International Master in Media and Entertainment Online

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International Master in

Media and
3 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Be a Better Manager 04 Return on Investment (ROI) 47

This brochure has an interactive menu
Welcome from The Dean Invest for your future (ROI) that will navigate you directly to each one
Planeta Formación y Universidades Your Impact of the topics and from there back to the
The most International Italian Business School • Career Services menu page. Videos, URL’s and emails are
• Rome Business School’s Global Learning Community Occupational Pathways also interactive
• Rome Business School’s International Partners • Career Acceleration Program
Accreditations and Rankings • Rome Business School’s Partner Companies
• RBS4Entrepreneurship

Your Journey 14 Entrepreneurial Pathways

• RBS4Entrepreunership
Rome Business School’s Impact • Independent Employment | GIG Economy
The Online Didactic Methodology
The International Master Experience
International Master in Media and Entertainment
Your Future 57
• What the Master offers Alumni Program
• Why Choose the International Master in Media and Entertainment ? Rome Business School’s Better Managers
• Master Objectives
• Program Outcomes
Experience Rome Business School 60
International Master in Media and Entertainment
– Timeline Expand your Boundaries
• First Semester The Campus
• Second Semester Student Services
International Master in Media and Entertainment At your disposal
– Structure Beyond the Classroom
• Pre-Master Courses • Living in the Eternal City
• Core Managerial Courses
• Core International Master in Media and Entertainment Courses
Welcome to Rome 66
• Company Visits
• Practice Lab Rome, City of Culture and Business
• Leadership Program Unlock your Future Opportunities
• Electives About Rome
• Capstone Project | Your Real-World Business challenges
• Rome Business School’s International Bootcamp Experiences Take the First Step 70
Make your Move
Your Professors 38
Corporate Advisory Board | CAB
International Faculty
Your Guides
• Program Director
• A World Class Faculty
International Master in Media and Entertainment
– Your Classmates

01 Be a Better Manager
5 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business School offers Master and MBA programs

that can be taken both on campus and online, as well as
Executive Education training programs. We always maintain
an international vision, and our mission is to train global
leaders equipped to manage companies all over the world
from an innovative and sustainable perspective.

This is the meaning of our mission to create better managers for a better world.
6 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

“In a global world, the economy never

stops. It fluctuates, driven by ever-growing
competition and market uncertainties.
Companies that have the best understanding
of this new context know that they need
versatile, creative, highly adaptable directors;
responsible leaders with the ability to design the strategic approaches of their organizations
diversity, innovation and sustainability but strongly connected to the market our educational
Your passion is our fuel and your ideas the starting point from which to make a change
and professionals to a level of excellence and ethics in their competences to take the world
The quality of our programs is underpinned by a working atmosphere always connected
to the professional world in which the participants share experiences and learn from their
Antonio Ragusa
Dean of Rome Business School You’re one of us!
7 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

A Family committed
to Global Education
Rome Business School is a member of Planeta
Formación y Universidades, an international network
created in 2003 by the De Agostini and Grupo Planeta
that embodies a strong commitment from both
companies to university education and vocational and
lifelong training.
This international higher education network boasts twenty-three educational
institutions across Spain, France, Italy, North Africa, the USA, Colombia and
1 from4different
1 countries
receive training through its business schools, universities, specialist further

Asadiversi…edbusinessdivisionoftwo large
Pietro Boroli
Pietro Boroli, President of De Agostini Editore, inaugurates
publishing, communication and entertainment the New Campus of Rome Business School during the
groups, Planeta Formación y Universidades inauguration ceremony of the new campus of the Rome
BusinessSchool.Rome,October120 ,41
This leading and enterprising spirit is now
combined with the latest technologies and the
8 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The most International

Business School in Italy
It is our belief that, in order to close the gap between the academic
is why, ever since Rome Business School was founded, we have
Universities partnerships
+ 707
Partnership agreements
11 586
Masters classified in National and International
focused our efforts on creating a multicultural, diverse learning and agreements in 63 countries with National and Internationals Rankings Employability Partners
and 4 continents worldwide International companies
inItaly,withstudentscomingfrommorethan50countries. 1
Therefore, choosing Rome Business School for a higher education
program does not just mean receiving a top-level education,
but also coming in contact with brand new perspectives and
3,285 14,873 2,300 97%
Job and internship Candidates keen to Students from Placement rate
offer each year apply each year 150 countries

50+ 91 107 102

International companies International Managers National and international Events, workshops, webinars
involved in the students’ final as Corporate Advisors events every year, including and meetings in collaboration
Capstone Project talks, conferences, with multinational companies
summits, and social events every year

Most international
Business School in Italy
9 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business School’s

Global Learning
Rome Business School strongly believes Right from the very early years, This comprehensive expansion of Rome Business School also
Rome Business School has naturally Rome Business School has therefore offers partners services such as
inaninternationalmissionngivingarst developed international cooperation not only attracted international legalizationofthecerti…cations,
role to cross-cultural communication on a global scale, with a special students from more than 161 customized packages and dedicated
focusondevelopingcountries.Ancountries to its programs but also, lectures and training, along with the
between its students and granting access ethical approach to business and and most importantly, it has given inclusion in our Online Library and
to managerial education worldwide. work has to be applied when training rise to active synergies with other VirtualLearningEnvironment.
entrepreneurs, managers and Schools, Institutions and Universities:
professionals to a level of excellence from running International Study
intheirareaofcompetence.Thisis Tours in Rome and abroad to the
the main reason that Rome Business dedicated Online Short Courses, as
School wants to play a key role well as taking part in institutional
in the development of economic events and graduation ceremonies,
humanity and a more prosperous, cooperating in the publications of the
fair and respectful society focusing ResearchCenter,andmuchmore.
10 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business School Partners

Mundos E Business
Eurasia International
Javeriana - Bogotá
Universidad EAFIT
Universidad del Norte
Tblisi State University
Caucasus University
University of
Rome Business
School Nigeria
Universidad de
Ciencias Aplicadas -
Ducere Global
Business School
Florida International
HAC Business School
Kean University
269 61
Universities Countries
RBS Partners PFU Partners

University UniversidadPonti…cia Universidad de Piura PACE University
Accra Business
Bolivariana UPB USIL Miami
Cives Solutions DOMINICAN Instituto Politécnico VIETNAM
REPUBLIC de Bragança FPT University
BELARUS Ponti…ciaUniversidad City College
MHR Group Jayanagar Universidade da
Madre Maestra Beira Interior
International PUCMM Don Bosco School
School of Business of Management Universidade
ECUADOR Hindustan College do Algarve
and Management of
Technology of BSU UniversidadPonti…cia of Arts & Science RUSSIA
Católica del Ecuador Indian Institute Southern Federal
BELGIUM Universidad San
Université de Liège of Logistics University
Francisco de Quito Rajagiri Centre for St.PetersburgState
BRAZIL EGYPT Business Studies Electrotechnical
Baiana Business Brilliance Business IRELAND University “LETI”
School School
Fucape Business Galway Business SERBIA
Pontifícia St.MarysUniversity KYRGYZSTAN SLOVENIA
Universidade Católica FINLAND Makhumud Kashgari DOBA Business
do Paraná Turku University of Barskani Eastern School
Strong Educational Applied Sciences University SOUTH KOREA
Universidade Federal FRANCE MACEDONIA Woosong University
do vale do Sao CMH Academy Insitute of SPAIN
Francisco - International Communication EAE Business School
CAMEROON Hospitality Studies International
Fotabe University Management School MEXICO University of Valencia
Ecole Supérieure de Escuela Bancaria Universidad de
Universidad Andres Design ESDAC y Comercial - EBC Salamanca
Bello EDC Paris Business Universidad Anáhuac TURKEY
Universidad de School del Mayab Abant Izzet Baysal
Chile - Facultad ESLSCA Business Universidad University
de Economia y School - Paris Autónoma de
ESSCA School of UAE
Negocios Guadalajara
Management Capital College
Universidad Mayor Universidad de
Magellan Institute University
CYPRUS Guadalajara - Centro
Université Paris- Universitario de Arte, UKRAINE
Cyprus Institute of Est Creteil Val-de- International Institute
Marketing Arquitectura y Diseño
Marne Universidad de of Business
Global Business Kyiv-Hoyla Business
GEORGIA Veracruz
University - Europe School
Open University of Business and MYANMAR
Technology Ukraine
Cyprus WEBS College

Annual meeting with Rome Business School International Partners

11 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Accreditations & Rankings

Public Accreditations Business School Professional Quality
Accreditations Certifications
and Memberships

MIUR –Italian Ministry EFMD EADL PMI - Project ISO

5 1 02: 1 0 9
of Education, University Rome Business School is a Member of EFMD,
a global, non-profit membership-driven
The European Association for Distance
Learning represents all the privately-owned
Management Institute Rome Business School has obtained the
ISO 9001:2015 certification that accredits
and Research organization specializing in management
development. EFMD is a globally recognized
and non-governmental European organizations
offering high quality and educationally sound
Rome Business School is accredited as
Authorized Training Partner (ATP) by the Project
the top-quality standards of our training
activities. The ISO 9001:2015 accreditation
Rome Business School has been certified accreditation body for business schools, Management Institute (PMI), the world’s largest certifies that our organization implements
distance learning. EADL aims to improve the
by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, their programs, and corporate universities project management member association. quality systems that provide the foundation
quality and acceptance of distance learning to
University and Research) as a Research on a global scale. It strives to develop ensure the maximum benefit for students. for excellent customer satisfaction, staff
socially responsible leaders and managers motivation and continuous improvement.
Center, and is listed on the National
Research Registry (reg. nº 61598). looking for connection opportunities.
Rome Business School is a member of CSCMP,
the leading worldwide professional association
Italian Republic and EOCCS – EFMD dedicated to the advancement and dissemination
of research and knowledge on supply chain
Chamber of Commerce Certi…cation management. CSCMP Italy aims to develop
A suite of 4 courses of our Specialized Master practice, competences and networking among
Rome Business School is legally certified and Online in HR & Organization within the Italian-speaking Supply Chain Professionals.
authorized by the Italian Republic and Chamber managerial core competences are EOCCS
of Commerce to deliver: “management certified by the EFMD (European Foundation
training and consultancy, marketing and
communication services, education design,
for Management Development). This
prestigious certification demonstrates the DASCA
editorial activities by any means, including quality of the Rome Business School online Rome Business School is certified by ABDA™.
online publishing, except in the daily press”. n. courses. RBS is one of only two business The Data Science Council of America (DASCA)
rea – rm-1364167. schools in Italy certified by EOCCS-EFMD. is the world’s most credible 3rd–party, vendor–
neutral certification for young business–school
students and those graduating with majors
European Union Asfor Accreditation
like Statistics, Applied Mathematics, and
Economics, dreaming of making exciting careers
Rome Business School is officially registered as Our International MBA, Executive Master in Big Data. You can trust the internationally
a participant organization of the Education and in Marketing and Sales and Master in HR & accepted and recognized ABDA™ Credential
Culture Directorate-General and the Education, Organization are accredited by ASFOR as one to prove best, your proficiency, potential,
Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of of the best master programs in terms of giving and promise for Big Data analytics.
the European Commission, with the Participant its students an education in management.
Identification Code (PIC) nº 937625960. The accreditation verifies that the Master
is qualified to disseminate a 4.0 leadership
culture in order to grow a future generation of PWA
managers equipped to tackle the challenges of A non-profit networking organization that
modern society and its digital transformation. supports and promotes the interests of
professional women of different nationalities,
from diverse cultural environments,
PRME welcoming women from various professions
at different levels and from different sectors.
Rome Business School is a member of Principles
for Responsible Management Education (PRME),
a United Nations-supported initiative and a
platform for raising the profile of sustainability
in schools around the world. PRME equips
today’s business students with the understan-
ding and ability to deliver change tomorrow.
21 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Accredited Masters Certiedasters


What it is and its accreditation process Whatitisanditscerti…cationprocess

ASFOR (Associazione Italiana per la Formazione Manageriale) is the Italian
AssociationforManagementTraining.Foundedin,ASFORs 17 9 1 mainpurpose
system within the EFMD designed to evaluate the quality of online business and/or
is the development of Italian managerial culture and the continuous improvement
are evaluated according to criteria that ascertain the solidity of the proposed contents, the
teaching quality of the teaching staff involved, the organizational commitment of the promoting
educationalinstitutions,economicsustainabilityandtheguaranteeofcontinuity Theprocessover time.
ofthe certi…cationlasts6monthsandentailsanindepthreview
of courses under a wide range of aspects: planning, design, production, delivery,
management, maintenance and evaluation as well as the applied technology and the
What they valued the most from our collaborativeelementsofthesuiteofcoursestakeninconsideration.ThePanelreview
masters and from our School ofexpertsinvolvedbyEOCCShasinterviewedprofessors,staffandstudents.

What they valued the Most from our masters
by being part of an international group like Grupo Planeta that it favors are very wide Thisprestigiouscerti…cationdemonstratesthequalityoftheRome
ofexchangebetweenschoolsanditsgroupsactivities.Theschoolisevolvingvery Business School online courses and places Rome Business School among
quicklywithquality.Excellentlogisticscharacteristicsofthecampusandthe awell-
closerelationshipwith0Companies 7 operatinginternationally.Thegreatsatisfaction

Accredited Masters
International MBA Certi…cationMasters
Master HR and Organization Suite of four courses as part of Master Programme in HR and Organization: Business
Executive Master in Marketing and Sales Strategy,Marketing,ManagerialEconomics,EntrepreneurshipandBusinessPlanning.
13 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Accreditations TOP 30 TOP 50 TOP 60

& Rankings International Master in Food
and Beverage Management
International Master in
Agribusiness Management
Global Master in
Marketing & Sales

Rome Business School provide the highest quality in terms

of Higher Education, investing in people, Social Responsibility,
Ethics, Diversity and Innovation, connecting with companies and
building an international network that allows the school to keep
Rome Business School positions 11 of its masters among
TOP 30
Global Master in Fashion
TOP 50
International Master in Arts
TOP 100
Global Master in
the best in the world, 3 of them are italian leaders for higher and Luxury Management and Culture Management International Management
Education in Management: Marketing, Communication and
with more ranked Master among Eduniversal Ranking

TOP 40
International Master in Sport and
TOP 60
International Master
TOP 100
International Master in
Lifestyle Management in Data Science eHealth Management

TOP 50
International Master in Tourism
TOP 60
Global Master in Human
and Hospitality Management Resources Management

02 Your journey
15 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Your Journey Shape your professional path

and image through 4 pilars:
• RBS Entrepreneurship
Driven by the will to continuously improve our • Career Services
range of higher educational programs and keeping • Business Practice LAB • Company meetings
up-to-date with the trends of the job market, we • Coffee’s with CEO’s • Individual Coaching and Outdoor Training
have developed the Corporate Advisory Board, • Capstone Project • Business Simulation
• Company visits • Job & Placement
to embody the spirit of collaboration between s
• Company Shadowing n ie Pro • Leadership Program
m pa fes
co sio
Rome Business School – Learning Experience



li n
standards of quality required to success




• Creation of Sustainable • Global Experience

Business models • International Bootcamp
• CSR Business approach • International Faculty
• Socially Responsible mindset • Classmates from over 150 countries
• Managers for the World • Global Network
16 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Online
Didactic Methodology
Adhering to the highest standards of Students are encouraged to read and engage in
teaching methodology provided by EFMD, is based on learning by doing, with lecturers
the Master is taught through interactive implementing a student-centered approach, getting
lectures, case study analyses, exercises, students involved and providing activities that allow
discussions, teamwork exercises, video
conferences, business analysis and sessions The Online Methodology consists of live, interactive
of student presentations. lectures,ledandfacilitatedbyprofessors.Theprograms
are self-paced, as students take pre-master courses at
theirownspeedandusingself-assessmentexercises. On-line
This practical, applicable methodology consists Methodology
17 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The On-line Methodology is:

Self-paced Professor-led Live and Interactive Practical & Applicable Synchronous

Students are free to learn at their own and Facilitated The online methodology in every The online learning methodology is and Asynchronous
paceandde…nepersonallearning classisliveandinteractive.Teaching practical, with all the class activities
paths based on their individual needs
The online learning methodology is
methods and techniques are used and online learning methods, Activities
fully professor-led and facilitated live
and interests, as well as the content creatively to develop an engaging and e-content and materials used also The online methodology is structured as
provided, taking into account the motivatinglearningexperience.There being put into practice in the different a combination of synchronous or real-
and delivered by a lecturer using
deadlines for learning, evaluation is frequent interaction with the student assessments (self-assessments, time activities (such as online platform
andassessments.Theself-paced interaction to foster and maintain tests and practical assignments), chats, breakout rooms/sessions, virtual
communication tools used by the
methodology is applied on the pre- engagementandpromotelearning. capstoneprojectandclassactivities. pooling,virtualwhiteboard,etc.)and
lecturers include discussion forums,
master courses, which are based on asynchronous or on-demand activities,
chats, emails, breakout sessions,
pre-recorded interactive sessions which students can do whenever
whiteboards, and audio and video
led by the lecturer professor, with suits them best in terms of their
sharing to communicate and work
a PPT presentation, exercises and preferences and other commitments
self-assessmentforeachcourse. (such as emails, discussion forum
usually include an exercise or
Students study the material at their platforms, online platform meetings,
own pace and do a self-assessment recorded lectures via links, virtual coffee
exercisetotracktheirprogress. andconversationsessions,etc..)
18 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The International
Master Experience
Interactive and dynamic classes
empowered by career and
entrepreneurship services, to
their careers or accelerate their
current one.

