms of writing and follow standards within a particular
professional field.
High School College
Teachers often go out of their way to identify and try to help students Although teachers want their students to succeed, they may not
who are performing poorly on exams, missing classes, not turning in always realize when students are struggling. They also expect
assignments, or just struggling with the course. Often teachers will give you to be proactive and take steps to help yourself. “Second
students many “second chances.” chances” are less common.
This chapter covers the types of reading and writing assignments you will encounter as a college student. You will also learn a
variety of strategies for mastering these new challenges—and becoming a more confident student and writer.
Throughout this chapter, you will follow a first-year student named Crystal. After several years of working as a saleswoman in a
department store, Crystal has decided to pursue a degree in elementary education and become a teacher. She is continuing to work
part-time, and occasionally she finds it challenging to balance the demands of work, school, and caring for her four-year-old son.
As you read about Crystal, think about how you can use her experience to get the most out of your own college experience.
Exercise 1
Review Table 1.1 “High School versus College Assignments” and think about how you have found your college experience to be
different from high school so far. Respond to the following questions:
1. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?
2. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?
3. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?
Reading Strategies
Your college courses will sharpen both your reading and your writing skills. Most of your writing assignments—from brief
response papers to in-depth research projects—will depend on your understanding of course reading assignments or related
readings you do on your own. And it is difficult, if not impossible, to write effectively about a text that you have not understood.
Even when you do understand the reading, it can be hard to write about it if you do not feel personally engaged with the ideas
This section discusses strategies you can use to get the most out of your college reading assignments. These strategies fall into three
broad categories:
1. Planning strategies. To help you manage your reading assignments.
2. Comprehension strategies. To help you understand the material.
3. Active reading strategies. To take your understanding to a higher and deeper level.
College instructors often set aside reserve readings for a particular course. These consist of articles, book chapters, or other texts
that are not part of the primary course textbook. Copies of reserve readings are available through the university library; in print; or,
more often, online. When you are assigned a reserve reading, download it ahead of time (and let your instructor know if you have
trouble accessing it). Skim through it to get a rough idea of how much time you will need to read the assignment in full.
Setting a Purpose
The other key component of planning is setting a purpose. Knowing what you want to get out of a reading assignment helps you
determine how to approach it and how much time to spend on it. It also helps you stay focused during those occasional moments
when it is late, you are tired, and relaxing in front of the television sounds far more appealing than curling up with a stack of
journal articles.
Sometimes your purpose is simple. You might just need to understand the reading material well enough to discuss it intelligently in
class the next day. However, your purpose will often go beyond that. For instance, you might also read to compare two texts, to
formulate a personal response to a text, or to gather ideas for future research. Here are some questions to ask to help determine your
How did my instructor frame the assignment? Often your instructors will tell you what they expect you to get out of the
Read Chapter 2 and come to class prepared to discuss current teaching practices in elementary math.
Read these two articles and compare Smith’s and Jones’s perspectives on the 2010 health care reform bill.
Read Chapter 5 and think about how you could apply these guidelines to running your own business.
How deeply do I need to understand the reading? If you are majoring in computer science and you are assigned to read
Chapter 1, “Introduction to Computer Science,” it is safe to assume the chapter presents fundamental concepts that you will be
expected to master. However, for some reading assignments, you may be expected to form a general understanding but not
necessarily master the content. Again, pay attention to how your instructor presents the assignment.
How does this assignment relate to other course readings or to concepts discussed in class? Your instructor may make
some of these connections explicitly, but if not, try to draw connections on your own. (Needless to say, it helps to take detailed
notes both when in class and when you read.)
How might I use this text again in the future? If you are assigned to read about a topic that has always interested you, your
reading assignment might help you develop ideas for a future research paper. Some reading assignments provide valuable tips
or summaries worth bookmarking for future reference. Think about what you can take from the reading that will stay with you.
framework to organize the details presented in the reading and relate the reading to concepts you learned in class or through other
reading assignments. After identifying the main point, you will find the supporting points, the details, facts, and explanations that
develop and clarify the main point.
Some texts make that task relatively easy. Textbooks, for instance, include the aforementioned features as well as headings and
subheadings intended to make it easier for students to identify core concepts. Graphic features, such as sidebars, diagrams, and
charts, help students understand complex information and distinguish between essential and inessential points. When you are
assigned to read from a textbook, be sure to use available comprehension aids to help you identify the main points.
Trade books and popular articles may not be written specifically for an educational purpose; nevertheless, they also include features
that can help you identify the main ideas. These features include the following:
Trade books. Many trade books include an introduction that presents the writer’s main ideas and purpose for writing. Reading
chapter titles (and any subtitles within the chapter) will help you get a broad sense of what is covered. It also helps to read the
beginning and ending paragraphs of a chapter closely. These paragraphs often sum up the main ideas presented.
Popular articles. Reading the headings and introductory paragraphs carefully is crucial. In magazine articles, these features
(along with the closing paragraphs) present the main concepts. Hard news articles in newspapers present the gist of the news
story in the lead paragraph, while subsequent paragraphs present increasingly general details.
At the far end of the reading difficulty scale are scholarly books and journal articles. Because these texts are written for a
specialized, highly educated audience, the authors presume their readers are already familiar with the topic. The language and
writing style is sophisticated and sometimes dense.
When you read scholarly books and journal articles, try to apply the same strategies discussed earlier. The introduction usually
presents the writer’s thesis, the idea or hypothesis the writer is trying to prove. Headings and subheadings can help you understand
how the writer has organized support for his or her thesis. Additionally, academic journal articles often include a summary at the
beginning, called an abstract, and electronic databases include summaries of articles, too.
Exercise 2
Choose any text that that you have been assigned to read for one of your college courses. In your notes, complete the following
1. Summarize the main points of the text in two to three sentences.
2. Write down two to three questions about the text that you can bring up during class discussion.
Students are often reluctant to seek help. They feel like doing so marks them as slow, weak, or demanding. The truth is, every
learner occasionally struggles. If you are sincerely trying to keep up with the course reading but feel like you are in over your head,
seek out help. Speak up in class, schedule a meeting with your instructor, or visit your university learning center for assistance.
Deal with the problem as early in the semester as you can. Instructors respect students who are proactive about their own learning.
Most instructors will work hard to help students who make the effort to help themselves.
As you review the material, reflect on what you learned. Did anything surprise you, upset you, or make you think? Did you find
yourself strongly agreeing or disagreeing with any points in the text? What topics would you like to explore further? Jot down your
reflections in your notes. (Instructors sometimes require students to write brief response papers or maintain a reading journal. Use
these assignments to help you reflect on what you read.)
Exercise 3
Choose another text that that you have been assigned to read for a class. Use the SQ3R process to complete the reading. (Keep in
mind that you may need to spread the reading over more than one session, especially if the text is long.)
Be sure to complete all the steps involved. Then, reflect on how helpful you found this process. On a scale of one to ten, how useful
did you find it? How does it compare with other study techniques you have used?
Writing at Work
Many college courses require students to participate in interactive online components, such as a discussion forum, a page on a
social networking site, or a class blog. These tools are a great way to reinforce learning. Do not be afraid to be the student who
starts the discussion.
Remember that when you interact with other students and teachers online, you need to project a mature, professional image. You
may be able to use an informal, conversational tone, but complaining about the work load, using off-color language, or “flaming”
other participants is inappropriate.
Active reading can benefit you in ways that go beyond just earning good grades. By practicing these strategies, you will find
yourself more interested in your courses and better able to relate your academic work to the rest of your life. Being an interested,
engaged student also helps you form lasting connections with your instructors and with other students that can be personally and
professionally valuable. In short, it helps you get the most out of your education.
writing, research papers, creative writing, and writing short answers and essays for exams. Over time, these assignments help you
build a foundation of writing skills.
In college, many instructors will expect you to already have that foundation.
Your college composition courses will focus on writing for its own sake, helping you make the transition to college-level writing
assignments. However, in most other college courses, writing assignments serve a different purpose. In those courses, you may use
writing as one tool among many for learning how to think about a particular academic discipline.
Additionally, certain assignments teach you how to meet the expectations for professional writing in a given field. Depending on
the class, you might be asked to write a lab report, a case study, a literary analysis, a business plan, or an account of a personal
interview. You will need to learn and follow the standard conventions for those types of written products.
Finally, personal and creative writing assignments are less common in college than in high school. College courses emphasize
expository writing, writing that explains or informs. Often expository writing assignments will incorporate outside research, too.
Some classes will also require persuasive writing assignments in which you state and support your position on an issue. College
instructors will hold you to a higher standard when it comes to supporting your ideas with reasons and evidence.
Table 1.2 “Common Types of College Writing Assignments” lists some of the most common types of college writing assignments.
It includes minor, less formal assignments as well as major ones. Which specific assignments you encounter will depend on the
courses you take and the learning objectives developed by your instructors.
Table 1.2 Common Types of College Writing Assignments
Personal Expresses and explains your response to a reading For an environmental science course, students watch and
Response assignment, a provocative quote, or a specific issue; may write about President Obama’s June 15, 2010, speech about
Paper be very brief (sometimes a page or less) or more in- the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
Summary Restates the main points of a longer passage objectively For a psychology course, students write a one-page summary
and in your own words of an article about a man suffering from short-term memory
Position States and defends your position on an issue (often a For a medical ethics course, students state and support their
Paper controversial issue) position on using stem cell research in medicine.
Problem- Presents a problem, explains its causes, and proposes For a business administration course, a student presents a
Solution and explains a solution plan for implementing an office recycling program without
Paper increasing operating costs.
Literary States a thesis about a particular literary work (or works) For a literature course, a student compares two novels by the
Analysis and develops the thesis with evidence from the work twentieth-century African American writer Richard Wright.
and, sometimes, from additional sources
Research Sums up available research findings on a particular topic For a course in media studies, a student reviews the past
Review or twenty years of research on whether violence in television
Survey and movies is correlated with violent behavior.
Case Study Investigates a particular person, group, or event in depth For an education course, a student writes a case study of a
or Case for the purpose of drawing a larger conclusion from the developmentally disabled child whose academic performance
Analysis analysis improved because of a behavioral-modification program.
Laboratory Presents a laboratory experiment, including the For a psychology course, a group of students presents the
Report hypothesis, methods of data collection, results, and results of an experiment in which they explored whether
conclusions sleep deprivation produced memory deficits in lab rats.
Assignment Description Example
Research Records a student’s ideas and findings during the course For an education course, a student maintains a journal
Journal of a long-term research project throughout a semester-long research project at a local
elementary school.
Research Presents a thesis and supports it with original research For examples of typical research projects, see Chapter 12
Paper and/or other researchers’ findings on the topic; can take “Writing a Research Paper”.
several different formats depending on the subject area
Part of managing your education is communicating well with others at your university. For instance, you might need to e-mail your
instructor to request an office appointment or explain why you will need to miss a class. You might need to contact administrators
with questions about your tuition or financial aid. Later, you might ask instructors to write recommendations on your behalf.
Treat these documents as professional communications. Address the recipient politely; state your question, problem, or request
clearly; and use a formal, respectful tone. Doing so helps you make a positive impression and get a quicker response.
Key Takeaways
College-level reading and writing assignments differ from high school assignments not only in quantity but also in quality.
Managing college reading assignments successfully requires you to plan and manage your time, set a purpose for reading,
practice effective comprehension strategies, and use active reading strategies to deepen your understanding of the text.
College writing assignments place greater emphasis on learning to think critically about a particular discipline and less
emphasis on personal and creative writing.
1.1: Introduction to Writing is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.10: Creating Paragraphs
A paragraph is a self-contained portion of your argument. Paragraphs will begin by making a claim that connects back to your
thesis. The body of the paragraph will present the evidence, reasoning and conclusions that prove that claim. Usually, paragraphs
will end by connecting their claim to the larger argument or by setting up the claim that the next paragraph will contain.
1.10: Creating Paragraphs is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.11: Paragraphs
What this handout is about
This handout will help you understand how paragraphs are formed, how to develop stronger paragraphs, and how to completely
and clearly express your ideas.
What is a paragraph?
Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least
five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what
constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and
Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of
writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of
sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what
happens in the rest of the paragraph.
5-step process to paragraph development
Let’s walk through a 5-step process to building a paragraph. Each step of the process will include an explanation of the step and a
bit of “model” text to illustrate how the step works. Our finished model paragraph will be about slave spirituals, the original songs
that African Americans created during slavery. The model paragraph uses illustration (giving examples) to prove its point.
Step 5. Complete the paragraph’s idea or transition into the next paragraph
The final movement in paragraph development involves tying up the loose ends of the paragraph and reminding the reader of the
relevance of the information in this paragraph to the main or controlling idea of the paper. At this point, you can remind your reader
about the relevance of the information that you just discussed in the paragraph. You might feel more comfortable, however, simply
transitioning your reader to the next development in the next paragraph. Here’s an example of a sentence that completes the slave
spirituals paragraph:
Model sentence for completing a paragraph— What whites heard as merely spiritual songs, slaves discerned as detailed
messages. The hidden meanings in spirituals allowed slaves to sing what they could not say.
Notice that the example and explanation steps of this 5-step process (steps 3 and 4) can be repeated as needed. The idea is that
you continue to use this pattern until you have completely developed the main idea of the paragraph.
Here is a look at the completed “model” paragraph:
Slave spirituals often had hidden double meanings. On one level, spirituals referenced heaven, Jesus, and the soul, but on another
level, the songs spoke about slave resistance. For example, according to Frederick Douglass, the song “O Canaan, Sweet Canaan”
spoke of slaves’ longing for heaven, but it also expressed their desire to escape to the North. Careful listeners heard this second
meaning in the following lyrics: “I don’t expect to stay / Much longer here. / Run to Jesus, shun the danger. / I don’t expect to stay.”
When slaves sang this song, they could have been speaking of their departure from this life and their arrival in heaven; however,
they also could have been describing their plans to leave the South and run, not to Jesus, but to the North. Slaves even used songs
like “Steal Away to Jesus (at midnight)” to announce to other slaves the time and place of secret, forbidden meetings. What whites
heard as merely spiritual songs, slaves discerned as detailed messages. The hidden meanings in spirituals allowed slaves to sing
what they could not say.
Troubleshooting paragraphs
1) Problem: the paragraph has no topic sentence. Imagine each paragraph as a sandwich. The real content of the sandwich—the
meat or other filling—is in the middle. It includes all the evidence you need to make the point. But it gets kind of messy to eat a
sandwich without any bread. Your readers don’t know what to do with all the evidence you’ve given them. So, the top slice of
bread (the first sentence of the paragraph) explains the topic (or controlling idea) of the paragraph. And, the bottom slice (the last
sentence of the paragraph) tells the reader how the paragraph relates to the broader argument. In the original and revised paragraphs
below, notice how a topic sentence expressing the controlling idea tells the reader the point of all the evidence.
Original paragraph
Piranhas rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’
first instinct is to flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are
eaten by piranhas. If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
Revised paragraph
Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely
feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to
flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas.
If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
Once you have mastered the use of topic sentences, you may decide that the topic sentence for a particular paragraph really
shouldn’t be the first sentence of the paragraph. This is fine—the topic sentence can actually go at the beginning, middle, or end of
a paragraph; what’s important is that it is in there somewhere so that readers know what the main idea of the paragraph is and how
it relates back to the thesis of your paper. Suppose that we wanted to start the piranha paragraph with a transition sentence—
something that reminds the reader of what happened in the previous paragraph—rather than with the topic sentence. Let’s suppose
that the previous paragraph was about all kinds of animals that people are afraid of, like sharks, snakes, and spiders. Our paragraph
might look like this (the topic sentence is underlined):
Like sharks, snakes, and spiders, pirahnas are widely feared. Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they
are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When
confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are
eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas. If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
2) Problem: the paragraph has more than one controlling idea. If a paragraph has more than one main idea, consider
eliminating sentences that relate to the second idea, or split the paragraph into two or more paragraphs, each with only one main
idea. In the following paragraph, the final two sentences branch off into a different topic; so, the revised paragraph eliminates them
and concludes with a sentence that reminds the reader of the paragraph’s main idea.
Original paragraph
Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely
feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to
flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas.
A number of South American groups eat piranhas. They fry or grill the fish and then serve them with coconut milk or tucupi,
a sauce made from fermented manioc juices.
Revised paragraph
Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, for the most part, entirely harmless. Piranhas rarely
feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ first instinct is to
flee, not attack. Their fear of humans makes sense. Far more piranhas are eaten by people than people are eaten by piranhas.
If the fish are well-fed, they won’t bite humans.
3) Problem: transitions are needed within the paragraph. You are probably familiar with the idea that transitions may be needed
between paragraphs or sections in a paper (see our handout on this subject). Sometimes they are also helpful within the body of a
single paragraph. Within a paragraph, transitions are often single words or short phrases that help to establish relationships between
ideas and to create a logical progression of those ideas in a paragraph. This is especially likely to be true within paragraphs that
discuss multiple examples. Let’s take a look at a version of our piranha paragraph that uses transitions to orient the reader:
Although most people consider piranhas to be quite dangerous, they are, except in two main situations, entirely harmless. Piranhas
rarely feed on large animals; they eat smaller fish and aquatic plants. When confronted with humans, piranhas’ instinct is to flee,
not attack. But there are two situations in which a piranha bite is likely. The first is when a frightened piranha is lifted out of the
water—for example, if it has been caught in a fishing net. The second is when the water level in pools where piranhas are living
falls too low. A large number of fish may be trapped in a single pool, and if they are hungry, they may attack anything that enters
the water.
In this example, you can see how the phrases “the first” and “the second” help the reader follow the organization of the ideas in the
Works consulted
We consulted these works while writing the original version of this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the
handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find the latest publications on this topic. Please do not use this
list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on
formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial .
Lunsford, Andrea and Robert Collins. The St. Martin’s Handbook, Annotated Instructor’s Edition. 5th Ed. New York: St. Martin’s,
Rosen, Leonard and Laurence Behrens. The Allyn and Bacon Handbook, Annotated Instructor’s Edition. 4th Ed. Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 2000.
1.11: Paragraphs is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.12: Conclusions
What this handout is about
This handout will explain the functions of conclusions, offer strategies for writing effective ones, help you evaluate your drafted
conclusions, and suggest conclusion strategies to avoid.
About conclusions
Introductions and conclusions can be the most difficult parts of papers to write. While the body is often easier to write, it needs a
frame around it. An introduction and conclusion frame your thoughts and bridge your ideas for the reader.
Just as your introduction acts as a bridge that transports your readers from their own lives into the “place” of your analysis, your
conclusion can provide a bridge to help your readers make the transition back to their daily lives. Such a conclusion will help them
see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down.
Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues
you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader
to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note.
Your conclusion can go beyond the confines of the assignment. The conclusion pushes beyond the boundaries of the prompt and
allows you to consider broader issues, make new connections, and elaborate on the significance of your findings.
Your conclusion should make your readers glad they read your paper. Your conclusion gives your reader something to take away
that will help them see things differently or appreciate your topic in personally relevant ways. It can suggest broader implications
that will not only interest your reader, but also enrich your reader’s life in some way. It is your gift to the reader.
Strategies to avoid
Beginning with an unnecessary, overused phrase such as “in conclusion,” “in summary,” or “in closing.” Although these
phrases can work in speeches, they come across as wooden and trite in writing.
Stating the thesis for the very first time in the conclusion.
Introducing a new idea or subtopic in your conclusion.
Ending with a rephrased thesis statement without any substantive changes.
Making sentimental, emotional appeals that are out of character with the rest of an analytical paper.
Including evidence (quotations, statistics, etc.) that should be in the body of the paper.
