Similes 2
Similes 2
Similes 2
EXERCISE A. Use each word one time to make a simile in each sentence below. Don’t forget AS…AS.
__9__blind _____free _____hard _____quiet _____strong
_____busy _____fresh _____nice _____red _____sweet
_____clear _____good _____light _____regular _____tough
_____clever _____happy _____old _____sick _____weak
1. Rick’s __as blind as____ a bat. He really needs to get some new glasses.
2. Mary's ______________ a bee. She works a lot.
3. Shhh! You must be ______________ a mouse! The baby is asleep.
4. MaryEllen's ______________ the hills. She's 97 now!
5. This box is ______________ a feather. I can carry it easily.
6. Your whispering is ______________ a bell. I can hear you clearly!
7. I always feel ______________ a daisy after my shower.
8. Your perfume smells ______________ a rose.
9. Petra's ______________ a fox. She's very sly.
10. JinWon's ______________ a dog. Poor guy! He caught the flu yesterday.
11. A newborn baby is ______________ a kitten. A newborn baby can’t even hold his head up.
12. Lee is ______________ a bird. He got out of jail yesterday.
13. Sung-Mi's ______________ a beet. She always gets embarrassed when she gives a speech.
14. Maria's ______________ a lark. She's finally getting married to her sweetheart today.
15. My new bed’s ______________ a rock. I can't sleep on it.
16. Your children were ______________ gold. I loved babysitting them!
17. John's ______________ an ox. I saw him move a piano once all by himself!
18. Mick is a very polite student. He's ______________ pie!
19. Swiss trains come ______________ clockwork. They’re almost never late.
20. The soldier was ______________ nails. He slept in the jungle for a week.
EXERCISE B. Write a simile for each cue below. Write a complete sentence.
Example: (my brother) My brother is as strong as an ox. . - the BEST English-learning site on the ‘Net. Learn English online, print class materials, play games, and more!
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An English-Zone.Com Worksheet
EXERCISE A. Use each word one time to make a simile in each sentence below. Don’t forget AS…AS.
__9__blind __9__free __9__hard __9__quiet __9__strong
__9__busy __9__fresh __9__nice __9__red __9__sweet
__9__clear __9__good __9__light __9__regular __9__tough
__9__clever __9__happy __9__old __9__sick __9__weak
EXERCISE B. Write a simile for each cue below. Write a complete sentence. You can use the similes
above, or your own similes.
Example: (my brother) My brother is as strong as an ox. .