A specialized journey, integrated

1 2 3
with Business Practice Pre-Class In-Class Post-Class
Prepare to Explore Concepts Learn and Practice Concepts Evaluate, Apply and
experience, where students put Expand your knowledge
theory into practice. • Pre-Master courses • Explanationandclari…cation
• Read assigned material of concepts and theory • Re‰ectionofthe
in Syllabus on Blackboard • Quizzes, brainstorming, learning experience
• Self-Assessments case studies, role plays, pool • Reviewdicultconcepts,
• Preliminary research surveys, class discussion, team individual study
or analysis of business work, students presentations, • Tests, practical assignments
case study or an article, Q&A, practice lab • Blackboard class
topic orientation • Short exercises, guest lectures forum discussion
• Usage of EBSCO & • Getting feedback • Additional reading
Euromonitor and resources
• Projects development
& team work
19 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

International Master in
Media and Rome Business School’s Master in Media

Entertainment comprehensive understanding of the global

entertainment and media industries.

The program covers the economics of the audio-visual industry, new

business models, audio-visual content creation, and cross-media
events, and music, including music supervision management, live
Additionally, the program covers advertising, communication,
and law in media and entertainment, including experiential
Graduates of the program will be well-equipped to succeed in

Raffaele Passerini
Co-WriterRadioRai -3 PlayPodcast,Co-authorofthe…rstPodcastradio
series by the Italian National Radio, Rai 3, for the Rai Play streaming
and Media Development and Business, with a demonstrated history
Duration ECTS
Filmmaking at NYFA, one in Television Writing from UCLA Extension, and 1 year 60
1 ADandProducerinseveralIndies…lmsanddocumentariesin
Mode of attendance Language
theUSandEU.AsaWriter-Director,hesignedtheinternationalawarded Online English
02 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

M oers Career Acceleration
34% Salary Increase | Design Reinvention, Empowerment,
your professional profile Self-Awareness, Self-
Solid, intensive A tailored Career Acceleration Discovery
Programspecicallydesigned Built to improve and unlock
training to shape each student’s soft skills, key personal
to enable students to put into professionalproletoenable attributesthatinuence
practice all knowledge acquired on them to become a competitive our relationships and
their Master experience, growing gureinthemodern communication that are
personally and professionally. employment market. You will fundamentalforeective
have access to workshops leadership and steering
focusing on the latest key businesses towards success. In
topics in relation to job seeking this increasingly technological
International and career networking, world, soft skills are the fuel

Bootcamp in Silicon
individual career guidance
Electives that drives the growth of our
meetings, and our exclusive relationships.
Personalize your path
Valley, Barcelona, events to ensure the best start
A unique way to personalize the
or a great boost in your career.
Paris, Qatar, Lagos, learning experience. Students
Rome and Tuscany electives courses divided in
Global Experience fourdierentareasnInnovation
Looking for an international & Growth, Tech & ICT, Industry
experience to gain a brand-new Focus, International Business,
perspective on the business having the opportunity to
worldseW oerthechance deepen their knowledge of
to enrich your knowledge of the most innovative practices
entrepreneurship, innovation related to Business Growth
and other key topics in the and Development. Make your
business world by taking part in Master even more specialized,
our International Programs in embrace the latest trends, and
Silicon Valley, Barcelona, Paris, prepare for the competitiveness
Qatar, Lagos, Rome and Tuscany, of today’s professional
where you can also expand your environment through our
professional network. elective courses.
12 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Why choose the International Master in Media and Entertainment ?

The International Master in Master in Media and Entertainment paves the way to new future opportunities and equips you

Practice Lab Practice Oriented Tailormade Program The Italian hub of Learn From Mentors Capstone Project:
Learning Experience To develop core managerial cinema: Rome Who Live the Practical Business
Thanks to our worldwide network of
partners, Students immerse into 10 hours
A journey to experience Media competences in Media and Immerge yourself in the Entertainment Business Challenge
of practice lab, where theoretical concepts and Entertainment Entertainment Italian Cinema Industry
will be put in practice and learning will Yourmentorsare…lmandTVproducers, A tangible return on your investment: a
• Rome has a rich legacy in motion pictures dating
comethroughexperience.Alllabswillbe Our Master will cover: …lmdirectors,ArtisiticDirectors,teamwork managers project with the aim of developing
• Practice budgeting, creation, organization and backtotheearlyth 02 centurywiththecreation
conducted by managers from national and in entertainment business who have strong a Media and Entertainment plan that
delivery of a Film Festival • TV, Film production, Music Management, oftheCinecittStudios.
international companies, teaching them Distribution and Marketing (From concept to expertise, network and experience in resolves a business problem in the area
• Create a Product Placement Strategy • Rome is the hometown of Federico Fellini, companieslike:Net‰ix,Rai,MTV.Mediaset, of Media and Entertainment of an existing
how to prepare and present real companies’ Market)
considering the 3 types of product placement in the so-called “Eternal City” has sustained its
cases. Notorious Pictures (Rome), Fandango, or…ctitiouscompany,ortoworkonareal
TV shows and programs • Entertainment Financing and Legislation reputationasavibrantcityof…lm,andnow
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rai Cinema, company’s business challenge set by the
supports a large sector with over 1,300 active
• Discover EU funding opportunities - Audiovisual • Cross-media industry: how to deal and manage Fandango, Fabula Pictures, Giffoni Film Program Director to resolve a problem and
& News Media the passage from a novel to a movie, from Festival. createastrategy.Allteamswillreceive
annual added value of about 750 million euro
Powered by • Create a concept of a new TV series from A to Z,
guidance from the initial phase of the project
• AftertheU.S.Italy
, isthecountryintheword
backedupwith…nancingstrategy,advertising, • Creation of New Audio-Visual Global Business and, on completion of the project, present it
that holds the highest number of Oscar’s
distribution and get ready to pitch it to success Models: Gaming, Metaverse and Cross-Media orallytotheAcademicCommittee.
• Get involved in the most relevant international • Film Festivals and Live Events business models storytelling, location and production highlights,
…lmfestivallike:VeniceInternationalFilm such as the Cinecittà Studios, keeps attracting
• Intellectual Property Copyrights, Trademarks,
Festival and Rome Film Festival internationalproductionsandco-productions.
and Cyber Law
Nonetheless, the animation, gaming and music
• The Work with Creatives: envisioning, industry,isinItalyoneofthemostproli…cofour
* Company partners are subject to change collaborating, analyzing and transforming ideas days.

• Advances in technology, digital communication

channels and opportunities to monetize content
across a variety of platforms outside traditional
2 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

International Master in Media and

Entertainment Objectives
Develop Managerial Skills to Manage Be Able to Effectively Manage Be Able to Become a Creative
the Media & Entertainment Business, Different Cultural & Creative Industries: Entrepreneur, Creating and Managing
in a Practical Way Film Production and Distribution an Audiovisual or Media Business While
You will learn how to: Industry, Music Management, Radio Being Socially Responsible
• Develop a Business Plan for a creative company in & Podcasting, Artists’ Management, You will learn how to:
Audiovisual & New Media different sectors;
• Understandandmanagevarious…nancialaspects Publishing Industry, Gaming, Metaverse • Develop creative and innovative thinking when managing
the Media & Entertainment business sector;
related to development, production, distribution and
acquisition activities in the global market of national and
Events • Become an innovative, ethical and responsible
You will learn how to: Leader in the Media & Entertainment industry;
international audiovisual & new media co-productions;
• Understand the digital transformation of
• Learn and Apply the Project Management tools and • Manage & Lead Cultural Institutions by getting the
the Media & Entertainment Industry and its
techniques applied to Film Festivals and Cinema, TV, Radio, speci…cknowledgetomanageproduction,post-
application to different creative sectors
Streaming, Live Events, Gaming and the Metaverse; production and distribution companies, Studios, TV
• Understand and appreciate the human resource & Radio Channels, live and streaming events;
management for Audiovisual & New Media Industries, • Get to know all the legal and economic perspectives
especiallywhendealingwithvolunteers. of Media & Entertainment Law;
• Be able to do Fundraising and Crowdfunding in the Media &

1 2 3
32 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Program Outcomes
On completion of this Master, The Master enables you to strengthen your
students will be able to: competences, equipping you to take on
• Deeply understand the structure,
responsibilities in the Digital Marketing
history, and current state of the media Departmentofdierentcompaniesnwhile
andentertainmentindustry. alsodevelopingyourcapacitiesfordierent
• Analyze media and entertainment
products, trends, and issues with a professionalprolesq
critical eye and develop skills to evaluate
Publishing and Copyright Manager
• Figureoutthebusinessmodels,…nancial
aspects, and marketing strategies of the Entertainment Business Manager
mediaandentertainmentindustry. Film Producer
• Lead a team, communicate a vision, and Distribution Manager
executecomplexmediaprojectssuccessfully. Talent Manager
Tour Manager
Venue Manager Daniela Said
Studio Manager
Theater Manager
Project Development Manager at Theatru Salesjan

TV Producer
Film Producer “I would recommend RBS for its diverse
Show Runner
programme, which gives an overview of different
Festival Associate
Artistic Director
aspect of the Arts and Management. RBS is a
Production Coordinator place for people who truly want to progress, and
Executive Director who are willing to go the extra mile.”
42 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

first semester second semester

Innovate Think Big and

Graduation Ceremony
Welcome Week
Get Ready Be Aware Be Business Savvy Challenge Yourself
& Transform Go Global

Pre-Master Start with Get into focusing Become innovative Business in Action Electives International
Courses Managerial Core and speciailzing & responsible leader Bootcamps
(in the summer)
.1 Time Management Human Resources Global Dimensions of the Entertainment and Media New Tech, Innovation and Your opportunity to meet international Electives of 16 hours from one
Management Industries the Industry Future managers and put on practice knowledge of the following 5 areas:
2. Speed reading and
Learning Skills • Media Economics, Cinema and Global TV Markets • Interactive Media, AI and acquired in class, trough:
Project & Operations Area 1: Innovation
• New Audio-Visual Global Business Models Business of Gaming
.3 Research Methods Management
• Audio-Visual Content Creation and Cross-media • New Media and
& Growth
Silicon Valley
for Business
Managerial Economics Storytelling Entertainment in the Business Practice Lab Area 2: Tech & Digitalization
.4 Basic Accounting Metaverse: Snap into the
Accounting and Budgeting The Lab is entirely run by the School’s
5. Effective Meeting The Business Side of the Audio-Visual Industry (TV Future Area 3: Industry Focus
Partner Companies and the activities
Management Entrepreneurship and & CINEMA) includedarespeci…cforeachMaster Area 4: International Business
• TV Series Creative Pitching Deck & Management Better Managers for a
.6 Basic Excel: Key
Formulas & Functions
Business Planning
• TV Un-Scripted Production Management Better World
program and goal.
Area 5:ProfessionalCerti…cation. Paris
Business Strategy • Film Production Management • Censorship, Ethics PreparationAvailableforspeci…c
• Distribution and Marketing and CSR in Media and masters only
Ready to start Marketing: Traditional
• Entertainment Financing: From 0 to Distribution of Entertainment
& Digital
.7 Ready to start session Pro…ts • Sustainability in In partnership with:
Broadcasting and Media Leadership Program
8. Basic Italian • Managing and Marketing Creative Talents and Teams
• Video on Demand Platform Business: The case of Rai
course (live)
Cinema,Net‰ix,AmazonPrime • Communication
.9 Business English & Persuasion in
• Publishing industry
course (live) the Digital Age
.0 1 Meet your Program The Business Side of the Audio-Visual Industry Company Visit • Agile Leadership
Coordinator • Scenario & Forecasting
.11 Platform
(Radio, Events, Music)
• Music Supervision Management
The best opportunity to meet • Emotional Intelligence
professionalsandgaininsights. • Team Work Effectiveness
demonstration • Management of Live Music, Touring, Events and
session Revenue Stream
.2 1 National and • Music Label Management and Monetization Previous editions main partners:
International Job • Craft and Commerce of Cinema Events: The Venice
Market Overview Film Festival & The Rome Film Festival
Capstone Project
• Radio Production Management
• Podcast Production Creative Management YourrealBusinessCase.Students
work on a real business challenge
Advertising, Communication and Law in Media and withacompanypartner.
• Experiential Marketing, Adverts and New Ways to Lagos
Engage with Audiences
• Customer Experience and Business Analytics for
Digital Media & Entertainment
• Intellectual Property Copyrights, Trademarks, and Previous editions main partners:
Cyber Law
• Crisis Communication and Reputation Management in Doha
Media and Entertainment
• Web Series Management