Works consulted
We consulted these works while writing the original version of this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the
handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find the latest publications on this topic. Please do not use this
list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on
formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial .
All quotations are from:
Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, edited and with introduction by Houston A.
Baker, Jr., New York: Penguin Books, 1986.
Strategies for Writing a Conclusion. Literacy Education Online, St. Cloud State University. 18 May 2005 < >.
Conclusions. Nesbitt-Johnston Writing Center, Hamilton College. 17 May 2005
1.12: Conclusions is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.13: The Perfect Paragraph
As Michael Harvey writes, paragraphs are “in essence—a form of punctuation, and like other forms of punctuation they are meant
to make written material easy to read.”[1] Effective paragraphs are the fundamental units of academic writing; consequently, the
thoughtful, multifaceted arguments that your professors expect depend on them. Without good paragraphs, you simply cannot
clearly convey sequential points and their relationships to one another.
Many novice writers tend to make a sharp distinction between content and style, thinking that a paper can be strong in one and
weak in the other, but focusing on organization shows how content and style converge in deliberative academic writing. Your
professors will view even the most elegant prose as rambling and tedious if there isn’t a careful, coherent argument to give the text
meaning. Paragraphs are the “stuff ” of academic writing and, thus, worth our attention here.
In academic writing, readers expect each paragraph to have a sentence or two that captures its
main point. They’re often called “topic sentences,” though many writing instructors prefer to call them “key sentences.” There are
at least two downsides of the phrase “topic sentence.” First, it makes it seem like the paramount job of that sentence is simply to
announce the topic of the paragraph. Second, it makes it seem like the topic sentence must always be a single grammatical
sentence. Calling it a “key sentence” reminds us that it expresses the central idea of the paragraph. And sometimes a question or a
two-sentence construction functions as the key.
Key sentences in academic writing do two things. First, they establish the main point that the rest of the paragraph supports.
Second, they situate each paragraph within the sequence of the argument, a task that requires transitioning from the prior
paragraph. Consider these two examples:[2]
Version A:
Now we turn to the epidemiological evidence.
Version B:
The epidemiological evidence provides compelling support for the hypothesis emerging from etiological studies.
Both versions convey a topic; it’s pretty easy to predict that the paragraph will be about epidemiological evidence, but only the
second version establishes an argumentative point and puts it in context. The paragraph doesn’t just describe the epidemiological
evidence; it shows how epidemiology is telling the same story as etiology. Similarly, while Version A doesn’t relate to anything in
particular, Version B immediately suggests that the prior paragraph addresses the biological pathway (i.e. etiology) of a disease and
that the new paragraph will bolster the emerging hypothesis with a different kind of evidence. As a reader, it’s easy to keep track of
how the paragraph about cells and chemicals and such relates to the paragraph about populations in different places.
A last thing to note about key sentences is that academic readers expect them to be at the beginning of the paragraph. (The first
sentence this paragraph is a good example of this in action!) This placement helps readers comprehend your argument. To see how,
try this: find an academic piece (such as a textbook or scholarly article) that strikes you as well written and go through part of it
reading just the first sentence of each paragraph. You should be able to easily follow the sequence of logic. When you’re writing
for professors, it is especially effective to put your key sentences first because they usually convey your own original thinking. It’s
a very good sign when your paragraphs are typically composed of a telling key sentence followed by evidence and explanation.
Knowing this convention of academic writing can help you both read and write more effectively. When you’re reading a
complicated academic piece for the first time, you might want to go through reading only the first sentence or two of each
paragraph to get the overall outline of the argument. Then you can go back and read all of it with a clearer picture of how each of
the details fit in. And when you’re writing, you may also find it useful to write the first sentence of each paragraph (instead of a
topic-based outline) to map out a thorough argument before getting immersed in sentence-level wordsmithing.
Cohesion and Coherence
With a key sentence established, the next task is to shape the body of your paragraph to be both cohesive and coherent. As Williams
and Bizup[3] explain, cohesion is about the “sense of flow” (how each sentence fits with the next), while coherence is about the
“sense of the whole.”[4]
For the most part, a text reads smoothly when it conveys a thoughtful and well organized argument or analysis. Focus first and
most on your ideas, on crafting an ambitious analysis. The most useful guides advise you to first focus on getting your ideas on
paper and then revising for organization and word choice later, refining the analysis as you go. Thus, consider the advice here as if
you already have some rough text written and are in the process of smoothing out your prose to clarify your argument for both your
reader and yourself.
Cohesion refers to the flow from sentence to sentence. For example, compare these passages:
Version A:
Granovetter begins by looking at balance theory. If an actor, A, is strongly tied to both B and C, it is extremely likely that B and C
are, sooner or later, going to be tied to each other, according to balance theory (1973:1363).[5] Bridge ties between cliques are
always weak ties, Granovetter argues (1973:1364). Weak ties may not necessarily be bridges, but Granovetter argues that bridges
will be weak. If two actors share a strong tie, they will draw in their other strong relations and will eventually form a clique. Only
weak ties that do not have the strength to draw together all the “friends of friends” can connect people in different cliques.
Version B:
Granovetter begins by looking at balance theory. In brief, balance theory tells us that if an actor, A, is strongly tied to both B and C,
it is extremely likely that B and C are, sooner or later, going to be tied to each other (1973:1363). Granovetter argues that because
of this, bridge ties between cliques are always weak ties (1973:1364). Weak ties may not necessarily be bridges, but Granovetter
argues that bridges will be weak. This is because if two actors share a strong tie, they will draw in their other strong relations and
will eventually form a clique. The only way, therefore, that people in different cliques can be connected is through weak ties that do
not have the strength to draw together all the “friends of friends.”[6]
Version A has the exact same information as version B, but it is harder to read because it is less cohesive. Each sentence in version
B begins with old information and bridges to new information.
The first sentence establishes the key idea of balance theory. The next sentence begins with
balance theory and ends with social ties, which is the focus of the third sentence. The concept of weak ties connects the third and
fourth sentences and concept of cliques the fifth and sixth sentences. In Version A, in contrast, the first sentence focuses on balance
theory, but then the second sentence makes a new point about social ties before telling the reader that the point comes from balance
theory. The reader has to take in a lot of unfamiliar information before learning how it fits in with familiar concepts. Version A is
coherent, but the lack of cohesion makes it tedious to read.
The lesson is this: if you or others perceive a passage you’ve written to be awkward or choppy, even though the topic is consistent,
try rewriting it to ensure that each sentence begins with a familiar term or concept. If your points don’t naturally daisy-chain
together like the examples given here, consider numbering them. For example, you may choose to write, “Proponents of the
legislation point to four major benefits.” Then you could discuss four loosely related ideas without leaving your reader wondering
how they relate.
While cohesion is about the sense of flow, coherence is about the sense of the whole . For example, here’s a passage that is
cohesive (from sentence to sentence) but lacks coherence:
Your social networks and your location within them shape the kinds and amount of information that you have access to.
Information is distinct from data, in that makes some kind of generalization about a person, thing, or population. Defensible
generalizations about society can be either probabilities (i.e., statistics) or patterns (often from qualitative analysis). Such
probabilities and patterns can be temporal, spatial, or simultaneous.
Each sentence in the above passage starts with a familiar idea and progresses to a new one, but it
lacks coherence—a sense of being about one thing. Good writers often write passages like that when they’re free-writing or using
the drafting stage to cast a wide net for ideas. A writer weighing the power and limits of social network analysis may free-write
something like that example and, from there, develop a more specific plan for summarizing key insights about social networks and
then discussing them with reference to the core tenets of social science. As a draft, an incoherent paragraph often points to a
productive line of reasoning; one just has to continue thinking it through in order to identify a clear argumentative purpose for each
paragraph. With its purpose defined, each paragraph, then, becomes a lot easier to write. Coherent paragraphs aren’t just about
style; they are a sign of a thoughtful, well developed analysis.
The Wind-Up
Some guides advise you to end each paragraph with a specific concluding sentence , in a sense, to treat each paragraph as a kind of
mini-essay. But that’s not a widely held convention. Most well written academic pieces don’t adhere to that structure. The last
sentence of the paragraph should certainly be in your own words (as in, not a quote), but as long as the paragraph succeeds in
carrying out the task that it has been assigned by its key sentence, you don’t need to worry about whether that last sentence has an
air of conclusiveness. For example, consider these paragraphs about the cold fusion controversy of the 1980s that appeared in a
best-selling textbook :[7]
The experiment seemed straightforward and there were plenty of scientists willing to try it. Many did. It was wonderful to have a
simple laboratory experiment on fusion to try after the decades of embarrassing attempts to control hot fusion. This effort required
multi-billion dollar machines whose every success seemed to be capped with an unanticipated failure. ‘Cold fusion’ seemed to
provide, as Martin Fleischmann said during the course of that famous Utah press conference, ‘another route’—the route of little
In that example, the first and last sentences in the paragraph are somewhat symmetrical: the authors introduce the idea of accessible
science, contrast it with big science, and bring it back to the phrase “little science.” Here’s an example from the same chapter of the
same book that does not have any particular symmetry :[8]
The struggle between proponents and critics in a scientific controversy is always a struggle for credibility. When scientists make
claims which are literally ‘incredible’, as in the cold fusion case, they face an uphill struggle. The problem Pons and Fleischmann
had to overcome was that they had credibility as electrochemists but not as nuclear physicists. And it was nuclear physics where
their work was likely to have its main impact.
The last sentence of the paragraph doesn’t mirror the first, but the paragraph still works just fine. In general, every sentence of
academic writing should add some unique content. Don’t trouble yourself with having the last sentence in every paragraph serve as
a mini-conclusion. Instead, worry about developing each point sufficiently and making your logical sequence clear.
1. Michael Harvey, The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing, Second Edition (Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing, 2013), 70. ↵
2. Etiology is the cause of a disease—what’s actually happening in cells and tissues—while epidemiology is the incidence of a
disease in a population. ↵
3. Joseph M. Williams.and Joseph Bizup. Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace 11th edition (New York: Longman, 2014), 68.
Joseph M. Williams and Joseph Bizup. Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace 11th edition (New York: Longman, 2014), 68. ↵
4. Ibid., 71. ↵
5. The quote uses a version of an ASA-style in-text citation for Mark S. Granovetter, “The Strength of Weak Ties,” American
Journal of Sociology 78 (1973): 1360-80. ↵
6. Guiffre. Communities and Networks, 98. ↵
7. Harry Collins and Trevor Pinch, The Golem: What You Should Know About Science 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Canto, 1998), 58. ↵
8. Ibid., 74. ↵
1.13: The Perfect Paragraph is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.14: Introductions and Conclusions
A key piece of advice many writers either do not ever get or don’t believe is that it’s not necessary to write introductions first or
to write conclusions last. Just because the introduction appears first and the conclusion appears last doesn’t mean they have to be
written that way. Here’s a really tired metaphor to help explain: just because you walk into a building through the door doesn’t
mean the door was built first. The foundation went in first, even though you rarely if ever see that part. And lots of imperfections in
the foundation and the walls were covered up before you even moved in, so you can’t see those either unless you look closely.
Even though a nearly infinite number of topics and arrangements is possible in English prose, introductions generally follow one of
several patterns. If you’re writing a children’s story, you’d probably start with “once upon a time” or something similar. If you’re
writing a research article in biomechanical engineering, you’d probably start with a statement about how previous research has
examined the problem of loading soldiers with daypacks on various surfaces, including sand, concrete, and railroad ballast. These
examples are poles apart, but their introductions share very similar purposes: they orient their imagined readers to the topic, time,
and place.
In working toward the overall goal of orienting readers, introductions may
Provide background about a topic.
Locate readers in a specific time and/or place.
Start with a compelling quotation or statistic—something concrete.
Include an ethical appeal, with which you (explicitly or implicitly) show that you’ve done your homework and are credible.
Articulate a main claim/thesis.
Lay out the stakes for the piece of writing—that is, why the reader should
bother reading on.
The following video addresses how to do several of these things, starting with the very first sentence of your introduction.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
Conclusions usually
Summarize the argument (especially in longer pieces of writing)
“Bookend” a story that started in the introduction
Include an emotional appeal, with which you (explicitly or implicitly) connect the “logic” of the argument to a more
passionate reason intended to sway the reader
Issue a call to action
Ideally, a conclusion will work in tandem with an introduction, having some kind of “call back” element to remind your reader of
the powerful opening you provided. Additional advice for conclusions is found in the following video.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
1.14: Introductions and Conclusions is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.15: Comparative Chart of Writing Strategies
Structuring Specialized Paragraphs
Many of the same common patterns of organizing your writing and thinking are available at the paragraph level to help you make
your case to support your thesis. Using these common patterns helps readers understand your points more easily.
Analogy Analogies are used to draw Walking down an aisle at a farmers’ market is like walking down the rows in a
comparisons between seemingly garden. Fresh mustard greens might be on one side and fresh radishes on another.
unlike people, items, places, or The smell of green beans meshes with the smell of strawberries and the vibrant
situations. Writers use analogies to colors of nature are everywhere. You might find that you even have a little garden
help clarify a point. dirt on your shoes.
Cause and Cause-and-effect paragraphs point You will find that your meals benefit greatly from shopping at the farmers’ market.
effect out how one thing is caused by You will eat fewer unnatural foods, so you will feel better and have more energy.
another and are used to clarify The freshness of the foods will make your dishes taste and look better. The
relationships. excitement of finding something new at the market will translate to eagerness to
try it out within a meal. It won’t be long until you anticipate going to the farmers’
market as a way to enhance the quality of your meals.
Comparison Comparison and contrast is simply Tomatoes purchased at the farmers’ market are almost totally different from
and contrast telling how two things are alike or tomatoes purchased in a grocery store. To begin with, although tomatoes from both
different. You can choose to sources will mostly be red, the tomatoes at the farmers’ market are a brighter red
compare and contrast by selecting a than those at a grocery store. That doesn’t mean they are shinier—in fact, grocery
trait, explaining how each thing store tomatoes are often shinier since they have been waxed. You are likely to see
relates, and then moving on to great size variation in tomatoes at the farmers’ market, with tomatoes ranging from
another trait (alternating only a couple of inches across to eight inches across. By contrast, the tomatoes in a
organization, as here). Or for more grocery store will be fairly uniform in size. All the visual differences are
complex comparisons and interesting, but the most important difference is the taste. The farmers’ market
contrasts, you can describe all the tomatoes will be bursting with flavor from ripening on the vine in their own time.
features of one thing in one or more The grocery store tomatoes are often close to flavorless. Unless you have no
paragraphs and then all the features choice, you really should check out a farmers’ market the next time you’re
of the other thing in one or more shopping for fresh produce.
paragraphs (block organization).
Definition Definition paragraphs are used to If you see a “pluot” at the farmers’ market, give it a try. It might seem odd to see a
clarify key word or concepts. fruit you have never heard of before, but pluots are relatively new in the fruit
world. A pluot is a hybrid fruit created from joining an apricot and a plum. Pluots
range in size from that of a small apricot to that of a large plum. The outer skin
varies in color from sort of cloudy golden to cloudy purplish. Overall, a pluot
looks and tastes more like a plum than an apricot, although the skins are less tart
than those of typical plums.
Description You can use description to bring The farmers who sell their wares at the farmers’ market near my house are as
something to life so that the readers natural as their foods. They are all dressed casually so that they look more like
can get a clear impression of it. they are hanging out with friends than trying to entice people to purchase
something from them. The women aren’t wearing makeup and the men have not
necessarily shaved in a few days. They are eager to share information and samples
without applying any sales pressure. They are people with whom you would likely
enjoy sitting around a campfire and trading stories.
Examples Examples are commonly used to You will find some foods at the farmers’ market that you might not typically eat.
clarify a point for readers. For example, some farmers bring pickled pigs’ feet or mustard greens that taste
like wasabi. Some vendors sell gooseberry pies and cactus jelly. It is not
uncommon to see kumquat jam and garlic spears. The farmers’ market is truly an
adventuresome way to shop for food.
Pattern Explanation Example
Narration Narration is writing that sounds like Sauntering through the farmers’ market on a cool fall day, I happened upon a small
a story. You might use narration lizard. Actually, my foot nearly happened upon him, but I stopped just in time to
within a nonfiction paper as a pull back and spare him. As I stooped to look at him, he scampered up over the top
means of personalizing a topic or of a watermelon and out of sight. Glancing behind the melon, I saw that the lizard
simply making a point stand out. had a friend. I watched them bopping their heads at each other and couldn’t help
but wonder if they were communicating. Perhaps the one was telling the other
about the big brown thing that nearly crashed down upon him. For him, I expect it
was a harrowing moment. For me, it was just another charming trip to the farmers’
Problem– A problem–solution paragraph Our farmers’ market is in danger of closing because a building is going to be
solution begins with a topic sentence that constructed in the empty lot where it has been held for the past ten years. Since the
presents a problem and then market is such an asset to our community, a committee formed to look for a new
follows with details that present a location. The first idea was to close a street off for a few hours each Saturday
solution for the problem. morning. Unfortunately, the city manager nixed that idea since he believed that too
many people would complain. Barry Moore suggested that the market could be
held in the state park that is just a few miles out of town. Again, a government
worker struck down the idea. This time, the problem was that for-profit events are
not allowed in state parks. Finally, I came up with the perfect idea, and our
government blessed the idea. Since the high school is closed on Saturday, we will
be having the market in the school parking lot.
Process A process analysis The first key to growing good tomatoes is to give the seedlings plenty of room. Make sure to
analysis paragraph is used to transplant them to small pots once they get their first leaves. Even when they are just starting
describe how out in pots, they need plenty of light, air, and heat. Make sure to warm up the ground in advance
something is made by covering it in plastic sheeting for a couple of weeks. When you are ready to plant them in
or to explain the soil, plant them deeply enough so they can put down some strong roots. Mulch next, and once
steps for how the stems of the tomato plants have reached a few inches in height, cut off the lower leaves to
something is done. avoid fungi. Carefully prune the suckers that develop in the joints of the developing stems.
Chronological Chronological As soon as I arrived at the farmers’ market, I bought a large bag of lettuce. I walked around the
arrangement corner and saw the biggest, most gorgeous sunflower I had ever seen. So I bought it and added
presents information it to my lettuce bag. The flower was so big that I had to hold the bag right in front of me to keep
in time order. it from being bumped. At the Wilson Pork Farm booth, I tasted a little pulled pork. You guessed
it—I had to buy a quart of it. I went on with a plastic quart container in my left hand and my
lettuce and flower in my right hand. I was handling it all just fine until I saw a huge hanging
spider plant I had to have. Ever so gently, I placed my pulled pork container inside the spider
fern plant pot. Now I was holding everything right in front of me as I tried to safely make my
way through the crowd. That’s when I met up with little Willie. Willie was about seven years
old and he was playing tag with his brother. I’m not sure where their mother was, but Willie
came running around the corner and smacked right into me. You are probably thinking that poor
Willie had pulled pork all over his clothes and an upside-down plant on his head. But no, not at
all. That was me. Willie didn’t even notice. He was too busy chasing his brother.
General-to- A common The displays at the farmers’ market do not lack for variety. You will see every almost every
specific paragraph format is kind of fresh, locally grown food you can imagine. The featured fruits on a given day might be
to present a general as varied as pomegranates, persimmons, guava, jackfruit, and citron. Vegetables might include
idea and then give shiitake mushrooms, artichokes, avocados, and garlic. Some vendors also sell crafts, preserves,
examples. seeds, and other supplies suitable for starting your own garden.
