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Atmospheric Research
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Sea-land breeze diurnal component and its interaction with a cold front on T
the coast of Sisal, Yucatan: A case study
Ma. Eugenia Allende-Arandíaa,b,c, , Jorge Zavala-Hidalgod, Alec Torres-Freyermutha,b,
Keywords: The breeze phenomenon is of great importance in coasts around the world owing to both its impact on local
Sea breeze atmospheric dynamics and its influence on coastal processes. The northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is
Land breeze characterized by the presence of intense sea breezes and Cold Surge (CS) events (locally known as Nortes). Field
Cold Surge observations suggest that nearshore hydrodynamics and beach evolution in the study area are strongly con-
Diurnal signal
trolled by waves generated during sea breeze events. In this paper, the diurnal wind component associated with
Yucatan Peninsula
the breeze phenomenon and its variability due to the presence of a CS event are investigated utilizing the
WRF model
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF model is implemented in three nested domains with a
maximum resolution of 3.6-km. The numerical model was validated with observations at 20 stations located
across the YP, adequately reproducing wind speed and direction at Sisal, Yuc. coast, with a correlation coeffi-
cient of 0.56 and a circular correlation coefficient of 0.83, respectively. Diurnal wind components were least-
squares fitted to a sinusoidal signal, and the resulting parameters were used to obtain an elliptical hodograph
related to the breeze phenomenon. Numerical results suggest that sea breezes, with wind intensities higher than
10 ms−1, extend more than 100 km offshore in the northern YP. Although breeze events are caused by differ-
ential heating at a small spatial scale, particularly in the Gulf of Mexico, this diurnal signal exceeds the local
spatial scale. Furthermore, the interaction between the sea breeze and the mean wind associated to the trade
winds generates a line of convergence that crosses the YP. Model results allow us to identify that the mechanisms
responsible of such large amplitude of the diurnal signal in this area are: (i) the thermal gradient, (ii) the
relatively small value of the Coriolis force, (iii) the orography, (iv) the friction, and (v) the peninsula's geometry.
The numerical results revealed that during the interaction between local breezes and a CS event, the diurnal
signal remains, except for the initial day of the event. However, further research is needed to generalize the
current results for other CS events with different intensity and displacement characteristics.
Corresponding author at: Laboratorio de Ingeniería y Procesos Costeros, Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Sisal, Yucatán,
97356, Mexico.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.E. Allende-Arandía), [email protected] (J. Zavala-Hidalgo),
[email protected] (A. Torres-Freyermuth), [email protected] (C.M. Appendini), [email protected] (R. Cerezo-Mota).
Received 28 February 2019; Received in revised form 17 April 2020; Accepted 15 May 2020
Available online 17 May 2020
0169-8095/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Medellín et al., 2018). (Manobianco et al., 2005; Figueroa-Espinoza et al., 2014), inducing a
The characteristics of breezes, including their formation, duration, significant decrease in temperature and isolated rain events.
penetration, termination, and intensity, have been studied using both
observations and numerical models (Gentry and Moore, 1954; Estoque, 3. Data and methods
1962; Novitsky et al., 1992; Atkins and Wakimoto, 1997;
Asimakopoulos et al., 1999; Gille et al., 2003; Srinivas et al., 2006; The period of study corresponds to the Nearshore Coastal dynamics
Taylor-Espinosa, 2009; Papanastasiou et al., 2010; Azorin-Molina et al., on a Sea-breeze dominated micro-tidAL beach (NCSAL) field experi-
2011). Prior studies have already described breeze dynamics in detail ment (Torres-Freyermuth et al., 2017) conducted from April 1st to April
(Arritt, 1993; Wakimoto and Atkins, 1994; Kingsmill, 1995; Atkins 12, 2014. During this period, nine breeze events were identified (seven
et al., 1995; Simpson, 1996; Atkins and Wakimoto, 1997; Stephan et al., events from April 1st to April 7 and two events from April 11 to April
1999). However, depending on their geographical location, breezes are 12) and a CS event reached the study area on April 8 that lasted three
limited or modulated by the topography, low-level local winds, atmo- days. To investigate the atmospheric dynamics, we used the Weather
spheric stability (Leopold, 1949; Manobianco et al., 2005; Hughes and Research and Forecasting (WRF) numerical model. The model was va-
Veron, 2018), and their interaction with synoptic-scale atmospheric lidated on a regional scale using measured data from Automatic
events. The relationship and interaction between the synoptic and local- Weather Stations (AWS) and meteorological stations. After validation,
scale atmospheric events modulate their propagation inland or offshore the model was used to investigate the breeze dynamics in Sisal.
(Hughes and Veron, 2018). Gentry and Moore (1954) show that the
interaction of offshore winds with the sea breeze circulation generates 3.1. Datasets
an area of convergence at low levels, which can develop more con-
vection than the heating of the surface itself. Therefore, it is important For comparison of the model outputs with observations, we used
to conduct site-specific studies that allow a better understanding of data from 24 meteorological stations in the YP region. However, we
their variability. only considered the 20 stations containing more than 95% of wind
The Yucatan Peninsula is characterized by both breeze and Cold speed valid data (neither extreme [ ± 2 standard deviation] or zero
Surge (CS) events. The latter are associated with the cold-front passage values [more than a couple of continuous hours]) for the study period.