5 different paths to choose according
to your professional experience: 1 Career Starter
2 Career Advancer
3 Career Propeller
4 RBS4Entrepreunership
5 Independent Employment
52 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Media and
Structure Basic Accounting
The course begins by giving an overview of the core basic
Effective Meeting Management
During this course students will learn how to create a solid
accounting principles, types of accounting, and covers basic meeting agenda and everything needed before, during and after
accounting topics such as the accounting cycle, accounts hierarchy ameetingtomakethemeetingeffective.Studentswillalsolearn
The International Master in (account classes, account groups, accounts, subsidiary accounts), what is the role of the meeting facilitator and the key Facilitator
journal entries related to sales, purchases, collections, payments, techniquesandprinciplesforeffectivemeetingmanagement.
Media and Entertainment and expenses to prepare the students for a more in-depth overview
program consists of six main onthemanagementcompetencemodules. Basic Excel: Key Formulas & Functions
This course presents most commonly used analytical tools
sections: Time Management ofMicrosoftExcel.Studentswilllearnhowtouselookup
The Time Management courses will give you the strategies and tables, data tables, basic modeling, text basked list applications
techniquesyouneedtomakethemostofyourprecioustime. andtricksandtips.Afterviewingstudentsshouldfeel
This course will help students analyze their own strengths and preparedtotacklemorecomplexquantitativeanalysis.
weaknesses, set their own priorities, manage the expectations
Pre-Master courses ofothersandbecomemoreeffectiveintheworkplace. Part 1: Setting up basic analyses
A series of classes designed to give you Part 2: Lookup tables, data tables
Research Methods for Business
toolsandguidancetoconductaneective This course is designed to provide students with the
Part 3: Logic and if statements (if, if+and, nested if)
Part 4: Text based list applications (for list management)
learning journey. You will gain insight necessary skills and knowledge to establish the information
including pivot table, macros, named ranges, transposing
into Accounting, learn the best Time (basic or applied) and, based on this understanding, develop
anaM gementstrategiesnConductecE tive anduseanactionableresearchbusinessproposal.
M analyzethedierenttypesof
Speed Reading and Learning Skills
Research Methods for Business, and Learnhowtoimproveyourreadingspeedandcomprehension.
explore Quantitative Methods. Everyonecanbene…tfromspeed-readingandthiscourse
will provide you with the right technique to get the biggest
62 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Start with the Management Core between microeconomics and macroeconomics, understand forecasting techniques, purchasing decisions, and laws that regulate
the concepts of opportunity cost and comparative advantage, thehandlinganddisseminationof…nancialinformation.After
Project & Operations Management understand the law of supply and demand, apply consumer and attending the lectures and studying, students should be able to
New methodologies and approaches to Project Management (PM) business decision-making, and use marginal analysis to assess understand, analyze and interpret budgets and carry out forecasting,
andOperationshavebeendevelopedinrecentyears.Whichever a…rmsbehaviorinthedifferentmarketstructuresofperfect understand…nancialstatements,understandandapplydouble-
method and approach we consider, the ability to put it into practice competition,monopoly,monopolisticcompetitionandoligopoly. entryaccounting,andmakesmartpurchasingbusinessdecisi
is based on a solid foundation of key concepts and tools of PM and
Operations.Thismoduleaimstoprovideparticipantswith Business
those Strategy Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
concepts and tools while both covering the basics of traditional This module focuses on the integration and coordination of This module focuses on understanding how entrepreneurs
PM and familiarizing students with the latest approaches to PM thefunctionalareaswithinacompany.Studentswillgainacreate economic and social value by tapping into new
andOperations.Afterattendingthelecturesandstudying, clear
understanding of the long-term direction and strategy of opportunities.Inaddition,themoduleexploresentrepreneurial
should be able to use their knowledge to manage projects and a…rm,itsvalues,competitiveadvantagesandcapabilities, approaches
as that corporate managers can adopt in response to
operations, understand the importance of aligning PM practices wellastheareasofpotentialgrowthandsuccess.Thismodule complexproblemsandemergingopportunities.Inthismodule,
witha…rmsstrategy,criticallyexaminePMinformationand also
a clear overview of the different business growth participants will critically discuss innovation versus invention,
make critical decisions and carry out analysis, examine the types of strategies, and students will learn the meaning of a strategic describe innovation as incremental change, and understand the
transformationprocessesoccurringwithinoperations management
andde…ne cycle
the and acquire all the tools and essential importanceofcontinuingentrepreneurialpersonaldevelopment.
roles and responsibilities of Operations Managers and the challenges knowledgetobeabletomakebusinessdecisions.Afterattending After attending the lectures and studying, students should be
theyface. the lectures and studying, students should be able to identify able to demonstrate a clear understanding of a business plan,
strategic business units (SBUs) in organizations, assess business how it is structured and how it must address the needs of
Managerial Economics strategy in terms of the generic strategies of cost leadership, differing targets, demonstrate the ability to design and produce
Managerial Economics primarily focuses on the analysis and andassessthebene…tsofcooperationinbusinessstrategy. a detailed written business plan, critically discuss innovation
techniques involved in allocating scarce resources to satisfying versus invention, understand creativity and articulate the links
multipleneeds.Sinceresourcesarescarceinrelationto Accounting & Budgeting betweenthinking,problem-solvingandbusinesschallenges.
mankind’s needs and wants, they have to be utilized intelligently A carefully constructed budget allows a business to continually
toproducethemaximumpossiblebene…t,whetheritbefor monitorwheretheyare…nancially.Thisallowsforstrategic, Human
long- Resource Management
consumersorinstitutionsrangingfromgovernments,term …rms, planning for everything from current operating costs to The module focuses on the fundamental theoretical and practical
hospitalsanduniversitiestoreligiousorganizations. potential
expansion.Knowingthebudgetgivestheabilitytoissues hire inthe…eldofhumanresourcesmanagement.Itfocuses
covered include the economic problem, the scarcity-choice new employees, invest in new products/services and set new goals on strategic HR issues such as acquiring, developing, motivating,
dilemma, economic theory and models, macroeconomic and inlinewiththeorganizationscorporate…nancialobjectives. managing This andretainingaworkforce.Specialemphasisisplaced
microeconomicperspectives,andGDP.Afterattendingthelectures modulewillde…nekeytermssuchasROI,EBIT,andGAAP.Itwill onensuringconsistencyandalignmentwiththe…rmsstrategy
and studying, students should be able to recognize the distinction alsoprovideanunderstandingof…nancialstatements,budgets, andonaddingvalueandcompetitiveadvantagethroughHRM.
72 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Master in Media and Entertainment
After attending the lecture and studying, students should be able The Business Side of the Audio-Visual Industry (TV & CINEMA)
to: make decisions connected to Human resource management,
understand the importance of aligning HRM practices with a
Core Program This module covers the business side of the audio visual industry
…rmsstrategy,criticallyexaminevariousHRMpracticesand ofwhyandhowthisidustryispro…table.Studentswillstartby
develop a personal philosophy of human resources management
The driving force of the Master, the learningTVun-scriptedproductionmanagement.Thisstep-by-step
thatwillenableonetoperformeffectivelyasamanager. major content of the path that you have overview module covers the physical production processes on how
chosen to take. You will cover the latest todealwithdivergentpersonalitiesandspeci…cproblem-solvi
Marketing: Traditional and Digital duringTVproductionforun-scriptedtelevision.Throughspeci
Thismodulecombinestraditionalanddigitalmarketing. insights
Itintroducesinto Media and Entertainment , case studies you will learn how to complete a total package that
principles and problems of the marketing products and services learning the most advanced aspects of: isreadytobepitched,weatheritscableorstreamingtelevision.
thatareessentialforeverymanagertoknow.Thetopicsinclude Topics will also include getting in the room, prepping the shooting,
promotion, placement, integrated marketing communication directing/producing on location, interviewing strategies and
andpricingstrategiesforproducts.OncompletionoftheGlobal Dimensions of the Entertainment and Media Industries post-productiontips.Studentswillthendiveinto…lmproduct
course, students should be able to apply marketing principles in This module is concerned with the economics of the mass media management,distributiontechniquesandmarketingtools.What
organizationaldecision-making.Thedigitalmarketing industries,
sectionof withanemphasisonTVbroadcasting,…lm,advertising doesitmean…lm-makingandhowtoproduceamovie,fromscript
this module focuses on the techniques and tools required to reach andthenewmediaindustries.Thebeginningodthemodulecontent development to pre-production, production and distribution? This
customers through digital channels, such as email, social media, is guided by the broad question: What can economic theory tell us moduleoverviewsalltheissuesa…lmproducerhastomanage,
andsoon.Theabilitytocreateanadvertisingstrategyforabout promoting
the organisation and behaviour of the mass media industries including interfacing with talents and producers’ teams, pitching and
products, services and goods and communicating their values and about the consumption of media goods and services? With selling ideas, marketing costs, script breakdown and scheduling,
through any digital medium will also be covered on this course global rapid tech changes, new business models are needed in this budgeting,locationscouting,hiringallthedifferent…gurest
highlypro…tableindustry.Participantswilllearnhowtoon create
Audio-VisualGlobalBusinessModels.Lastly,themodulefocuses the end of the module, students will study and analyze different
on Cross-media storytelling which means unfolding a tale in many casesofRaiCinema,AmazonPrime,Net‰ix,familiarizethevideo
directions,forexample,fromcomicstosocialmedia,towebseries. on demand platform business by learning real success stories
What’s going on right now in the media industry? Is this a temporary andfailures.Lastly,themodulefocusesonthepublishingindust
fashion or something that is structuring itself to stay? How do Students understand publishing as a collaborative, multi-stage
new platforms create new business models? How do consumers’ process, develop a clear sense of the roles of various professionals
behaviors shift and change? What makes a show “binge-worthy?” acrosstheindustry,andachieve‰uencyinindustryterminolog
Which are the main players in the international arena that based
their identity and core business model on cross-media? Who are the
creators who are contributing to this shifting landscape? How has
the storytelling changed, so far? And how will it possibly evolve?
82 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Business Side of the Audio-Visual concentratesonbuildingexperiencesforconsumers.Theidea theisbusiness.Thismodulefocusesaswellonthebusinessof

Industry (Radio, Events, Music) to create a closer bond between consumer and brand by engaging gaming.Bothaformofartandentertainment,gamesare…rstof
This module focuses on the business side of the audio visual theminjoyandunforgettableexperiences.Studentswilllearn all
industrywithspeci…cfocusonRadio,eventsandmusic from practical examples to create memorable marketing initiative portfolio of a gaming idea able to get noticed and/or develop into
management.Itstartsbyfocusingonthecraftandbusiness butofalso to create Customer Experience and Business Analytics aneffectivebusinessplanthatwillbringthatgameintothemark
music for Media and Entertainment, managing, among other things, for Digital Media & Entertainment, analyzing digital data from The last part of the module offers a snap view into the future
the licensing rights between the audiovisual industry and the music various sources like websites, mobile applications, among others, throughthemetaverse.Thebusinessofthemetaverseisbasedon
industry.Theprinciplesandproceduresofmusicsupervision gaininginsightsandmakingdatadrivendecision.Inthe the conviction
second that an ever-growing share of our lives, labor, leisure,
will also include dealing with talents, composers, music labels, halfofthemodule,studentswillfocusonintellectualproperty. time, wealth, happiness, and relationships will be spent inside virtual
licensingrepresentativesandexecutives,fromanartistic, What …nancial
is intellectual property and how does it apply to the Media worlds,ratherthanjustaidedthroughdigitaldevices.Student
andlegalperspectiveoflicensing.Speci…ctopicswillcover: & Entertainment
rights industries? This module provides an overview on will explore and learn what could possibly be the impact the
and clearance issues, publishing and record deals, representation intellectual property rights with a focus on copyright law and its developmentofthisspeci…cindustry,thenewwaysandchallenges
arrangements,negotiationandnetworkingstrategies.Students roleinthe also
…lm,music,anddigitalindustries.Speci…ctopics ofengaging willwithaudienceinthemetaverse.Studentswillultimate
will be able to understand the practical aspects of touring deals and include:ideaprotection,copyrightandfairuse.Inaddition, learnthe
what the biggest companies in this industry are doing
theintricaciesofatourbudget.Studentswillalsoworkto module
identifywill display how copyrights are licensed and controlled
and optimize touring monetization and identify best practices intheentertainmentindustry.Anothersectionofthemodule Better
willManagers for a Better World
for promotion and merchandising, including the importance of overviewmanageragreementsandinstandard…lmandtelevision This module will address the principal ethical issues involving
sponsorshipandbranding.Throughthismodulestudents agreements,
willalso literary option/purchase, life rights, collaboration and advertising,entertainmentmedia,andonlinecontent.During
learn how to craft and commerce cinema event or festival, from talentemploymentagreements.Lastly,studentswilllearnhowthis to module, students will examine the moral obligations of the
the initial concept through to the organization and curation of the manage the media for internal and external communications, to producersaswellastheresponsibilitiesbornebyconsumers.Th
participantsexperienceand,ontothe…nalstaging,howtoset protect corporate and personal reputations when workers strike, course will provide an overview of the applicable ethical principles
budgets, analyze data, comply with health and safety regulations and serioussafetyincidentsoccurorotherworkplacecrises andtake
place. then apply these to present-day cases in the
evaluateenvironmentalconcerns.Lastlyinthismodule,studentswill media.Finally,studentswilllearntocriticallyengagewiththe
learn Radio & Podcast Production Management (scouting, pitching & New Tech, Innovation and the Industry Future content to analyze for themselves the ethical issues of production
developing a story for radio or podcast, organizing a programming, To become successful in the future, the interactive media, video andconsumptionofthemediaonanindividualandsocietallevel.
scheduling,researching,budgetinand…nancing,managing entertainmentcompaniesneedtothinklikeatechcompany.Data Corporate Social Responsibility in this industry and how businesses
presenters, content creators, broad casting regulations, etc,) are going to be critical—and collecting that data is part of future can encompass ethical, legal and discretionary expectations of the
AI.Inthelatestindustrytrendsreport02,McKinseyexperts society at every point of time, will be the focus of the last part of this
Advertising, Communication and Law in Media and Entertainment predict that video entertainment, in all its forms, will become more module,totrainfuturemanagersawareoftheirimpactonsociety.
Thereisnobusinessliketheshowbusiness.Thismodulesimmersive, starts gami…ed,andpersonalized.Studentsinthismodule
by exploring and learning new ways to engage audiences while will discuss the future trends related to AI, Innovation, the gaming
marketingproducts.Experientialmarketingisatechnique business
thatand how the rapid disruptive tech changes will impact
92 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Company Visits
As part of your learning journey, the
company visits in Rome included in the
program will give you the opportunity to
meet professionals and gain insights into
the operations of various companies in
dierenttaI lianandinternationalmarketso
The Purpose:
Students gain insights into how various

What students do during a company visits?

During a company visits, students get the chance to
network with a company manager who presents the
company, get into the company’s business reality and learn
how they run their business in a speci…c industry.
At the company visits students can ask questions
to the manager and learn how the concepts they

* Company partners are subject to change

30 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Practice LAB The Practice lab is consisted Learning Outcomes
What is the Practice lab?
of 3 main phases:
Students spend 10 hours immersed in the Practice Lab, where
theoretical concepts are put in practice and participants Phase 1 | Managers Meet-Ups Get from theory into
learnthroughexperience.TheLabisrunbymanagersfrom Studentsmeet2managersofthecompanypartner,from practice guided by an
leading national or international companies in the sector/ differentareas,orcompanysdivisions,forexamplefrom…nance industry company
industry, who will examine different specialist knowledge, and marketing department, that share their experience on daily
work on exercises and network, while sharing their experience basesonhowtheyconducttheirbusiness,speci…candrelevant Understand a business reality
andexpertisewiththestudents.TheLabisentirelyrunby forthemaster. and learn from industry
the School’s Partner Companies and the activities included companies’ best practices
arespeci…cforeachMasterprogramandgoal. Phase 2 | Hands-on Class
Students are engaged in direct experience by the company’s
Powered by managers, to enhance the knowledge and the skills set developed in Communicate
themaster.Theywillanalyze,assess,create,develop,acertainplan, & Network with
strategy given by the company, connected to what they’ve studied in Industrymanagers.
Fendi is an Italian luxury fashion house producing fur, ready-to-
wear, leather goods, shoes, fragrances, eyewear, timepieces and
Phase 3 | Get on Task Professional
accessories.FoundedinRomeinFendi ,5291 isknownforitsfur
Thecompanysmanagersgive2inclassbusinessscenarios development
and fur accessories, and for its leather goods

* The Partner Company and the hands-on class (business cases) to students, so that students by implementing
activities are subject to change theconceptslearned,…ndsolutionsandcreatestrategies.Atthe
31 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Leadership Program
What is about? Team Work Effectiveness Scenario & Forecasting
Soft skills are personal attributes that can affect relationships, Students will learn how to create effective teams, how to optimize The Scenarios and Forecasting course is designed to introduce
communication, and interaction with others which are crucial for theirgroupsanddesignateamforsuccess.Theywilllearnthe students and future managers to a planning method that can
business success and effective leadership, in this high tech world model of high performing team and in a practical way practice open their eyes to futures changes and opportunities that might
anddigitaltransformationinwhichwelive.Allthenewtechnology teamworkanddiscoverthecharacteristicsandbene…tsmaterialize, ofmutual helpthemmaximizetheir‰exibilitysotheycancompete
and innovation cannot be applied without a proper leadership collaborationforgoalachievement.Topicsinthecoursealso effectively
include: in different landscapes that may emerge, and prepare
skill.TheLeadershipProgramisapaththatwillleadtowards Teamself-
formation and development, building, leading, organizing, and themnotjustforthefuture,butforseveralpossiblefutures.
discovery, empowerment and reinvention to become the leader of motivatingteams,Managingcon‰ictingroups.
thefuture.Theprogramispracticebased,consistedof5interactive Emotional Intelligence
courses,includingaself-assessmenttest,roleplaysandAgile quizzes.
Leadership On this course, students will learn skills to interpret and manage
Agile leadership is the ability to lead in a wide range of their emotions and balance their optimism and pessimism, using
Communication & Persuasion in the Digital Age circumstances,particularlynew,changinganduncertain coping
To be a successful leader in the world of today, we must be able Students will assess their leadership style through the prism of more aware of their own thoughts and emotions and, as a result,
toeffectivelypersuadeandin‰uenceatalllevels,ineverycontent established leadership models and acquire agile tools and the values their ability to interact calmly with others in every context of life
( andinperson).Thiscoursewillhelpstudentsbecome of an
agile leader by exploring different models of agile leadership willimprove.
con…dentcommunicatorsinpersonandwithinavirtualtocontext: create agile teams and lead in times of uncertainty in order to
fromonlinepresentationstosocialmedia.Theywilllearnthe increase
tools businessvalue.