Pattern Explanation Example
Specific-to- The reverse of the Your sense of smell is awakened by eighteen varieties of fresh roma tomatoes. Your mouth
general above format is to waters at the prospect of sampling the fresh breads. Your eye catches a glimpse of the colors of
give some examples handmade, embroidered bags. You linger to touch a perfectly ripe peach. Your ears catch the
and then summarize strain of an impromptu jug band. A walk up and down the aisles of your local farmers’ market
them with a general will engage all of your senses.
Spatial A paragraph From top to bottom, the spice booth at our farmers’ market is amazing. Up high they display
using spatial artwork painstakingly made with spices. At eye level, you see at least ten different fresh spices
in small baggies. On the tabletop is located an assortment of tasting bowls with choices ranging
organizationpresents from desserts to drinks to salads. Below the table, but out of the way of customers, are large
details as you would bags of the different spices. Besides being a great use of space, the spice booth looks both
naturally encounter professional and charming.
them, such as from
top to bottom or
from the inside to
the outside. In other
words, details are
presented based on
their physical
Linkages Paragraphs with linkages Not all the booths at a farmers’ market feature food. One couple has a booth that sells only
flow well so that readers fresh flowers. They display some flowers in antique containers and sell the flowers, the
can follow along easily. containers, or both. A clothesline above our heads displays a variety of dried flowers. A
You need to present an table holds about fifty vases of varying sizes, and they are all full of flowers. Some vases
idea and then link the rest hold only one kind of long-stem flowers. Others hold mixtures of uncut flowers. Still others
of the ideas in the showcase gorgeous arrangements. Both the man and the woman wear a wreath of flowers on
paragraph together. Do their heads. The whole display is so attractive and smells so fabulous that it really draws
not leave any pulling people in.
together for your readers
to do mentally. Do it all
for them.
Parallelism Parallelism means that The history of this farmers’ market followed a fairly typical pattern. It started out in the
you maintain the same 1970s as a co-op of local farmers, featuring a small city block of modest tables and
general wording and temporary displays every Saturday morning from April to October from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In
format for similar the early 1990s, with the help of a grant from the city, the market expanded its footprint to a
situations throughout the larger, more centrally located city block with ample parking. It benefited greatly from the
paragraph so that once installation of permanent booths, electrical outlets, and a ready water supply. These
readers figure out what is amenities drew far more customers and merchants. Its popularity reached unprecedented
going on, they can easily levels by 2000, when the city offered to help with the staffing needed to keep it open from 9
understand the whole a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and from noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays. Recently, discussions
paragraph. began about how to open the market on weeknights in the summer from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Pattern Explanation Example
Consistency A paragraph with There comes a time each year when you must begin the all-important step of actually
consistency uses the same harvesting your vegetable garden. You will want to pick some of your vegetables before
point of view and the they are fully ripe. Eggplants, cucumbers, and squash fall into this category because they
same verb tense can further ripen once you have picked them. On the other hand, you will find that tomatoes,
throughout. In other pumpkins, and most melons really need to ripen fully before you harvest them. You should
words, if you are using also keep in mind that you will need plenty of storage space for your bounty. And if you
third person in the have a good harvest, you might want to have a few friends in mind, especially as recipients
beginning of the for your squash and cucumbers.
paragraph, you use it
throughout the paragraph.
If you are using present
tense to start the
paragraph, you stick with
Using Transitions
Transitions within paragraphs are words that connect one sentence to another so that readers can easily follow the intended
meanings of sentences and relationships between sentences. The following table shows some commonly used transition words:
To after that, again, also, although, and then, but, despite, even though, finally, first/second/third/etc., however, in
compare/contrast contrast, in the same way, likewise, nevertheless, next, on the other hand, similarly, then
To signal cause as a result, because, consequently, due to, hence, since, therefore, thus
and effect
To show after, as soon as, at that time, before, during, earlier, finally, immediately, in the meantime, later, meanwhile, now,
sequence or time presently, simultaneously, so far, soon, until, then, thereafter, when, while
To indicate place above, adjacent to, below, beside, beyond, close, nearby, next to, north/south/east/west, opposite, to the left/right
or direction
1.15: Comparative Chart of Writing Strategies is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.16: Revising
Reviewing, Editing, Proofreading, and Making an Overview
Every time you revise your work substantially, you will be conducting three distinct functions in the following order: reviewing for
purpose, editing and proofreading, making a final overview.
could be attached with your draft as part of a writer’s memo. Remember, the more guidance you give your readers, regardless of
whether they are your peers or your instructor, the more they will be able to help you.
When you receive suggestions for content changes from your instructors, try to put aside any tendencies to react defensively, so
that you can consider their ideas for revisions with an open mind. If you are accustomed only to getting feedback from instructors
that is accompanied by a grade, you may need to get used to the difference between evaluation and judgment . In college settings,
instructors often prefer to intervene most extensively after you have completed a first draft, with evaluative commentary that tends
to be suggestive, forward-looking, and free of a final quantitative judgment (like a grade). If you read your instructors’ feedback in
those circumstances as final, you can miss the point of the exercise. You’re supposed to do something with this sort of commentary,
not just read it as the justification for a (nonexistent) grade.
Sometimes peers think they’re supposed to “sound like an English teacher” so they fall into the trap of “correcting” your draft, but
in most cases, the prompts used in college- level peer reviewing discourage that sort of thing. In many situations, your peers will
give you ideas that will add value to your paper, and you will want to include them. In other situations, your peers’ ideas will not
really work into the plan you have for your paper. It is not unusual for peers to offer ideas that you may not want to implement.
Remember, your peers’ ideas are only suggestions, and it is your essay, and you are the person who will make the final decisions. If
your peers happen to be a part of the audience to which you are writing, they can sometimes give you invaluable ideas. And if
they’re not, take the initiative to find outside readers who might actually be a part of your audience.
When you are reviewing a peer’s essay, keep in mind that the author likely knows more about the topic than you do, so don’t
question content unless you are certain of your facts. Also, do not suggest changes just because you would do it differently or
because you want to give the impression that you are offering ideas. Only suggest changes that you seriously think would make the
essay stronger.
Key Takeaways
You should review for purpose while you are writing, after you finish your first draft, and after you feel your essay is nearly
Use self-questioning to evaluate your essay as you are revising the purpose. Keep your voice, audience, message, tone, attitude,
and reception in mind as you write and revise.
When you are reviewing a peers’ essay, make only suggestions that you think will make the essay stronger. When you receive
reviews from instructors or peers, try to be open minded and consider the value of the ideas to your essay.
1. Find multiple drafts of an essay you have recently completed. Write a descriptive outline of at least two distinct drafts you
wrote during the process.
2. For a recently completed essay, discuss how at least one element of your statement of purpose (voice, audience, message, tone,
attitude, or reception) changed over the course of the writing process.
3. With your writing group, develop five questions you think everyone in your class should have to answer about their essay drafts
before submitting them for evaluation from a peer or your instructor.
Although you might think editing and proofreading isn’t necessary since you were fairly careful when you were writing, the truth is
that even the very brightest people and best writers make mistakes when they write. One of the main reasons that you are likely to
make mistakes is that your mind and fingers are not always moving along at the same speed nor are they necessarily in sync. So
what ends up on the page isn’t always exactly what you intended. A second reason is that, as you make changes and adjustments,
you might not totally match up the original parts and revised parts. Finally, a third key reason for proofreading is because you likely
have errors you typically make and proofreading gives you a chance to correct those errors.
Figure 8.2
Editing and proofreading can work well with a partner. You can offer to be another pair of eyes for peers in exchange for their
doing the same for you. Whether you are editing and proofreading your work or the work of a peer, the process is basically the
same. Although the rest of this section assumes you are editing and proofreading your work, you can simply shift the personal
issues, such as “Am I…” to a viewpoint that will work with a peer, such as “Is she…”
As you edit and proofread, you should look for common problem areas that stick out. There are certain writing rules that you must
follow, but other more stylistic writing elements are more subjective and will require judgment calls on your part.
Be proactive in evaluating these subjective, stylistic issues since failure to do so can weaken the potential impact of your essay.
Keeping the following questions in mind as you edit and proofread will help you notice and consider some of those subjective
At the word level: Am I using descriptive words? Am I varying my word choices rather than using the same words over and
over? Am I using active verbs? Am I writing concisely? Does every word in each sentence perform a function?
At the sentence level: Am I using a variety of sentence beginnings? Am I using a variety of sentence formats? Am I using
ample and varied transitions? Does every sentence advance the value of the essay?
At the paragraph and essay level: How does this essay look? Am I using paragraphing and paragraph breaks to my
advantage? Are there opportunities to make this essay work better visually? Are the visuals I’m already using necessary? Am I
using the required formatting (or, if there’s room for creativity, am I using the optimal formatting)? Is my essay the proper
Key Takeaways
Edit and proofread your work since it is easy to make mistakes between your mind and your typing fingers, as well as when you
are moving around parts of your essay.
Trading a nearly final version of a draft with peers is a valuable exercise since others can often more easily see your mistakes
than you can. When you edit and proofread for a peer, you use the same process as when you edit and proofread for yourself.
As you are editing and proofreading, you will encounter some issues that are either right or wrong and you simply have to
correct them when they are wrong. Other more stylistic issues, such as using adequate transitions, ample descriptive words, and
enough variety in sentence formats, are subjective. Besides dealing with matters of correctness, you will have to make choices
about subjective and stylistic issues while you proofread.
1. Write a one-page piece about how you decided which college to attend. Give a copy of your file (or a hard copy) to three
different peers to edit and proofread. Then edit and proofread your page yourself. Finally, compare your editing and
proofreading results to those of your three peers. Categorize the suggested revisions and corrections as objective standards of
correctness or subjective matters of style.
2. Create a “personal editing and proofreading guide” that includes an overview of both objective and subjective issues covered in
this book that are common problems for you in your writing. In your guide, include tips from this book and self-questions that
can help you with your problem writing areas.
The following checklist shows examples of the types of things that you might look for as you make a final pass (or final passes)
through your paper. It often works best to make a separate pass for each issue because you are less likely to miss an issue and you
will probably be able to make multiple, single-issue passes more quickly than you can make one multiple-issue pass.
All subheadings are placed correctly (such as in the center or at the beginning of a page).
All the text is the same size and font throughout.
The page numbers are all formatted and appearing as intended.
All image and picture captions are appearing correctly.
All spellings of proper nouns have been corrected.
The words “there” and “their” and “they’re” are spelled correctly. (Or you can insert your top recurring error here.)
References are all included in the citation list.
Within the citation list, references are all in a single, required format (no moving back and forth between Modern Language
Association [MLA] and American Psychological Association [APA], for instance).
All the formatting conventions for the final manuscript follow the style sheet assigned by the instructor (e.g., MLA, APA,
Chicago Manual of Style [CMS], or other).
This isn’t intended to be an all-inclusive checklist. Rather, it simply gives you an idea of the types of things for which you might
look as you conduct your final check. You should develop your unique list that might or might not include these same items.
Key Takeaways
Often a good way to make sure you do not miss any details you want to change is to make a separate pass through your essay
for each area of concern. You can conduct passes by flipping through hard copies, clicking through pages on a computer, or
using the “find” feature on a computer.
You should conduct a final overview with isolated checks after you are finished editing and proofreading the final draft.
As you are writing, make a checklist of recurring isolated issues that you notice in your work. Use this list to conduct isolated
checks on the final draft of your paper.
Complete each sentence to create a logical item for a list to use for a final isolated check. Do not use any of the examples given in
the text.
1. All the subheadings are…
2. The spacing between paragraphs…
3. Each page includes…
4. I have correctly spelled…
5. The photos are all placed…
6. The words in the flow charts and diagrams…
1.16: Revising is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.17: Matters of Grammar, Mechanics, and Style
For many students, the discussion of grammar, mechanics, and style is intimidating. There are rules, and lots of them. And when
rules are broken, some kind of inquisition or punishment is bound to follow. Any student who has experienced an instructor’s
editorial comments (also known as the red pen “blood” in the margins of a paper) knows what it feels like to be a hapless violator
of the rules.
Rules Matter
Despite your gut reactions to learning certain rules for grammar, mechanics, and style, you have to acknowledge
Photo of uncapped red pen laying on a typed page, which has proofreading marks on it that the rules matter. People communicate daily in written forms, such as
emails, letters, reports, and essays. And many of them need to communicate in such a way that they are taken seriously.
In academic writing, it is your job to make sure that the people who read what you write (your instructor and classmates)
understand what you are trying to say. If your thoughts are not arranged appropriately, your readers may get confused. If you do not
acknowledge and employ the rules of grammar, mechanics, and style, you are at a distinct disadvantage as a communicator.
1.17: Matters of Grammar, Mechanics, and Style is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.18: Peer Review Checklist
Each essay is made up of multiple parts. In order to have a strong essay each part must be logical and effective. In many cases
essays will be written with a strong thesis, but the rest of the paper will be lacking; making the paper ineffective. An essay is only
as strong as its weakest point.
Clip art of a checklist. No writing is visible, just lines where item text would appear.One of the most important steps for creating a strong essay is to have others
review it. By completing a peer review you will be able to create a better thesis statement and supporting arguments.
Using a checklist to complete your review will allow you to rate each of the parts in the paper according to their strength. There are
many different peer review checklists, but the one below should be helpful for your assignment.
1. Is the thesis clear?
2. Does the author use his or her own ideas in the thesis and argument?
3. Is the significance of the problem in the paper explained? Is the significance compelling?
4. Are the ideas developed logically and thoroughly?
5. Does the author use ethos effectively?
6. Does the author use pathos effectively?
7. Are different viewpoints acknowledged?
8. Are objections effectively handled?
9. Does the author give adequate explanations about sources used?
10. Are the sources well-integrated into the paper, or do they seem to be added in just for the sake of adding sources?
11. Is the word choice specific, concrete and interesting?
12. Are the sentences clear?
13. Is the overall organization of the argument effective?
14. Are the transitions between paragraphs smooth?
15. Are there any grammatical errors?
Based on the rubric found at: Grading Rubric Template (Word)
1.18: Peer Review Checklist is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.2: Defining the Writing Process
unspl_desk arrangement2On the surface, nothing could be simpler than writing: You sit down, you pick up a pen or open a document on
your computer, and you write words. But anyone who has procrastinated or struggled with writer’s block knows that the writing
process is more arduous, if not somewhat mysterious and unpredictable.
People often think of writing in terms of its end product—the email, the report, the memo, essay, or research paper, all of which
result from the time and effort spent in the act of writing. In this course, however, you will be introduced to writing as the recursive
process of planning, drafting, and revising.
Writing is Recursive
You will focus as much on the process of writing as you will on its end product (the writing you normally submit for feedback or a
grade). Recursive means circling back; and, more often than not, the writing process will have you running in circles. You might be
in the middle of your draft when you realize you need to do more brainstorming, so you return to the planning stage. Even when
you have finished a draft, you may find changes you want to make to an introduction. In truth, every writer must develop his or her
own process for getting the writing done, but there are some basic strategies and techniques you can adapt to make your work a
little easier, more fulfilling and effective.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
1.2: Defining the Writing Process is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.3: Videos: Prewriting Techniques
Brainstorming is a technique of listing as many ideas as possible about your writing topic. The greatest rule of brainstorming is to
keep the process as broad and open as possible. This video suggests several things that you DON’T want to do.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
Mindmapping is similar to brainstorming, but it is much more visual. It allows you to create connections between ideas. It can be a
useful step after brainstorming, or it may match your style better if brainstorming seems too random. This video provides a good
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
Freewriting is a process of simply writing. It helps you get started and can expand your thinking. Watch this video to learn more
about this technique:
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
1.3: Videos: Prewriting Techniques is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.4: What is an Essay?
If you were asked to describe an essay in one word, what would that one word be?
Photo of a sign reading "IDEA." The letters are formed out of orange metal and lit up with exposed light bulbs, set against a black backdrop
1.4: What is an Essay? is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.5: Audience
What this handout is about
This handout will help you understand and write for the appropriate audience when you write an academic essay.
Audience matters
When you’re in the process of writing a paper, it’s easy to forget that you are actually writing to someone. Whether you’ve thought
about it consciously or not, you always write to an audience: sometimes your audience is a very generalized group of readers,
sometimes you know the individuals who compose the audience, and sometimes you write for yourself. Keeping your audience in
mind while you write can help you make good decisions about what material to include, how to organize your ideas, and how best
to support your argument.
To illustrate the impact of audience, imagine you’re writing a letter to your grandmother to tell her about your first month of
college. What details and stories might you include? What might you leave out? Now imagine that you’re writing on the same topic
but your audience is your best friend. Unless you have an extremely cool grandma to whom you’re very close, it’s likely that your
two letters would look quite different in terms of content, structure, and even tone.
paper; sometimes the instructor will ask you to imagine that you are writing to your congressperson, for a professional journal, to a
group of specialists in a particular field, or for a group of your peers. If the assignment doesn’t specify an audience, you may find it
most useful to imagine your classmates reading the paper, rather than your instructor.
Now, knowing your imaginary audience, what other clues can you get from the assignment? If the assignment asks you to
summarize something that you have read, then your reader wants you to include more examples from the text than if the
assignment asks you to interpret the passage. Most assignments in college focus on argument rather than the repetition of learned
information, so your reader probably doesn’t want a lengthy, detailed, point-by-point summary of your reading (book reports in
some classes and argument reconstructions in philosophy classes are big exceptions to this rule). If your assignment asks you to
interpret or analyze the text (or an event or idea), then you want to make sure that your explanation of the material is focused and
not so detailed that you end up spending more time on examples than on your analysis. If you are not sure about the difference
between explaining something and analyzing it, see our handouts on reading the assignment and argument .
Once you have a draft, try your level of explanation out on a friend, a classmate, or a Writing Center tutor. Get the person to read
your rough draft, and then ask her to talk to you about what she did and didn’t understand. (Now is not the time to talk about
proofreading stuff, so make sure she ignores those issues for the time being). You will likely get one of the following responses or a
combination of them:
If your listener/reader has tons of questions about what you are saying, then you probably need to explain more. Let’s say you
are writing a paper on piranhas, and your reader says, “What’s a piranha? Why do I need to know about them? How would I
identify one?” Those are vital questions that you clearly need to answer in your paper. You need more detail and elaboration.
If your reader seems confused, you probably need to explain more clearly. So if he says, “Are there piranhas in the lakes around
here?” you may not need to give more examples, but rather focus on making sure your examples and points are clear.
If your reader looks bored and can repeat back to you more details than she needs to know to get your point, you probably
explained too much. Excessive detail can also be confusing, because it can bog the reader down and keep her from focusing on
your main points. You want your reader to say, “So it seems like your paper is saying that piranhas are misunderstood creatures
that are essential to South American ecosystems,” not, “Uh… piranhas are important?” or, “Well, I know you said piranhas
don’t usually attack people, and they’re usually around 10 inches long, and some people keep them in aquariums as pets, and
dolphins are one of their predators, and…a bunch of other stuff, I guess?”
Sometimes it’s not the amount of explanation that matters, but the word choice and tone you adopt. Your word choice and tone
need to match your audience’s expectations. For example, imagine you are researching piranhas; you find an article in National
Geographic and another one in an academic journal for scientists. How would you expect the two articles to sound? National
Geographic is written for a popular audience; you might expect it to have sentences like “The piranha generally lives in shallow
rivers and streams in South America.” The scientific journal, on the other hand, might use much more technical language, because
it’s written for an audience of specialists. A sentence like “Serrasalmus piraya lives in fresh and brackish intercoastal and proto-
arboreal sub-tropical regions between the 45th and 38th parallels” might not be out of place in the journal.