over the Gulf of Mexico and they occur during autumn, winter, and The selected stations consisted of 17 AWS distributed across the states
spring months (Manobianco et al., 2005; Figueroa-Espinoza et al., of Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo (data provided by the
2014). The CS events are cold and dry air masses from high latitudes National Meteorological Service of Mexico), two stations located in
and are associated with an increase in wind speed, a decrease in tem- Campeche and Yucatan belonging to the Mexican Navy (SEMAR for its
perature, and an increase in atmospheric pressure over eastern Mexico, acronym in Spanish), and one ultrasonic anemometer (UA) deployed in
the Gulf of Mexico, and Central America (López-Méndez, 2009). The the Yucatan coast (LIPC UNAM, 2017) (Figueroa et al., 2014) (see
frequency of CSs at mid-latitudes varies with certain seasonality on a Fig. 1b). The variables analyzed from each meteorological station were:
synoptic scale, occurring mainly when winds from the east weaken 10 m zonal u and meridional v wind components (ms−1) and wind di-
(Miller et al., 2003). The arrival frequency of a cold front and its lati- rection (o), and temperature (°C) at 2 m. All data were checked for
tudinal extent are a function of the position, magnitude, and amplitude quality control and, subsequently, low-pass filtered with a 1-h cut-off
of the mid-latitude circulation (DiMego et al., 1976). A thorough de- frequency. The raw data of the AWS had a sampling interval of 10 min,
scription of previous studies on CSs is found in Appendini et al. (2018). while the SEMAR data had a 15 min interval; therefore, the data mea-
This study aims to investigate the diurnal breeze variability in the sured every 60 min was used. Furthermore, coastal winds were mea-
northwest of the Yucatan Peninsula and the influence a CS event can sured at high-frequency (6 Hz) with the UA installed in a 50-m tower
have on it. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is used located 120 m inland and 6 m above the ground in Sisal, Yucatan.
to conduct a numerical study in that region. Firstly, the study area is
described in Section 2. The data sets, numerical model setup and its 3.2. Numerical model
validation are described in Section 3. The WRF model simulation of the
meteorological conditions that occurred during a field experiment In the present study, the Weather Research and Forecasting model
conducted in 2014 (Torres-Freyermuth et al., 2017) is employed to (WRF) (WRFV.3.6.1.) (Skamarock et al., 2008) developed by the Na-
investigate the diurnal breeze component, the mean conditions, and the tional Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) was implemented. This
effect of a CS event on the breezes dynamics, and this is described in numerical model has been widely employed for research (Challa et al.,
Section 4. Finally, concluding remarks are presented in Section 5. 2009; Papanastasiou et al., 2010; Giffen et al., 2012; Ponce de León and
Orfila, 2013; Fita et al., 2013; Carvalho et al., 2012, 2014; Hu and Xue,
2. Study area 2015; Kishtawal et al., 2016) and weather prediction (Givati et al.,
2012; Schwartz, 2014). The WRF model is characterized by being
The Yucatan Peninsula (YP) is located in the southeast of the Gulf of compressible, non-hydrostatic, with terrain-following hydrostatic
Mexico (GoM). This study is focused in Sisal, Yucatan, Mexico, located pressure vertical coordinates and an Arakawa-C horizontal grid stag-
in the northwestern YP (21° 09′ 56.20” N, 90° 02′ 26.44” W) (Fig. 1). gered. The model uses the Runge-Kutta 2nd and 3rd order time in-
This coastal area is characterized by an E-W shoreline orientation, low- tegration schemes and the 2nd to 6th order advection schemes in both
lying topography, and dominant winds associated with breeze events the horizontal and vertical. It also uses a small time-split step for
(Figueroa-Espinoza et al., 2014). These events determine the dynamics acoustic and gravity-wave modes. For further details, interested readers
of the ocean circulation from the inner shelf to the surf zone (Enriquez are referred to Skamarock et al. (2008).
et al., 2010; Ponce de León and Orfila, 2013; Torres-Freyermuth et al.,
2017) and they are more frequent and intense during the months of 3.2.1. Model setup
spring and summer (April–August). The study area presents high me- The model physics parameterization schemes adopted in this work
soscale atmospheric variability with a well-defined seasonality. The are shown in Table 1. The selection of the parameterizations was based
summer months are characterized by the formation of low-pressure on the operating forecast default settings from the Center of Atmo-
systems which give rise to intense cyclonic activity (Zavala-Hidalgo spheric Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico
et al., 2014; Appendini et al., 2014), also associated with the Easterly (López-Méndez, 2009; Taylor-Espinosa, 2009, 2014) and on standard
Waves (Molinari et al., 1997; Serra et al., 2010). During the rest of the parameterization schemes for tropical regions (Tewari et al., 2004;
year, the region is affected by polar air masses that arrive as cold fronts Gunwani and Mohan, 2017; Fonseca et al., 2019). We used three (one-
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 1. Study area location. (a) Domains considered in the configuration of the WRF numerical model. (b) d03 from WRF domains, where the crosses indicate the
meteorological stations location.
way) nested computational domains. The first domain (d01) has a 3.2.2. Model validation
33 km horizontal grid resolution and includes the GoM, Caribbean Sea, The WRF model validation was done for the study period (00:00
part of the Atlantic, and part of the northeastern tropical Pacific. The UTC April 1st to 21:00 UTC April 12, 2014) using wind and tempera-
second domain (d02) has a resolution of 11 km and includes the central ture data from 20 sites (Fig. 1b). The meteorological stations are listed
GoM, part of the northwestern Caribbean Sea, and the YP. The third, in Table 3. (further on in this section). The nearest model grid point was
and finest, domain (d03) has a 3.6 km resolution and covers the YP chosen for the comparison at each location. Previously a test comparing
(Fig. 1). Thirty vertical levels in a log-normal distribution, with the top the model temperature at 2 m of the four nearest grid points and the
of the atmosphere fixed at 50 hPa were defined. For the initial and value at the location obtained by a bilinear interpolation of the two
boundary conditions, the numerical model was initialized with the stations in keys (Cayo Arenas and Isla Pérez) was performed. It was
global atmospheric reanalysis database from ERA-Interim, produced by found that the average differences were less that 0.024 °C with a stan-
the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (Uppala dard deviation of 0.018 °C and the average RMSE of all comparisons
et al., 2011). This database describes the atmospheric state on a global was 0.028 °C. Therefore, for the model output comparison against ob-
scale, on a grid of 0.75o x 0.75o, with temporal resolution of 6-h servations, we used the nearest grid point to each station of the d03
(ECMWF, 2006) (Carvalho et al., 2014). domain. Subsequently, time series were extracted for the wind direction
The model equations were integrated every 180 s, 60s, and 20s and wind velocity components (u, v) at 10 m, and for the temperature at
time-step for the d01, d02, and d03 domains, respectively. A 26-day 2 m above the surface. Statistical analysis was done to assess the model
simulation was performed (00,00 UTC March 24 to 21:00 UTC April 18, results.