Be empowered and self-aware, always

reinvent yourself and keep on discovering
your infinite potential.
Rome Business School, Leadership
Program 2023
23 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Choose 1 of 15:

Elective courses enable Innovation Tech & Industry- International

you to personalize your
Master and build a
& Growth Digitalization focused Business
study program that has 1. Customer 4. Scaling Projects 1. Corporate Fintech 3. Development Tools for 1. Fashion & Luxury 1. Doing Business
the scope to alligned Experience Innovation and Organizations & Blockchain Web and Mobile Apps Management in China
This course teaches students to Scaling projects serves as a great Students will get an overview of the An introduction to mobile application Students will get an in-depth This course will guide students in
new disciplines with develop and execute a customer model for organizational growth most recent technological advances development using tools and overview of the Fashion and Luxury doingbusinessinChina.Studentswill
your professional experience strategy that will drive when it comes to inputs, outputs, that are radically changing the scripting languages rather than industry and learn how fashion and learn how to approach the Chinese
customergrowth,pro…tabilityandprocess,teams,andmore.This …nancialservicesindustryandobject-oriented
will programming luxury companies work, gaining market and think from Chinese
interests and goals. loyalty.Italsoprovidesanoutline course is based on the premise that learn how corporations create value languages.Thiscourseassumes an understanding of their brands, perspective, analyzing the Chinese
of customer experience tools and scalig is a crucial skill for building and build a competitive advantage students already understand how products, retail, and communication market, supply chain management,
techniques.Studentswillalso vibrant and enduring organizations andhow…ntech…rmsnavigatethe to develop and deploy web sites strategiesandchannels.Studentscultural diversity, business processes,
They allow you to understand the differences between from small startups to large complexregulatoryenvironment. withHTML5CSS3
, andJavaScript. will also analyze business models, consumer behavior, and as well the
explore other areas customer service and customer enterprises.Youwilllearnbest Topics include a comparison of international development, and Chinesecontractlaw.
experience. practices and principles for scaling 2. Tech – ICT native, hybrid and web based mobile product categories of different
of knowledge and to excellence and hear from industry
Students will dive into Tech-ICT
technologies. fashionandluxurycompanies.
2. Doing Business
connect them to your 2. Design Thinking, leaders who have applied these
industry and will learn and analyze
principlessuccessfully. in Europe
Immaginationn and how the tech and ICT has brought 4. Big Data & 2. Circular Economy,
Master path, doubling about changes in a selection of jobs
This course will give students
Creativity in Business Analytics in Business Sustainability and guidance for doing business in
your opportunities 5. Agile Project anddifferentbene…ts.Studentswill
Design thinking is the process for
understand key technologies driving
This course will provide students Business Opportunities Europe.Studentswilllearnto
Management: Creating
of networking and creativeproblem-solving.Onthis
modern businesses and the concepts
the core knowledge about big data, A circular economy is an economic approach the European market and
course, students will learn to solve Innovative Products business data, and analytics in system aimed at eliminating waste think from a European perspective,
expanding your problems creatively in a business The course teaches the concept of
around Cloud, Data and AI, and
related important buzzwords in the
business.Studentswilllearnhowtoandthecontinualuseofresources. analyzing the European market,
professioal horizons. setting, applying design thinking
methods by prioritizing
agileprojectmanagement.StudentsTechworld. generate business value from new
Students will learn to manage the supply chain management, cultural
diversity, business processes, and
will learn to adapt quickly to changing resources of a business better and
the consumer’s needs above requirements and produce higher- They will be able to create a business how to explore and run sustainable consumer behavior, as well as
everythingelse. quality products or services to better analytics report and analyze business business opportunities by considering Europeancontractlaw.
satisfythecustomersneeds.They data sets to generate facts, valuable economic, supply chain, social,
3. Growth Strategy will learn the iterative approach to outcomes and sustainable impacts.
technical,andenvironmentalaspects. 3. Doing Business
This course teaches students how managing projects, with a focus in North Africa
to develop and execute a business on working in small batches and
with a collaborative approach to the
3. Brain Pleasing & Middle East
an organization’s plan for overcoming customer.Studentswillunderstand - Neuromarketing This course will guide students in
the agile revolution’s impact on This course will introduce students to doing business in North Africa and
current and future challenges to
innovativeproductdevelopment. themultidisciplinary…eldofconsumer MiddleEast.Studentswilllearn
Examples of growth strategy goals neuroscienceandneuromarketing. how to approach these markets,
It will start by introducing the core analyzing these markets, the supply
include increasing market share
concepts of the human brain, chain management, cultural diversity,
and revenue, acquiring assets, and
the elements of the consumer business processes, consumer
improving the organization’s products
mind, and how its insights can be behavior, and as well the north
applied in commercial and societal Africanandmiddleeastcontractlaw.
33 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

International Business Challenge

Work on one of two real Business Challenges of
Your Practical Challenge
Previous years experiences
Capstone Project
presentation and Grading
Master in aspeci…ccompany.ChoosebetweenaBusinessTacklearealcompanychallenge.Youcanchoose
PlanandaMediaandEntertainmentplan. to be part of a small team and design an innovative
You will present your Capstone Project to
the Academic Committee composed of the
Media and Structure
and Entertainment strategy in line with the trends
Master’s Program Director, and (if any) a select

Entertainment - Tocreateyour…nalproject,follow and challenges of the todays global industry.

The project will be evaluated in terms of
the Ready, Set, Go Structure: content, originality, and presentation plus a

Capstone Project Ready

Stage 1: Team Creation
The Practical Challenge: Imagining a
new development strategy for TEDx, with
the purpose to overcome the coronavirus

At the end of your educational Stage2:CapstoneProject-KickOff emergency.Itcaninvolvedesigninganew The Evaluation Committee

digital marketing and communication strategy, The Capstone Evaluation
experience, you will have the Set
providing a suitable platform for the online
Committee is composed of:
events, analyzing new pricing strategy and
chance to prove your abilities Stage 3: Empowering Mentoring targetingnewcustomers.Company:TEDX
sessions with the Program Director The Program Director
by tackling a real business Stage 4: Capstone Project Proposal submission The Capstone Project Mentor
challenge. Use your talent to Stage 5: Capstone Project Mentor appointed
The Practical Challenge: Make research,
starting from the various phases in the Company Manager of the partner
identify opportunities and evolution of the YAP project, presentation company (if applicable)
Go of the mission, vision, goals and objectives
create a truly innovative Stage 6: Knowledge in Action & and focus on new international development If students work on their own challenges,
strategy. Individual Mentoring to each team
the committee is formed of:
with the Capstone Project Mentor marketing strategy (social media) or dealing
Stage 7: Capstone Project Submission withvariousorganizationalchallenges.The Program Director
Your own real Media and Stage 8: Capstone Project Presentation to Company:TeatrodellOperadiRoma. The Capstone Project Mentor
Entertainment Project the Capstone Evaluation Committee The Capstone Project Mentor of other teams
You can make the difference! Show your
potential and put the knowledge acquired on your
Be a company leader and choose from two main
34 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Project Capstone Project Program Director Capstone Project

Presentation 1 Kick Off 4 Mentorship 7 Presentation
3h of Intro to Capstone Project by the
The Program Director based on Verbal Capstone Presentation 30 min
Upon completion and submission of the Program Director, scope, attempts
the Capstone proposal assigns on perteamincludingQ& A.Teamspresent
…nalCapstoneteamworkprojects,all timetable,purpose,objectives.
BlackBoard the Capstone Project in front of the committee composed of:
teams verbally explain the assignment
Mentor to each team (The Mentor is
( membertakesthe‰oor)infront Program Director
a professor from any master with the
of the Capstone Project Evaluation Team Creation Capstone Project Mentor
Committee.Studentscanchooseto 2 Min 3 people / Max 5 people
expertiseinthe…eld)h 3 ofQ& Aand
Company Manager (if applicable)
illustrate their project online or on- or another Capstone Project
campus; each presentation takes thirty Mentor of other teams who has
minutes. Capstone Project Proposal: the expertise in the area
Knowledge in action
3 Submission 5 10 hours of mentoring sessions for
Assessment: on BlackBoard
each team with the Capstone Project Evaluation
3h of Capstone Proposal Discussion Mentor (online live + written qualitative 8 Individual grade to each team member
Written report evaluation grade by the withtheProgramDirector.Q& A feedbackviaemail).
Capstone Project Mentor (team grade) andfeedback.
Verbal presentation grade by Final committee decision
Project Submission 9
the Evaluation Committee
(individual grade) 6 on BB
and Final Grade

Evaluation of the Written Report by the

Final Grade Capstone Project Mentor and approval
for verbal presentation to the Capstone
An average of Written report EvaluationCommittee.
and Verbal presentation
35 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business
School International
Bootcamps experiences
Hone your entrepreneurial skills and test them with the ultimate
challenge: Rome Business School’s exclusive Bootcamps in Silicon Paris
Sup de Luxe
Valley,Parisin ( partnershipwithSUPDELUXEPARIS),Rome,
Bootcamp: When Art meets
Barcelona (in partnership with EAE Business School) and in Tuscany
Fashionand Luxury”
( partnershipwithCastleVolognano),…vebeautifulcitiesatthe
forefront of innovation and among the most productive startup
ecosystems.Takeanadvancedinternationalprogramdesigned Rome Businesss School
to put you in realistic business scenarios to solve and provide you “Bootcamp on International
with a practical way of learning and skills development, all with Business Leadership”
the professional support of tutors from top-class companies!

Silicon Valley Barcelona

During the full week you will experience an intensive and fully University EAE Business School
immersive business experience, facing challenges, dealing with “Silicon Valley Bootcamp” “Bootcamp on Entrepreneurship
managers, students and lecturers, and creating your own project to open your mind 360° & Design Sprint”

Al Rayyan International
University College (ARIU)
“Get a 360degree business
socio cultural awareness to do
or expand your business in the
Lagos Middle East”
Rome Business School Nigeria Castello di Volognano
“Developing Emerging Markets “Bootcamp on Tourism, Food,
Through Socially Responsible Wine & Experiental Luxury”
36 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Why Silicon Valley Bootcamp Why Paris Bootcamp Why Barcelona Bootcamp
Change your life forever: discover where the World The challenge is how to combine creation and management Develop a completely new business idea through the Google
Technologywasbornandgrown.Frommicroprocessors inaluxuryhouseasinalltypesofcompanies. VenturesMethodology:TheDesignSprint.Howinnovationand
to computers, from browser to social media, from entrepreneurshipareleadingthechangeoftheglobalmarket.

Silicon Valley Bootcamp Paris Bootcamp Barcelona

“The Silicon Valley Bootcamp has been an incredible opportunity “Thanks to the bootcamp I had access to exclusive “It has been a very enriching experience, we’ve learned a lot
to meet so many smart, talented and kind people. Both the places that I could not have visited as a tourist. One of the we’ve gone from the theory part to actually work on teams and
dynamics in our group – bouncing ideas, pitching to each other most interesting things is that I got a chance to observe coming up with a solution to a problem that was presented
project, and also the talks by experienced valley brains would how my colleagues, from different nationalities perceive to us. Ut has bee a great experience to work with different
remain a great memory and a foundation for future endeavors”. luxury, and so now my mind is more open about it”. people, get to know new people you don’t usually know at
school, working with people from different background and
Alexandrina Pankovska | International MBA Mayra Rada | International Master in Fashion Management
cultures, get to know different ideas, listen to each other and
arrive to a good solution at the end with everyone’s input”.

Fernanda Cantu Llantada | Global Master in Marketing & Sales

37 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Why Rome Bootcamp Why Tuscany Bootcamp Why Doha Bootcamp

The aim is to mix together contents and network to become Experience Italy through a native person’s perspective Discover and develop unique opportunities to grow in a dynamic
leadersinthestrategyofyourcurrentorfuturecompany. by a cultural exploration and understanding of environmentwithatraditionalyetmodernapproachtobusines
not only the process of winemaking, but mostly
Why Lagos Bootcamp
Don’t miss the opportunity to learn how to do
business, generate growth as a socially responsible

Rome Bootcamp Tuscany

“I decided to come as I want to progress my career into leadership “I am overwhelmed by how much I’m learning and my mind
so that’s why I decided to come. So, there’s been lots of is expanding. Not just from the technical aspects of how
teamworking skills happening here, which is really great to take into how different wines are made and processed, and what
any role you’re going to go in the future. Also, my particular favorite a consortium does, but also listening to other students’
so far has been the corporate social responsibility. I work in social (from different parts of the world) perspectives on food,
media, so that’s something that’s really important for my job role beverage and culture and what brings them to Tuscany”.
and any job roles that I will have in the future as well. Meeting Ching-Mei Chen | International Master in Tourism and Hospitality Management
new people, seeing new sights. It’s been a great experience”.
Lucie Simon | Master in Digital Marketing at Tesside University

03 Your Professors
39 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

An International
Leading Team Corporate Advisory Board
The Corporate Advisory Board embodies the spirit of
collaboration between the academic world and the
The students will be guided by experts real management sphere by becoming one of the key
throughout every step of the International Master players in the Quality Assurance Process, the process
of continuous improvement of the Rome Business
in Media and Entertainment . SchoolsrangeofManagementTrainingprograms.
Your progress along your professional path will be
Composed of 91 Leaders, Managers and Professionals
guided and steered by an ever-growing number from key areas of National and International Businesses,
of professionals, including high-level managers of through the Corporate Advisory Board, Rome Business
the Corporate Advisory Board and an extensive School activates a process of continuously updating its
training programs, relying on numerous business interactions
team of international academic professionals. and inputs provided by the members of the committee in


1 91
Umberto Galimberti | Italian philosopher
CAB Day 2022 Speech

The Advisory Board Method

Guide the Business School Improve the training offer of Collaborate with representatives Having representatives of
in defining the best strategy managerial training programs of major multinational and leading companies in the market
Corporate Members Areas
in order to ensure continuous based on the real needs of the national companies for synergies who guide and support RBS and
Advisory Board improvement in the quality and labormarket. of great value both for the allow the school to improve the
innovation of management academic world and for the key skills and knowledge of the

17 CEO and General

Management 14 Operation and IT
training. corporateworld.Bypromoting
research and business with
the support of professionals
from different companies, the

Advisory Board promotes the

29 10
research and analysis of key
Marketing and Sales business processes such as:
Communication Finance, Logistics, Marketing,
Sales, Communication, Human
Resources, Management Strategy

Human Resources
40 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Some of our CAB Members

Alberto Matrone Alessandra Sibillo Paolo Romano Ruggero Toniolo

Vice President, Western Union Senior Brand Marketing Manager Former Commercial Director IS&T Director
HMD Global Bulgari Sky Italia Louis Vuitton

Valeria Santoro Carlo Rodomonti Massimiliano Cariola Alessia Cristaldi

Country Manager Marketing Manager Head of Marketing Data Strategy & Artificial
Stocard Rai Cinema Porsche Italy Intelligence - Sales Executive

Daniele Maver Federica Vaccari Giuseppe Betrò

Former CEO Head of Customer Success Commercial Development & Ernesto Martinelli
Jaguar Land Rover Management Team System Effectiveness Manager Head of People Empowerment
Vodafone Italia P…zer Enel

