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DAILY LESSON LOG FOR School: Grade and Section: V-

Teacher: Subject: Mathematics

Teaching Dates: AUGUST 28 – SEPTEMBER 01, 2023 (WEEK 1) Quarter: FIRST QUARTER


a. Content Standards demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions
b. Performance Standards is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical
problems and real-life situations.
c. Most Essential Learning uses divisibility rules for 2, uses divisibility rules for 2, uses divisibility rules for 3, uses divisibility rules for 3,
Competencies (MELCs) 5, and 10 to find the 5, and 10 to find the 6, and 9 to find 6, and 9 to find
common factors of common factors of common factors (M5NSIb- common factors (M5NSIb-
numbers. (M5NSIb-58.1) numbers. (M5NSIb-58.1) 58.2) 58.2)
d. Learning Objectives a. list down factors of a. list down factors of a. identify numbers that a. identify numbers that
numbers divisible by 2, 5, numbers divisible by 2, 5, are divisible by 3, 6 and 9; are divisible by 3, 6 and 9;
and 10; and 10; b. use divisibility rules for b. use divisibility rules for
b. use divisibility rules for b. use divisibility rules for 3, 6 and 9 to find common 3, 6 and 9 to find common
2, 5, and 10 to find 2, 5, and 10 to find factors of numbers; and factors of numbers; and
common factors of common factors of c. appreciate the use of c. appreciate the use of
numbers; and numbers; and divisibility rules to find divisibility rules to find
c. appreciate the use of c. appreciate the use of common factors of common factors of
divisibility rules to find divisibility rules to find numbers. numbers.
common factors of common factors of
numbers. numbers.
II. LEARNING CONTENT Divisibility Rules for 2, 5, Divisibility Rules for 2, 5, Divisibility Rules for 3, 6, Divisibility Rules for 3, 6,
(Subject Matter) and 10 and 10 and 9 and 9
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Coreal, T. (2020) Quarter Coreal, T. (2020) Quarter Serrato, E. (2020) Quarter Serrato, E. (2020) Quarter
(SLMs/LASs) 1 – Module 1: Divisibility 1 – Module 1: Divisibility 1 – Module 2: Divisibility 1 – Module 2: Divisibility
Rules for 2, 5, and 10 Rules for 2, 5, and 10 Rules for 3, 6, and 9 [Self- Rules for 3, 6, and 9 [Self-
[Self-Learning [Self-Learning Learning Module].Moodle. Learning Module].Moodle.
Module].Moodle. Module].Moodle. Department of Education. Department of Education.
Department of Education. Department of Education. Retrieved July 22, 2023) Retrieved July 22, 2023)
Retrieved July 22, 2023) Retrieved July 22, 2023) from https://r7- from https://r7-
from https://r7- from https://r7- 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl
2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl 2.lms.deped.gov.ph/moodl e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php?
e/mod/folder/view.php? e/mod/folder/view.php? id=13093 id=13093
id=13093 id=13093
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation, PowerPoint Presentation,
Resources laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning laptop, SLMs/Learning
Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens, Activity Sheets, pens,
notebook notebook notebook notebook notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the previous Directions: Directions: Identify Directions:
lesson/Drill Answer the following whether the given number In finding the common
questions: is divisible by 2, 5 or 10. factors of numbers
1) What is the smallest divisible by 3, 6, and 9, we
number divisible by 2? can use the following
1) 18 divisibility rules: Let us
2) 125 check.
2) Number 55 is divisible
a) A number is divisible by
by what number?
3) 30 3 if the sum of all the digits
is divisible by ___.
3) What is the biggest 2- 4) 344 b) A number is divisible by
digit number divisible by 5) 650 ___if the number is
10? divisible by both 2 and 3.
c) A number is divisible by
9 if the _____ of all the
4) All even number ending
digits is divisible or a
in zero divisible by 10
multiple of 9.
d) If the sum of the digits
of a number is 153, by
what number/s is it
divisible with? _______
e) What smallest 3-digit
number is divisible by both
3 and 6? ______
C. Establishing a purpose Your mother gave you 100 POEM TIME! What numbers are You bought a whole pizza
for the lesson/ Motivation pesos and she wants you I AM DIVISIBLE divisible in each money? to give to the 4 children
to exchange it at the store I am a rule for numbers, you saw on the street.
for five-peso bills. How simple and true, How will you divide it so
many five-peso bills will Divisible by 2, 5, and 10, that each of them will have
the storekeeper give you? I'll tell you. 1. three pieces of pizza
For even numbers, I'm each?
quite the key,
If it ends in 0 or an even
digit, divisible it'll be.