2014) as hindcast mode, considering that the breezes are submesoscale For wind speed and temperature, the correlation coefficient (CC),
phenomena that are better reproduced in a high-resolution simulation. standard deviation (SD), root mean square error (RMSE), mean bias
The model outputs have a temporal resolution of 1-h for all three do- error (MBE), percent mean bias error (PMBE), and index of agreement
mains. (IA) were calculated (Robinson, 1957; Willmott, 1982; Davis et al.,
Table 1
WRF model configuration of the physics parameterizations used in this work.
Parameterizations d01 d02 d03 Sources
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Table 2
Mathematical expressions of the model performance metrics used in the statistical analysis. S stands for simulated and M for measured data. Overbar indicates the
average value.
Index Mathematical expression Index Mathematical expression
Table 3
Statistical metrics (RMSE: root mean square error; PMBE: percent mean bias error; SD: standard deviation; CC: correlation coefficient; CSD: circular standard
deviation; CCC: circular correlation coefficient) used to evaluate model performance for reproducing the wind speed (ms−1) and direction (o) at each of the 20
meteorological stations. Model validation was carried out for the study period (April 1–12). Model domain d03 data and measured data have a frequency of 1 h.
Asterisk (⁎) indicates a significant correlation at the 95% confidence level. S stands for simulated data and M for measured data.
Meteorological station Domain d03
1985; Legates and Mccabe, 2013). Some authors recommend the use of Senatore et al., 2014; Bolgiani et al., 2018). With respect to the wind
mean absolute percent error (MAPE) for validation purposes (e.g., Chai speed, the averaged metrics considering all stations showed an MBE of
and Draxler, 2014), which is a scale-independent measure bounded by 3.21 ms−1 and a PMBE of 1.55%, the latter indicating an over-
the weakest wind speeds and lowest temperatures (Goodwin and estimation in a low-magnitude percentage of the wind speed. A mean IA
Lawton, 1999; Fernández-González et al., 2017, 2018). MAPE reduces value of 0.29 was obtained, and although the error is relatively large
the influence of extremely large (northerly winds) and/or small (averaged RMSE = 3.71 ms−1), indicates is not a systematic error.
(breezes) values, and/or outliers, which can be undesirable during Differences in the SD between the observed and simulated wind speed
strong/weak wind episodes. Thus, MAPE values were also calculated in suggest that the numerical model reproduces the diurnal variability of
this study. Furthermore, circular statistics, including the circular cor- the measured data with a mean overestimation of approximately
relation coefficient (CCC), circular standard deviation (CSD), mean 0.92 ms−1. On the other hand, for the wind direction, the circular
vector length (MVL) and mean direction (MD) (Fisher and Lee, 1983; statistics showed a mean CSD of 0.98o. Regarding the measure of cir-
Jammalamadaka and Sarma, 1988; Davis, 2003; Mardia and Jupp, cular variance calculated with the MVL, which shows the group of
2008; Carvalho et al., 2012), were also employed to assess model per- angles of the MD, the values were almost equal for both observed and
formance regarding the wind direction (metrics that gives a linear re- simulated data, indicating an acceptable performance for wind direc-
lationship between angular variables). Values of the CC and CCC were tion variability. However, the averaged MD values showed a difference
statistically significant, with a confidence level of 95%, in 70% and 60% in wind direction of 62.8o between measured and simulated results.
of the stations, respectively. The mathematical expressions of the per- Such results imply an important direction change in the model data
formance metrics used in the statistical analysis are shown in Table 2. during few time periods (less than 24 h) for some stations (e.g., stations
The numerical model satisfactorily reproduces the observed daily 1, 2, 6, 8, and 16). Based on a previous analysis of the wind compo-
cycle of wind speed and direction for the simulation period based on the nents, this aforementioned direction change, can be associated with the
CC and CCC values (Sepp and Jaagus, 2002; Asuero et al., 2006; wind meridional component.
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Table 4 0.8 and a RMSE between 2 and 2.8 ms−1, intervals which depend on the
Magnitude of the semi-major (SMA) and -minor (SMI) axes of the ellipses ad- model parameterization schemes used by the authors. Another case
justed to the wind data of the 20 meteorological stations, both for Simulated concerning the wind speed is reported by Carvalho et al. (2012), who
and Measured data during the study period (April 1–12). validated the 10 m wind data from WRF model simulations, obtaining
Meteorological station Domain d03 values of the calculated metrics similar to those obtained in this study
(RMSE = 2.43 ms−1, BIAS = -1.09 ms−1). Concerning temperature, an
Name No. SMA SMI
example is the work of Papanastasiou et al. (2010), who validated WRF
Campeche 1 3.12 0.15 1.89 0.05
model simulations under different numerical and physical options. In
Cancún 2 0.97 1.66 0.59 0.78 general, they obtained for the near-surface air temperature a RMSE
Celestun 3 2.06 1.10 2.00 1.01 between 1.1 and 2.3 °C, supported by an IA of 0.7, reporting that in
Chetumal 4 1.98 0.54 1.01 0.53 some cases, the resulting differences of temperature were more than
Cozumel 5 0.69 0.50 0.49 0.15
3 °C.