Generally, you want your reader to know enough material to understand the points you are making. It’s like the old forest/trees
metaphor. If you give the reader nothing but trees, she won’t see the forest (your thesis, the reason for your paper). If you give her a
big forest and no trees, she won’t know how you got to the forest (she might say, “Your point is fine, but you haven’t proven it to
me”). You want the reader to say, “Nice forest, and those trees really help me to see it.” Our handout on paragraph development can
help you find a good balance of examples and explanation.
following strategies:
Take a break from your work—go work out, take a nap, take a day off. This is why the Writing Center and your instructors
encourage you to start writing more than a day before the paper is due. If you write the paper the night before it’s due, you make
it almost impossible to read the paper with a fresh eye.
Try outlining after writing—after you have a draft, look at each paragraph separately. Write down the main point for each
paragraph on a separate sheet of paper, in the order you have put them. Then look at your “outline”—does it reflect what you
meant to say, in a logical order? Are some paragraphs hard to reduce to one point? Why? This technique will help you find
places where you may have confused your reader by straying from your original plan for the paper.
Read the paper aloud—we do this all the time at the Writing Center, and once you get used to it, you’ll see that it helps you
slow down and really consider how your reader experiences your text. It will also help you catch a lot of sentence-level errors,
such as misspellings and missing words, which can make it difficult for your reader to focus on your argument.
These techniques can help you read your paper in the same way your reader will and make revisions that help your reader
understand your argument. Then, when your instructor finally reads your finished draft, he or she won’t have to fill in any gaps.
The more work you do, the less work your audience will have to do—and the more likely it is that your instructor will follow and
understand your argument.
1.5: Audience is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.6: Rhetorical Context
Any piece of writing is shaped by external factors before the first word is ever set down on the page. These factors are referred to
as the rhetorical situation, or rhetorical context, and are often presented in the form of a pyramid.
The three key factors–purpose, author, and audience–all work together to influence what the text itself says, and how it says it.
Let’s examine each of the three in more detail.
Any time you are preparing to write, you should first ask yourself, “Why am I writing?” All writing, no matter the type, has a
purpose. Purpose will sometimes be given to you (by a teacher, for example), while other times, you will decide for yourself. As
the author, it’s up to you to make sure that purpose is clear not only for yourself, but also–especially–for your audience. If your
purpose is not clear, your audience is not likely to receive your intended message.
There are, of course, many different reasons to write (e.g., to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to ask questions), and you may find
that some writing has more than one purpose. When this happens, be sure to consider any conflict between purposes, and remember
that you will usually focus on one main purpose as primary.
Bottom line: Thinking about your purpose before you begin to write can help you create a more effective piece of writing.
Useful Questions
Consider how the answers to the following questions may affect your writing:
What is my primary purpose for writing? How do I want my audience to think, feel, or respond after they read my writing?
Do my audience’s expectations affect my purpose? Should they?
How can I best get my point across (e.g., tell a story, argue, cite other sources)?
Do I have any secondary or tertiary purposes? Do any of these purposes conflict with one another or with my primary purpose?
In order for your writing to be maximally effective, you have to think about the audience you’re writing for and adapt your writing
approach to their needs, expectations, backgrounds, and interests. Being aware of your audience helps you make better decisions
about what to say and how to say it. For example, you have a better idea if you will need to define or explain any terms, and you
can make a more conscious effort not to say or do anything that would offend your audience.
Sometimes you know who will read your writing – for example, if you are writing an email to your boss. Other times you will have
to guess who is likely to read your writing – for example, if you are writing a newspaper editorial. You will often write with a
primary audience in mind, but there may be secondary and tertiary audiences to consider as well.
Change the level of your examples. Once you’ve decided to include examples, you should make sure you aren’t offering
examples your audience finds unacceptable or confusing. For example, some teachers find personal stories unacceptable in
academic writing, so you might use a metaphor instead.
Change the organization of your information. Again, you might have the correct information, but you might be presenting
it in a confusing or illogical order. If you are writing a paper about physics for a physics professor who has his or her PhD,
chances are you won’t need to begin your paper with a lot of background. However, you probably would want to include
background information in the beginning of your paper if you were writing for a fellow student in an introductory physics
Strengthen transitions. You might make decisions about transitions based on your audience’s expectations. For example,
most teachers expect to find topic sentences, which serve as transitions between paragraphs. In a shorter piece of writing such
as a memo to co-workers, however, you would probably be less concerned with topic sentences and more concerned with
transition words. In general, if you feel your readers may have a hard time making connections, providing transition words
(e.g., “therefore” or “on the other hand”) can help lead them.
Write stronger introductions – both for the whole document and for major sections. In general, readers like to get the
big picture up front. You can offer this in your introduction and thesis statement, or in smaller introductions to major sections
within your document. However, you should also consider how much time your audience will have to read your document. If
you are writing for a boss who already works long hours and has little or no free time, you wouldn’t want to write an
introduction that rambles on for two and a half pages before getting into the information your boss is looking for.
Create topic sentences for paragraphs and paragraph groups. A topic sentence (the first sentence of a paragraph)
functions much the same way an introduction does – it offers readers a preview of what’s coming and how that information
relates to the overall document or your overall purpose. As mentioned earlier, some readers will expect topic sentences.
However, even if your audience isn’t expecting them, topic sentences can make it easier for readers to skim your document
while still getting the main idea and the connections between smaller ideas.
Change sentence style and length. Using the same types and lengths of sentences can become boring after awhile. If you
already worry that your audience may lose interest in your issue, you might want to work on varying the types of sentences
you use.
Use graphics, or use different graphics. Graphics can be another way to help your audience visualize an abstract or
complex topic. Sometimes a graphic might be more effective than a metaphor or step-by-step explanation. Graphics may also
be an effective choice if you know your audience is going to skim your writing quickly; a graphic can be used to draw the
reader’s eye to information you want to highlight. However, keep in mind that some audiences may see graphics as
The final unique aspect of anything written down is who it is, exactly, that does the writing. In some sense, this is the part you have
the most control over–it’s you who’s writing, after all! You can harness the aspects of yourself that will make the text most
effective to its audience, for its purpose.
Analyzing yourself as an author allows you to make explicit why your audience should pay attention to what you have to say, and
why they should listen to you on the particular subject at hand.
1. (Rules adapted from David McMurrey’s online text, Power Tools for Technical Communication) ↵
1.6: Rhetorical Context is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.7: Thesis Statements
What this handout is about
This handout describes what a thesis statement is, how thesis statements work in your writing, and how you can discover or refine
one for your draft.
Writing in college often takes the form of persuasion—convincing others that you have an interesting, logical point of view on the
subject you are studying. Persuasion is a skill you practice regularly in your daily life. You persuade your roommate to clean up,
your parents to let you borrow the car, your friend to vote for your favorite candidate or policy. In college, course assignments often
ask you to make a persuasive case in writing. You are asked to convince your reader of your point of view. This form of persuasion,
often called academic argument, follows a predictable pattern in writing. After a brief introduction of your topic, you state your
point of view on the topic directly and often in one sentence. This sentence is the thesis statement, and it serves as a summary of
the argument you’ll make in the rest of your paper .
Is my thesis statement specific enough?
Thesis statements that are too vague often do not have a strong argument. If your thesis contains words like “good” or “successful,”
see if you could be more specific: why is something “good”; what specifically makes something “successful”?
Does my thesis pass the “So what?” test? If a reader’s first response is, “So what?” then you need to clarify, to forge a
relationship, or to connect to a larger issue.
Does my essay support my thesis specifically and without wandering? If your thesis and the body of your essay do not seem to
go together, one of them has to change. It’s o.k. to change your working thesis to reflect things you have figured out in the
course of writing your paper. Remember, always reassess and revise your writing as necessary.
Does my thesis pass the “how and why?” test? If a reader’s first response is “how?” or “why?” your thesis may be too open-
ended and lack guidance for the reader. See what you can add to give the reader a better take on your position right from the
Suppose you are taking a course on 19th-century America, and the instructor hands out the following essay assignment: Compare
and contrast the reasons why the North and South fought the Civil War. You turn on the computer and type out the following:
The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different.
This weak thesis restates the question without providing any additional information. You will expand on this new information in
the body of the essay, but it is important that the reader know where you are heading. A reader of this weak thesis might think,
“What reasons? How are they the same? How are they different?” Ask yourself these same questions and begin to compare
Northern and Southern attitudes (perhaps you first think, “The South believed slavery was right, and the North thought slavery was
wrong”). Now, push your comparison toward an interpretation—why did one side think slavery was right and the other side think it
was wrong? You look again at the evidence, and you decide that you are going to argue that the North believed slavery was
immoral while the South believed it upheld the Southern way of life. You write:
While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to
preserve its own institutions.
Now you have a working thesis! Included in this working thesis is a reason for the war and some idea of how the two sides
disagreed over this reason. As you write the essay, you will probably begin to characterize these differences more precisely, and
your working thesis may start to seem too vague. Maybe you decide that both sides fought for moral reasons, and that they just
focused on different moral issues. You end up revising the working thesis into a final thesis that really captures the argument in
your paper:
While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the
oppression of slaves while Southerners defended their own right to self-government.
Compare this to the original weak thesis. This final thesis presents a way of interpreting evidence that illuminates the significance
of the question. Keep in mind that this is one of many possible interpretations of the Civil War—it is not the one and only right
answer to the question. There isn’t one right answer; there are only strong and weak thesis statements and strong and weak uses of
Let’s look at another example. Suppose your literature professor hands out the following assignment in a class on the American
novel: Write an analysis of some aspect of Mark Twain’s novel Huckleberry Finn. “This will be easy,” you think. “I loved
Huckleberry Finn!” You grab a pad of paper and write:
Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn is a great American novel.
Why is this thesis weak? Think about what the reader would expect from the essay that follows: you will most likely provide a
general, appreciative summary of Twain’s novel. The question did not ask you to summarize; it asked you to analyze. Your
professor is probably not interested in your opinion of the novel; instead, she wants you to think about whyit’s such a great novel—
what do Huck’s adventures tell us about life, about America, about coming of age, about race relations, etc.? First, the question
asks you to pick an aspect of the novel that you think is important to its structure or meaning—for example, the role of storytelling,
the contrasting scenes between the shore and the river, or the relationships between adults and children. Now you write:
In Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain develops a contrast between life on the river and life on the shore.
Here’s a working thesis with potential: you have highlighted an important aspect of the novel for investigation; however, it’s still
not clear what your analysis will reveal. Your reader is intrigued, but is still thinking, “So what? What’s the point of this contrast?
What does it signify?” Perhaps you are not sure yet, either. That’s fine—begin to work on comparing scenes from the book and see
what you discover. Free write, make lists, jot down Huck’s actions and reactions. Eventually you will be able to clarify for yourself,
and then for the reader, why this contrast matters. After examining the evidence and considering your own insights, you write:
Through its contrasting river and shore scenes, Twain’s Huckleberry Finn suggests that to find the true expression of American
democratic ideals, one must leave “civilized” society and go back to nature.
This final thesis statement presents an interpretation of a literary work based on an analysis of its content. Of course, for the essay
itself to be successful, you must now present evidence from the novel that will convince the reader of your interpretation.
Works consulted
We consulted these works while writing the original version of this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the
handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find the latest publications on this topic. Please do not use this
list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on
formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial .
Anson, Chris M. and Robert A. Schwegler. The Longman Handbook for Writers. 2nd ed. New York: Longman, 2000.
Hairston, Maxine and John J. Ruszkiewicz. The Scott, Foresman Handbook for Writers. 4th ed. New York: HarperCollins, 1996.
Lunsford, Andrea and Robert Connors. The St. Martin’s Handbook. 3rd ed. New York: St. Martin’s, 1995.
Rosen, Leonard J. and Laurence Behrens. The Allyn & Bacon Handbook. 3rd ed. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1997.
1.7: Thesis Statements is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.8: How to Write a Thesis Statement
Whether you are writing a short essay or a doctoral dissertation, your thesis statement will arguably be the most difficult sentence
to formulate. An effective thesis statement states the purpose of the paper and, therefore, functions to control, assert and structure
your entire argument. Without a sound thesis, your argument may sound weak, lacking in direction, and uninteresting to the reader.
Do not come up with your thesis and then look it up later. The thesis is the end point of your
research, not the beginning. You need to use a thesis you can actually back up with evidence.
“By reading “Ode to a Nightingale” through a modern deconstructionist lens, we can see how Keats viewed poetry as shifting
and subjective, not some rigid form.”
You want your thesis statement to be identifiable as a thesis statement. You do this by taking a very
particular tone and using specific kinds of phrasing and words. Use words like “because” and language which is firm and
Example thesis statements with good statement language include:
“Because of William the Conqueror’s campaign into England, that nation developed the strength and culture it would need to
eventually build the British Empire.”
“Hemingway significantly changed literature by normalizing simplistic writing and frank tone.”
1.8: How to Write a Thesis Statement is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
1.9: Organizing an Essay
There are many elements that must come together to create a good essay. The topic should be clear and interesting. The author’s
voice should come through, but not be a distraction. There should be no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.
Organization is one of the most important elements of an essay that is often overlooked. An organized essay is clear, focused,
logical and effective.
Organization makes it easier to understand the thesis. To illustrate, imagine putting together a bike. Having all of the necessary
tools, parts, and directions will make the job easier to complete than if the parts are spread across the room and the tools are located
all over the house. The same logic applies to writing an essay. When all the parts of an essay are in some sort of order, it is both
easier for the writer to put the essay together and for the reader to understand the main ideas presented in the essay.
Photo of a white kitchen lit with windows. Rows of glass jars line shelves over the countertop, and a hanging rack of pans and pots appears beneath that.Although organization makes tasks
easier to complete, there is not just one way of organizing. For example, there are hundreds of ways to organize a kitchen. The
glasses can go in the cupboard to the right of the sink or to the left of it. The silverware can be placed in any number of drawers.
Pots and pans can be hung on hooks over the island in the center of the kitchen or hidden in cupboard space beneath the counter. It
does not matter as much where these items are placed, but that they are organized in a logical manner. Essays, like kitchens, can
also be organized in different ways. There are three common strategies; however, it is important to note that these are broad
categories. Variations of these strategies can be used, and they may be combined with one another.[1]
Strategy 2. Talk It Out
If your paper is about
Roosevelt’s President
New Deal, and your working
thesis is: “The New Deal was actually a conservative defense of
Drawing of two men sitting at a cafe table talking. They are wearing period dress (bowlers, suits, bow ties).
American capitalism.” This strategy forces to explain your thinking to someone else.
Find a Friend, your T.A., your Professor, a relative, a Writing Center tutor, or any sympathetic and intelligent listener.
People are more accustomed to talking than writing, so it might be beneficial to explain your thinking out loud to someone before
organizing the essay. Talking to someone about your ideas may also relieve pressure and anxiety about your topic.
Explain What Your Paper Is About
Pay attention to how you explain your argument verbally. It is likely that the order in which you present your ideas and evidence to
your listener is a logical way to arrange them in your paper. Let’s say that you begin (as you did above) with the working thesis. As
you continue to explain, you realize that even though your draft doesn’t mention “private enterprise” until the last two paragraphs,
you begin to talk about it right away. This fact should tell you that you probably need to discuss private enterprise near the
Take Notes
You and your listener should keep track of the way you explain your paper. If you don’t, you probably won’t remember what
you’ve talked about. Compare the structure of the argument in the notes to the structure of the draft you’ve written.
Get Your Listener to Ask Questions
As the writer, it is in your interest to receive constructive criticism so that your draft will become stronger. You want your listener
to say things like, “Would you mind explaining that point about being both conservative and liberal again? I wasn’t sure I
followed” or “What kind of economic principle is government relief? Do you consider it a good or bad thing?” Questions you can’t
answer may signal an unnecessary tangent or an area needing further development in the draft. Questions you need to think about
will probably make you realize that you need to explain more your paper. In short, you want to know if your listener fully
understands you; if not, chances are your readers won’t, either.[2]
Strategy 3. Paragraphs
Readers need paragraph breaks in order to organize their reading. Writers need paragraph breaks to organize their writing. A
paragraph break indicates a change in focus, topic, specificity, point of view, or rhetorical strategy. The paragraph should have one
main idea; the topic sentence expresses this idea. The paragraph should be organized either spatially, chronologically, or logically.
The movement may be from general to specific, specific to general, or general to specific to general. All paragraphs must contain
developed ideas: comparisons, examples, explanations, definitions, causes, effects, processes, or descriptions. There are several
concluding strategies which may be combined or used singly, depending on the assignment’s length and purpose:
a summary of the main points
a hook and return to the introductory “attention-getter” to frame the essay
a web conclusion which relates the topic to a larger context of a greater significance
a proposal calling for action or further examination of the topic
a question which provokes the reader
a quote
a vivid image or compelling narrative[3]
Put Paragraphs into Sections
You should be able to group your paragraphs so that they make a particular point or argument that supports your thesis. If any
paragraph, besides the introduction or conclusion, cannot fit into any section, you may have to ask yourself whether it belongs in
the essay.
Re-examine each Section
Assuming you have more than one paragraph under each section, try to distinguish between them. Perhaps you have two arguments
in favor of that can be distinguished from each other by author, logic, ethical principles invoked, etc. Write down the distinctions —
they will help you formulate clear topic sentences.
Re-examine the Entire Argument
Which section do you want to appear first? Why? Which Second? Why? In what order should the paragraphs appear in each
section? Look for an order that makes the strongest possible argument.[4]
1. Organizing an Essay ↵
2. Reorganizing Your Draft ↵
3. Parts of an Essay ↵
4. Reorganizing Your Draft ↵
1.9: Organizing an Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2: Narrative Essay
2.1: Essay Basics
2.10: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
2.11: Your Instructions for Essay 1
02.12: Grammar
2.12: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
2.2: Introduction to Narrative Essay
2.3: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
2.4: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell
2.5: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart
2.6: Video: The Danger of a Single Story
2.7: How to Write an Annotation
2.8: How to Write a Summary
2.9: Writing for Success: Narration
2: Narrative Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.1: Essay Basics
It’s important to keep your audience in mind when writing. Imagine you are writing about your first full day as a college student.
How might your writing vary for the audiences below?
* a text you are sending to your best friend
* an email you are sending to a parent or guardian
* a retelling of your experiences for a paper you are writing for your sociology course
In each example above, the method of communication will shape the length and depth of what you write as well as the style
(including word choices) and the level of formality. Think about what content you may need to include based on what each specific
audience already knows or needs to know about your topic.
Most writing has one of these two purposes:
1. to inform
2. to persuade
Generally speaking, an essay is made up of three parts: an introduction (with a thesis), a body consisting of a group of paragraphs,
and a conclusion.
2.1: Essay Basics is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.10: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
My College Education
The first class I went to in college was philosophy, and it changed my life forever. Our first assignment was to write a short
response paper to the Albert Camus essay “The Myth of Sisyphus.” I was extremely nervous about the assignment as well as
college. However, through all the confusion in philosophy class, many of my questions about life were answered.
I entered college intending to earn a degree in engineering. I always liked the way mathematics had right and wrong answers. I
understood the logic and was very good at it. So when I received my first philosophy assignment that asked me to write my
interpretation of the Camus essay, I was instantly confused. What is the right way to do this assignment, I wondered? I was nervous
about writing an incorrect interpretation and did not want to get my first assignment wrong. Even more troubling was that the
professor refused to give us any guidelines on what he was looking for; he gave us total freedom. He simply said, “I want to see
what you come up with.”
Full of anxiety, I first set out to read Camus’s essay several times to make sure I really knew what was it was about. I did my best to
take careful notes. Yet even after I took all these notes and knew the essay inside and out, I still did not know the right answer.
What was my interpretation? I could think of a million different ways to interpret the essay, but which one was my professor
looking for? In math class, I was used to examples and explanations of solutions. This assignment gave me nothing; I was
completely on my own to come up with my individual interpretation.