When 5 comes along, it's

easy to see, 3.
Just check the last digit,
it's as simple as can be.
For numbers ending in 0
or 5, I'll give you a clue,
Divisible by 5, that's what
they can do.

Now for 10, it's a piece of

A single zero, and you're
on the right track.
Divisible by 10, no
remainder to find,
A multiple of 10, it's one of
a kind.
D. Presenting Divisibility rules are Divisibility rules are Divisibility rules are Divisibility rules are
examples/instances of the valuable mathematical valuable mathematical valuable mathematical valuable mathematical
new lesson/Motivation tools that help us tools that help us tools that help us tools that help us
determine whether a given determine whether a given determine whether a given determine whether a given
number can be evenly number can be evenly number can be evenly number can be evenly
divided by another number divided by another number divided by another number divided by another number
without leaving a without leaving a without leaving a without leaving a
remainder. remainder. remainder. remainder.
E. Discussing new The divisibility rules for 2, The divisibility rules for 2, Divisibility rules can help Divisibility rules can help
concepts and practicing 5, and 10 have practical 5, and 10 have practical us determine whether a us determine whether a
new skills No. 1 applications in various applications in various number can be divided by number can be divided by
real-life situations. For real-life situations. For another number without another number without
instance, when shopping instance, when shopping any remainder. The any remainder. The
and handling money, and handling money, divisibility rules for 3, 6, divisibility rules for 3, 6,
understanding the understanding the and 9 are grouped and 9 are grouped
divisibility rule for 2 helps divisibility rule for 2 helps together because they all together because they all
in making quick and in making quick and require computing the sum require computing the sum
accurate change, accurate change, of the digits of a given of the digits of a given
especially in transactions especially in transactions number. number.
involving even amounts. In involving even amounts. In
packaging and packaging and
manufacturing industries, manufacturing industries,
products are often products are often
packaged in groups of 5 or packaged in groups of 5 or
10, taking advantage of 10, taking advantage of
the divisibility rules for the divisibility rules for
these numbers to these numbers to
efficiently organize and efficiently organize and
distribute items. Time distribute items. Time
management can also management can also
benefit from these rules, benefit from these rules,
as tasks or activities can as tasks or activities can
be divided into equal parts be divided into equal parts
using the divisibility using the divisibility
principles, making principles, making
scheduling and planning scheduling and planning
more systematic. more systematic.
Moreover, when sharing Moreover, when sharing
items among a group of items among a group of
people, knowledge of people, knowledge of
divisibility rules ensures divisibility rules ensures
fairness and equal fairness and equal
distribution, avoiding distribution, avoiding
disputes. Overall, these disputes. Overall, these
divisibility rules play a divisibility rules play a
practical and crucial role in practical and crucial role in
our everyday lives, making our everyday lives, making
various tasks and activities various tasks and activities
more manageable and more manageable and
efficient. efficient.
F. Discussing new A number is divisible by A number is divisible by How do we know if a How do we know if a
concepts and practicing another number if there is another number if there is number is divisible by 3, 6 number is divisible by 3, 6
new skills No. 2 no remainder. A divisibility no remainder. A divisibility or 9? or 9?
rule is a general rule that rule is a general rule that Here is how: Here is how:
is used to determine is used to determine 1. Divisibility Rule for 3 1. Divisibility Rule for 3
whether or not a number is whether or not a number is A number is divisible by 3 A number is divisible by 3
divisible by another divisible by another if the sum of all its digits is if the sum of all its digits is
number. The divisibility number. The divisibility divisible by 3. divisible by 3.