Escárcega 6 1.00 0.51 0.30 0.17
Río Lagartos 7 1.50 1.45 0.70 0.54
Mérida 8 0.38 0.15 0.17 0.03 3.3. Data analysis
Monclova 9 1.03 0.95 0.10 0.42
J.M. Morelos 10 0.80 0.60 0.53 0.05
The validated WRF model results were employed for the analysis of
Nicolas Bravo 11 1.28 0.68 0.46 0.34
Oxkutzcab 12 0.52 0.57 0.15 0.21 the wind diurnal signal. The diurnal horizontal movement of the near-
Los Petenes 13 2.86 0.15 1.63 0.03 surface coastal wind associated with breezes can be described, ac-
Tantaquin 14 0.44 0.38 0.28 0.35 cording to linear theory, with an ellipse (Haurwitz, 1947; Schmidt,
Tizimin 15 0.66 0.69 0.58 0.12 1947). Therefore, while combining the wind direction and wind speed
Valladolid 16 0.67 0.12 0.64 0.12
Xcalak 17 1.64 1.34 1.52 0.20
information, we obtained time series for the zonal (u) and meridional
Isla Pérez 18 0.73 4.28 0.44 0.15 (v) wind components. Subsequently, the zonal and meridional wind
Cayo Arenas 19 2.01 3.86 0.96 4.20 components were adjusted to an elliptical signal by means of the least-
Sisal 20 1.64 2.71 1.44 0.66 squares method. Moreover, a harmonic analysis was performed to ob-
tain the explained variance of the diurnal signal and the diurnal com-
ponent (24 h frequency) of the wind speed. The elliptical signal was
Table 5 fitted as follows:
Characteristic parameters of the adjusted ellipses and explained variance of the
diurnal signal of each wind component (usvd, vsvd), for the breeze events and the ui = A + Bcos ( ti ) + Csin ( ti ); vi = D + Ecos ( ti ) + Fsin ( ti ) (1)
CS event. Gyre indicates the wind direction of rotation (Cyclonic: anti-clock-
where (A, D) (u0, v0) are constants related to the non-diurnal wind
wise / Anticyclonic: clockwise). Magnitude of the semi-major (SMA) and -minor
(SMI) axes, the minimum angle between the semi-major axis and the east di- component, (B, E) (u1, v1) and (C, F) (u2, v2) allow to obtain information
rection (Φ), eccentricity (Ec), and time when winds were aligned with the major about tilt, rotation, and magnitude of the semi-axes, and ω represents
axis of the ellipse (t0). the diurnal frequency (2π/24hrs). The system of linear equations was
solved using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method to cal-
Event Gyre SMA SMI Φ Ec t0 usvd vsvd
(ms−1) (ms−1) (o) (hr)
culate the values of the coefficients A to F (Golub and Reinsch, 1971;
Lawson and Hanson, 1974). The coefficient values for u and v were
Breeze A 3.92 1.91 105.72 0.87 0.49 0.89 0.75 obtained for the whole signal, from which the magnitude of the semi-
Cold Surge A 2.66 1.12 69.57 0.90 −0.73 0.63 0.87 axes, ellipse tilt (the semi-major axis angle with respect to the east), and
the time at which the wind is aligned with the major axis of the ellipse,
were calculated. Subsequently, the hourly averages of the identified
Concerning temperature, the model correctly reproduces the daily
breeze events were obtained and compared with the calculated ellipse.
cycle; however, the MBE showed that the model underestimates the
To evaluate the best-fit ellipse, the RMSE and MVL metrics were cal-
measured values up to 5.5 °C. This value fits in the intervals already
culated (Fisher, 1995; Mardia and Jupp, 2008). Therefore, MVL is a
reported in previous studies using the WRF model (e.g., Papanastasiou
measure of concentration, invariant under rotation. This analysis was
et al., 2010). The PMBE value obtained for the temperature was of
carried out for both the breeze events and the CS event occurring during
−0.09%, which suggests an almost accurate simulation (Harmel et al.,
the study period. The RMSE was 0.12 and 0.10 m s−1, respectively. The
2007; Carvalho et al., 2014). Prior modeling studies employing the
MVL metric showed that for the breeze events over 74% of the diurnal
WRF model have shown that one of the leading causes of the over- and
signal was represented by the adjusted ellipse, but only 55% for the CS
underestimated values in a simulation, are ascribed to either the surface
event. The ellipse characteristic parameters, given by the magnitude of
parameterization associated with the sea-land temperature gradient
the semi-major (SMA) and -minor (SMI) axes (Table 4), the minimum
(Papanastasiou et al., 2010; Carvalho et al., 2012; Li and Chao, 2016) or
angle between the semi-major axis and the east direction (Φ), the ec-
to the smoothing terrain characteristics (Carvalho et al., 2014).
centricity (Ec), and the time when winds were aligned with the major
With respect to the coastal station (Station 20), located near the
axis of the ellipse (t0), were also obtained. Finally, Hovmöller (HM)
Sisal Port, the statistic indexes show a CC of 0.56 and 0.74 for the wind
diagrams along two transects, zonal and meridional, were constructed
speed and the temperature, a MAPE of 35.35% and 20.43%, a PMBE of
to describe the evolution through time.
0.004% and 0.03%, and a mean SD of 2.34 ms−1 and 2.8 o C, respec-
tively. The IA obtained value for wind speed was 0.99, suggesting a
4. Results and discussion
high coincidence with measured data, while obtaining a value of 0.47
for temperature. Moreover, for the wind direction, the results showed a
Breeze conditions mostly dominated wind dynamics in the study
CCC of 0.83, a MVL of 0.035o for measured and 0.011o for simulated
area during the analyzed period (i.e., 1–12 April 2014), whereas a high-
data, being sufficiently close MD values of 168.1o and 157.5o, respec-
pressure system persisted at the north of the GoM most of the time and
tively. Thus, model simulation satisfactorily reproduces the diurnal
arrived at the study area on April 8th. This high-pressure system then
variability of wind speed and direction for Sisal, as reported in previous
moved northeastward towards the Atlantic. On the other hand, two
studies. For instance, Fita et al. (2013) found that ERA-Interim database
high-pressure systems remained partially stationary over continental
produces the most accurate 10 m wind WRF estimation, in terms of
Mexico, one between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre
wind variability. They obtained a CC that oscillates between 0.69 and
Occidental (west of the YP) and the other one over the state of Chiapas,
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 2. WRF-d01 surface synoptic maps for (a) breeze conditions (April 6, 2014 at 00:00 UTC [April 5, 2014 at 18:00 h LT]) and (b) CS conditions (April 9, 2014 at
00:00 UTC [April 8, 2014 at 18:00 h LT]). The magenta lines are contours of sea-level pressure (hPa), the filled-color contours represent the 2 m air temperature (°C),
and the barbs the wind magnitude (m s−1) and direction. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
near the border with Guatemala (south of the YP) (Fig. 2a). Both the study case, the SMA tilt is due to the influence of the easterly winds.