Next, when I sat down to write, the words just did not come to me. My notes and ideas were all present, but the words were lost. I
decided to try every prewriting strategy I could find. I brainstormed, made idea maps, and even wrote an outline. Eventually, after a
lot of stress, my ideas became more organized and the words fell on the page. I had my interpretation of “The Myth of Sisyphus,”
and I had my main reasons for interpreting the essay. I remember being unsure of myself, wondering if what I was saying made
sense, or if I was even on the right track. Through all the uncertainty, I continued writing the best I could. I finished the conclusion
paragraph, had my spouse proofread it for errors, and turned it in the next day simply hoping for the best.
Then, a week or two later, came judgment day. The professor gave our papers back to us with grades and comments. I remember
feeling simultaneously afraid and eager to get the paper back in my hands. It turned out, however, that I had nothing to worry
about. The professor gave me an A on the paper, and his notes suggested that I wrote an effective essay overall. He wrote that my
reading of the essay was very original and that my thoughts were well organized. My relief and newfound confidence upon reading
his comments could not be overstated.
What I learned through this process extended well beyond how to write a college paper. I learned to be open to new challenges. I
never expected to enjoy a philosophy class and always expected to be a math and science person. This class and assignment,
however, gave me the self-confidence, critical-thinking skills, and courage to try a new career path. I left engineering and went on
to study law and eventually became a lawyer. More important, that class and paper helped me understand education differently.
Instead of seeing college as a direct stepping stone to a career, I learned to see college as a place to first learn and then seek a career
or enhance an existing career. By giving me the space to express my own interpretation and to argue for my own values, my
philosophy class taught me the importance of education for education’s sake. That realization continues to pay dividends every day.
2.10: Student Sample: Narrative Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.11: Your Instructions for Essay 1
Narrative Essay Prompt
Choose one of the following topics to write your own narrative essay. The topic you decide on should be something you care
about, and the narration should be a means of communicating an idea that ties to the essay’s theme. Remember in this essay, the
narration is not an end in itself. Your essay should be at least 500 words long and should include an introduction, two or three body
paragraphs, and a conclusion.
1. Gaining independence
2. A friend’s sacrifice
3. A significant trip with your family
4. A wedding or a funeral
5. A incident from family legend
1. Your first day of school
2. The first performance you gave
3. A first date
Be sure to:
Decide on something you care about so that the narration is a means of communicating an idea.
Include characters, conflict, sensory details.
Create a sequence of events in a plot.
Develop an enticing title.
Use the introduction to pull the reader into your singular experience.
Avoid addressing the assignment directly. (don’t write “I am going to write about…” – this takes the fun out of reading the
Let the essay reflect your own voice (Is your voice serious? Humorous? Matter-of-fact?)
Avoid telling just what happens by making sure your essay reflects on why this experience is significant.
2.11: Your Instructions for Essay 1 is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
02.12: Grammar
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2.12: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
The “Guide to Writing” handbook in our Course Resource folder has lots of material about grammar and mechanics. It’s available
all semester for you to consult as you write your papers. In addition, I’ve also posted review videos about grammar and mechanics
in our first eight modules as supplemental material that you may find helpful and interesting! Here’s your first group of videos.
To refresh your understanding of subjects, verbs, irregular verbs and subject-verb agreement, please review the videos below. (If
the links aren’t “clickable” for you, copy and paste the link into a new browser window.)
Subject and Verbs
Subject-Verb Agreement
2.12: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.2: Introduction to Narrative Essay
Narrative Essay
Reflect for a moment on the last memorable story you heard, told, or read. What made the story remain with you? Was it a
compelling character or participant in the action? An interesting set of circumstances? Was it told in an amusing or serious manner,
and did it make you react emotionally?
Everyone loves a good story, and each day we seek out good stories in a variety of media: novels, short stories, newspapers, works
of fine art, blogs, even notes and posts on social media pages.
Narration is the art of storytelling, and in this module, you will investigate the ways in which writers employ common narration
strategies to engage readers from the beginning to the end of a significant event. You will also look critically at some examples of
effective narration as you draft your narrative essay.
Module Outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Describe the purpose, basic components, characteristics, and structure of narrative writing
2. Demonstrate writing techniques of a narrative essay
2.2: Introduction to Narrative Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.3: Student Sample: Narrative Essay
Instructions: Read the student essay, “Melon Harvest,” by J. Workman. First read the NON-ANNOTATED student essay, and then
compare it to the ANNOTATED version of the same essay. The purpose of annotation is to help you think deeply about a text as
you read it. Notice how the annotated comments analyze and respond to the essay.
This is a model for how to engage with and annotate the writing you will encounter in this course.
some ways it’s also a dying place, dying like a field of vines after the melons are harvested, wilting in the sunlight of America’s
finest hour.
Annotated Version
Click on the link to view the annotated version of the essay: “Melon Harvest,” by J. Workman
2.3: Student Sample: Narrative Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.4: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell
In “Shooting an Elephant,” author George Orwell finds himself in a position of authority as an Indian community encounters a
rampaging elephant.
Click on the link to view the essay: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell
2.4: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.5: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart
In “Sixty-nine Cents,” author Gary Shteyngart describes a coming-of-age experience as a first-generation Russian-Jewish
immigrant in modern America.
Click on the link to view the essay: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart
2.5: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.6: Video: The Danger of a Single Story
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found
her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical
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2.6: Video: The Danger of a Single Story is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.7: How to Write an Annotation
One of the greatest challenges students face is adjusting to college reading expectations. Unlike high school, students in college are expected to read more “academic” type of
materials in less time and usually recall the information as soon as the next class.
The problem is many students spend hours reading and have no idea what they just read. Their eyes are moving across the page, but their mind is somewhere else. The end
result is wasted time, energy, and frustration…and having to read the text again.
Although students are taught how to read at an early age, many are not taught how to actively engage with written text or other media. Annotation is a tool to help you learn
how to actively engage with a text or other media.
View the following video about how to annotate a text.
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Annotating a text or other media (e.g. a video, image, etc.) is as much about you as it is the text you are annotating. What are YOUR responses to the author’s writing, claims
and ideas? What are YOU thinking as you consider the work? Ask questions, challenge, think!
When we annotate an author’s work, our minds should encounter the mind of the author, openly and freely. If you met the author at a party, what would you like to tell to
them; what would you like to ask them? What do you think they would say in response to your comments? You can be critical of the text, but you do not have to be. If you are
annotating properly, you often begin to get ideas that have little or even nothing to do with the topic you are annotating. That’s fine: it’s all about generating insights and ideas
of your own. Any good insight is worth keeping because it may make for a good essay or research paper later on.
Annotating a Text
Review the video, “How to Annotate a Text.” Pay attention to both how to make annotations and what types of thoughts and ideas may be part of your annotations as you
actively read a written text.
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Passage # Quotation and Location My Comments / Ideas
2.7: How to Write an Annotation is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.8: How to Write a Summary
Proficient students understand that summarizing, identifying what is most important and restating the text (or other media) in your
own words, is an important tool for college success.
After all, if you really know a subject, you will be able to summarize it. If you cannot summarize a subject, even if you have
memorized all the facts about it, you can be absolutely sure that you have not learned it. And, if you truly learn the subject, you will
still be able to summarize it months or years from now.
Proficient students may monitor their understanding of a text by summarizing as they read. They understand that if they can write a
one- or two-sentence summary of each paragraph after reading it, then that is a good sign that they have correctly understood it. If
they can not summarize the main idea of the paragraph, they know that comprehension has broken down and they need to use fix-
up strategies to repair understanding.
2.8: How to Write a Summary is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
2.9: Writing for Success: Narration
This section will help you determine the purpose and structure of narration in writing.
Writing a Narrative Essay
When writing a narrative essay, start by asking yourself if you want to write a factual or fictional story. Then freewrite, brainstorm,
or mindmap about topics that are of general interest to you. For more information about pre-writing, review the materials in “My
Writing Process – Prewriting and Draft.”
Once you have a general idea of what you will be writing about, you should sketch out the major events of the story that will
compose your plot. Typically, these events will be revealed chronologically and climax at a central conflict that must be resolved
by the end of the story. The use of strong details is crucial as you describe the events and characters in your narrative. You want the
reader to emotionally engage with the world that you create in writing.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
however, gave me the selfconfidence, critical-thinking skills, and courage to try a new career path. I left engineering and went on to
study law and eventually became a lawyer. More important, that class and paper helped me understand education differently.
Instead of seeing college as a direct stepping stone to a career, I learned to see college as a place to first learn and then seek a career
or enhance an existing career. By giving me the space to express my own interpretation and to argue for my own values, my
philosophy class taught me the importance of education for education’s sake. That realization continues to pay dividends every day.
Key Takeaways
Narration is the art of storytelling.
Narratives can be either factual or fictional. In either case, narratives should emotionally engage the reader.
Most narratives are composed of major events sequenced in chronological order.
Time transition words and phrases are used to orient the reader in the sequence of a narrative.
The four basic components to all narratives are plot, character, conflict, and theme.
The use of sensory details is crucial to emotionally engaging the reader.
A strong introduction is important to hook the reader. A strong conclusion should add resolution to the conflict and evoke the
narrative’s theme.
2.9: Writing for Success: Narration is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
03: Illustration
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3: Illustration/Example Essay
03.1: Introduction to Illustration
3.1: Introduction to Illustration/Example Essay
03.2: Writing for Success: Illustration
3.2: Writing for Success: Illustration/Example
3.3: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri Klass
3.4: “April & Paris” by David Sedaris
03.5: Student Sample: Illustration
3.5: Student Sample: Illustration/Example Essay
03.6: Grammar
3.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
3: Illustration/Example Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
03.1: Introduction to Illustration
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3.1: Introduction to Illustration/Example Essay
To illustrate means to show or demonstrate something clearly. An effective illustration essay clearly demonstrates and supports a
point through the use of examples and/or evidence. Ultimately, you want the evidence to help the reader “see” your point, as one
would see a good illustration in a magazine or on a website. The stronger your evidence is, the more clearly the reader will consider
your point.
In this module, you will develop your skills in illustration/example writing.
Module Outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the purpose and structure of the illustration essay.
2. Understand how to write an illustration essay.
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03.2: Writing for Success: Illustration
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3.2: Writing for Success: Illustration/Example
This section will help you determine the purpose and structure of illustration/ example in writing.
specifically to illustrate
Vary the phrases of illustration you use. Do not rely on just one. Variety in choice of words and phrasing is critical when trying to
keep readers engaged in your writing and your ideas.
Key Takeaways
An illustration essay clearly explains a main point using evidence.
When choosing evidence, always gauge whether the evidence is appropriate for the subject as well as the audience.
Organize the evidence in terms of importance, either from least important to most important or from most important to least
Use time transitions to order evidence.
Use phrases of illustration to call out examples.
3.2: Writing for Success: Illustration/Example is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
3.3: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri Klass
In “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D,” pediatrician and writer Perri Klass discusses the medical-speak she encountered in her
training as a doctor and its underlying meaning.
Click on the link to view the essay: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri Klass
3.3: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri Klass is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by
3.4: “April & Paris” by David Sedaris
In “April & Paris,” writer David Sedaris explores the unique impact of animals on the human psyche.
Click on the link to view the essay: “April & Paris” by David Sedaris
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03.5: Student Sample: Illustration
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3.5: Student Sample: Illustration/Example Essay
Illustration/Example Essay Example
Letter to the City
To: Lakeview Department of Transportation
From: A Concerned Citizen
The intersection of Central Avenue and Lake Street is dangerous and demands immediate consideration for the installation of a
controlling mechanism. I have lived in Lakeview my entire life, and during that time I have witnessed too many accidents and close
calls at that intersection. I would like the Department of Transportation to answer this question: how many lives have to be lost on
the corner of Central Avenue and Lake Street before a street light or stop sign is placed there?
Over the past twenty years, the population of Lakeview has increased dramatically. This population growth has put tremendous
pressure on the city’s roadways, especially Central Avenue and its intersecting streets. At the intersection of Central Avenue and
Lake Street it is easy to see how serious this problem is. For example, when I try to cross Central Avenue as a pedestrian, I
frequently wait over ten minutes for the cars to clear, and even then I must rush to the median. I will then have to continue to wait
until I can finally run to the other side of the street. On one hand, even as a physically fit adult, I can run only with significant effort
and care. Expecting a senior citizen or a child to cross this street, on the other hand, is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. Does
the city have any plans to do anything about this?
Recent data show that the intersection of Central Avenue and Lake Street has been especially dangerous. According to the city’s
own statistics, three fatalities occurred at that intersection in the past year alone. Over the past five years, the intersection witnessed
fourteen car accidents, five of which were fatal. These numbers officially qualify the intersection as the most fatal and dangerous in
the entire state. It should go without saying that fatalities and accidents are not the clearest way of measuring the severity of this
situation because for each accident that happens, countless other close calls never contribute to city data. I hope you will agree that
these numbers alone are sufficient evidence that the intersection at Central Avenue and Lake Street is hazardous and demands
immediate attention.
Nearly all accidents mentioned are caused by vehicles trying to cross Central Avenue while driving on Lake Street. I think the City
of Lakeview should consider placing a traffic light there to control the traffic going both ways. While I do not have access to any
resources or data that can show precisely how much a traffic light can improve the intersection, I think you will agree that a
controlled busy intersection is much safer than an uncontrolled one. Therefore, at a minimum, the city must consider making the
intersection a four-way stop.
Each day that goes by without attention to this issue is a lost opportunity to save lives and make the community a safer, more
enjoyable place to live. Because the safety of citizens is the priority of every government, I can only expect that the Department of
Transportation and the City of Lakeview will act on this matter immediately. For the safety and well-being of Lakeview citizens,
please do not let bureaucracy or money impede this urgent project.
A Concerned Citizen
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03.6: Grammar
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3.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
To refresh your understanding of sentence fragments, review the videos below:
Sentence Fragments
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04: Compare
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4: Compare/Contrast Essay
04.1: Introduction to Compare
4.1: Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay
4.2: “Disability” by Nancy Mairs
4.3: “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise” by Alex Wright
4.4: “A South African Storm” by Allison Howard
04.5: Writing for Success: Compare
4.5: Writing for Success: Compare/Contrast
04.6: Grammar
4.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
4: Compare/Contrast Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
04.1: Introduction to Compare
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4.1: Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay
Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar, while contrast in writing discusses elements that are different.
The key to a good compare-and-contrast essay is to choose two or more subjects that connect in a meaningful way. The purpose of
conducting the comparison or contrast is not simply to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or unexpected
similarities. Through this process, the essay reveals insights that are interesting to the reader.
In this module, you will develop your skills in compare and contrast writing.
Module Outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the purpose and structure of the compare and contrast essay.
2. Understand how to write a compare and contrast essay.
4.1: Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
4.2: “Disability” by Nancy Mairs
In “Disability,” writer Nancy Mairs discusses the experience of being a disabled person in a world focused on the able-bodied.
Click on the link to view the essay: “Disability,” by Nancy Mairs
4.2: “Disability” by Nancy Mairs is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
4.3: “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise” by Alex Wright
In “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise,” writer Alex Wright explores the evolution and purpose of friendship in the age of social
Click on the link to view the essay: “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise” by Alex Wright
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4.4: “A South African Storm” by Allison Howard
As you read, look for the following:
What “points for comparison” does the author use?
How does the author go beyond the obvious similarities and differences to surface interesting ideas and insights?
By Allison Howard – Peace Corps Volunteer: South Africa (2003-2005)
It’s a Saturday afternoon in January in South Africa. When I begin the 45–minute walk to the shops for groceries, I can hear
thunder cracking in the distance up the mountain in Mageobaskloof. But at 4 p.m. the sky is still light and bright and I am sure—
famous last words—I will be fine without an umbrella.
Just the basics: eggs, bread, Diet Coke in a bag slung into the crook of my elbow. Halfway from town, two black South African
women—domestic workers in the homes of white Afrikaner families—stop me with wide smiles. They know me; I’m the only
white person in town who walks everywhere, as they do. They chatter quickly in northern Sotho: “Missus, you must go fast. Pula e
tla na! The rain, it comes!” They like me, and it feels very important to me that they do.“Yebo, yebo, mma,” I say—Yes, it’s true—
and I hurry along in flip-flops, quickening my pace, feeling good about our brief but neighborly conversation. These are Venda
My black South African friends tell me it’s easy to tell a Venda from a Shangaan from a Xhosa from a Pedi. “These ones from
Venda , they have wide across the nose and high in the cheekbones,” they say. But I don’t see it; I’m years away from being able to
distinguish the nuances of ethnicity. Today, I know these women are Vendas simply because of their clothing: bright stripes of
green and yellow and black fabric tied at one shoulder and hanging quite like a sack around their bodies. They’ve already extended
a kindness to me by speaking in northern Sotho. It’s not their language but they know I don’t speak a word of Afrikaans (though
they don’t understand why; Afrikaans is the language of white people). They know I struggle with Sotho and they’re trying to help
me learn. So they speak Sotho to me and they’re delighted and amused by my fumbling responses. And I am, quite simply,
delighted by their delight.
The Venda ladies are right: the rain, it comes. Lightly at first, and by habit I begin trotting to hurry my way home. Just a little rain
at first and there are plenty of us out in it. I can see others up ahead on the street and others still just leaving the shops to get back
before the real rain begins.
The people who are walking along this swath of tar road are black. Black people don’t live in this neighborhood—or in my town at
all, for the most part. They work and board here as domestic workers, nannies, gardeners. Their families live in black townships
and rural villages—some just outside of my town; others far away, in places like Venda.
Today, we’re walking together in the rain, and I’m quickening my pace because—after all , it’s raining . That’s what you do in the
rain. And even though it’s coming down noticeably harder, it’s 80 degrees and I’m not cold, I’m just wet. My hair is stuck to my
forehead and my T-shirt is soaked … and I’m the only one running for cover. And I think: So what? It’s just water and in the
middle of the January summer, it’s warm, refreshing water. Why run? Why do we run from the rain?
In my life back in the United States, I might run because I was carrying a leather handbag, or because I wore an outfit that
shouldn’t get wet. I would run because rain dishevels and messes things up. Mostly though, we run because we just do; it’s a habit.
I’ve done it a hundred times: running to my car or the subway station with a newspaper sheltering my head. I have never not
quickened my pace in the rain until today.
It took all of my 27 years and a move to Africa , where I don’t have a leather handbag to shelter or a pretty outfit to protect. I’m
wearing an old cotton skirt and a T-shirt, and I’m drenched, and I love it. I learn things here in the most ordinary circumstances.
And I feel like a smarter, better woman today because I got groceries in the rain.
But on the long walk home, positively soaked and smiling like a fool, I notice a car pulling over and a man yelling in Afrikaans to
get in, get in. I look in the direction I’ve come from and several meters behind me is a woman with a baby tied to her back and an
elderly man carrying bags, leading a young boy by the hand. On the road ahead, a woman about my age carries a parcel wrapped in
plastic, balanced precariously on her head. There are maybe 20 people walking with me in my reverie of rain and they are black.
And the man in the car is white and he’s gesturing frantically for me to get in. Why me? Why not the others? Because I’m white
and it’s about race. Everything is about race here.
This man in the car is trying to do something kind and neighborly. He wants to help me and his gesture is right, but his instincts are
so wrong. How do you resent someone who is, for no benefit of his own, trying to help? But I do. I resent him and I resent the
world he lives in that taught him such selective kindness. This whole event unravels in a few seconds’ time. He’s leaned over and
opened the car door, urging me in … and I get in. And we speed past my fellow walkers and he drops me at my doorstep before I
have time to think of anything besides giving him directions.