Giampaolo Grossi
CEO Cristina Papis Franco Stivali Vittorio Maria Carparelli
Starbucks Italia Head of Public Relations & Social Media Head of Innovation Manager Assistant, Colleague
Corporate Communications Europe Ferrovie dello stato Italiane Market Partner UK and Europe
Sony American Express

Marco Pesaresi
General Director Giovanni Fedel
Ferrarelle Massimo Di Genova YOOX Buying and Merchandising Direction Carolina Profilo
Senior Sales Manager Richemont Group Head of Marketing and Development
41 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Our lecturers are select international
academics and disruptive executives
who apply their skills and knowledge
every day to achieve their goals.
The Rome Business School teaching method is designed
to ensure the acquisition of theoretical and practical know-
how in order to transfer truly useful competences that foster
with the Advisory Board and the Academic Management
team to ensure that the programs are constantly updated
213 91%
Lecturers and professors of them currently work professionally in

16% 59%
Y willbenetfromtheexperience andeasilytransferrabletotheprofessionalworld. entrepreneurs, managers, and practitioners

of professionals currently working

Rome Business School faculty is composed by over
intheeldforleadingnationaland 0professionals
2 andacademicpro…leswhoshare
international companies, bringing a single, unique approach to training, characterized
their emerging insights from real by an international, interdisciplinary and collaborative of them are academic professors

perspective.%of 19 ourlecturerscombineteachingwith
business cases. their professional role and actual career, in different
of them are international

blend academic rigor with the application of different
tools, techniques and methodologies to enhance
of them are Italian
24 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Your guides Rome Business School’s 360C production expert starting from pre GERARDO GRASSO
production,productionandpostproduction. asWannafortheNet‰ixplatform. Manager - Digital Field Marketing, Destination
faculty includes He also works as a Graphic designer Marketing, Projects and Advertising, at Marriott

consultants, executives DIEGO MALARA Digital Marketing

International, where he is responsible for the
design and execution of destination marketing

Master in Media and and senior advisors with Development Executive and Transmedia projectsfortheSouthernEuropeanregion.
SpecialistatFabulaPictureSRL. EMANUELE CACCIATORE It deals with the planning, execution and
Entertainment internationalcareers, with Founded by the brothers and producers Nicola Senior Director Industry Strategy & monitoringofdigitaladvertisingcampaigns.

business experience in and Marco De Angelis, both with an extensive Transformation | Energy & Utilities Industry Lead
Program Director expertisein…lmmaking,FabulaPicturesis a atOracle.Emanueleisanexperienced
both private and public youngRome-basedTVand…lmproduction corporate executive, management consultant Tech entrepreneur focused on digital health and
company, focused on creating innovative mentalwellbeing,TEDxspeakerandauthor.
and strategic advisor with a strong track record
companies. Many among televisiondramasandintriguingfeature in…lms
leadingwith Biologist, PhD in Neuropharmacology with
strategy development, transformation
them are also program afreshapproach.FounderandCEOatItalianJob and organization design projects (60+) for
Studio srl, a media producer for the entertainment
International academic research experience
listed corporations, state-owned companies in pharmacology, drug development, organic
directors of the master’s industry. chemistryandmolecularbiology.In2014he
and medium-large enterprises, across several

referenceoeredyb the EDGARDO ALTIERI

Oracle where he supports digital transformation
co-founded at the Open BioMedical Initiative,
Rome Business School. Quali…edlawyer(admittedtotheItalianBarof projects - with a strong focus on human capital addressing disabilities through 3D printing, online
Rome) specialised in Media and Entertainment, management themes - across major accounts by collaborativedesignandcommunitybuilding.In
IntellectualPropertyandDataProtectionlaw. leveraging knowledge of industry, business and IT 2017,heco-foundedSoftcareStudios,adigital

A World Class Supportsclientsinthemediasector(e.g.

producers, broadcasters, media agencies
health startup focused on improving patients
. experience and optimizing hospital
Faculty etc.)andintheEntertainmentindustry.With Emanuele specializes in IT/digital transformation
over12yearsofexperienceasalawyerinthe and the impacts of technology on workforce,
operations using immersive technologies and
Media and …eld,provideshigh-qualityandtailoredlegal/ workplaceandorganizations.
entrepreneurial assistance, offering support ANDREA CICERI, PHD
Entertainment on legal matters including the production and ANDREA DI PAOLA After obtaining a PhD in neuromarketing and
distributionofCinema,TVandWebproducts.HeVicepresidente Sales Marketing at Essity, leading consumerpsychology,hefoundedSenseCatch.
OSWALD GARMS collaborateswithRaiCinema.LectureratRoma global hygiene and health company, where he’s SenseCatch is an innovative consulting
International Coordinator at Notorious Pictures FilmAcademy. beenworkingfrom10years.FormerSupplychain company specialized in neuroscience and
Raffaele Passerini
Spa.IndependentcompanyestablishedinJuly ManageratP&G. humanbehavior,whereexpertisein…elds
Co-Writer Radio 3 - Rai Play Podcast, Co-author of 201,basedinRome,operatesintheacquisition BENEDETTA BAGLIONI like marketing (web, product, packaging,
the…rstPodcastradioseriesbytheItalianNational of the Rights of Cinematographic Works (full With a degree in Literature - performing arts, SANDOR WILEMS shop, advertising&communication, branding,
,3 theRaiPlaystreamingplatform. rights) and in the marketing of the same through she began her work experience at the Italian Head of International Business Development entertainment), human performance (soft skills,
Experienced Adjunct Professor of Cinema Arts, all distribution channels (cinema, home video, pay Cultural Institute of New York, a city to which at BIMcollab, a software provider, the company sport and job performance, wellness, personal
Filmmaking and Media Development and Business, TVandfreeTV,newmedia).In2013,onthebasis sheremainedboundedforyears.Deeplyin issue management and model validation empowerment, biofeedback), education and
with a demonstrated history of working in the ofthe…nancialdatapresentedincompliance love with theatre, she gained a considerable software to help the international building health&safety, helping companies to improve
highereducationindustry.SkilledinFilmProduction, with the IAS / IFRS accounting standards, the experience in both role as assistant director and industryoptimizeBIMwork‰ows.BIMcollab®is theirbusiness.Heworkstoenablecompaniesthe
Television,andVideo. CompanyrecordedrevenuesofEuro9million. producer,beforegettingtothesmallscreen. a brand owned by KUBUS, a software company access to detailed, accurate and more and more
Holding a Degree in Cinema Studies, a Higher Level The Company is a “content provider” which As a TV producer, she collaborated with various locatedintheNetherlandsEurope.KUBUSoffers objectivemarketandhumanbehaviourdata.
Certi…cateinFilmmakingatNYFA,oneinTelevision acquires…lmworksinordertoexploittheir players in the Italian scene, making information
rights BIM solutions for Design & Build in the Benelux
Writing from UCLA Extension, and a Master Degree inalldistributionchannels. and entertainment programmes aired on major onlyandisexclusivedistributorforGRAPHISOFT.
inCreativeWritingfromTeessideUniversity.Worked broadcasters, such as Rai, La7, Mediaset, BIMcollab / KUBUS advocate openBIM and Marketing & Sales
asast1 ADandProducerinseveralIndies…lmsand ANTONIO MONTAPERTO Discovery.Afterashortbutintenseexperience servicecloseto10.internationalcustomers
documentariesintheUSandEU.AsaWriter-Director, Over 18 years of international work experience in in advertising - Young&Rubicam agency - she intheconstructionindustryfromocesin MAURIZIO DI DOMENICO
he signed the international awarded short movies “The the…lmandtelevisionsector. landed at Fremantle Media Italia where as Eindhoven, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Hasselt Manager specialized in the negotiation and
NurseandTheBirdman. HehasworkedforFox,Disney,Universal,CBS.He Executive Producer she made numerous Studio (Belgium)andBelgrade(Serbia). management of Commercial Networks, with
isaproducerofseveral…lmsanddocumentaries. show,includingthethreeeditionsofNemo. consolidated experience in the Air Transport and
43 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

IndustrialConstructionsector.Heisoneofthe ALESSANDRO
…rst FIORENTINO Africa, the Middle East, and North America HR Consulting, Coaching, Deferred Compensation, a Business Developer for the continued expansion of
ItalianManagerswhoseCVhasbeencerti…edby Seniorprofessionalwith30yearsofworkexperience.FABIO PISI VITAGLIANO HRPolicies,andOrganizationalDesign.Astrong educationaloperationsoverseas.
RINAServicesandsponsoredbyFEDERMANAGER. Has worked in large organizations (Deloitte, Trenitalia FabioisanICFcerti…edCorporateCoach.Hehas human resources professional graduated from IMD
Inthelast32yearshehascarriedoutmanagerial - Italian railways), small start-ups, and family owned an MBA from IE Business School and a PhD in BusinessSchool.HeworkedastheHRDirector DANIELE MAVER
activities, including 19 years in Alitalia, managing businesses. Philosophy.HehasworkedasaCorporateTrainer of Peroni Brewery and Head of Commercial HR at He started his professional career in 1984 at Ford
negotiations in almost all European countries, in Skilled in strategic management and business and Strategy Consultant at Accenture for several Vodafone. Italia before moving to Nissan Italia, providing
many Asian and South American countries, and planning, service marketing, business development, years.HeisalsoanAdjunctProfessor,teaching support for the the startup and development of
intheUSA.HecurrentlyfollowsSMEsBusiness sustainability, organizational design and capacity differentsubjectswithintheHRarea. MASSIMILIANO PRESUTTI theNationalSalesCompany.Inhistwelveyears
Development projects in Europe and the United building.Hasdirectworkexperienceinhospitality, Massimiliano is the Founder and Executive Director at Nissan, he held several roles, including CFO and
States,asExportManager.HeisSeniorPartnerof tourism, spa and wellness, travel, railway operations, KATJA HANSEL ofDisclose.Heiscerti…edasanEQACAssessorSales&MarketingDirector.Healsostartedupthe
Ambire,aconsultingagency. assetmanagement,corporategovernance. She is a founder of Global Dream Lab Ltd in and Emotional Quotient Practitioner (EQP) and is new Captive Finance Company, working as the
Lecturesatdifferenteducationalinstitutions. Dublin, Ireland, and the Aura Coaching Academy aprofessionalHRConsultantandCerti…edCoach.ManagingDirectorfor4years.In20,hetookon
CAROLINA EUGENIA Geographical areas of work experience: Italy, West inRome,Italy.SheisaBusinessandTeamCoach Hehasworkedfor12yearsatP…zerastheHeadof the role of Managing Director at Ford Credit, the
CAPPABIANCA Europe,Africa,Asia. and a Motivational Trainer and has been an Commercial Training & Development Team Leader FinancialCompanyofFordGroup.SinceMay207,
Graduatedat21,shebeganhercareerinMktg. entrepreneurforover15years.Shehasadegreein forEurope.HehasaBachelorDegreeinLaw. he has been the President and Managing Director of
Mgmt.byJ&J,…rstandtheninUnilever.After5 Communication from the Universidad Complutense JaguarLandRoverItalia.HehasanMBAfromthe
years, he moved to the multinational agency DMB & Human Resources Madrid, Spain
Business Leadership BocconiSchoolofManagement.
B, where he grew up, becoming an executive when
shewas29yearsandleadingtheP&Gaccounts, Management MARTINE MINNECRÉ in the Global Age JOSEPHINE LUZON, PHD
and TWA, in Italy, with business growth results; then Martine Helene Minnecré is a specialist in PhD in Business Administration from the University
in Europe, directing the Oral Care (P&G) team and ANDREA MONTUSCHI International HR Management and employment- MARSHALL LANGER ofPhoenix.SheistheFinanceManageratBioversity
de…ninganewbrandequity,adoptedintheUSA;thenWithover20yearsexperienceinthe…eldofHR relatedlegalissues.Afterover12yearsworkingfor AnativeofMiami,Marshallhada12-yearcareerin International.ShealsoteachesattheAmerican
in the USA and Latin America, as Regional Group consulting and organizational climate, Andrea’s main twooftheBigFourconsultancy…rms,aboutiquevariouscommercialand…nancialsectorsin University ofRomeandJohnCabotUniversity.
Acct.Dir.OnPampers(P&G).HereturnstoItaly,as areas of expertise revolve around measurement tools law…rminBrusselsandtheUNWorldFoodProgram and Europe, worked on Wall Street in investment
BusinessUnitDir.AtY&R,directsacross-functional (survey design, management and interpretation) and asalegalexpertinthis…eld,shestartedherownbanking and risk arbitrage for companies like RAFFAELE MANNELLA
team, on the international accounts Ford, Colgate, consulting (qualitative in-depth analysis and action consultancy business in Rome, providing consultancy Over26yearsexperienceasanExportManager,
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, as well as trading for
KronenbourgandTourtel.At36,hefoundedMarket planning).Hespenttheearlyyearsofhiscareer servicestosmallandmedium-sizedorganizations. EntrepreneurandProjectManager.In205,heco-
Energy, a marketing and direct communication between London and Paris, moving back to his home She has a Master in Employment and Social Security founded Comtaste SRL, an IT consulting company
servicesagency.Today,sheisPartnerandFounder country,Italy,in203.Overthelastdecade,Andrea Law and a Master in European, International and of which is still the CEO, mainly taking on strategic
has cultivated an interest in creativity and innovation,
of Connection-e, a marketing consulting agency, and ComparativeLaw. projects for the company and directly managing
A lecturer on Economics, Statistics and Finance
Founding Partner and Marketing Director at Rising becoming an experienced facilitator of Creative key
since203,hecurrentlyteachesattheUniversities of clients, which include several multinational
PartnerInternational. Problem-SolvingandLego®SeriousPlay®,among LOTTA ANNA RASMUSSON RAIBLE Rome,Paris,GrenobleandCasablanca.Hepreviouslycompanies,suchasAdobe,GoogleandHP.In2019,
othertechniques. She has worked in the Human Resources Division he founded TS Mood SRL, an innovative startup
worked as the Finance Director for the Walt Disney
MASSIMO DI GENOVA of the United Nations World Food Program in Rome, Company. specializing in online booking services for the tourism
Senior manager, sales and business development VERONIKA SCHMID Italy, and for the Human Resources Division of the industry.HehasaMasterwithhonorsinEconomics
executive, digital business and innovation expert, Veronika started her career as a Consultant at IBM Swedish International Development Authority in andBusinessfromtheUniversitLaSapienza,Rome.
(Italy) and worked in several industries, such as
strategicconsultantwith20yearsofinternational Stockholm,Sweden.ShewastheHumanResources HeisalsoPMP®Certi…ed.
career gained in leading multinational companies Finance, Energy, Defense and Intergovernmental Manager at the International Plant Genetics fromtheUniversityofParisX.Shealsohasa
in the ICT sector (Alcatel, Cisco System, Movenda,
Nokia) on customers and vertical markets of primary
Resources Consulting Service provider in the
ResourcesInstituteatitsRomeoceforseven Bachelor Degree in Economics from the University
years and was responsible for the development and
Design and Cultural
Business Management
of Oran in Algeria and a Master in International
importance.In-depthexperienceandsolidtrack MiddleEastthatfocusedonpersonalskills.Several implementation of HR policies and procedures and EconomicsandFinancefromtheParisXNanterre
record in innovation-driven revenue generation, years ago, she moved to Washington DC, where the oversight of human resource management for UniversityinFrance.Dr.Chentoufisanexpertin
business development, strategic planning, and she graduated from the Georgetown University theinstitutionanditsemployees.
international cooperation with MENA countries MAX ZARA STERCK
managing large and complex deals across multiple
and has extensive experience working with and Max Zara is a womenswear designer who values
marketsandregions.HeiscurrentlySalesManager focusingonLeadershipCoaching.Overthelast15 EMILIANO MARIA CAPPUCCITTI
fortheEuropeanCommission.Sheisadiplomatic the artistic necessity in fashion, as well as the
atNokiaEnterprise. years, Veronika has been intensely committed to her HRDirectorofCocaColaItaly.Anexperienced representativetotheUnitedNations.Dr.Chentoufimportanceofdurabilityindesign.Herworkis
personal and professional development and using Human Resources Director with a proven history of teaches Economics at several universities and reinforced by collaborations which allow her to
herextensiveexperiencetoserveherclientsthebest. workingintheFood&Beveragesindustry.Skilledbusiness in schools.Additionally,Dr.Chentoufacts highlight
as the wearability and movement of her
She has lived and worked in 8 countries in Europe,
44 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