wind intensity and direction remained relatively constant, with an The change in the wind direction, the diurnal signal amplitude, and the
average magnitude of 7.6 ms−1. The weak pressure gradient over the hour of the day at which the largest amplitude in breeze signal is ob-
YP favored the development of local circulations such as breezes (Li and served are associated with other meteorological variables such as
Chao, 2016). temperature and relative humidity (Fig. 4). In the case of temperature, a
thermal gradient with a diurnal variation is generated due to differ-
ential heating between sea-land surfaces (Martin and Pielke, 1983;
4.1. Breeze diurnal variability
Miller et al., 2003; Li and Chao, 2016; Kishtawal et al., 2016). The air
temperature variability under breeze conditions during the study
Breeze variability is influenced by both synoptic and local wind
period, considering the nine breeze events identified from April 1st to 7
variability. The numerical results show that the meridional component
and April 11 to 12, oscillates between 18.3 °C and 30.5 °C, depending on
of the wind (v) has a greater influence during breeze events. When
the mesoscale atmospheric conditions (Fig. 4c). In the case of relative
obtaining the wind diurnal frequency from the model data, the adjusted
humidity, it oscillates from 32% to 97% (Fig. 4d). Under average breeze
ellipse shows an anticyclonic gyre associated with the Coriolis force
conditions, the difference in diurnal change of the relative humidity is
(Fig. 3c) (Neumann, 1977, 1984; Alpert et al., 1984), with a maximum
65%. Similar to temperature, the relative humidity is also modulated by
SMA of 3.92 ms−1, almost twice the amplitude of the global diurnal
mesoscale dynamics but also by local dynamics, depending on the
signal (SMA = 2 ms−1) reported by Gille et al. (2005). This feature is
properties (wet-dry) of the air mass (Challa et al., 2009). These results
associated with the direction of the synoptic-scale wind relative to the
are consistent with those of Yan and Anthes (1988) and with the
coastline position. The characteristic parameters of the adjusted ellipses
findings of Kishtawal et al. (2016), who determined that one of the
and the explained variance of the diurnal signal of the wind compo-
essential pre-conditions for breeze formation in coastal areas is the
nents are presented in Table 5. Maximum wind intensity was reached
difference in humidity content of the air masses over land (hot and dry
on average between 21:00 and 22:00 UTC for the sea breeze and be-
air) and the sea (cold and humid air). When these air masses with
tween 10:00 and 11:00 UTC for the land breeze, corresponding to 15:00
different properties are advected, moisture accumulates in the lower
and 16:00 h LT and 04:00 and 05:00 h LT, respectively (Table 5,
atmosphere, which, in combination with intense solar heating, creates a
Fig. 3a). Nevertheless, the time of the wind peak may change depending
potential instability that causes the breezes (Van Delden, 2000; Day
on the month and season (Manobianco et al., 2005; Taylor-Espinosa,
et al., 2010; Hu and Xue, 2015). The associated relative humidity
gradient in the area causes the wind to rotate with an abrupt change in
A characteristic of the diurnal component is the eccentricity of its
its direction. When the temperature gradient is large, the wind pro-
associated ellipse, which in the case of Sisal was 0.87 (Table 5). Al-
gression, either towards the land (sea breeze) or towards the sea (land
though the signal has a large amplitude, it is not determinant for the
breeze), moves air masses with properties different from those of the
ellipse to be more eccentric, since eccentricities close to one are asso-
region they arrive. This leads to a change in humidity and hence in
ciated with an abrupt or sudden change in wind direction due to friction
pressure. Furthermore, the diurnal variation in atmospheric pressure is
and differential heating of the thermal forcing, and are also related to
attenuated by the semi-diurnal and diurnal breeze variations (Fig. 4e).
the non-diurnal wind component (Neumann, 1984; Alpert et al., 1984;
The thermal gradient is one of the main factors that generate the
Papanastasiou et al., 2010; Giffen et al., 2012). With low atmospheric
breeze (Martin and Pielke, 1983; Miller et al., 2003; Suresh, 2007; Li
synoptic-scale variability (tropical storms or low-pressure systems)
and Chao, 2016; Kishtawal et al., 2016), making the diurnal wind
modulating the region and a weak presence or non-northerly winds, the
component to be mainly oriented perpendicularly to the coastline and
SMA of the ellipse has a tilt of 106o with respect to the east. In this
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 3. WRF-d03 hourly average wind speed (black dots) and ellipse adjusted by SVD (red dots) for (a) the breeze events (April 1st to April 7 and April 11 to April 12)
and (b) the CS event (April 8th to April 10). The maps in (c) and (d) show the ellipses calculated for each case, where the blue cross in the center indicates the location
of Sisal, Yuc., (21° 09′ 56.20” N, 90° 02′ 26.44” W), the red circle the wind at 00:00 h UTC and the red cross the wind at 06:00 h UTC. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
be aligned with the sea-land temperature gradient as expected in tro- direction to change drastically in only a few hours and the sea breeze
pical latitudes. To analyze the sea-land temperature differences, the winds become intense enough to reduce the effect of the mean wind
maximum and minimum daily data averaged from April 1 to April 12 (easterly wind). The breeze front steadily progresses inland from
were compared between Isla Pérez (located northeast of Sisal at 22o 23′ 21:00 h UTC to 03:00 h UTC of the next day (15:00 h to 21:00 h LT).
03” N, 89o 40′ 54” W) and Sisal. The absolute differences in maximum The convergence that forms with the easterly wind (breeze front) is
and minimum air temperature near the surface between the two loca- observed along the western coast of the YP (Fig. 7). The results obtained
tions (Fig. 5a) and the SMA of the ellipse calculated at each location by analyzing the time series along the meridional transect show a
(Fig. 5b) were obtained. Temperature differences are smaller when the pressure anomaly caused by the temperature difference at the sea-land
synoptic-scale atmospheric conditions modify the local dynamics (April interface. In the HM diagram (Fig. 8), the wind component v converges
9th in Fig. 5). Even with the arrival of the CS a small difference between inland when warming is maximum (Fig. 8a), between 18:00 and
sea-land temperature was found (Fig. 4c), enough to make the diurnal 21:00 h UTC (12:00 and 15:00 h LT) and displaces southward (Fig. 8b
signal prevail. Thus, the SMA is mainly dominated by temperature ra- and c). This displacement is associated with the strengthening of the
ther than by wind magnitude, and as a result, the diurnal signal persists. pressure differences and hence the wind direction change induces a
The persistence of the breeze phenomenon will be described in the next convergence that causes the breeze front (Fig. 7) (Gentry and Moore,
sections. 1954; Challa et al., 2009; Papanastasiou et al., 2010; Birch et al., 2015).
