Requirement Analysis

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1.1 Purpose of Document
This is a Requirements Specification document for Railway Reservation System, a
Mini project in Database Management System. This Project contains Introduction to
Railways Reservation System. It is the computerized system of reserving seats of the
train in advance. It is mainly used for long routes. This document describes the scope,
objectives and goal of the new system. In addition to describing non-functional
requirements, this document models the functional requirements with use cases,
interaction diagrams, and class diagram. This document is intended to direct the
design and implementation of the system in an object oriented language.

1.2 Project Summary

Project Name: Railway Reservation System
Project Creators: Kashish Khandelwal, Naina Nautiyal, Misba Parveen

Project Users: Passengers

1.3 Background of Project

The Railway Reservation system facilitates the passengers to enquire about trains
available on the basis of source and destination, booking and cancellation of tickets,
status of booked tickets etc. Passengers can book their tickets without much hassle.

1.4 Project Scope

The scope of this project is creating a system is to reduce manual error in booking and
cancellation of tickets and make it convenient for customers and providers to maintain
data about their customers and also about seats available to them. Due to automation
many loopholes present in the system can be get rid off. The speed of obtaining and
processing data will be fast. For future expansion the proposed system will be web
enabled so that clients can make various enquiries about trains between stations. We
design database which includes customer details, availability of trains, no. of trains
and their details. It may help collecting perfect management in details.

1.5 System Purpose

1.5.1 Users

Those who will primarily benefit from the new system and those who will be affected
by the new system include
Upon implementation of the new system, passengers will find site navigation,
bookings and cancelation and enquiry easier. Passengers will be able to
navigate through it easily and will be easy to see the updation and status of
their tickets.
The new system will provide admins with more detailed, accurate and up-to-
date product information. They will be informed of potential customers more
quickly and they can easily see the availability of seats and if there is increase
of trains on a particular route.

1.5.2 Location

The system will be available to any passenger using the Internet in near future.

1.5.3 Responsibilities

The primary responsibilities of the new system:

 provide customers direct access to up-to-date, accurate information on the

trains as well as seat availability status
 allow passengers to enquire about the status of their tickets
 allow passengers to enquire about their reservation
 allow customers to request the assistance of a sales agent
 Various classes are allowed through which gives multiple options to customers.

Software Requirement Specifications

The software requirement specification is produced at the culmination of
analysis task. The function and performance allocated to software as part of
system engineering are refined by establishing a complete information
description, a detailed functional and behavourial description , an indication of
performance requirements and design constraints, appropriate validation
criteria and other data pertinent to requirements

The proposed system has following requirements-

 System needs to store information about new entry of Train.
 System needs to help internal staff to keep information of ticket and find them
as per various queries
 System needs to maintain quality record
 System needs to keep the record of booking
 System needs to update and delete the record

2. Functional Requirements
1.User Satisfaction- The system should stand upto the user expectations and
should have a user friendly interface.

2. Response Time- The response of all operation should be good which can
be made possible by careful programming.

3. Error Handling- Response to user errors and undesired situations should

be taken care of to ensure that system operates without halting.

4. Portable- The System should not be archietectural specific . It should be

easily transferrable to other platforms if needed.

5. User Friendliness- The system is easy to learn and understand. A native

user can also use the system effectively, without any difficulties.

3. Non-Functional Requirements
1. Reliability
 The system shall be completely operational for at least 90% of time
 The backup of the system should be continuously maintained and updated to
reflect most changes.
 The overall project depends on the reliability of separate components.
 The overall stability of project depends on overall stability oof container and its
underlying operating system
2. Availability
 The passenger should be able to access the status of his ticket and the final data
of his travelling.
 The System should be available at all times , meaning the user can access it
easily. The access should be restricted by the down time of server on which the
system runs.
 In case of hardware failure the backup of database should be retrieved to
maintain proper functioning of system.

3. Performance
 The system should be able to support simultaneous passengers.
 The system should be able to update information in database in real time

4. Security
 The system shall provide protection to Passenger details and monetary
 Transaction data must be transmitted in encrypted form.
 The system must automatically log out all customers after period of inactivity.
 The system back end server should only be accessible to authenticated

 The code and supporting modules of the system should be well documented.
 Easy to understand

4. Data Flow Diagram

O Level DFD –

Train Ticket
Management Management

Route System User

Management Management


Zero Level DFD-Railway Reservation System

1 Level DFD-

Train Generate
Management Report

Booking Generate
Management Booking Report

Ticket Generate Ticket
Management Railway
Railway Report
System Generate Route
Management Report

Login Check User Login
Management Details

User Generate System
Management User Report

First Level DFD-Railway Reservation System

2 Level DFD-
Login to Check
Admin System Roles Of

Manage Train Details

Forgot Check Manage

Password Credenti Modules
als Manage Booking Details

Manage Ticket Details

Manage Cancelled Train

Email to

Manage Payment Details

Manage Train Schedule Details

Manage System Manage Roles of Manage User

Admins User Permission Manage Report

Second Level DFD-Railway Reservation System

ER Diagram

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