It feels like a mistake because I’m ashamed to think what the Venda women would have felt if he’d ignored them and they had
watched me climb into that car. In some ways, the whole episode seems absurd. I’m not going to atone for 400 years of South
African history by walking with black people in the rain. If I’d refused his ride, he wouldn’t have thought anything besides the fact
that I was certifiably crazy. That’s the thing about being here: I’m not going to changeanything. But I believe it matters in some
infinitesimal way that people like the Venda women, and the dozens of people who may walk alongside me on any given day, know
that I’m there. In black South African culture it is polite to greet every person you pass. That’s what they do, so I do it, too. On the
occasional morning, someone might greet me as “sesi,” sister. I have to believe that matters; I know it matters to me.
I was disappointed in myself for getting into the car because I acted according to the same habit that makes us think rain an
inconvenience. Just as we run from the rain, I hopped into that car because I’m supposed to. Conventionally, it makes sense. But
convention compels us to do so many things that don’t make any sense at all. Convention misinforms our instincts. And in a larger
sense, it is convention that propels Afrikaner culture anachronistically into the future. Ten years after the supposed end of
apartheid, I’m living in a world of institutionalized racism. Convention becomes institution—and it’s oppressive and it’s unjust. I
know that if I’m going to make it here for two more years, I need to walk in the rain. It’s a small, wasted gesture, but it’s an
uncorrupted instinct that makes me feel human.
So much about living here feels like that fraction of a second when the Afrikaner man was appealing to my conventional
sensibilities and the people on the street were appealing to my human instincts. It may feel unnatural to reject those sensibilities just
as, at first, it feels unnatural to walk in the rain. But if I lose a hold on my instincts here, I’ll fail myself and I’ll fail to achieve those
tiny things that matter so much. It’s simple and it’s small; and it’s everything. Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the
world.” Indeed. Let it rain.
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04.5: Writing for Success: Compare
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4.5: Writing for Success: Compare/Contrast
This section will help you determine the purpose and structure of comparison/contrast in writing.
Comparison Contrast
both conversely
Comparison Contrast
like in contrast
likewise unlike
similarly while
Both cities also share and differ in cultural diversity and cost of living. Both cities share a very expensive cost of living—both in
terms of housing and shopping. A downtown one-bedroom apartment in DC can easily cost $1,800 per month, and a similar “flat”
in London may double that amount. These high costs create socioeconomic disparity among the residents. Although both cities’
residents are predominantly wealthy, both have a significantly large population of poor and homeless. Perhaps the most significant
difference between the resident demographics is the racial makeup. Washington, DC, is a “minority majority” city, which means the
majority of its citizens are races other than white. In 2009, according to the US Census, 55 percent of DC residents were classified
as “Black or African American” and 35 percent of its residents were classified as “white.” London, by contrast, has very few
minorities—in 2006, 70 percent of its population was “white,” while only 10 percent was “black.” The racial demographic
differences between the cities is drastic.
Even though Washington, DC, and London are major capital cities of English-speaking countries in the Western world, they have
many differences along with their similarities. They have vastly different histories, art cultures, and racial demographics, but they
remain similar in their cost of living and socioeconomic disparity.
A compare-and-contrast essay analyzes two subjects by either comparing them, contrasting them, or both.
The purpose of writing a comparison or contrast essay is not to state the obvious but rather to illuminate subtle differences or
unexpected similarities between two subjects.
The thesis should clearly state the subjects that are to be compared, contrasted, or both, and it should state what is to be learned
from doing so.
There are two main organizing strategies for compare-and-contrast essays.
1. Organize by the subjects themselves, one then the other.
2. Organize by individual points, in which you discuss each subject in relation to each point.
Use phrases of comparison or phrases of contrast to signal to readers how exactly the two subjects are being analyzed.
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04.6: Grammar
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4.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
To refresh your understanding of run-on sentences and comma splice sentences, review the videos below:
Run-on Sentences
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5: Cause and Effect Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
5.1: Introduction to Cause and Effect Essay
Module Outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the purpose and structure of the cause and effect essay.
2. Understand how to write a cause and effect essay.
5.1: Introduction to Cause and Effect Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
5.2: “Cultural Baggage” by Barbara Ehrenreich
Click on the link to view the essay: “Cultural Baggage” by Barbara Ehrenreich
As you read, first identify the author’s primary thesis or theme. Then identify the “causes” and/or “effects” that help reinforce the
author’s thesis.
5.2: “Cultural Baggage” by Barbara Ehrenreich is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
5.3: “Women in Science” by K.C. Cole
Click on the link to view the essay: “Women in Science” by K.C. Cole
As you read, first identify the author’s primary thesis or theme. Then identify the “causes” and/or “effects” that help reinforce the
author’s thesis.
5.3: “Women in Science” by K.C. Cole is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
5.4: Writing for Success: Cause and Effect
This section will help you determine the purpose and structure of cause and effect in writing.
as a result consequently
because due to
hence since
thus therefore
The conclusion should wrap up the discussion and reinforce the thesis, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the
relationship that was analyzed.
Be careful of resorting to empty speculation. In writing, speculation amounts to unsubstantiated guessing. Writers are particularly
prone to such trappings in cause-and-effect arguments due to the complex nature of finding links between phenomena. Be sure to
have clear evidence to support the claims that you make.
Key Takeaways
The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena are related.
The thesis states what the writer sees as the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event.
The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of these two primary ways:
Start with the cause and then talk about the effect.
Start with the effect and then talk about the cause.
Strong evidence is particularly important in the cause-and-effect essay due to the complexity of determining connections
between phenomena.
Phrases of causation are helpful in signaling links between various elements in the essay.
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5.5: Student Sample: Cause and Effect Essay
Cause and Effect Essay Example
Effects of Video Game Addiction
Video game addition is a serious problem in many parts of the world today and deserves more attention. It is no secret that children
and adults in many countries throughout the world, including Japan, China, and the United States, play video games every day.
Most players are able to limit their usage in ways that do not interfere with their daily lives, but many others have developed an
addiction to playing video games and suffer detrimental effects.
An addiction can be described in several ways, but generally speaking, addictions involve unhealthy attractions to substances or
activities that ultimately disrupt the ability of a person to keep up with regular daily responsibilities. Video game addiction typically
involves playing games uncontrollably for many hours at a time—some people will play only four hours at a time while others
cannot stop for over twenty-four hours. Regardless of the severity of the addiction, many of the same effects will be experienced by
One common effect of video game addiction is isolation and withdrawal from social experiences. Video game players often hide in
their homes or in Internet cafés for days at a time—only reemerging for the most pressing tasks and necessities. The effect of this
isolation can lead to a breakdown of communication skills and often a loss in socialization. While it is true that many games,
especially massive multiplayer online games, involve a very real form of e-based communication and coordination with others, and
these virtual interactions often result in real communities that can be healthy for the players, these communities and forms of
communication rarely translate to the types of valuable social interaction that humans need to maintain typical social functioning.
As a result, the social networking in these online games often gives the users the impression that they are interacting socially, while
their true social lives and personal relations may suffer.
Another unfortunate product of the isolation that often accompanies video game addiction is the disruption of the user’s career.
While many players manage to enjoy video games and still hold their jobs without problems, others experience challenges at their
workplace. Some may only experience warnings or demerits as a result of poorer performance, or others may end up losing their
jobs altogether. Playing video games for extended periods of time often involves sleep deprivation, and this tends to carry over to
the workplace, reducing production and causing habitual tardiness.
Video game addiction may result in a decline in overall health and hygiene. Players who interact with video games for such
significant amounts of time can go an entire day without eating and even longer without basic hygiene tasks, such as using the
restroom or bathing. The effects of this behavior pose significant danger to their overall health.
The causes of video game addiction are complex and can vary greatly, but the effects have the potential to be severe. Playing video
games can and should be a fun activity for all to enjoy. But just like everything else, the amount of time one spends playing video
games needs to be balanced with personal and social responsibilities.
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05.6: Grammar
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5.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
To refresh your understanding of how to correctly use commas, review the videos below:
How to Use Commas – Overview
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6: Using Sources
6.1: Preliminary Research Strategies
6.10: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism
6.11: Avoiding Plagiarism
6.12: How to Write a Summary by Paraphrasing Source Material
6.13: MLA Format
6.14: Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA)
6.15: Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA)
6.16: APA Citation Style, 6th edition: General Style Guidelines
06.17: Grammar
6.17: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
6.2: Intermediate Research Strategies
6.3: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
6.4: How to Search in a Library Database
6.5: Evaluating Sources
6.6: Why Is Research Important?
6.7: Tools for Evaluating Sources
6.8: Using Multiple Sources
6.9: Using Sources in Your Paper
6: Using Sources is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.1: Preliminary Research Strategies
The first step towards writing a research paper is pretty obvious: find sources. Not everything that you find will be good, and those
that are good are not always easily found. Having an idea of what you’re looking for–what will most help you develop your essay
and enforce your thesis–will help guide your process.
A broad online search will yield thousands of sources, which no one could be expected to read through. To make it easier on
yourself, the next step is to narrow your focus. Think about what kind of position or stance you can take on the topic. What about it
strikes you as most interesting? Refer back to the prewriting stage of the writing process, which will come in handy here.
Use features already available through Google Search like Search Tools and Advanced Search to narrow and refine your
As you narrow your focus, create a list of questions that you’ll need to answer in order to write a good essay on the topic. The
research process will help you answer these questions.
Another part of your research plan should include the type of sources you want to gather. Keep track of these sources in a
bibliography and jot down notes about the book, article, or document and how it will be useful to your essay. This will save you a
lot of time later in the essay process–you’ll thank yourself!
6.1: Preliminary Research Strategies is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.10: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism
How to Summarize: An Overview
How to Quote and Paraphrase: An Overview
When to Quote, When to Paraphrase
Four Examples of Quotes and Paraphrases
How to Avoid Plagiarism in the Research Process
Plagiarism and the Internet
Learning how to effectively quote and paraphrase research can be difficult and it certainly takes practice. Hopefully, your abilities
to make good use of your research will improve as you work through the exercises in part two and three of The Process of Research
Writing, not to mention as you take on other research writing experiences beyond this class. The goal of this chapter is to introduce
some basic strategies for summarizing, quoting and paraphrasing research in your writing and to explain how to avoid plagiarizing
your research.
The method you should follow to properly quote or paraphrase depends on the style guide you are following in your academic
writing. The two most common style guides used in academic writing are the Modern Language Association (MLA), and the
American Psychological Association (APA). I discuss both of these different style guides in some detail in the Appendix of this
book. Your instructor will probably assign one of these styles before you begin working on your project, however, if he/she doesn’t
mention this, be sure to ask.
In this revision, it’s much more clear what point the writer is trying to make with this evidence and where this evidence comes
In this particular example, the passage is from a traditional print journal called Pharmaceutical Executive. However, the writer
needs to indicate that she actually found and read this article through Wilson Select, an Internet database which reproduces the “full
text” of articles from periodicals without any graphics, charts, or page numbers.
When you use a direct quote in your research, you need to the indicate page number of that direct quote or you need to indicate that
the evidence has no specific page numbers. While it can be a bit awkward to indicate within the text how the writer found this
information if it’s from the Internet, it’s important to do so on the first reference of a piece of evidence in your writing. On
references to this piece of evidence after the first reference, you can use just the last name of the writer. For example:
Wechsler also reports on the positive effects of advertising prescription drugs on television. She writes…
their advantage by communicating via email and chat rooms with other criminals.
Again, this revision is better because the additional information introduces and explains the point of the evidence. In this particular
example, the author’s name is also incorporated into the explanation of the evidence as well. In APA, it is preferable to weave in
the author’s name into your essay, usually at the beginning of a sentence. However, it would also have been acceptable to end an
improved paraphrase with just the author’s last name and the date of publication in parentheses.
does not mean you can use this information in your academic writing without properly citing it, much in the same way that the
information from library journals and books “freely” available to you needs to be cited in order to give credit where credit is due.
It is also not acceptable to simply download graphics from the World Wide Web. Images found on the Internet are protected by
copyright laws. Quite literally, taking images from the Web (particularly from commercial sources) is an offense that could lead to
legal action. There are places where you can find graphics and clip art that Web publishers have made publicly available for
anyone to use, but be sure that the Web site where you find the graphics makes this explicit before you take graphics as your own.
In short, you can use evidence from the Web as long as you don’t plagiarize and as long as you properly cite it; don’t take graphics
from the Web unless you know the images are in the public domain.
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6.11: Avoiding Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarizing
Tip #1: Make Sure You Are Very Certain about What Is and is Not Plagiarism
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Tip #4: Don’t Include Too Much Material Taken from Other Sources
Tips for integrating sources into your research.
Writing assignments are about your ideas, your interpretations, and your ability to synthesize information. You should use relevant
sources to support your ideas using evidence such as quotes, paraphrases, and summaries, as well as statistics and other data. But
don’t lose sight of the fact that your argument is central! Including too much material from other sources can result in a paper that
feels like it has been pasted together from a variety of authors, rather than a cohesive essay. Such papers also run a much
higher risk of setting off plagiarism warnings in SafeAssign or other plagiarism-detecting software. Try to find a balance: use
enough evidence from credible sources to prove your points but don’t let the ideas of others take the place of your own thoughts.
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6.12: How to Write a Summary by Paraphrasing Source Material
When you paraphrase material from a source, you restate the information from an entire sentence or passage in your own words,
using your own original sentence structure. A paraphrased source differs from a summarized source in that you focus on restating
the ideas, not condensing them.
It is important to check your paraphrase against the source material to make sure it is both accurate and original. Inexperienced
writers sometimes use the thesaurus method of paraphrasing—that is, they simply rewrite the source material, replacing most of the
words with synonyms. This constitutes a misuse of sources. A true paraphrase restates ideas using the writer’s own language and
Review the videos below about developing paraphrasing skills with writing:
Instruction on how to paraphrase:
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How to avoid plagiarism when paraphrasing a text:
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Write a Summary the way you always have, i.e., selecting “word-for-word” passages from the essay included in this module.
Cite the page numbers in parentheses as you have up to now.
Make a copy of your summary and place it below the original. Go into the copy of your summary and try to paraphrase each
“word-for-word” passage that you cited.
When writing a summary, remember that it should be in the form of a paragraph.
A summary begins with an introductory sentence that states the text’s title, author and main point of the text as you see it.
A summary is written in your own words.
A summary contains only the ideas of the original text. Do not insert any of your own opinions, interpretations, deductions or
comments into a summary.
Identify in order the significant sub-claims the author uses to defend the main point.
Using source material from the essay is important. Why? Because defending claims with source material is what you will be
asked to do when writing papers for your college professors.
Write a last sentence that “wraps” up your summary; often a simple rephrasing of the main point.
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by LibreTexts.
6.13: MLA Format
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MLA Checklist
Is the heading in the upper left-hand corner of the first page?
Does the heading include:
Your name?
Your instructor’s name?
The course name?
The date?
Does the paper have an original title (other than something like “Final Paper”)?
Is the title presented without being bolded, italicized, or placed in quotation marks
Read more…
MLA Template
Read more…
6.13: MLA Format is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.14: Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA)
Whenever you incorporate outside sources into your own writing, you must provide both in-text citations (within the body of the
paper) and full citations (in the works cited page). The in-text citations point your reader toward the full citations in the works cited
That’s why the first bit of information in your in-text citation (generally, the author’s name; if no name is provided, the title of the
article/book/webpage) should directly match up with the beginning of your works cited entry for that source.
For example, let’s say I have a quote from Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities in my research paper. Within the body of
the paper, following the quote, I include the following in-text citation: (Anderson 56). This information points to the book’s entry in
my works cited page:
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 2006. Print.
When your reader sees the in-text citation in your essay, she may decide that the source might be valuable for her own research.
When she looks at the works cited page, she can easily locate the source (because the works cited page is alphabetized and because
she has the in-text citation as her referent) and then can use the full citation to retrieve a copy of the source for her own research.
But aside from providing the reader with resources for her own research, the works cited page serves another function: it
establishes the writer’s credibility. If a writer fails to include in-text citations and/or a works cited page, that writer has plagiarized
because he or she has neglected to provide the publication information of the source. In addition, when a reader locates
undocumented information in an essay, she will likely think that the information was made up by the writer or that the information
was stolen from a source, or plagiarized. And when a reader peruses a writer’s works cited page, she can see the types of sources
used by the writer, assessing those sources in terms of their credibility. For instance, if a reader reads my works cited page and sees
I cite sources from university presses such as Oxford UP and Cambridge UP, she will know that I’ve incorporated credible sources
into my research paper. Thus, including both in-text citations and a works cited page in a research paper provides the writer with
ethos, or credibility.
Now let’s take a look at how to properly format a works cited page according to MLA guidelines:
Yirinec 38
Works Cited
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 2006. Print.
Boucicault, Dion. “Jessie Brown; or, The Relief of Lucknow.” Plays by Dion Boucicault. Ed Peter Thompson. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1984. Print.
Bratlinger, Patrick. Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830–1914. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1988. Print.
Carens, Timothy. Outlandish English Subjects in the Victorian Domestic Novel. Cambridge: Palgrave, 2005. Print.
Collins, Wilkie. The Moonstone. Mineola, NY: Dover, 2002. Print.
Darwin, Charles. The Voyage of the Beagle. New York: Modern Library, 2001. Print.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. The Sign of the Four. London: Aziloth Books, 2010. Print.
Haggard, H. Rider. She. Breinigsville, PA: Dodo, 2011. Print.
Herbert, Christopher. War of No Pity: The Indian Mutiny and Victorian Trauma. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2008. Print.
According to MLA guidelines, the works cited page should appear after the body of your paper and any accompanying endnotes. It
should begin on a new page, and the pagination should continue from the body of the paper. In the above example, the works cited
page begins on page 38, which means that the essay concluded on page 37.
General Format
The works cited page should be double-spaced throughout. The first line of each entry should be flush with the left margin; if the
entry extends more than one line, ensuing lines should be indented 1/2 inch from the left margin. The first page of the works cited
list should have the title “Works Cited,” not “Bibliography.” The works cited title should appear in the same manner as the paper’s
title: capitalized and centered—not bolded, within quotation marks, italicized, underlined, or in a larger font.
The entries should be alphabetized based on the author’s last name. According to MLA guidelines, author names come first in an
entry, then titles, then the publication information (city of publication, publisher, and date of publication), and then the type of
media—the details for different types of sources vary, but this is the general structure followed. Note that if the city is not “well-
known” and there is more than one city with that name, unlike New York and London, then the state or territory should be included
after the city, e.g., “Roswell, GA: 2006.” If no name is provided for a given source, the title of the work/webpage will take the
place of the author’s last name and should still be placed in its proper alphabetical location. Also note that “university” and “press”
are always abbreviated “U” and “P” in works cited entries.
Here are some guidelines for commonly used sources:
Single-Authored Book
Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Type of media.
Bratlinger, Patrick. Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830–1914. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1988. Print.
Article Accessed from an Online Journal
Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Name Volume #.Issue # (Date of publication): n.pag. Web. Date of Access.
Haynsworth, Leslie. “All the Detective’s Men: Binary Coding of Masculine Identity in the Sherlock Holmes Stories.” Victorians
Institute Journal 38 (2010): n.pag. Web. 16 May 2012.
Entire Website
Website Title. Publisher of website, date of last update. Date of Access. See (URL is only necessary if you think your reader won’t
easily be able to locate the webpage).
Example:, Inc., 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2012.
For information about how to format the works cited entries for different sources, consult The MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers (7th edition). Or, consult the
Purdue OWL.
6.14: Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA) is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.15: Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA)
How should a paraphrased passage be cited?