The pressure anomaly formed can be considered as a density current
4.1.1. Sea and land breeze winds (Manobianco et al., 2005; van der Wiel et al., 2017) that determines the
Figs. 6 and 7 show 3-hourly wind maps for the 5th of April 2014, widening of the breeze cell (breeze circulation formed by the vertical
which are representative of the average conditions of breezes. The 24-h and horizontal displacement of the land-sea air masses, according to
UTC corresponding to this day were selected, considering that breeze Miller et al., 2003; Li and Chao, 2016) as the winds intensify within the
dynamics begin after mid-day. Fig. 6 shows that the YP has a relatively circulation cell, limit at which an offshore divergence is formed (Martin
uniform temperature at dawn (12:00 h UTC or 06:00 h local time [LT]), and Pielke, 1983; Atkinson and Zhang, 1996; Gahmberg et al., 2010;
with lower temperatures compared to sea. At 18:00 h UTC (12:00 h LT) Papanastasiou et al., 2010). When the sea breeze enters, the land
the temperature difference between sea and land is above 5.4 °C, being temperature is modified and the thermal gradient decreases, causing
the land temperatures higher. The differential heating causes the wind the breeze cell to weaken.
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 4. Time series of meteorological variables from WRF-d03 in Sisal, Yuc., from April 1–12, 2014. (a) Wind direction and magnitude (feather diagram), (b) wind
speed (ms−1), (c) air temperature (°C), (d) relative humidity (%), and (e) mean sea-level pressure (hPa).
Land cooling begins after 00:00 h UTC (18:00 h LT), which reduces When the temperature rises over land, the breeze cell strengthens and
the sea breeze effect and reverses direction after approximately three the mean wind appears uniform and steady over the YP (Fig. 7). The
hours (03:00 h UTC, 21:00 h LT), resulting in a land breeze. The land land breeze and its influence on the adjacent atmosphere can be ex-
breeze presents the same direction as the easterly wind, so that an in- tended more than 100 km offshore, consistent with remote sensing
crease in the intensity of the zonal component is observed propagating observations (e.g., Gille et al., 2005).
towards the ocean. The maximum land breeze then coincides with the Analysis of the numerical results showed an important asymmetry
minimum temperature gradient, when the land temperature decreases between the sea and land breezes. In both cases, a convergence zone
more than 10 °C (12:00 h UTC, 06:00 h LT) (Fig. 6). A reduction in the was formed and a divergence zone developed as a product of the breeze
intensity of the sea breeze, while it penetrates and the temperature front. Throughout the duration of the sea breeze, the meridional wind
gradient reduces, contributes to the development of the land breeze. component becomes more dominant, penetrating landward. A well-
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 5. (a) Differences in daily average minimum and maximum temperatures between Isla Pérez and Sisal from WRF-d03. The red line is the maximum temperature
difference, the blue line is the minimum temperature difference, the green line the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature difference (red minus
blue line) and (b) represents the amplitude of the SMA of the ellipse calculated for Sisal (black line) and Isla Pérez (gray line). (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
defined sea breeze front is generated by the intensity of the opposing Gentry and Moore, 1954; Carvalho et al., 2014; Hughes and Veron,
wind (easterly winds), causing a wind intensification behind the front. 2018) which causes the wind to decrease its intensity at some times
On the other hand, the convergence zones intensify the effect of the during the day. The thermal contrast in the area is enhanced by the high
land breeze, which penetrates further offshore (Figs. 6 and 7). solar radiation in the region and its considerable variability throughout
the day. The diurnal range in temperature over the land surface exceeds
4.1.2. Flow field generated by breezes 15 °C. Moreover, the extension of the breeze is limited by the friction
Sea breeze winds travel more than 100 km from the ocean to the effect of the surface. Therefore, the maximum wind speed is reached
coast. Fig. 7 shows that the sea breeze winds are more intense in the when the thermal gradient begins to decrease (Fig. 9a; Miller et al.,
ocean (> 8 m s−1), and during afternoon (21:00–03:00 h UTC, 2003), and when the mean easterly and southeasterly winds are weak.
15:00–21:00 h LT) move inland with speeds over 10 m s−1 and hence According to Estoque (1962), more intense vertical movements are
they are not limited to the coastal area. Therefore, the change in wind observed in zones where this thermal difference is minimal. The results
intensity will depend on the direction of the mean wind (opposite to the of Martin and Pielke (1983) suggested that in a heating surface, the
direction of the sea breeze) and the thermal gradient (Leopold, 1949; advection of the air mass in motion reduces the horizontal scale of the
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 6. Model-simulated horizontal wind field at 10 m (arrows) for a typical case of a breeze (from the d03 domain) on April 5, 2014. The maps also show the
temperature at 2 m (background color). The maps have a time interval of three hrs from April 5 at 00:00 h UTC to April 6 at 00:00 h UTC, which corresponds to April
4 at 18:00 h LT to April 5 at 18:00 h LT.
circulation in low atmosphere levels, which combines with the friction this case the zonal component is almost imperceptible (Fig. 9b and c).
effect. In the case of the land breeze, the surface friction over the ocean It must be considered that in these results, the period analyzed co-
is less than overland; therefore, the progression of the offshore wind incides with the maximum amplitude events of the observed signal
extends over a larger area (Fig. 8) (Stephan et al., 1999; Suresh, 2007). (Manobianco et al., 2005; Azorin-Molina et al., 2011; Taylor-Espinosa,
The HM diagram of a zonal transect in the study region (Fig. 9) shows 2014). This maximum is not constant over time, as it presents a sea-
that the maximum meridional component occurred 6 h after having sonal and annual variability (Manobianco et al., 2005; Srinivas et al.,
presented the most intense winds that took place along the breeze front, 2006; Taylor-Espinosa, 2009; Azorin-Molina et al., 2011; Giffen et al.,
which due to the effect of the mean wind, were displaced southwest. In 2012).