designs.Beforeshestartedherownbrand,she Company, and the Presidency of the Council of professionals in their entrepreneurial, business and Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Business also has extensive experience in setting up Program
worked as a designer at well-known luxury labels like Ministers. career development through sparring and creative AdministrationatBeirutArabUniversity.and Herresearch
J.W.Anderson,LaPerla,andAlexanderMcQueen visualization. interests include areas in Monetary Finance and alsoworkedforDXCTechnologyandHEWLETT
and helped build up the sustainable ready-to-wear CAMILLA CARREGA Economics.Shehaspublishedmultiplereview PACKARD.
labelZILVER.Alongsideherownprojects,she Camilla Carrega is a Professor, Owner and Chief DANIEL LUACES journals, and has had various papers accepted by
works freelance for high-end luxury labels in the OperatingOceroftheluxuryCastleVolognano,and Fashion Executive Advisor, Product Developer and manyconferences. CANIO MANCANIELO
developmentofdesign,textilesandsustainability. a senior consultant for branding and communication ProductManagerintheFashionIndustry.Hehas Canio Mancanielo MBA works as a Project Manager

also a farm that still produces young and aged wines,
Project Management
worked in Barcelona at the Inditex Headquarters
for the brand Massimo Dutti as a Fashion Buyer
Computer Engineering from the Politecnico di Bari
most important brand of Wella Hairstyling, MITU
IGT Chianti Colli Fiorentini, grappa, extra virgin olive
oil and vinsanto, as well as reselling these products
and Data Science and a Master in Computer Engineering, specializing
CREATIVE HAIRSTYLING, where she works with andotherspecialtiesfromthesurroundingarea. Management.
With LaSapienza.HehasalsoworkedasProjectManager
thecreativemanagementteam.ShehasanMBAin a Bachelor Degree in Viticulture from the University of andITConsultantatEricssonformorethan4years.
Senior Project Manager with more than 10
Fashion Marketing and Communication from Central Florence and a Master in Oenology, she has worked years’ experience in planning, management,
as a Wine Instructor, Wine Department Chair and
Academic Coordinator of Food and Wine Studies
Finance and Business coordination, monitoring and evaluation of large- CRISTIAN NAPOLI
Christian Napoli PhD has been as Associate
at the Apicius International School of HospitalityAdministration scale International Development Projects, well
familiar with EU Instrument Pre-Acquis (IPA); Professor with the Department of Computer, Control,
FABIO SISTI in Florence, traveling several times to the USA to European Development Fund (EDF); European and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti”,
He has worked for 7 years in visual merchandising promote the Italian lifestyle through food and wine, SVEN MOOS Neighbourhood and Partnership Instruments (ENPI) LaSapienzaUniversityofRome,since2019,as
(indoor/window), 3 years in the visual area (Asia/ collaborating with the James Beard Foundation in Senior advisory capabilities provided to clients wellasScienti…cDirectorandco-founder(2015)of
America/SouthAfrica/EastandNorthEurope),andNew 2 YorkandseveralAmericanuniversities. undertakingmajorcapitalevents.Over30years atAGROTECSpA.HisareaofexpertiseisBusinessthe International School of Advanced and Applied
yearsincreativewindowdesign.Hehasworkedon experience in structuring and managing complex Development supporting governmental institutions Computing(ISAAC).HegotaBachelorDegree
soundtracksformovies,advertisingandTVseries. ISRID VAN GEUNS corporate…nanceandM&Atransactions.Heisthe in the implementation of development programs in Physics from the Department of Physics and
The companies he has worked for include H&M and Isrid Van Geuns has been employed as a design and foundingpartnerofFMNCorporateAdvisory,a…rm bygivingthemtechnicalassistance,andscienti…c Astronomy,UniversityofCatania,in201,wherehe
7camicie. product manager for many years and was involved providingproject…nanceadvisoryservices toproject
and analytical equipment, focusing on consultancy alsogotaMasterinAstrophysicsin201andhis
in several successful enterprises in the fashion and developers and owners in the renewable power services for participating in international bids and PhDinComputerSciencein2016attheDepartment
MAJORIE BIAWA retailindustry.In209,shefoundedhercompany, generationsector.WefocusondispatchableCSP tenders(EuropeAidandtheWorldBank). ofMathematicsandComputerScience.Hereceived
Fashion and Luxury lecturer with over 10 years’ a concept and platform in which she connects andPVtechnologies.Heisalsothepartner/owner theNationalScienti…cAwardasanassociate
and advises people and activates projects in the professorinComputerEngineering(2017)and
experienceworkinginthefashionindustry.Shehas a at Cherax Advisers, and Chairman of the Board of ANGELO CAUCEGLIA
Master in International Marketing and has worked as fashionandretailindustry.IsridworksasaTrustees recruiter at the Aplastic Anaemia Trust, as well as a ComputerScience(2019).
Angelo Cauceglia MBA is a project manager with
aMULTIBRANDBUYERLUXURYFASHION,HOME and headhunter for a wide variety of national and privateinvestorinresidentialrealestate. signi…cantworkingexperienceintheMiddleEast
INTERIORfortheH&MGroup, international fashion brands, specializing in a high- andSouthAmerica.Overthepastfewyears,he FABIO REBECCHI
for over 4 years as an International Buyer, and for fashionandluxurysegmentofthemarket. SAMARA POWELL had the chance to develop a deep understanding Entrepreneurwith25yearsexperienceintheICT
Marc Jacobs as a Wholesale Coordinator Network Samaraisasenior…nancialadvisorwithover 15 remarkable results in large-scale organizations
and industry, with a special focus on data, AI, industrial
Developer,andStockManager. CLAUDIA MAYER yearsexperienceinthe…nancialandbankingworld. dealingwithcomplexmulticulturalenvironments. researchandprojectmanagement.Fabioiscurrently
Drawing on 11 years’ experience of international She currently works as a Senior Advisor, Deals-US HehasworkedasProjectCon…gurationManagerat an Open Group Invited Expert at the Data Scientist
ROBERTO MAZZEO marketing, business development and sales DeskatPwCSpa.SheisalsoaManagingDirector AstaldiS.p.A.HealsoworkedforManens-TifsS.p.A. ProfessionWorkingGroup,focusingonde…ningthe
Adjunct Professor at the Rome Film Academy experience, Claudia is a specialized coach, speaker atUnitedCrestSRLinMilan.Sheco-foundeda Riyadh,SaudiArabia,astheProjectControlOcer.Data Science Body of Knowledge, as well as a Board
(Copyright & IP Law), he provides comprehensive andtrainerforcreativecompanies.Aftergraduating consultancy…rmwithSirRonaldGriersontoprovide Member for the Data Scientist submissions and a
in business administration at the University of MasterCerti…edDataScientist.FabioisalsotheCEO
daily legal assistance to a multinational a European-based, cross-border corporate M&A VIVIANE ARAZI
pharmaceuticalcompany.Passionateabout Innsbruck, Claudia has spent the majority of her advisoryserviceforselectclients,including quali…ed and owner of Accademia Domani, a MOOC scale-up,
IT Program Manager, specializing in large-scale
start-ups, blockchain and new technologies, his career in the creative industries, including lighting fundsandsophisticatedfamily-ownedbusinesses. and an international startup advisor and investor, and
global program in the sectors of Consumer
specializations include fashion law, e-commerce She has also worked for Utama Banking Group in Goods,Government.Waterfallapproachappliedto co-founder of ScaleFoundry, an Amsterdam based
contracts, consumer protection, terms and and international projects for Zumtobel Group in MalaysiaasaCEO. startupaccelerator.Fabioisalsoanagilepractition
infrastructure and end-user computing projects, as
conditions, media agreements and entertainment: Europe and Asia and has been based in Guangzhou, andanExpertScrumMaster.
well as Agile approaches, Scrum, DevOps, Test-Driven
production, publishing, management, sponsorship, Singapore,DubaiandNewDelhi.After2years HANADI TAHER Development, Continuous Improvement / Continuous
andsocialmedia.Thecompanieshehasworked working at the architectural …rm UNStudio inDr.HanadiTaherhasaPhDinMonetaryFinance Development, which he has applied for Software
for include DONG & Partners Law Firm, Eli Lilly and Amsterdam, she founded Coaching by Claudia to andInternationalEconomics.SheisanAssociate Developmentprojects.VivianeisPMICerti…edand
support creative companies, business owners and
45 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

CHIARA CARUSI NICOLETTA ROMANAZZI continuing professional development) in the health SIMONA PICHINI
Chiara is a Data Scientist and currently works as AMentalandSportsCoachCerti…edbySFERA, sector and the implementation of the Lombardy Pharmacotoxicologist.HeadoftheAnalytical
a Project Lead at the Ministry of Economy of Italy, with a Master in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, CancerNetwork.MemberofPriorityGroupinthe Pharmacotoxicology Unit at the National Centre on
whereshehasalsoworkedaswellasaDataAnalyst. specializing in Problem-Solving, Communication Health Technology Assessment Plan - HTA - of the AddictionandDopingNationalInstituteofHealth.
She has a PhD in Electronic Engineering, a Master andStrategiceCoaching.TheFounderofRespiro, LombardyRegion.MemberofNationalCommittee Coordinator of National Early Warning System
in Control Engineering and a Bachelor Degree in a foundation focusing on mental coaching, and Co- forRemoteMedicine. onNewPsychoactiveSubstances.Memberof
ComputerScience. FounderofScuolaSkills,ameta-techniqueslab. National Ethical Committee on Clinical Trials and
DANIELE ROSSI IndependentResearch.Principal…eldsofresearch:
LORENZO MIOZZI CLAUDIA SCHININÀ Bachelor Degree (cum laude) in Statistics and Pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics of drugs
Senior Consultant in Blockchain currently working A Communication and Media expert and advocate of Economics from the Università degli Studi di Roma of abuse and doping agents in conventional and
forHSPI.HeisalsoaCo-FounderandProject worldsustainability.SheworksmostlyinItalyLa Sapienza
but has andPhDfromUCLAinLosAngeles. nonconventional biological matrices and clinical
Manager of Own Your Business, providing solutions had collaborations in the UK, with Procter & Gamble, He is the Delegate for Research & Innovation at outcomes; maternal and neonatal biomarkers of
for data validation in blockchain, without sending andinFrance,withBNPParibas.Shecurrentworksthe Confederation of Farmers (Confagricoltura), prenatalexposuretodrugsofabuseandalcohol.
informationtothirdparties.Hehasalsoworked in as
Corporate Social Responsibility, the objectives of Secretary General of AgroNetwork, Chairman of the Authorofmorethan270peer-reviewedscienti…c
a Project Engineer for IETY - Inventive Engineering which include putting CSR at the heart of banking Research & Innovation Working Party RES in Copa publicationsandbookchapters.
& HehasaMasterinMechanical andthe…nancing/investmentsector. Cogeca(Brussels).HewaspreviouslytheGeneral
EngineeringfromLaSapienzaUniversityofRome. Director of Federalimentare (Italian Federation of
ALDO TORCHIARO PHD. Food&DrinkIndustryCon…ndustria).

Speci…cSector An expert in Political Communication and

professionaljournalistfor15years.Hehasbeen CHIARA SATTIN
Management Editor-in-Chief of magazines and a TV anchorman for
time as the Director of the Commercial Department
social media, campaigning and lobbying for politics in a company, she came back to her farm and, since
VALERIO MANCINI 207,shehasbeenafarmer(zootechnics,forest
as the Head of Media and External Relations for
An International Relations expert with experience care, energy, cereal production, and recently farm
publicinstitutions,politicalpartiesand foundations.
in the development and management of several holidays).Since2015,shehasbeentheDelegate
He currently works as a Senior Media Relations
projects related to transnational crime prevention for Innovation in Agricultural sector inside Giovani di
Manager at Spencer & Lewis in Rome and has also
andthe…ghtagainstterrorismanddrugtracking Confagricoltura-ANGA.
with international organizations, in particular with the
published papers with Rubbettino, Ebook, and many
He has worked on Italian diplomatic missions abroad
as a consultant/project manager for the development
of social projects related to crime prevention in Latin LOREDANA LUZZI for Agricultural Research and Economics, Public
America, as export manager for public and private
ajobconsultantandcivilmediator.Topexecutive 2017;DirectoroftheInternationalRelationships
ofpublicadministration(localauthorities) Unit
.20 ofCREA(201-3)andInformationSystems
to206Manager,HeadofHealthcarePlanning Unit(208-1);President,PermanentExecutive
MAOC (N), the Maritime Analysis and Operations
and Program Structure at the Directorate of the Committee, International Poplar Commission,
Lombardy Region.206to207Administrative StatutoryBodyofFAO(20-1);National
SecretaryGeneraloftheassociationBluAction. org
Director,ASLLodi.208to2015Administrative Representative(alternate)intheHorizon20
(linked with the UN SDGs) and, at the same time,
Director,GarbagnateMilaneseHospital.2016to30th ProgramCommitteeforSocietalChallenge2Food
collaborated with various research institutes in Italy
November2017SocialandHealthCareDirector, Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry,
and abroad, as well as working as a reporter for the
Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the
ColombiannewspaperElEspectador.Heisauthor ASSTGreatMilanHospitalGOMNiguarda,Milan.
Extensive Bioeconomy(since2013).
ofseveralarticlesandscienti…cpublications in experience in the healthcare sector, as a
Italyandabroad.HeisareporterfortheColombian member of ministerial and regional working groups,
Radio network Un Análisis (Universidad Nacional de
newspaper articles concerning organization, ICT and
Colombia), an export manager/consultant for Italian
private companies and International development
She was involved in the development of the ECM
advisor for the International Academy for Security
program - CPD (continuing medical education and
46 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Media and Professional Background

35% Economics

29% Humanities and Social Sciences
16% Engineering
7% Others

Students 6%
3% Health
Rome Business School’s
learning environment goes Nationalities
38% Europe
farbeyondtheclassroom. 37% Italy
The campus is a multicultural 10% North America
8% Asia
community made up of 5% Latin America
international students, 2% Africa

teachers, professionals,
54% Women
46% Men

Over the course of International Master in Rome Business School’s International Master in Media and Entertainment
Media and Entertainment , you will work and The Master is designed for people who are ready to step out their comfort

exchange ideas with students from more than 150 zonetostartcreating,innovatingand…ndingsolutionstotakeaction:
different countries, getting the chance to meet

men and women with different backgrounds and
Young professionals with Young Professionals who want
experiences but with the common purpose of

specialist backgrounds to be fully prepared to the job
who wish to acquire general market learning ad acquiring
ambitions and expand your talent and future
management experience to knowledgeusuallylearntin+2
opportunities by being connected with the best
progressintheircareers. years of working experience,
being able to have an edge Number of Countries Average age
comparedtotheirpeers. Represented

04 Return of Investment (ROI)

48 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Smartest International Master in

Media and Entertainment
When you do a Master, you invest time
and a great deal of hard work. We work
to provide you the highest standards
of excellence in the professional
+34% Salary Growth

The salary of our students that take an

Placement Rate

of our students manage to increase
their salary after completing their

3+ to102

ROI International Master at Rome Business

School keeps on increasing, compared
receive new
employment offers –
of our students get a job
6 of…nishing
An international experience that will enhance your talents,
tobeforestartingtheMaster. compared
%3 + to1 20 their Master program
guaranteeing you the very highest return on your investment

43% 69%
( .Discovertrainingprogramsthatensureyoutoacquire
the maximum level of professional skills, but which also reward
your efforts with personal growth, talent empowerment and Top recruiters
themotivationtoachievesomethingthattrulymatterstoyou. of our students of RBS alumni work
are employed in a outside Italy
A Rome Business School Master will boost your career multinational company
openingyoualotsofdoorsinyourprofessionalfuture.During Jobel – Art for Earth
the program we keep high the contact and network with the “We have been collaborating with RBS for years and highlight their
businesscommunity,…ndingalwaysnewjobopportunities, skills, attention and responsibility towards the education and training
growing the professional choices, deciding to pursue with offutureandcurrentmanagers.Sofarwehavehostedstudents
amultinationalcareeroranEntrepreneurshipexperience. with technical skills, knowledge of the sectors to which they belong,
Recruiting Sectors
Natalia Biarese | Executive Manager Music Industry Visual Arts
Film Industry Cultural Events
49 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Career Services
!F!QGMJ;9J!!JH9L$F Create your own way through
!N!DGH9KLJ9L!#QF$GF!QGMJ our Career Services
K$9JH!FQGMJ4G Thefutureisinyourhands.Useyourpassionsasastarting
International Master in Media and Entertainment , you will be
With over 10 years’ experience in education, we help young
talents to build their future, guiding them along the path
that best suits their capabilities, desires and professional
Advisory Board to make contact with managers from leading
companies and build the perfect network solution for
50 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

tive Choice | Senior Par t Tim

Execu e Pat
Our Career Service At Rome Business School, we accompany
you on the path you choose to take in your
programs are divided into professionalcareer.Togetherwithyou,we Career Advancer
two core areas: analyze your objectives in order to develop
We accompany you, we motivate and cc eleration Progr
eer A
Occupational Pathways ams

C a r

provide the tools to make your journey go

Career Starter asfarasyoucandream.Togetherwewill

form the team that will take you to cross as

Career Advancer



| Ju

Career Propeller




A Ex

r S ta
ime P



How do we do it?