When paraphrasing a passage, it is essential to express the ideas of the author in your own original words; however, the author’s
message and meaning should always be preserved.
Charges of plagiarism can be avoided by including the proper citation of the work you are drawing from in your paraphrase. The
APA requires a paraphrase to include the author’s last name and the work’s year of publication, but also suggests that the page
number of the original text be included.
See also:
Formatting In-text Citations (APA)
[1] Pender, K. (1998). Digital colour in graphic design. Burlington, VT: Elsevier Science & Technology.
[2] Balcetis, E. (2010). Social psychology of visual perception. Hoboken, NJ: Taylor & Francis.
[3] Dorros, S. (1989). Parkinson’s: A patient’s view. Cabin John, MD: Seven Locks Press.
[4] Duvoisin, R. C. (1991). Parkinson’s disease: A guide for patient and family. New York, NY: Raven Press.
[5] Hauser, R. A., & Zesiewicz, T. A. (1996). Parkinson’s disease: Questions and answers. Coral Springs, FL: Merit.
6.15: Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA) is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.16: APA Citation Style, 6th edition: General Style Guidelines
General Guidelines for Writing a Paper: APA Style
All sources of information and data, whether quoted directly or paraphrased, are cited with parenthetical references in the text
of your paper (p. 170).
Example: (Walker, 2003).
Double-space your entire paper, including the References list and any block quotes (pp.171, 180).
Citations In Text
How to Cite a Direct Quote (pp.170-171)
When you incorporate a direct quotation into a sentence, you must cite the source. Fit quotations within your sentences, enclosed in
quotation marks, making sure the sentences are grammatically correct.
Gibaldi (2003, p. 109) indicates that, “Quotations are effective in research papers when used selectively.”
Remember that “[q]uotations are effective in research papers when used selectively” (Gibaldi, 2003, p. 109).
In 2003, Gibaldi wrote that, “Quotations are effective in research papers when used selectively” (p. 109).
If a quotation is 40 words or more, omit quotation marks and use a block format in which the quotation is indented about ½ inch
(or 5 spaces) from the left margin.
How to Cite Sources when the Primary Authors have the same Surname (p.176)
If two or more of your sources are written by authors with the same surname, include the first author’s initials with the surname in
every in-text reference.
Example: Among studies, we review M. A. Light and Light (2008) and I. Light (2006) …
Note: There is a helpful chart on how to cite references with different numbers of authors on page 177 of the Manual.
How to Cite Information When You Have Not Seen the Original Source (p.178)
Sometimes an author writes about research that someone else has done, but you are unable to track down the original research
report. In this case, because you did not read the original report, you will include only the source you did consult in your
References. The words “as cited in” in the parenthetical reference indicate you have not read the original research.
Fong’s 1987 study (as cited in Bertram, 1996) found that older students’ memory can be as good as that of young people, but
this depends on how memory is tested. [Do not include Fong (1987) in your References; do include Bertram (1996).]
Subject Guide
Gisela Butera
Email Me
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by LibreTexts.
06.17: Grammar
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06.17: Grammar is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.17: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture
To strengthen your understanding of parallelism in sentence structure, review the videos below:
Parallelism in Writing – What it is and how to avoid problems
Parallelism in Grammar
6.17: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.2: Intermediate Research Strategies
“Popular” vs. “Scholarly” Sources
Research-based writing assignments in college will often require that you use scholarly sources in the essay. Different from the
types of articles found in newspapers or general-interest magazines, scholarly sources have a few distinguishing characteristics.
Intended Broad: readers are not expected to know Narrow: readers are expected to be familiar with the topic before-hand
Audience much about the topic already
Author Journalist: may have a broad area of Subject Matter Expert: often has a degree in the subject and/or extensive
specialization (war correspondent, media experience on the topic
Research Includes quotes from interviews. No Includes summaries, paraphrases, and quotations from previous writing
bibliography. done on the subject. Footnotes and citations. Ends with bibliography.
Publication Article is reviewed by editor and Article has gone through a peer-review process, where experts on the field
Standards proofreader have given input before publication
The first step in finding scholarly resources is to look in the right place. Sites like Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia may be good for
popular sources, but if you want something you can cite in a scholarly paper, you need to find it from a scholarly database.
Two common scholarly databases are Academic Search Premier and ProQuest, though many others are also available that focus
on specific topics. Your school library pays to subscribe to these databases, to make them available for you to use as a student.
You have another incredible resource at your fingertips: your college’s librarians! For help locating resources, you will find that
librarians are extremely knowledgeable and may help you uncover sources you would never have found on your own—maybe your
school has a microfilm collection, an extensive genealogy database, or access to another library’s catalog. You will not know unless
you utilize the valuable skills available to you, so be sure to find out how to get in touch with a research librarian for support!
6.2: Intermediate Research Strategies is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.3: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
When searching for information on a topic, it is important to understand the value of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources.
Primary sources allow researchers to get as close as possible to original ideas, events, and empirical research as possible. Such
sources may include creative works, first hand or contemporary accounts of events, and the publication of the results of empirical
observations or research.
Secondary sources analyze, review, or summarize information in primary resources or other secondary resources. Even sources
presenting facts or descriptions about events are secondary unless they are based on direct participation or observation. Moreover,
secondary sources often rely on other secondary sources and standard disciplinary methods to reach results, and they provide the
principle sources of analysis about primary sources.
Tertiary sources provide overviews of topics by synthesizing information gathered from other resources. Tertiary resources often
provide data in a convenient form or provide information with context by which to interpret it.
The distinctions between primary, secondary, and tertiary sources can be ambiguous. An individual document may be a primary
source in one context and a secondary source in another. Encyclopedias are typically considered tertiary sources, but a study of how
encyclopedias have changed on the Internet would use them as primary sources. Time is a defining element.
While these definitions are clear, the lines begin to blur in the different discipline areas.
Art Painting Critical review of the painting Encyclopedia article on the artist
History Civil War diary Book on a Civil War Battle List of battle sites
Literature Novel or poem Essay about themes in the work Biography of the author
Political science Geneva Convention Article about prisoners of war Chronology of treaties
In the Sciences
In the sciences, primary sources are documents that provide full description of the original research. For example, a primary source
would be a journal article where scientists describe their research on the genetics of tobacco plants. A secondary source would be
an article commenting or analyzing the scientists’ research on tobacco.
Primary sources
Conference proceedings
Lab notebooks
Technical reports
Theses and dissertations
These are where the results of original research are usually first published in the sciences. This makes them the best source of
information on cutting edge topics. However the new ideas presented may not be fully refined or validated yet.
Secondary sources
These tend to summarize the existing state of knowledge in a field at the time of publication. Secondary sources are good to find
comparisons of different ideas and theories and to see how they may have changed over time.
Tertiary sources
These types of sources present condensed material, generally with references back to the primary and/or secondary literature. They
can be a good place to look up data or to get an overview of a subject, but they rarely contain original material.
Agriculture Conference paper on tobacco Review article on the current state of tobacco Encyclopedia article on
genetics research tobacco
6.3: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.4: How to Search in a Library Database
Scholarly databases like the ones your library subscribes to work differently than search engines like Google and Yahoo because
they offer sophisticated tools and techniques for searching that can improve your results.
Databases may look different but they can all be used in similar ways. Most databases can be searched using keywords or fields. In
a keyword search, you want to search for the main concepts or synonyms of your keywords. A field is a specific part of a record in
a database. Common fields that can be searched are author, title, subject, or abstract. If you already know the author of a specific
article, entering their “Last Name, First Name” in the author field will pull more relevant records than a keyword search. This will
ensure all results are articles written by the author and not articles about that author or with that author’s name. For example,
a keyword search for “Albert Einstein” will search anywhere in the record for Albert Einstein and reveal 12, 719 results. Instead, a
field search for Author: “Einstein, Albert” will show 54 results, all written by Albert Einstein.
Learn More
This short video demonstrates how to perform a title search within the popular EBSCO database, Academic Search Complete.
CC-BY-NC-SA image from UCI Libraries Begin Research Online Workshop Tutorial.
Many databases, including the library catalog, offer tools to help you narrow or expand your search. Take advantage of these. The
most common tools are Boolean searching and truncation.
Boolean Searching
Boolean searching allows you to use AND, OR, and NOT to combine your search terms. Here are some examples:
1. “Endangered Species” AND “Global Warming” When you combine search terms with AND, you’ll get results in which
BOTH terms are present. Using AND limits the number of results because all search terms must appear in your results.
“Miami Dolphins”
NOT “Football”
removes the white
circle (football) from
the green search
results (Miami
Truncation allows you to search different forms of the same word at the same time. Use the root of a word and add an asterisk (*)
as a substitute for the word’s ending. It can save time and increase your search to include related words. For example, a search for
“Psycho*” would pull results on psychology, psychological, psychologist, psychosis, and psychoanalyst.
6.4: How to Search in a Library Database is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
6.5: Evaluating Sources
You will need to evaluate each source you consider using by asking two questions:
Is this source trustworthy?
Is this source suitable?
Not every suitable source is trustworthy, and not every trustworthy source is suitable.
Determining Suitability
Your task as a researcher is to determine the appropriateness of the information your source contains, for your particular research
project. It is a simple question, really: will this source help me answer the research questions that I am posing in my project? Will it
help me learn as much as I can about my topic? Will it help me write an interesting, convincing essay for my readers?
Determining Trustworthiness
Click through the slideshow to read about techniques for analyzing sources and differentiating between popular and scholarly
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6.6: Why Is Research Important?
The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
A few years ago a little-known animal species suddenly made headlines. The charming but elusive Tree Octopus became the focal
point of internet scrutiny.
If you’ve never heard of the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, take a few minutes to learn more about it on this website, devoted to
saving the endangered species.
You can also watch this brief video for more about the creatures:
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
Source Reliability
If you’re starting to get the feeling that something’s not quite right here, you’re on the right track. The Tree Octopus website is a
hoax, although a beautifully done one. There is no such creature, unfortunately.
Many of us feel that “digital natives”–people who have grown up using the internet–are naturally web-savvy. However, a 2011
U.S. Department of Education study that used the Tree Octopus website as a focal point revealed that students who encountered
this website completely fell for it. According to an NBC news story by Scott Beaulieu, “In fact, not only did the students believe
that the tree octopus was real, they actually refused to believe researchers when they told them the creature was fake.”[1]
While this is a relatively harmless example of a joke website, it helps to demonstrate that anyone can say anything they want on the
internet. A good-looking website can be very convincing, regardless of what it says. The more you research, the more you’ll see
that sometimes the least-professional-looking websites offer the most credible information, and the most-professional-looking
websites can be full of biased, misleading, or outright wrong information.
There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to resource reliability. Each new source has to be evaluated on its own merit, and
this module will offer you a set of tools to help you do just that.
In this module, you’ll learn about tips and techniques to enable you to find, analyze, integrate, and document sources in your
1. ↵
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6.7: Tools for Evaluating Sources
Need a good way to evaluate a source? Take a look at its “craap”!
The C.R.A.A.P. method is a way to determine the validity and relevance of a source. C.R.A.A.P. stands for
C: Currency. When was the information published?
R: Relevance. How relevant to your goals is the information?
A: Authority. How well does the author of the information know the information?
A: Accuracy. How reliable is the information?
P: Purpose. Why does this information exist in this way?
If the source you’re looking at is fairly current, relevant, and accurate, it’s probably a good source to use. Depending on the aim of
your paper, you’ll be looking for an authority and purpose that are unbiased and informative.
A YouTube element has been excluded from this version of the text. You can view it online here:
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6.8: Using Multiple Sources
Sources are a great help for understanding a topic more deeply. But what about when sources don’t quite agree with one another,
or challenge what you have experienced yourself?
This is where your skill of synthesis comes into play, as a writer. Synthesizing includes comparison and contrast, but also allows
you to combine multiple perspectives on a topic to reach a deeper understanding.
This video explains the process of synthesis in action.
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6.9: Using Sources in Your Paper
Within the pages of your research essay, it is important to properly reference and cite your sources to avoid plagiarism and to give
credit for original ideas.
There are three main ways to put a source to use in your essay: you can quote it, you can summarize it, and you can paraphrase it.
Direct quotations are words and phrases that are taken directly from another source, and then used word-for-
word in your paper. If you incorporate a direct quotation from another author’s text, you must put that quotation or phrase in
quotation marks to indicate that it is not your language.
When writing direct quotations, you can use the source author’s name in the same sentence as the quotation to introduce the quoted
text and to indicate the source in which you found the text. You should then include the page number or other relevant information
in parentheses at the end of the phrase (the exact format will depend on the formatting style of your essay).
Summarizing involves condensing the main idea of a source into a much shorter overview. A summary outlines a source’s most
important points and general position. When summarizing a source, it is still necessary to use a citation to give credit to the original
author. You must reference the author or source in the appropriate citation method at the end of the summary.
When paraphrasing, you may put any part of a source (such as a phrase, sentence, paragraph, or chapter) into your own words. You
may find that the original source uses language that is more clear, concise, or specific than your own language, in which case you
should use a direct quotation, putting quotation marks around those unique words or phrases you don’t change.
It is common to use a mixture of paraphrased text and quoted words or phrases, as long as the direct quotations are inside of
quotation marks.
Sources that are not properly integrated into your paper are like “bricks
without mortar: you have the essential substance, but there’s nothing to hold
it together, rendering the whole thing formless” (Smith).
Providing Context for Your Sources
Whether you use a direct quotation, a summary, or a paraphrase, it is important to distinguish the original source from your ideas,
and to explain how the cited source fits into your argument. While the use of quotation marks or parenthetical citations tells your
reader that these are not your own words or ideas, you should follow the quote with a description, in your own terms, of what the
quote says and why it is relevant to the purpose of your paper. You should not let quoted or paraphrased text stand alone in your
paper, but rather, should integrate the sources into your argument by providing context and explanations about how each source
supports your argument.[1]
1. Smith, Matt. "Putting It All Together: Thesis Synthesis." Web log post. Walden University Writing Center, 12 Apr. 2013. Web.
04 Apr. 2016. ↵
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7: Argument Essay
7.1: Introduction to Argument Essay
7.2: Evidence
7.3: Rogerian Argument
7.4: “The Case Against Torture,” by Alisa Soloman
7.5: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin
7.6: Writing for Success: Argument
7.7: Student Sample: Argument Essay
7: Argument Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.1: Introduction to Argument Essay
The idea of an argument often conjures up images of two people yelling and screaming in anger. In writing, however, an argument
is very different. An argument is a reasoned opinion supported and explained by evidence. To argue effectively in writing is to
advance knowledge and ideas in a positive, persuasive way. Written arguments often fail when they employ ranting rather than
In this module, you will develop your skills in argumentative and persuasive writing.
Module Outcomes
After successfully completing this module, you should be able to:
1. Determine the purpose and structure of an argumentative essay.
2. Understand how to write an argumentative essay.
7.1: Introduction to Argument Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.2: Evidence
This handout will provide a broad overview of gathering and using evidence. It will help you decide what counts as evidence, put
evidence to work in your writing, and determine whether you have enough evidence. It will also offer links to additional resources.
Many papers that you write in college will require you to make an argument; this means that you must take a position on the
subject you are discussing and support that position with evidence. It’s important that you use the right kind of evidence, that you
use it effectively, and that you have an appropriate amount of it. If, for example, your philosophy professor didn’t like it that you
used a survey of public opinion as your primary evidence in your ethics paper, you need to find out more about what philosophers
count as good evidence. If your instructor has told you that you need more analysis, suggested that you’re “just listing” points or
giving a “laundry list,” or asked you how certain points are related to your argument, it may mean that you can do more to fully
incorporate your evidence into your argument. Comments like “for example?,” “proof?,” “go deeper,” or “expand” in the margins
of your graded paper suggest that you may need more evidence. Let’s take a look at each of these issues—understanding what
counts as evidence, using evidence in your argument, and deciding whether you need more evidence.
assignment you are completing. Just visit the reference desk at Davis or the Undergraduate Library or chat with a librarian online
(the library’s IM screen name is undergradref).
Sometimes you can directly observe the thing you are interested in, by watching, listening to, touching, tasting, or smelling it. For
example, if you were asked to write about Mozart’s music, you could listen to it; if your topic was how businesses attract traffic,
you might go and look at window displays at the mall.
An interview is a good way to collect information that you can’t find through any other type of research. An interview can provide
an expert’s opinion, biographical or first-hand experiences, and suggestions for further research.
Surveys allow you to find out some of what a group of people thinks about a topic. Designing an effective survey and interpreting
the data you get can be challenging, so it’s a good idea to check with your instructor before creating or administering a survey.
Experimental data serve as the primary form of scientific evidence. For scientific experiments, you should follow the specific
guidelines of the discipline you are studying. For writing in other fields, more informal experiments might be acceptable as
evidence. For example, if you want to prove that food choices in a cafeteria are affected by gender norms, you might ask
classmates to undermine those norms on purpose and observe how others react. What would happen if a football player were eating
dinner with his teammates and he brought a small salad and diet drink to the table, all the while murmuring about his waistline and
wondering how many fat grams the salad dressing contained?
Personal experience
Using your own experiences can be a powerful way to appeal to your readers. You should, however, use personal experience only
when it is appropriate to your topic, your writing goals, and your audience. Personal experience should not be your only form of
evidence in most papers, and some disciplines frown on using personal experience at all. For example, a story about the microscope
you received as a Christmas gift when you were nine years old is probably not applicable to your biology lab report.
8. Can I give an example to illustrate this point?
Answering these questions may help you explain how your evidence is related to your overall argument.
When you quote, you are reproducing another writer’s words exactly as they appear on the page. Here are some tips to help you
decide when to use quotations:
1. Quote if you can’t say it any better and the author’s words are particularly brilliant, witty, edgy, distinctive, a good illustration
of a point you’re making, or otherwise interesting.
2. Quote if you are using a particularly authoritative source and you need the author’s expertise to back up your point.
3. Quote if you are analyzing diction, tone, or a writer’s use of a specific word or phrase.
4. Quote if you are taking a position that relies on the reader’s understanding exactly what another writer says about the topic.
Be sure to introduce each quotation you use, and always cite your sources. See our handout on quotations for more details on when
to quote and how to format quotations.
Like all pieces of evidence, a quotation can’t speak for itself. If you end a paragraph with a quotation, that may be a sign that you
have neglected to discuss the importance of the quotation in terms of your argument. It’s important to avoid “plop quotations,” that
is, quotations that are just dropped into your paper without any introduction, discussion, or follow-up.
When you paraphrase, you take a specific section of a text and put it into your own words. Putting it into your own words doesn’t
mean just changing or rearranging a few of the author’s words: to paraphrase well and avoid plagiarism, try setting your source
aside and restating the sentence or paragraph you have just read, as though you were describing it to another person. Paraphrasing
is different than summary because a paraphrase focuses on a particular, fairly short bit of text (like a phrase, sentence, or
paragraph). You’ll need to indicate when you are paraphrasing someone else’s text by citing your source correctly, just as you
would with a quotation.
When might you want to paraphrase?
1. Paraphrase when you want to introduce a writer’s position, but his or her original words aren’t special enough to quote.
2. Paraphrase when you are supporting a particular point and need to draw on a certain place in a text that supports your point—
for example, when one paragraph in a source is especially relevant.
3. Paraphrase when you want to present a writer’s view on a topic that differs from your position or that of another writer; you can
then refute writer’s specific points in your own words after you paraphrase.