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 7. Model-simulated horizontal wind field at 10 m (arrows) for a typical case of a breeze (from the d03 domain) on April 5, 2014. The maps also show the wind
magnitude (background color). The maps have a time interval of three hrs from April 5 at 00:00 h UTC to April 6 at 00:00 h UTC, which corresponds to April 4 at
18:00 h LT to April 5 at 18:00 h LT.
4.2. Cold surge effect on breeze dynamics increasing trend (Fig. 4c), while there was a fall in relative humidity
(Fig. 4d) and mean sea-level pressure (Fig. 4e) regarding the previously
Synoptic-scale events can modify breeze characteristics. A CS event observed variability.
reached the study area on April 8th with sustained winds of 12 ms−1. During the passage of the CS, the wind speed exceeded 12 ms−1
This front arrived at the GoM associated with three high-pressure sys- (Fig. 4b), temperature decreased by around 9 °C (Fig. 4c), relative hu-
tems located on the continent (see Fig. 2b), and caused changes in the midity increased to 100% (Fig. 4d), and subsequently, the pressure
meteorological variables (see Fig. 4c-4d). However, the local atmo- increased to exceed 1020 hPa (Fig. 4e). This CS event is considered
sphere responded approximately 48-h before the CS arrival, called the typical since its characteristics are observed in approximately 32% of
pre-front period. During this pre-front period, the temperature had an the CS events, according to the wind analysis of López-Méndez (2009).
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 8. Hovmöller diagram from d03 domain data, for a typical case of breeze. Meridional transect from April 5 at 00:00 h UTC to April 7 at 00:00 h UTC, which
corresponds to April 4 at 18:00 h LT to April 6 at 18:00 h LT. The black line indicates the latitudinal position of Sisal (21° 09′ 56.20” N). (a) Air temperature at 2 m
(°C), (b) zonal wind component u at 10 m (m s−1), and (c) meridional wind component v at 10 m (m s−1). The arrows represent the v component.
Considering the generated wave energy in the GoM, this CS corresponds Fig. 3b and d show the adjustment of the ellipse for the days of the CS
to a Type III event, according to the classification of Appendini et al. event (April 8 to 10), indicating that the meridional wind component is
(2018). Type III events represent approximately 16% of the CSs predominant during the event. With the CS arrival, the elliptical signal
crossing the GoM, and they follow the Type II events as the most en- has an anticyclonic gyre (Fig. 3d) with a maximum SMA of 2.66 ms−1
ergetic with respect to the power of the generated waves, although si- and -0.73 h lag. Maximum diurnal wind intensity during the CS was
milar or slightly milder than the Type I events around the YP. reached on average between 21:00 and 22:00 h UTC for the sea breeze
Although the feather plot (Fig. 4a) shows that during the CS the and between 09:00 and 10:00 UTC for the land breeze, corresponding
breeze phenomenon does not develop, the analysis of the wind diurnal to 15:00 and 16:00 h LT and 03:00 and 04:00 h LT, respectively
component showed the presence of a low diurnal signal modulation. (Table 5, Fig. 3b). The ellipse eccentricity is 0.90, which indicates an
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 9. Hovmöller diagram from d03 domain data, for a typical case of breeze. Zonal transect from April 5 at 00:00 h UTC to April 7 at 00:00 h UTC, which
corresponds to April 4 at 18:00 h LT to April 6 at 18:00 h LT. The black line indicates the meridional position of Sisal (90° 02′ 26.44” W). (a) Air temperature at 2 m
(°C), (b) zonal wind component u at 10 m (m s−1), and (c) meridional wind component v at 10 m (m s−1). The arrows represent the u component.
abrupt change in wind direction during the cold front passage through to those reported by Kishtawal et al. (2016) for the Bay of Bengal, India,
the YP region or a lag due to the horizontal wind displacement asso- and Miller et al. (2003). Nevertheless, the prevailing northerly wind
ciated with thermal forcing (Haurwitz, 1947; Kusuda and Alpert, 1983; minimizes the diurnal signal. The intrusion of the cold front reduces the
Alpert et al., 1984; Papanastasiou et al., 2010). mean easterly wind effect and the breeze front is not observed. On
The land breeze is nullified while on the west coast there is a average breeze conditions, the YP cooling takes about 12 h (00:00 h to
bending of the northerly wind due to the presence of the YP and east- 12:00 h UTC, 18:00 h to 06:00 h LT), while during the CS event, it takes
erly winds. The thermal difference that gives rise to the sea breeze 6 h (00:00 h to 06:00 h UTC, 18:00 h to 00:00 h LT). The thermal dif-
during the cold front is minimum. With only a 4 °C temperature dif- ference decreases and hence it is associated with a greater stratification
ference between the sea (20 °C) and land (24 °C), the sea breeze is re- in the typical case of the breeze or with increased mixing in the at-
stored at 00:00 h UTC (18:00 h LT) on April 11. These values are similar mospheric column in the case of the cold front (Stephan et al., 1999;
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 10. Wind vectors at 10 m (ms−1) and air temperature at 2 m (°C) (colored contours) for the CS event on April 8th in d01 domain. Maps are shown every three hrs
from April 8 at 00:00 h UTC to April 9 at 00:00 h UTC, which corresponds to April 7 at 18:00 h LT to April 8 at 18:00 h LT.