Entrepreneurial Pathways



Full Time Path | Par t T

tion P
Career Accele

Independent Employment | GIG Economy
Career Services

Through a detailed analysis of your
When we think of careers, we think of background and your future prospects,
distances,goals,andachievers.Those we will help you choose the route that
who go the distance to reach a goal, the best suits you and you will have a team
goal they set for themselves, and thus of specialized professionals to advise




Crossinga…nishlinerequiresperseverance, en


thejourney.Ouradvisorswillgiveyou eu Pr

effort, commitment and a team to rs
hip hip

the tools you need to reach your full Pro ur s



potential and achieve the professional ms re



professional career is not a race for time, it t



lP h
advancementyouarelookingfor. E e

Ac m

na Pat
P m

ele Ph
is a long process and for life that requires RE


sio ine
l o

ra a
on NE p On
dedication,supportandenthusiasm. Each route can be personalized to design

se | B
1 us UR t E m d s
ze ofe
auniquelearningpath,likeyour…ngerprint. | O ine SHI de n iali r
P n ec | P
pe ss p h
n P An | S Pat
Because your future is yours alone and rog gel th
Pa utive
ram Net C
youaretheonewhosetsthedestination. Ph owk PT O Exec
2 |I F T & Path |
ation MBA
51 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Occupational Pathways
1 2 3
Career Starter Career Advancer Career Propeller
This route is for students that are looking for: This route is for students that are looking for: This route is for MBA students that are looking for:

Entry into the labor market Professional improvement; promotion and/or increased responsibility Developspeci…ccompetencies
New job opportunities Developmentofspeci…ccompetences Improve key skills for your current role
Developmentofspeci…ccompetences Improving key skills for current role Foster synergies in your work teams
Improving key skills Networking Foster organizational culture
Networking Innovate within your organization and implement
disruptive work methodologies
This is the route for those who are not waiting for the moment,
The path is designed for young professionals who, despite butgolookingfortheirownopportunity.Apathforproactive
havingachievedtheir…rstobjectivesanddegree,lookahead professionals who know that their progress depends on This is a road to the TOP!
andfacenewchallenges,searchingtheir…rstjobposition their attitude and want to feel ready for new challenges,
andwithwhichtotesttheirtalentsandknowledge. either by enhancing the trajectory they have they have built
Throughout this pathway students will delve into subjects uptonoworthroughachangeintheirprofession.
more specialized route for those who want to follow
and skills development that may be useful and necessary The team assigned to walk this pathway will analyze the student’s themoreambitiouspathandfeelreadytotakeit.
bothintheircurrentpathwayandinthefuture. current career to determine what knowledge and skills and
Students will be guided and reach their objectives thanks their competencieswillbekeytokeytotakeadvantageofthisopportunity.
personal effort, the advice of our team of professionals and the other In addition, they will guide the learner to focus their potential in a
In this way, students will learn how to shape their
studentsthemselveswhoarecompetingtoreachthesamegoal. roleorsectorinwhichtheycantoachieveprofessionalsuccess.
Together they will be able to create a networking own team, fostering synergies between each member of
bubblethatwillhelpthemgetthere. theteaminordertogetthemostoutoftheirtalent.
25 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Career Acceleration Program Explore, Build,

The Career Acceleration Program will Engage, Act, Evolve
Witha5 -stepstructureofself-re‰ection, We are always up-to-date with
help you develop the knowledge, market
exploration and achievement, the program thelatestbusinesstrends.Our
insights and tools that you need to pursue a istailor-madetohelpyou…ndinternships comprehensive careers tool kit ensures
Y or positions in line with your ambitions and you always keep fully informed, up-
expectations.Eachstepwillenhanceyour to-dateandpreparedforinterviews.
willbenetfromvaluableconnectionswith expertiseaboutthemarket,aswellasspeci…c
top companies and recruiters. and detailed tips to perform effectively in the

Explore Build Challenge 1 Engage Act Challenge2 Evolve

Understanding what Understanding how Personal Branding Boosting your network Seizing Placement Alumni - Never Stop Learning
works for you to promote yourself Students are challenged in producing Time to start building an effective Opportunities Participating Key Partners will Having successfully completed all
At the beginning of your Academic In this phase you will engage with effective Personal Branding material professional network and learn You will be now ready to effectively be challenged to provide the best 5 steps and mastered professional
year, you will have the chance to a cycle of career development revised & Awarded by top APL more about the diversity of working interact with the job market - make interview process which will be and self-orientation skills, you will be
attend Career Services activities workshops building effective RecruitingPartners. environments.Youwillattend sure you check out RBS placement evaluated by our students and rewardedwithanextramonths 42
presentations and download the curricular material and personal Company Meetings, connect with HR opportunities through Jobteaser with viceversa. access to continued education
RBS Career Compass App (available branding.Moreover,youcanbookan recruiters, and learn who and what ad-hoc facilitation provided by CS activities reserved for our top Alumni
starting for Octber Intake) where you individual counselling meeting with theyarelookingforwhenhiring. Advisors & don’t forget to attend our School
& Ambassadors.
will engage with self-exploration tests HR professionals who will help you Services & Activity digitalphysical
& jobfairs. Services & Activity
and games to better support your de…ningyourcareergoalsbuild & an
• Access to Mock Interview & Services & Activity • One yearly gathering with
future career orientation choicestheir effectiveactionplan.
Language Club • Access to On Campus masterclasses & networking
management career orientation
Services & Activity opportunities
choices. • #12 Company Meetings and Digital RBS Career Fairs
• +3 Workshops on Career • Continued Access to Fair
Services & Activity • Access to Fair Employability • #12 Company Meetings
Development (Junior level) Employability Workshops & talks
• Access to Career Compass Digital Programme • Ongoing facilitated placement
• Individual Career Counselling • Ambassador programme
Space & Psychometric • Access to #5 Sectorial opportunities on Jobteaser
Sessions and access to on
E-Assessment Mastercalsses orientation vs
campus professional look corner • Possibility to apply skills
• Diversi…ed Presentation Events specific markets
• #24 Company Meetings with on Entrepreneurial projects
(Teaser & Technìcal) • Ongoing facilitated placement
Multinational entities, of which #6 opportunities on Jobteaser
• Access to RBS Inner Circle opportunities on Jobteaser
delivered in Italian language
Premium • Ongoing facilitated placement
Club Activities for MBAs opportunities on Jobteaser
53 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Career Acceleration Career

Program (Exclusive MPA Path - ENG) (Fulltime OC Path - ENG) (Part time OC Path - ENG) (Executive Path - Italian) (Specialized OL–ENG OL)

We are always up-to-date

• Access to Career Compass Digital • Access to Career Compass APP • Access to Career Compass APP • Access to Career Compass • Access to Career Compass
Space.EarlyaccesstoCompany & Psychometric E-Assessment* & Psychometric E-Assessment* APP & E-Assessment,* APP & Psychometric
Meetings • Introduction to Career Services • Introduction to Career Services • Introduction to Career E-Assessment*
with the latest business • Introduction to Career Services
Sessions WORKSHOP 1 Overview
• WORKSHOP 1 Overview on national
• WORKSHOP 1 Overview on
Services Session (ITA)
• WORKSHOP 1 Overview on national
• Introduction to Career
Services Sessions

trends. Our comprehensive Explore

on national & inetrnational job
& inetrnational job markets national & inetrnational job markets & inetrnational job markets • WORKSHOP 1 Overview on national
& inetrnational job markets
• X2AdvancedWorkshopsonMBA
careers tool kit ensures you 15% outlets, Innovative Cv (I-II)

always keep fully informed, • Individual Career Counseling • X2ProfessionalWorkshops • X2ProfessionalWorkshops • X2AdvancedWorkshopson • X2ProfessionalWorkshops

up-to-date and prepared for Session

• Professional look corner
Embrace your talent , (I-II)
• Individual Career Counseling
Embrace your Talent (I-II)
• Individual Career Counseling
Exe outlets, Innovative Cv (I-II)
• Individual Career
Embrace your Talent (I-II)

Session Session Counseling Session

interviews. • Professional look corner • Professional look corner • Professional look corner

Planning, preparation
and opportunity. Don’t • X1AdvancedWorkshopson
leadership during interviews (IIII)
• X1EmbraceyourTalent
Workshops (III)
• X1EmbraceyourTalent
Workshops (III)
• X1EmbraceyourTalent
Workshops (III)
• X1EmbraceyourTalent
Workshop (III)

miss out on any opportunity • XCompany

03 Meetingsayear
• Employability Challenge I
• XCompany
03 Meetingsayear
• Employability Challenge I
• XCompany
03 Meetingsayear
• Employability Challenge I
• XCompany
01 Meetings
a year (ITA)
• XCompany
03 Meetingsayear
• Employability Challenge I

to succeed. • X1Mid-termIndividual
Counseling Session

• X6marketorientationmasterclass
• X6marketorientation • X6marketorientation • X6marketorientation • X6marketorientation
• Employability Challenge II masterclasses masterclasses mastercalsses masterclasses
• Access to RBS Talent Focus & • Employability Challenge II • Employability Challenge II • Employability Challenge II • Employability Challenge II
EFMD Virtual Talent Fair • Access to RBS Talent Focus & • Access to RBS Talent Focus & • Access to RBS Talent Focus • Access to EFMD Virtual Talent Fair
• Meeting with Head Hunter or EFMD Virtual Talent Fair EFMD Virtual Talent Fair • Meeting with Head hunter or • Access to Fair Employability
Vertical Growth Consultant • Access to Fair Employability • Access to Fair Employability Vertical Growth Consultant Workshops & Talks

Act • Access to Fair Employability

Workshops & Talks •
Workshops & Talks
Workshops & Talks
• X1MockIntervewLanguage
• Access to Fair Employability
Workshops & Talks

35% • X1MockIntervewLanguage
Exchange CLUB
& Exchange CLUB Exchange CLUB • X1MockIntervewLanguage
Exchange CLUB

• Access to RBS Premium Club • Access to Alumni Network • Access to Alumni Network • Access to Alumni Network • Access to Alumni Network
• Access to Alumni Network

54 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

RBS Partner companies Top 100 Partners

1. Accenture 43. Hermes 85. Soho House
2. Adidas 44. HP 86. Solar Power Europe

Rome Business School is a professional

3. American Express 45. Huawei 87. Sky
4. Alibaba Group 46. Human Value 88. Teatro Olimpico

family that connects members from

5. Atrain 47. Humangest Holding 89. Technogym
6. Bally 48. Iliad 90. The St. Regis Rome

dierentsectorsnhelpingyoutoremainat 7.
Boston Consulting Group
Jefferson Wells
The Student Hotel

the forefront of knowledge and expand 9.

Bulgari Hotel
LeasePlan Corporation

your career horizons. 11.

Leroy Merlin
Western Union
13. Campari Group 55. Logista Italia spa 97. World Food Programme

With an international network of partnerships and agreements 14. Coca-Cola 56. Luisaviaroma 98. Whirlpool
15. Chanel 57. Lungarno Collection 99. Wyser
all over the world and over to 400 globally recognized companies, 16. Costa Crociere 58. LUSH. & Culture 100. Zalando
you will meet current and future business leaders, including 17. DAZN 59. Luxottica

recruiters,employers,colleaguesandfriends.Ournetwork 18. Digital Angels 60. Maison Du Monde

19. Doc Planner 61. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group
includesover50companies. 20. Dr. Schär 62. Manpower Group
21. Eataly 63. Maserati
22. ECU Film Festival 64. Marriot Hotel
23. Enel 65. MaxMara
24. EUFIC - The European Food Information Council 66. MAXXI
25. European Museum Academy 67. Medici Senza Frontiere
26. European Olympic Committees 68. Mercedes Benz
27. EY 69. Michael Page
28. FENDI 70. Nestlè
29. Ferrari 71. NH Hotels
30. Ferrero 72. Oracle
31. Fondazione Prada 73. Pirelli
32. Fondo Ambiente Italiano 74. Puma
33. Giffoni Film Festival 75. PWC
34. GiGroup 76. Qatar Airways
35. Gambero Rosso 77. Ralph Lauren
36. Glovo 78. Renault Group
37. GroupM 79. Rocco Forte Hotels
38. Collezione Peggy Guggenheim Museum Venice 80. Sanofi
39. Haier Europe 81. Samsung
40. Hays 82. SGB Humangest Holding
41. Heineken 83. Sheraton Hotel
42. Hilti 84. SIAE
55 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Entrepreneurial 1 2
Pathways RBS4Entrepreunership Independent Employment
This route is for students that are looking for: This route is for students
We focus on your entrepreneurial side. Are that are looking for:

you planning to start up you own business Entrepreneur Preseed – People who have the motivation
Development of their own career path
and interest and who are in the looking for the business
or dreaming about becoming the fresh and Networking
idea that will allow them to become an entrepreneur
innovative driving force within Seed Entrepreneur – In their mind they already have the business
Being entrepreneur of themselves
an organization? idea that they are interested in developing and they are looking
Improving key skills
for the right environment and the right help to develop it
We will equip you with skills, insights, and curious mindset Growth Entrepreneur – People who have a business and who
required to spot new opportunities, make connections, and haveidenti…edspeci…cchallengesinsomeprocessesorThis strategy
path is for students that express the desire
bringnewbusinessventurestolife.Stepoutsideyourcomfort Innovator – People who work in a family business or tostarttheirownbusinessontheirown.
zone, create innovative solutions, and dare to take action!
a corporation and who are looking for methodologies
that allow them to execute innovation initiatives Our team will give students the support to start their own
path in a chaotic environment, supporting them with talk
Rome Business School with testimonials, workshops, guidance trough bureaucracy

for Entrepreneurial Pathways The path for those who create new routes in their andseveralhands-onsessions,totesttheircapabilities.
professional life through new business ideas or by
Dare to think differently. Dare to act innovatively. The goal is not only set the basis for our students’ goals, but to guide
Rome Business School Entrepreneurial Pathways is
designed to support our students in the following areas: Our team will give students the boost they need to get started,
get their on track towards their next challenge and turn their
Discovering, testing and improving their entrepreneurial skills
Developing a business idea
Launching and growing their own business The entrepreneur’s path is a hectic road with many
Being competitive at a national and international level curves,manystagesandmanyupsanddowns.
And, to complete it, our team will give students all the
support, tools and knowledge to overcome everything
The goal is not only to make student’s dream come true into
a real project, but to be able to maintain and manage it in
RBS4Entrepreunership September 2022 Pitch Day winners
56 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The RBS4Entre- 4 5 Finalist Only

preneurship path Incubation
Bringing your
Pitch Day
Take Off
project to life startup propeller
Reservedto#7…nalistprojects. ProjectwillbeevaluatedbyInvestors. The Board will elect the most
4 months path featuring premium Merit projects will receive funds & venture viable…nalproject,awardedwith
tailored activities & services growthopportunities. a 5-weeks fully tailored project