rules for 2, 5 and 10 are rules for 2, 5 and 10 are Example 1: 540 is divisible Example 1: 540 is divisible
grouped together because grouped together because by 3 because 5 + 4 + 0 = by 3 because 5 + 4 + 0 =
they all require checking they all require checking 9, and 9 is divisible by 3. 9, and 9 is divisible by 3.
the ones digit of the whole the ones digit of the whole To check, 540 divided by 3 To check, 540 divided by 3
number. Learning how to number. Learning how to is 180. is 180.
use these rules will help use these rules will help
you find common factors you find common factors 2. Divisibility Rule for 6 A 2. Divisibility Rule for 6 A
of numbers easily. of numbers easily. number is divisible by 6 if number is divisible by 6 if
Common factors are Common factors are the number is divisible by the number is divisible by
factors that are the same factors that are the same both 2 and 3. both 2 and 3.
for two or more numbers. for two or more numbers. Example 2: 822 is an even Example 2: 822 is an even
How do we know if a How do we know if a number, hence it is number, hence it is
number is divisible by 2, 5 number is divisible by 2, 5 divisible by 2. Likewise, divisible by 2. Likewise,
or 10? or 10? 822 is divisible by 3 822 is divisible by 3
Divisibility Rule for 2 Divisibility Rule for 2 because 8 + 2 + 2 = 12, because 8 + 2 + 2 = 12,
A number is divisible by 2 A number is divisible by 2 and 12 is divisible by 3. and 12 is divisible by 3.
if the ones digit of the if the ones digit of the Therefore, 822 is divisible Therefore, 822 is divisible
number is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. number is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8. by 6 since it is divisible by by 6 since it is divisible by
Example 1: Example 1: both 2 and 3 both 2 and 3
436 is divisible by 2 436 is divisible by 2
3. Divisibility Rule for 9 3. Divisibility Rule for 9
because its ones digit is 6. because its ones digit is 6. A number is divisible by 9 A number is divisible by 9
Divisibility Rule for 5 Divisibility Rule for 5 if the sum of all its digits is if the sum of all its digits is
A number is divisible by 5 A number is divisible by 5 divisible by 9 or a multiple divisible by 9 or a multiple
if the ones digit of the if the ones digit of the of 9. Example 3: 8253 is of 9. Example 3: 8253 is
number is 0 or 5. number is 0 or 5. divisible by 9 because 8 + divisible by 9 because 8 +
Example 2: 225 is divisible Example 2: 225 is divisible 2 + 5 + 3 = 18, and 18 is 2 + 5 + 3 = 18, and 18 is
by 5 because its ones digit by 5 because its ones digit divisible or a multiple of 9. divisible or a multiple of 9.
is 5. is 5.
Divisibility Rule for 10 Divisibility Rule for 10 Now, using the divisibility Now, using the divisibility
A number is divisible by 10 A number is divisible by 10 rules for 3, 6 and 9, let us rules for 3, 6 and 9, let us
if the ones digit of the if the ones digit of the find the common factors of find the common factors of
number is 0. number is 0. 36 and 54. 36 and 54.
Example 3: Example 3:
720 is divisible by 10 720 is divisible by 10
because the ones digit is because the ones digit is
0. 0.
Now, using the divisibility Now, using the divisibility
rules for 2, 5 and 10, let us rules for 2, 5 and 10, let us
find the common factors of find the common factors of
20 and 40. 20 and 40.
Factors of 20: Factors of 20:
20 ÷ 1 = 20 20 ÷ 1 = 20
20 ÷ 2 = 10 (20 is divisible 20 ÷ 2 = 10 (20 is divisible
by 2 because it is even.) by 2 because it is even.)
20 ÷ 5 = 4 (20 is divisible 20 ÷ 5 = 4 (20 is divisible
by 5 because it ends in 0.) by 5 because it ends in 0.)
Therefore, the factors of Therefore, the factors of
20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and
20. 20.
The common Factors of The common Factors of
Factors of 40: Factors of 40:
36 and 54 are 1, 3, 6, and 36 and 54 are 1, 3, 6, and
40 ÷ 1 = 40 40 ÷ 1 = 40
9. 9.
40 ÷ 2 = 20 (40 is divisible 40 ÷ 2 = 20 (40 is divisible
by 2 because it is even.) by 2 because it is even.)
40 ÷ 5 = 8 (40 is divisible 40 ÷ 5 = 8 (40 is divisible
by 5 because it ends in 0.) by 5 because it ends in 0.)
40 ÷10 = 4 (40 is divisible 40 ÷10 = 4 (40 is divisible
by 10 because it ends in by 10 because it ends in
0.) 0.)
Therefore, the factors of Therefore, the factors of
40 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20,
and 40. and 40.
Listing these factors, we Listing these factors, we
have: have:

Therefore, the common Therefore, the common

factors of 20 and 40 are 1, factors of 20 and 40 are 1,
2, 4, 5, 10, and 20. 2, 4, 5, 10, and 20.
G. Developing Mastery Directions: Identify Directions: Fill in the Directions: Identify Directions: Choose the
(Leads to Formative mentally whether or not missing digit. mentally whether or not letter of the correct
Assessment) each larger number is each larger number is answer. Write your answer
divisible by the smaller divisible by the smaller on a separate sheet of
1. The number 5
number. Write “Yes” if the paper.
is divisible by 2.
number is divisible, and 1) Which of the following
2. The number 40 number.Draw if the
“No” if it is not. numbers is divisible by 3?
number is divisible, and
divisible by 10? A. 124 C. 347
1) Is 130 divisible B. 342 D. 671
3. The number 21
by 2? if it is not. 2) Which of the numbers
is divisible by 5? below is divisible by both 3
2) Is 326 divisible
2. The number 21 and 6?
by 5? 1) Is 213 divisible
divisible by 10? A. 28 C. 67
3) Is 124 by 3?
3. The number 3231 B. 48 D. 93
divisible by 2? 2) Is 519 divisible 3) What is the common
is divisible by 2? by 6? factor of 12 and 9?
4) Is 405 divisible
by 5? A. 1, 3 C. 1,9
3) Is 137 divisible B. 1, 6 D. 1, 12
5) Is 567 divisible by 3? 4) Which set is the
by 2? 4) Is 504 divisible common factor of 99 and
by 6? 135?
A. 3 and 6 C. 6 and 9 B. 3
5) Is 369 and 9 D. 6 and 12
divisible by 3? 5) 3, 6, and 9 are factors
A. 33 C. 54
B. 42 D. 64
H. Finding Practical Why is it essential to Explain how the divisibility How can you apply the Why is it crucial to
Application of Concepts understand the divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 are divisibility rules for 3, 6, understand the divisibility
and Skills in Daily Lives rule for 2, 5, and 10 when relevant when dividing and 9 in real life? Cite at rule for 3, 6, 9 when
dealing with money items among a group of least 2 examples. dealing with money
transactions? Give an people to ensure fairness transactions?
example of a situation and equal distribution.
where knowing this rule
can help you make
accurate change quickly.
I. Making Generalization What are the rules for How can you tell if a What are the rules for How can you tell if a
and Abstraction determining if a number is number is divisible by 2, 5, checking divisibility by 3, 6 number is divisible by 3, 6,
divisible by 2, 5, and 10? and 10? and 9? and 9?
J. Evaluating Learning Directions: Use the Directions: Using the Directions: Answer the Directions: Identify the
divisibility rules for 2, 5 divisibility rules for 2, 5, following questions. whole numbers between 1
and 10 to list down all the and 10, fill in the missing 1. Which numbers from 1 and 100 that are divisible
factors of each pair of factors. Then, find the to 30 are divisible by 3? by 3, 6, and 9. Write your
numbers. Then, encircle common factors. List the common factors answers on the lines in the
the common factors. you find using the rows/boxes for 3, 6 and 9.
1) 15 and 45 divisibility rule for 3. Based on your answers
2) 50 and 80 above, how many whole
3) 54 and 60 numbers between 1 and
4) 26 and 18 2. Determine the common 100 are divisible by 3, 6
5) 32 and 12 factors of 12, 18, and 24 and 9?
using the divisibility rule
for 6. How are these
numbers related to each

3. Find the common

factors of 27, 36, and 45 Based on your answers
by applying the divisibility above, how many whole
rule for 9. How do these numbers between 1 and
factors help you identify 100 are divisible by 3, 6
the relationship between and 9?
these numbers?
K. Additional activities for
application or remediation
V. REMARKS The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction The delivery of instruction
and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the and expectations meet the
purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of purpose and objectives of
the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the the lesson because the
learners learners learners learners learners

VI. REFLECTIONS Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in Learners are engaged in
the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning the teaching-learning
process when process when process when process when process when
incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating incorporating

A. No. of learner who
earned 80%
B .No. of learner who
scored below 80% ( needs
C. No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal /supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share w/other teacher?

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