Miller et al., 2003; Hu and Xue, 2015). by the easterly winds to the south, below 18o N, giving rise to a con-
For this particular CS event, the front comes from the north-north- vergence zone (Fig. 11). The average wind speed at Sisal during the CS
west, impacting the central and eastern zone of the GoM, the Peninsula event was 8 ms−1 with values up to 15 ms−1 in the GoM.
of Florida, and the Caribbean Sea to Central America. A thermal front The development of the wind perpendicular to the coast (meridional
was generated between the continent and ocean northwest of the GoM, component) is presented by the HM diagram shown in Fig. 12. Fig. 12a
on the coasts of Louisiana and Texas, at 03:00 h UTC of April 8 (April 7 shows that sea-land diurnal thermal difference prevails, however, the
at 00:00 h LT) (Fig. 10). Three hours later, the cold front caused a tendency is towards maximum temperature decrease regarding to the
significant decrease in wind intensity and a change of wind direction average maximum temperature in a diurnal cycle, under breeze con-
towards the northeast, from the YP through the Peninsula of Florida ditions. During the CS, average maximum temperature for the sea was
(Fig. 10). The arrival of the CS to the study area displaces the jet formed less than 25 °C and less than 30 °C for land. The cold front penetrates
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 11. Wind vectors and wind magnitude (colored contours) at 10 m (ms−1) for the CS event on April 8th in d01 domain. Maps are shown every three hrs from
April 8 at 00:00 h UTC to April 9 at 00:00 h UTC, which corresponds from April 7 at 18:00 h LT to April 8 at 18:00 h LT.
further inland and the presence of the mean easterly wind weakens increases the magnitude of the winds in the YP and the Campeche Bank.
(Fig. 12b). The impact of the cold front on local dynamics lasted 66 h, It should be noted that although the signal of the breeze is preserved,
from April 8 at 12:00 h UTC (06:00 h LT) to April 11 at 06:00 h UTC the maximum intensity of the northerly wind is less than the maximum
(00:00 h LT). The diurnal cycle of the breeze was restored approxi- intensity of the diurnal signal.
mately in 3 h (April 11 from 06:00–09:00 h UTC, 00:00–03:00 h LT) When the meridional component of the mean wind direction
after the CS left Sisal (Fig. 12c). However, differential heating over the changes drastically, the diurnal component is negatively affected and
YP occurs hours before the wind shifts and the diurnal cycle recovers, so the diurnal signal relatively inhibited. The findings presented by Arritt
that the zonal component becomes a key element for breeze recovery (1993) and Gahmberg et al. (2010), determined that the extension and
(Estoque, 1962; Gahmberg et al., 2010). On the other hand, the breeze magnitude of the wind during a breeze event are directly related to the
front is not well defined under the CS conditions, however its arrival mesoscale dynamics. As in this study case the constant easterly wind
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
Fig. 12. Hovmöller diagram from d03 domain data, for the CS event. Meridional transect from April 7 at 18:00 h UTC to April 11 at 18:00 h UTC, which corresponds
to April 7 at 12:00 h LT to April 11 at 12:00 h LT. The black line indicates the latitudinal position of Sisal (21° 09′ 56.20” N). (a) Air temperature at 2 m (°C), (b) zonal
wind component u at 10 m (m s−1), and (c) meridional wind component v at 10 m (m s−1). The arrows represent the v component.
Fig. 13. Time series of wind speed components at 10 m (ms−1) from WRF-d03 in Sisal, Yuc. (21° 09′ 56.20” N, 90° 02′ 26.44” W). (a) Zonal and (b) meridional
component. The black line represents the hourly wind speed, and the gray line represents the low-pass filtered wind speed with a 24-h cut-off frequency.
M.E. Allende-Arandía, et al. Atmospheric Research 244 (2020) 105051
(Fig. 13a), also promotes an atmospheric dynamics perpendicular to the originated by differential heating at a local scale. This synoptic-scale
coastline (Fig. 13b) which aligns with the sea-land temperature gra- phenomena of the breeze observed in the YP region can be considered
dient (Azorin-Molina et al., 2011; Hughes and Veron, 2018). The above as symmetrical in terms of their components, which suggest a north-
is shown by the high eccentricity values obtained, added to the effect of south atmospheric dynamics or vice versa, even with the arrival of a
latitude (Alpert et al., 1984) due to the study area location. The geo- moderate CS event. The current results cannot be generalized for other
graphical variability of the signal modulates not only its eccentricity, CS events with different characteristics of intensity and displacement.
but also its amplitude. The Coriolis effect does not influence this wind Hence, further research on breeze-CS interaction is warranted.
perpendicular alignment to the coastline and its large spatial extent.
Below 30o, the Coriolis force (f) is relatively small and its frequency is Acknowledgements
less than the inertial frequency (ω) (Rotunno, 1983), in this study case
the diurnal frequency (24 h), which allows the breeze front to propa- Financial support was provided by the National Council of Science
gate before being deflected by the Coriolis effect. Hence, when f < ω and Technology (CONACyT) through Cátedras-CONACyT program
the breeze occurs as inertial internal waves or gravity waves, which (Coastal Observatory for studies of resilience to climate change-1146),
increase the extension of the breeze (Garratt et al., 1988; Buckley and the National Coastal Resilience Laboratory (LN-293354), and the
Kurzeja, 1997; van der Wiel et al., 2017). Nevertheless, the Coriolis SENER-CONACyT-201441. The first author acknowledges the financial
effect is significant for the development of the diurnal signal, since support from the Engineering Institute at UNAM through the internal
otherwise there would be a decrease in the eccentricity and tilt with project Observatorio Costero. Thanks to the National Meteorological
respect to the coastline during the trajectory of the wind. Also, the Service, to the Secretaría de Marina, and to the Comisión Federal de
influence of this effect is evident in the direction of the ellipses' rotation Electricidad through the project of Boundary-Layer for providing the
(Kusuda and Alpert, 1983; Alpert et al., 1984; Simpson, 1996), and is meteorological stations database of the YP region. Thanks to the
also modulated by the interaction between the mean wind and the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts for providing
forces associated with the horizontal pressure gradients (Leopold, 1949; the ERA-Interim database and the National Center for Atmospheric
Martin and Pielke, 1983; Neumann, 1977, 1984; Atkins and Wakimoto, Research sponsored by the National Science Foundation for making the
1997). WRF development. We acknowledge Gonzalo Uriel Martin Ruiz for IT
technical support.
5. Conclusions
Declaration of Competing Interests
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