Accelerator Program
worth10. managementsprintworthEU, 2.50
Services & Activity
• Mentorships
• Roundtables
• VentureLABS
• Access to Creative Arena

All Teams
1 2 3 3.1 3.2 Partners

Explore Pre-Incubation Challenge One Program Evolve

Understanding what Understanding how Boosting Re…neyourproject Alumni project
works for you to promote yourself your network
The entrepreneurial Having successfully completed
path moves on with all 5 steps and mastered
At the beginning of your In this phase you have the chance You will be asked to produce an
new activities featuring professional & self-orientation
Academic year, you will have the to learn about the idea generation innovative Startup project with
advanced topics, one AI skills, you will be rewarded with
chance to attend Career Services process & project development structuredpitchdecks.Your
& Tech Fair and exposure anextra24monthsaccessto
activities presentations and download methodologies.Brainstorminnovative production will be revised & Awarded
to RBS Business Angel continued education activities
the RBS Career Compass App ideas with other peer students or byCommissionBoard.Onlytop15
network for quality reserved to our merit Alumni &
(available starting for Octber Intake) match your project with other skillsets Teams will get access to Premium
projects. SchoolAmbassadors.
where you will engage to create an effective team & create Club&BusinessAngelsnetwork.
with self-exploration tests and games …rststartuppresentation.
to better support your future career Services & Activity Services & Activity
orientation choicestheir management Services & Activity • DiveIn Workshops • +24monthsAccesstoFair
Open Program

careerorientationchoices. Fair Employability Program • DiveIn Talks Employability events

Startup Workshops • AI & Tech Fair • Exclusive access to
Services & Activity GroupForming workshops • MVP Revision,Business editorial events & business
• Career Compass APP & • Startup talks Angels exposure essayspresentations.
Psychometric E-Assessment* • Individual mentorship sessions (merit)
• Presentation Events
(Teaser & Technical)
57 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

05 Your Future
58 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

• Targeted courses

Students for a while, •

Web conferences and Talks
Access to content of the RBS research center

Alumni forever
• Access to academic databases
• Subscription to Magazines

We believe deeply believe in sustainability • Access to Career Opportunities

• Webinars for Professional
and continuous improvement and the Development • Discountsonquali…ed
ability to generate a positive impact on • Employability events T
products and services
• Access to EN • Opportunities of
society. That is why we inspire those in our

RBS4ENTREPRENEURSHIP access to the facility

Community to positively impact the world



and build a better one by encouraging


leadership and empowerment.

The strength of our Community lies in offering whatever
it takes to continue to play an active role in the life of our Services
BusinessSchool.WithourAlumni,weco-createinitiatives at glance
and experiences based on the values that unite us to
supportthecontinuedgrowthofourCommunity. • Volunteering
• Mentoring of new students
A successful career is the result of a unique blend of • Donations • Alumni Events and Reunions

exceptional skills and expertise, as well as constant • Scholarships • Chapters


• Cooperation with NGOs • Ambassadors

professional development and a network of valuable, high-


Being part of our Community means having complete
and exclusive access to the services and opportunities we

• Alumni Magazine • Web space

• E-newsletter • Social media
59 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business Gillian Wilson Brunings Matheew Marentes Maryam Ajorlou

School’s Better
London Academy for Music and Guggenheim Museum | Italy Musei Vaticani | Italy
Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) | UK Communication Specialist Editorials Office Specialist
Performance & Communication Coach

Think Internationally!
Be a global professional, step outside your
professional skills, join an extraordinary community
in which you are encouraged to think outside
from different perspectives and transform them
Eleonora Gabriele Raymond Samarani Silvia Del Prete
intonewopportunitiesandreal-worldresults. Leonardo da Vinci Experience | Italy Department Assistant Assistant
Develop your talent. Share your ideas. Blindarte | Italy at Teatro dell’Opera di Roma | Italy

“The Master gave me the “It’s a journey with lot of “I chose the master in Arts and
tools and knowledge, satisfactions, culture management at Rome
Business School for two main key
but most of all the opportunity to enhance where you get to know the tools that points:
my professional skills and start my career can make your working strategies
inthedirectionIwantedtogo.Through successful and interesting to the others, by I wanted to live an experience in the
the Master and Management in Arts and complementingdifferentcultural…elds. capital of culture, Rome, and I was
Culture, I realized my deep passion in interested in the opportunity of doing the
the…eldandstartedtobuildmyfuture master completely in English, staying
opportunities step by step, and here I am, inaninternationalenvironment.
doing what I love and I couldn’t be happier”

06 Experience RBS
61 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Expand your
Expand your vision, get the chance to open
your mind to new ways of thinking and
and share experiences and insights with
other multicultural teams.

Completing a portion of your studies abroad contributes

to the development of transferable skills that highly valued
by employers, therefore having a big impact on future
Step out of your comfort zone and learn from some of
Travel explore and immerse yourself in other cultural
visions and ways of thinking, which challenge you to adapt
Get in touch with your most inner self and create
26 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Campus
Start your most international experience
in the heart of Rome! Rome Business’s
School Campus is a prestigious building
born in the 1911 in the heart of the Eternal
city, a mixture of history and innovation.
Some of the most iconic Roman architectures, from the
classic to the medieval trends, meets the latest innovation

A wide garden leave space to multiple networking opportunities,

a pole of different cultures where creativity, differences and
63 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

The Campus
The building, designed by Achille Zinnari, Like many other beautiful buildings in the neighbourhood,
Villino Avenali presents the typical features of the so-called
was built for the 1911 Universal Exhibition. Romanbaroque,characterizedby‰oraldecorativeelements,
In that occasion, an Exposition celebrating stuccos, pilasters in a classical style alongside medieval
U ation referencesthatblendelegantlywithtypicalelementsofliberty.
The study and restoration works of the building,
of Italy was also organized in Rome, and maintain its aesthetic beauty completes with the most
a national architecture competition was innovativetechnologiesintermsofeducation.

launched for the construction of ten villas.

Among these, the Villino Avenali, now the
Rome Business School campus.
64 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

RBS Experience
Rome Business School works hard to ensure
participants to experience all the social
W thisinmindn
we regularly organize events and activities,
networking opportunities, and knowledge
worldwide reality.

Rome Business School

Social Activities:

Welcome Week
Welcome Aperitif
Cultural Bazaar
Cultural Program – Enjoy Rome
65 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

At your disposal
Being the most international Hit and run: Rome Business Staying in
business school in Italy means Short-Term School’s - On Rome, studying
welcoming students from all Stays campus student in Rome,
over the world and making Rome Business School Identity Card experiencing
sure they have the best also provides support
Rome Business School’s everywhere
experience possible while Whether you need a little
students will receive
We know that, for our
staying in the capital. moretimeto…ndyour
a student card, which
international students,
entitles them to access
permanent accommodation starting a new experience
the RBS facilities and to
That’s why we guarantee the top-quality Student or your family is coming away from their own country
Services facilities, from providing support to Staying in Rome: to visit, being a student
get even more special Visa Support and comfort zone can be a
discounts on several
accommodation…nding,tofacilitatingthestudent Accommodation at our school entitles
à add a new
activities, services, venues,
visaprocesses.Socialevents,international you to a special price new experience is a thrilling
education experiences and a wider and
Staying for a long period in forseveralfacilities.
section on VISA adventure but, as with
a foreign city is a thrilling From visiting museums
comprehensive range of services to everyone who
adventure, although to leisure time, there’s support for every great experience, you
adjusting to your new life nothing Rome Business
School can’t help you with!
international a…xedpointofreference.
Rome Business School has students
partnerships with renowned We are by your side at
Rome Business School
and customer-oriented the Student Hub Services
provides support to get the
accommodation providers platform, providing support
Visa on time for your arrival
whose services are designed for…ndingaccommodation
in Italy; form the checking
to ensure you can start to facilitating the student
of the required documents
this exciting chapter of visaprocess.We
to the getting in contact
your life in Rome without organize social events
with the Italian Embassy to
stressandworries.For and promote educational
everything you might need, opportunitiesabroad.
we are by your side to help

07 Welcome to Rome
67 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Beyond the
Classroom An ever-growing
business ecosystem
Itboasts4of 2 the30specializedenvironmentsin
The ultimate education experience the region, such as incubators, accelerators and
in the Eternal City. The cradle of startup studios, 5 centers for Technology Transfer,
2 andassociations
civilization and home to a priceless aimed at spreading the culture of innovation and
wealth of cultural and artistic heritage, technologyandsmart 50 workingcenters.Studying
Rome is the ultimate location to enjoy in such a productive and fast-growing hub means
acquiring business knowledge and managerial
a higher education experience. competences in an ideal environment to experience
Studying with Rome Business School means, not only and make contact with entrepreneurs and leading
growing professional skills and competences but also having companies.…nancialservices,thepharmaceutical
experience of living in the heart of Italy in one of the most industry,andthesupplychainandlogisticssector.
best opportunities to get most out of their Master path and
You will immerse yourself in a
diverse business community ranging
from multinational headquarters
registeredintheregionandover0new . 1 startupsin
the city, the Italian capital is the second leading city at a
Combine your studies with an extensive
range of activities that the Italian
of the many beautiful places and
enriching initiatives of Rome and learn
from one of the most productive hubs
68 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

To show the love that we, the
Rome Business School, have
for this Eternal City (Rome); we
are glad to present this video.
Directed and interpreted by Rome

your future
Business School's very own
talented students!

Eternal Creation, A dynamic The birthplace of craftsmanship,
the city boasts the presence of
Innovation and Passion. business networks many renowned brands specializing
The Italian capital is one of the in ‘Made in Italy’ products and
national leading cities in terms of services, establishing its status as
business dynamism, and home to the an important hub of fashion, design,
headquarters of a lot of multinational
companies, such as Eni, Enel, TIM,
LeonardoS.p.A,UniCredit,BNL,and Driven by European energy, Rome
many other worldwide activities is a diverse business community

in Italy for the number of
pharmaceutical industry, and the
welcomes a great variety of students
companies in its territory
Populated by highly successful arethekeywordsinthiscity.
professionals and investors

>337,489 equipped with excellent innovative

technologies, Rome is the ideal
companies spread all over the best professional opportunities to
the surrounding area createagreatnetworkofcontacts.
69 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Culture, 16th
most visited city in the world

and Arts 10,065.400

Rome is the Italian heart Tourism Rome, a global city

of arts and culture. Its The incalculable immensity of its at a human size
historical center is listed by archaeological and artistic treasures
makes Rome one of the most important
UNESCO as a World Heritage tourismdestinationsintheentireworld.
The center of the Italian cuisine with more
Site. It is home to spectacular Characterized by a unique tradition, its territory
than 40 Michelin star restaurants and a
widespread culture of delicious street and
museums such as the Vatican offers a set of breathtaking panoramic views,
local food, accompanied by typical local
Museums and the Musei sites, including the Forum Romanum, Trajan’s

Capitolini or, if you prefer Market, Trajan’s Forum, the Colosseum, a

contemporary arts, the Tofollowandtoplay.Everyyear,Romehosts
MACRO and MAXXI. someofthemostimportantfootballevents.
Lifestyle climate,withblueseaslinedbysandybeaches.
The city boasts more than The capital of Italy and “center of the world”,
the city emanates the energy and creativity Transport
230 galleries to explore and typical of a modern metropolis, where you A wide range of public transport to take you
thousands of arts pieces to can enjoy a pleasant lifestyle with the right all around Rome and out of the city into
inspired you. blendofstudy,workandfun.Meetnew thecountrysideandwilderlandscapes.
Rome never rests and offers enjoyable leisure Italy
activitiesatanytime.Youwillbeabletomeet A country full of history and culture, good food
open and sociable people here, always happy andgreatpeople,thatiseasytoexplore.
to welcome you and willing to make sure to

08 Take the first step

71 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Make your move

Receiving applications from A dynamic spirit, hunger for knowledge,
and an open mind are the main features
every country in the world, Rome Business School looks for in
Rome Business School’s student potentialcandidates.Ifyouthinkyoure
populationreectsthediverse passionate, willing to put yourself to
the test and aim for success, you could
and international perspectives, bethepersonwerelookingfor.
experiences, backgrounds, and
cultures of the future executives
we train.
27 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

A Thorough Selection Process:

Rome Business School works hard to maintain
the highest standard of quality in the programs
eligibility of the candidates and to safeguard
a smooth student visa application process
for all of our non-Schengen area students, all
applicants must undergo and successfully pass Evaluation of Application Selection Admissions Enrollment
a selection process structured as follows:
credentials Con…rmation Interview Committee Candidates admitted to
Rome Business School
The candidate must complete If the candidate’s selection TheAdmissionsOce Once the candidates have
will be issued instructions
the online application form interview has been approved, will conduct an interview successfully completed the
on enrollment procedures.
and submit an updated CV they will be contacted of the candidate via video interview, they are given the
To enroll, candidates who
or resumé in English. The byphonetocon…rmthe or telephone call, during option to advance to the
passed the committee
candidate must schedule requested date and time of which their goals, past …naldecision,madebythe
evaluation have two options
a selection interview the selection interview. If achievements, current Admissions Committee.
for paying their tuition fees:
immediately after submitting additional documentation skillsets, motivations and The committee evaluates all
Full tuition payment,
their application. If the or requirements are needed, Englishpro…ciencywillbescreened applications, selects
for which the candidate
candidate’s credentials pass depending on the local discussed and evaluated. candidates who would be
receives an additional 10%
the initial prescreening by embassy at which the The candidate will be given offered a place and awards
discount on their tuition,
the Admissions Team, a candidate would apply, constructive criticism partial tuition reduction to the
after the application of
motivation letter specifying the candidate will be and consultation on their most outstanding candidates
any partial scholarship
future goals and desired advised during this call. CV and presentation. who submit supporting
outcomes will also be documentation. From this
required for admission and point, the candidate will
by monthly installments.
D the student visa application. havetheirocialofferand
Depending the installment
The selection interview may make their decision to
option chosen, the
request will be approved o
j in with given conditions.
within 2 working days.
from an additional 5%
discount on their tuition.
73 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Rome Business School’s Master’s Programs
are accredited by the VIU – Universidad
Internacional de Valencia, from which
students receive 60 university credits (60
ECTS). Completing a Master’s program at
Rome Business School earns participants
a double internationally recognized
R Business
School and the other from the VIU –
Universidad International de Valencia.
74 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Supporting our
future leaders
Rome Business School is Financial aid
committed to developing future To apply for a partial scholarship, candidates must
business leaders from diverse clearly state in their motivation statement why they
backgrounds. We support our order to ensure the success of a partial scholarship
students. application, the candidate should clearly demonstrate:

Their professional goals and ambitions

Education is not a privilege, but a primary necessity
thatshouldbeaccessibletoeveryone.Thiswhat Why they should be awarded a partial
we believe at Rome Business School, which is why scholarship over other candidates
we award merit-based scholarships to outstanding
candidates that succeed in demonstrating motivation
75 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Get ready to start

You now know that, if you are looking for top-quality
advanced training in a particular business area, countless
opportunities for skills development and testing yourself,
ways to expand your professional network and make
contact with elite professionals working in several
From that point, it is all up to you! Your determination and
willingness to learn and experience new ways of thinking
are all you need to make the most of one of our programs
and start making your way along the path towards

Your future awaits.

Build it with us.
77 International Master in Media and Entertainment Menu

Better Managers
For a Better World

International Master in
Media and

Via Giuseppe Montanelli · 5, 00195 Roma RM

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