4. Paraphrase when you want to comment on a particular example that another writer uses.
5. Paraphrase when you need to present information that’s unlikely to be questioned.
When you summarize, you are offering an overview of an entire text, or at least a lengthy section of a text. Summary is useful
when you are providing background information, grounding your own argument, or mentioning a source as a counter-argument. A
summary is less nuanced than paraphrased material. It can be the most effective way to incorporate a large number of sources when
you don’t have a lot of space. When you are summarizing someone else’s argument or ideas, be sure this is clear to the reader and
cite your source appropriately.
through the interpretation process. Again, always, cite the origin of your evidence if you didn’t produce the material you are using
I want to use personal experience as evidence, but can I say “I”? We have a handout on when to use “I.”
We consulted these works while writing the original version of this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the
handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find the latest publications on this topic. Please do not use this
list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on
formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial.
Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruszkiewicz, John J. Everything’s an argument. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 1999
Miller, Richard E., and Kurt Spellmeyer. The New Humanities Reader Home Page. 22 Feb. 2005
7.2: Evidence is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.3: Rogerian Argument
The Rogerian argument, inspired by the influential psychologist Carl Rogers, aims to find compromise on a controversial issue.
If you are using the Rogerian approach your introduction to the argument should accomplish three objectives:
1. Introduce the author and work
Usually, you will introduce the author and work in the first sentence:
Here is an example:
In Dwight Okita’s “In Response to Executive Order 9066,” the narrator addresses an inevitable by-product of war – racism.
The first time you refer to the author, refer to him or her by his or her full name. After that, refer to the author by last name only.
Never refer to an author by his or her first name only.
2. Provide the audience a short but concise summary of the work to which you are responding
Remember, your audience has already read the work you are responding to. Therefore, you do not need to provide a lengthy
summary. Focus on the main points of the work to which you are responding and use direct quotations sparingly. Direct quotations
work best when they are powerful and compelling.
3. State the main issue addressed in the work
Your thesis, or claim, will come after you summarize the two sides of the issue.
The Introduction
The following is an example of how the introduction of a Rogerian argument can be written. The topic is racial profiling.
In Dwight Okita’s “In Response to Executive Order 9066,” the narrator — a young Japanese-American — writes a letter to the
government, who has ordered her family into a relocation camp after Pearl Harbor. In the letter, the narrator details the people in
her life, from her father to her best friend at school. Since the narrator is of Japanese descent, her best friend accuses her of “trying
to start a war” (18). The narrator is seemingly too naïve to realize the ignorance of this statement, and tells the government that she
asked this friend to plant tomato seeds in her honor. Though Okita’s poem deals specifically with World War II, the issue of race
relations during wartime is still relevant. Recently, with the outbreaks of terrorism in the United States, Spain, and England, many
are calling for racial profiling to stifle terrorism. The issue has sparked debate, with one side calling it racism and the other calling
it common sense.
Once you have written your introduction, you must now show the two sides to the debate you are addressing. Though there are
always more than two sides to a debate, Rogerian arguments put two in stark opposition to one another. Summarize each side, then
provide a middle path. Your summary of the two sides will be your first two body paragraphs. Use quotations from outside sources
to effectively illustrate the position of each side.
An outline for a Rogerian argument might look like this:
Side A
Side B
The Claim
Since the goal of Rogerian argument is to find a common ground between two opposing positions, you must identify the shared
beliefs or assumptions of each side. In the example above, both sides of the racial profiling issue want the U.S. A solid Rogerian
argument acknowledges the desires of each side, and tries to accommodate both. Again, using the racial profiling example above,
both sides desire a safer society, perhaps a better solution would focus on more objective measures than race; an effective start
would be to use more screening technology on public transportation. Once you have a claim that disarms the central dispute, you
should support the claim with evidence, and quotations when appropriate.
Quoting Effectively
Remember, you should quote to illustrate a point you are making. You should not, however, quote to simply take up space. Make
sure all quotations are compelling and intriguing: Consider the following example. In “The Danger of Political Correctness,” author
Richard Stein asserts that, “the desire to not offend has now become more important than protecting national security” (52). This
statement sums up the beliefs of those in favor of profiling in public places.
The Conclusion
Your conclusion should:
Bring the essay back to what is discussed in the introduction
Tie up loose ends
End on a thought-provoking note
The following is a sample conclusion:
Though the debate over racial profiling is sure to continue, each side desires to make the United States a safer place. With that goal
in mind, our society deserves better security measures than merely searching a person who appears a bit dark. We cannot waste
time with such subjective matters, especially when we have technology that could more effectively locate potential terrorists. Sure,
installing metal detectors and cameras on public transportation is costly, but feeling safe in public is priceless.
Permission granted from Michael Franco at Writing Essay 4: Rogerian Argument
7.3: Rogerian Argument is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.4: “The Case Against Torture,” by Alisa Soloman
In “The Case Against Torture,” author and professor Alisa Soloman enumerates the reasons torture should never be practiced or
justified in a civil society.
Click on the link to view the essay: “The Case Against Torture” by Alisa Soloman
7.4: “The Case Against Torture,” by Alisa Soloman is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by
7.5: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin
In “The Case for Torture,” philosophy professor Michael Levin argues the circumstances under which torture may be justified in a
civil society.
Click on the link to view the essay: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin
7.5: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.6: Writing for Success: Argument
This section will help you determine the purpose and structure of an argumentative essay.
Phrases of Concession
of course still
though yet
Bias in Writing
Everyone has various biases on any number of topics. For example, you might have a bias toward wearing black instead of brightly
colored clothes or wearing jeans rather than formal wear. You might have a bias toward working at night rather than in the
morning, or working by deadlines rather than getting tasks done in advance. These examples identify minor biases, of course, but
they still indicate preferences and opinions.
Handling bias in writing and in daily life can be a useful skill. It will allow you to articulate your own points of view while also
defending yourself against unreasonable points of view. The ideal in persuasive writing is to let your reader know your bias, but do
not let that bias blind you to the primary components of good argumentation: sound, thoughtful evidence and a respectful and
reasonable address of opposing sides.
The strength of a personal bias is that it can motivate you to construct a strong argument. If you are invested in the topic, you are
more likely to care about the piece of writing. Similarly, the more you care, the more time and effort you are apt to put forth and the
better the final product will be.
The weakness of bias is when the bias begins to take over the essay—when, for example, you neglect opposing ideas, exaggerate
your points, or repeatedly insert yourself ahead of the subject by using Itoo often. Being aware of all three of these pitfalls will help
you avoid them.
The Use of I in Writing
The use of I in writing is often a topic of debate, and the acceptance of its usage varies from instructor to instructor. It is difficult to
predict the preferences for all your present and future instructors, but consider the effects it can potentially have on your writing.
Be mindful of the use of I in your writing because it can make your argument sound overly biased. There are two primary reasons:
Excessive repetition of any word will eventually catch the reader’s attention—and usually not in a good way. The use of I is no
The insertion of I into a sentence alters not only the way a sentence might sound but also the composition of the sentence
itself. I is often the subject of a sentence. If the subject of the essay is supposed to be, say, smoking, then by inserting yourself
into the sentence, you are effectively displacing the subject of the essay into a secondary position. In the following example, the
subject of the sentence is underlined:
Smoking is bad.
I think smoking is bad.
In the first sentence, the rightful subject, smoking, is in the subject position in the sentence. In the second sentence, the insertion
of I and think replaces smoking as the subject, which draws attention to I and away from the topic that is supposed to be discussed.
Remember to keep the message (the subject) and the messenger (the writer) separate.
Developing Sound Arguments
Use the following checklist to develop sound arguments in your essay:
An engaging introduction
A reasonable, specific thesis that is able to be supported by evidence
A varied range of evidence from credible sources
Respectful acknowledgement and explanation of opposing ideas
A style and tone of language that is appropriate for the subject and audience
Acknowledgement of the argument’s limits
A conclusion that will adequately summarize the essay and reinforce the thesis
Fact and Opinion
Facts are statements that can be definitely proven using objective data. The statement that is a fact is absolutely valid. In other
words, the statement can be pronounced as true or false. For example, 2 + 2 = 4. This expression identifies a true statement, or a
fact, because it can be proved with objective data.
Opinions are personal views, or judgments. An opinion is what an individual believes about a particular subject. However, an
opinion in argumentation must have legitimate backing; adequate evidence and credibility should support the opinion. Consider the
credibility of expert opinions. Experts in a given field have the knowledge and credentials to make their opinion meaningful to a
larger audience.
For example, you seek the opinion of your dentist when it comes to the health of your gums, and you seek the opinion of your
mechanic when it comes to the maintenance of your car. Both have knowledge and credentials in those respective fields, which is
why their opinions matter to you. But the authority of your dentist may be greatly diminished should he or she offer an opinion
about your car, and vice versa.
In writing, you want to strike a balance between credible facts and authoritative opinions. Relying on one or the other will likely
lose more of your audience than it gains.
The word prove is frequently used in the discussion of argumentative writing. Writers may claim that one piece of evidence or
another proves the argument, but proving an argument is often not possible. No evidence proves a debatable topic one way or the
other; that is why the topic is debatable. Facts can be proved, but opinions can only be supported, explained, and persuaded.
Using Visual Elements to Strengthen Arguments
Adding visual elements to a persuasive argument can often strengthen its persuasive effect. There are two main types of visual
elements: quantitative visuals and qualitative visuals.
Quantitative visuals present data graphically and visually. They allow the audience to see statistics spatially. The purpose of using
quantitative visuals is to make logical appeals to the audience. For example, sometimes it is easier to understand the disparity in
certain statistics if you can see how the disparity looks graphically. Bar graphs, pie charts, Venn diagrams, histograms, line graphs
and infographics are all ways of presenting quantitative data in visual and/or spatial dimensions.
Qualitative visuals present images that appeal to the audience’s emotions. Photographs and pictorial images are examples of
qualitative visuals. Such images often try to convey a story, and seeing an actual example can carry more power than hearing or
reading about the example. For example, one image of a child suffering from malnutrition will likely have more of an emotional
impact than pages dedicated to describing that same condition in writing.
Argumentative Essay Example
Universal Health Care Coverage for the United States
By Scott McLean
The United States is the only modernized Western nation that does not offer publicly funded health care to all its citizens; the costs
of health care for the uninsured in the United States are prohibitive, and the practices of insurance companies are often more
interested in profit margins than providing health care. These conditions are incompatible with US ideals and standards, and it is
time for the US government to provide universal health care coverage for all its citizens. Like education, health care should be
considered a fundamental right of all US citizens, not simply a privilege for the upper and middle classes.
One of the most common arguments against providing universal health care coverage (UHC) is that it will cost too much money. In
other words, UHC would raise taxes too much. While providing health care for all US citizens would cost a lot of money for every
tax-paying citizen, citizens need to examine exactly how much money it would cost, and more important, how much money is “too
much” when it comes to opening up health care for all. Those who have health insurance already pay too much money, and those
without coverage are charged unfathomable amounts. The cost of publicly funded health care versus the cost of current insurance
premiums is unclear. In fact, some Americans, especially those in lower income brackets, could stand to pay less than their current
However, even if UHC would cost Americans a bit more money each year, we ought to reflect on what type of country we would
like to live in, and what types of morals we represent if we are more willing to deny health care to others on the basis of saving a
couple hundred dollars per year. In a system that privileges capitalism and rugged individualism, little room remains for
compassion and love. It is time that Americans realize the amorality of US hospitals forced to turn away the sick and poor. UHC is
a health care system that aligns more closely with the core values that so many Americans espouse and respect, and it is time to
realize its potential.
Another common argument against UHC in the United States is that other comparable national health care systems, like that of
England, France, or Canada, are bankrupt or rife with problems. UHC opponents claim that sick patients in these countries often
wait in long lines or long wait lists for basic health care. Opponents also commonly accuse these systems of being unable to pay for
themselves, racking up huge deficits year after year. A fair amount of truth lies in these claims, but Americans must remember to
put those problems in context with the problems of the current US system as well. It is true that people often wait to see a doctor in
countries with UHC, but we in the United States wait as well, and we often schedule appointments weeks in advance, only to have
onerous waits in the doctor’s “waiting rooms.”
Critical and urgent care abroad is always treated urgently, much the same as it is treated in the United States. The main difference
there, however, is cost. Even health insurance policy holders are not safe from the costs of health care in the United States. Each
day an American acquires a form of cancer, and the only effective treatment might be considered “experimental” by an insurance
company and thus is not covered. Without medical coverage, the patient must pay for the treatment out of pocket. But these costs
may be so prohibitive that the patient will either opt for a less effective, but covered, treatment; opt for no treatment at all; or
attempt to pay the costs of treatment and experience unimaginable financial consequences. Medical bills in these cases can easily
rise into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is enough to force even wealthy families out of their homes and into perpetual
debt. Even though each American could someday face this unfortunate situation, many still choose to take the financial risk.
Instead of gambling with health and financial welfare, US citizens should press their representatives to set up UHC, where their
coverage will be guaranteed and affordable.
Despite the opponents’ claims against UHC, a universal system will save lives and encourage the health of all Americans. Why has
public education been so easily accepted, but not public health care? It is time for Americans to start thinking socially about health
in the same ways they think about education and police services: as rights of US citizens.
Key Takeaways
The purpose of argument in writing is to convince or move readers toward a certain point of view, or opinion.
An argument is a reasoned opinion supported and explained by evidence. To argue, in writing, is to advance knowledge and
ideas in a positive way.
A thesis that expresses the opinion of the writer in more specific terms is better than one that is vague.
It is essential that you not only address counterarguments but also do so respectfully.
It is also helpful to establish the limits of your argument and what you are trying to accomplish through a concession statement.
To persuade a skeptical audience, you will need to use a wide range of evidence. Scientific studies, opinions from experts,
historical precedent, statistics, personal anecdotes, and current events are all types of evidence that you might use in explaining
your point.
Make sure that your word choice and writing style is appropriate for both your subject and your audience.
You should let your reader know your bias, but do not let that bias blind you to the primary components of good argumentation:
sound, thoughtful evidence and respectfully and reasonably addressing opposing ideas.
You should be mindful of the use of I in your writing because it can make your argument sound more biased than it needs to.
Facts are statements that can be proven using objective data.
Opinions are personal views, or judgments, that cannot be proven.
In writing, you want to strike a balance between credible facts and authoritative opinions.
Quantitative visuals present data graphically. The purpose of using quantitative visuals is to make logical appeals to the
Qualitative visuals present images that appeal to the audience’s emotions.
7.6: Writing for Success: Argument is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
7.7: Student Sample: Argument Essay
Instructions: Read the student essay, “Salvaging Our Old-Growth Forests.” First read the NON-ANNOTATED student essay, and
then compare it to the ANNOTATED version of the same essay. Notice how the annotated comments analyze and respond to the
As you review the annotations, notice how the feedback tracks the logical flow of the author’s arguments. The annotation
comments are aimed at helping the author strengthen the power of the argument essay. This is a model for helpful annotation and
feedback you can provide when you do the writing community review of your peers’ argument essays.
7.7: Student Sample: Argument Essay is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.
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Title: Book: Academic Writing I (Ford)
Webpages: 101
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Undeclared: 100% (101 pages)
By Page
Book: Academic Writing I (Ford) - Undeclared 2.10: Student Sample: Narrative Essay - Undeclared
Front Matter - Undeclared 2.11: Your Instructions for Essay 1 - Undeclared
TitlePage - Undeclared 02.12: Grammar - Undeclared
InfoPage - Undeclared 2.12: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture -
Table of Contents - Undeclared Undeclared
Licensing - Undeclared 03: Illustration - Undeclared
1: An Overview of the Writing Process - Undeclared 3: Illustration/Example Essay - Undeclared
1.1: Introduction to Writing - Undeclared 03.1: Introduction to Illustration - Undeclared
1.2: Defining the Writing Process - Undeclared 3.1: Introduction to Illustration/Example Essay
1.3: Videos: Prewriting Techniques - Undeclared - Undeclared
1.4: What is an Essay? - Undeclared
03.2: Writing for Success: Illustration -
1.5: Audience - Undeclared
1.6: Rhetorical Context - Undeclared
3.2: Writing for Success: Illustration/Example
1.7: Thesis Statements - Undeclared
- Undeclared
1.8: How to Write a Thesis Statement - Undeclared
1.9: Organizing an Essay - Undeclared 3.3: “She’s Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D” by Perri
1.10: Creating Paragraphs - Undeclared Klass - Undeclared
1.11: Paragraphs - Undeclared 3.4: “April & Paris” by David Sedaris -
1.12: Conclusions - Undeclared Undeclared
1.13: The Perfect Paragraph - Undeclared 03.5: Student Sample: Illustration - Undeclared
1.14: Introductions and Conclusions - Undeclared 3.5: Student Sample: Illustration/Example
1.15: Comparative Chart of Writing Strategies - Essay - Undeclared
Undeclared 03.6: Grammar - Undeclared
1.16: Revising - Undeclared 3.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture -
1.17: Matters of Grammar, Mechanics, and Style - Undeclared
04: Compare - Undeclared
1.18: Peer Review Checklist - Undeclared
4: Compare/Contrast Essay - Undeclared
2: Narrative Essay - Undeclared
04.1: Introduction to Compare - Undeclared
2.1: Essay Basics - Undeclared
2.2: Introduction to Narrative Essay - Undeclared 4.1: Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay -
2.3: Student Sample: Narrative Essay - Undeclared Undeclared
2.4: “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell - 4.2: “Disability” by Nancy Mairs - Undeclared
Undeclared 4.3: “Friending, Ancient or Otherwise” by Alex
2.5: “Sixty-nine Cents” by Gary Shteyngart - Wright - Undeclared
Undeclared 4.4: “A South African Storm” by Allison Howard
2.6: Video: The Danger of a Single Story - - Undeclared
Undeclared 04.5: Writing for Success: Compare - Undeclared
2.7: How to Write an Annotation - Undeclared 4.5: Writing for Success: Compare/Contrast -
2.8: How to Write a Summary - Undeclared Undeclared
2.9: Writing for Success: Narration - Undeclared
04.6: Grammar - Undeclared 6.10: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding
4.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture - Plagiarism - Undeclared
Undeclared 6.11: Avoiding Plagiarism - Undeclared
5: Cause and Effect Essay - Undeclared 6.12: How to Write a Summary by Paraphrasing
Source Material - Undeclared
5.1: Introduction to Cause and Effect Essay -
6.13: MLA Format - Undeclared
6.14: Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA) -
5.2: “Cultural Baggage” by Barbara Ehrenreich -
6.15: Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA) -
5.3: “Women in Science” by K.C. Cole - Undeclared
5.4: Writing for Success: Cause and Effect -
6.16: APA Citation Style, 6th edition: General Style
Guidelines - Undeclared
5.5: Student Sample: Cause and Effect Essay -
06.17: Grammar - Undeclared
6.17: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture -
05.6: Grammar - Undeclared
5.6: Grammar/Mechanics Mini-Lecture -
7: Argument Essay - Undeclared
6: Using Sources - Undeclared 7.1: Introduction to Argument Essay - Undeclared
7.2: Evidence - Undeclared
6.1: Preliminary Research Strategies - Undeclared
7.3: Rogerian Argument - Undeclared
6.2: Intermediate Research Strategies - Undeclared
7.4: “The Case Against Torture,” by Alisa Soloman -
6.3: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources -
7.5: “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin -
6.4: How to Search in a Library Database -
7.6: Writing for Success: Argument - Undeclared
6.5: Evaluating Sources - Undeclared
7.7: Student Sample: Argument Essay - Undeclared
6.6: Why Is Research Important? - Undeclared
6.7: Tools for Evaluating Sources - Undeclared Back Matter - Undeclared
6.8: Using Multiple Sources - Undeclared Index - Undeclared
6.9: Using Sources in Your Paper - Undeclared Glossary - Undeclared
Detailed Licensing - Undeclared