Muscular System Lecture 1D
Muscular System Lecture 1D
Muscular System Lecture 1D
Prepared by: transverse bands, or striations, can be seen in the muscle under
Individual skeletal muscles, such as the biceps brachii, are
MUSCULAR SYSTEM complete organs, as a result of being comprised of several
Types of Muscles tissues: muscle, nerve, and connective tissue.
• attached to bones Connective Tissue Coverings
• striated
• voluntarily controlled Each skeletal muscle is surrounded by a connective tissue
Cardiac sheath called the epimysium.
• located in the heart A skeletal muscle is subdivided into groups of muscle cells,
• striated termed fascicles.
• involuntarily controlled Each fascicle is surrounded by a connective tissue covering,
Smooth termed the perimysium.
• Located in blood vessels, hollow organs Each skeletal muscle cell (fiber) is surrounded by a connective
• Non-striated tissue covering, termed the endomysium.
• involuntarily controlled
Functions Muscle Fiber Structure
1. Movement
2. Maintain posture A muscle fiber is a single cylindrical cell, with several nuclei
3. Respiration located at its periphery.
4. Production of body heat Muscle fibers range in length 1 cm to 30 cm and are generally
5. Communication 0.15 mm in diameter.
6. Heart beat Skeletal muscle fibers contain several nuclei that are located at
7. Contraction of organs and vessels the periphery of the fiber.
The sarcolemma (cell membrane) has many tubelike inward
folds, called transverse tubules, or T tubules.
Muscle Twitch
A muscle twitch is a single contraction of a muscle fiber in
response to a stimulus.
Nerve Supply
A muscle twitch has three phases: latent phase, contraction
A motor neuron is a nerve cell stimulates muscle cells.
phase, and relaxation phase.
A neuromuscular junction is a synapse where a the fiber of a
The latent phase is the time between the application of a
nerve connects with a muscle fiber.
stimulus and the beginning of contraction.
A synapse refers to the cell-to-cell junction between a nerve
The contraction phase is the time during which the muscle
cell and either another nerve cell or an effector cell, such as in a
contracts and the relaxation phase is the time during which the
muscle or a gland.
muscle relaxes.
A motor unit is a group of muscle fibers that a motor neuron
Summation and Recruitment
A presynaptic terminal is the end of a neuron cell axon fiber.
A synaptic cleft is the space between the presynaptic terminal
In summation, individual muscles contract more forcefully.
and postsynaptic membrane.
Tetanus is a sustained contraction that occurs when the
The postsynaptic membrane is the muscle fiber
frequency of stimulation is so rapid that no relaxation occurs.
membrane (sarcolemma).
Recruitment is the stimulation of several motor units.
A synaptic vesicle is a vesicle in the presynaptic terminal that
stores and releases neurotransmitter chemicals.
Neurotransmitters are chemicals that stimulate or inhibit
Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types
postsynaptic cells.
Slow twitch fibers
Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal
• contract slowly
• fatigue slowly
• have a considerable amount of myoglobin
Function of the Neuromuscular Junction
• use aerobic respiration
• are dark in color
Muscle Contraction
• used by long distance runners
Fast twitch fibers
1. An action potential travels down motor neuron to
• contract quickly
presynaptic terminal causing Ca2+ channels to open.
• fatigue quickly
2. Ca2+ causes synaptic vesicles to release acetylcholine
• use anaerobic respiration
into synaptic cleft.
• energy from glycogen
3. Acetylcholine binds to receptor sites on Na+ channels,
• light color
Na+ channels open, and Na+ rushes into postsynaptic
• used by sprinters
terminal (depolarization).
4. Na+ causes sarcolemma and t-tubules to increase the
A muscle has a blend of types, with one type dominating.
permeability of sarcoplasmic reticulum which releases
Humans have both types of fibers
stored calcium.
The distribution of fibers is genetically determined
5. Ca2+ binds to troponin which is attached to actin.
6. Ca2+ binding to troponin causes tropomyosin to move
Energy for Muscle Contractions
exposing attachment sites for myosin.
Muscle fibers are very energy-demanding cells whether at rest
7. Myosin heads bind to actin.
or during any form of exercise.
8. ATP is released from myosin heads and heads bend
This energy comes from either aerobic (with O 2) or anaerobic
toward center of sarcomere.
(without O2) ATP production
9. Bending forces actin to slide over myosin.
ATP is derived from four processes in skeletal muscle.
10. Acetylcholinesterase (enzyme breaks down
acetylcholine) is released, Na+ channels close, and
1. Aerobic production of ATP during most exercise and
muscle contraction stops.
normal conditions.
2. Anaerobic production of ATP during intensive short-
term work
3. Conversion of a molecule called creatine phosphate to
4. Conversion of two ADP to one ATP and one AMP
(adenosine monophosphate) during heavy exercise
Muscle Fatigue
Fatigue is a temporary state of reduced work capacity.
Without fatigue, muscle fibers would be worked to the point of
structural damage to them and their supportive tissues.
Types of Contractions
There are two types of muscle contractions: isometric and
The isometric contraction has an increase in muscle tension,
but no change in length.
The isotonic contraction has a change in muscle length with no
change in tension.
Muscles of Mastication
Pterygoids (two pairs)
Thoracic Muscles
Tongue and Swallowing Muscles
External intercostals:
• elevate ribs for inspiration
Internal intercostals:
• depress ribs during forced expiration
• moves during quiet breathing
• flexes elbow
Latissimus dorsi:
• lower back
• extends shoulder
Arm Muscles
• adducts thigh and flexes knee
Biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus:
• Hamstring
• back of thigh
• flexes knee, rotates leg, extends hip