Research Design
Research Design
Research Design
PCOS is a frequently identified condition that affects fertile females. It affects a woman's
endocrine system and increases the hormone associated with sex between men, androgens.
Experts and medical professionals attribute its causes to insulin sensitivity, obesity, and
inflammatory processes. According to reports, stevia has anti-hyperlipidemic qualities. Stevia is
a fantastic source of sugar that lends items their sweetness and has been utilized in industrial
products like medications to regulate blood sugar levels. To the best of our knowledge, several
studies on the composition and health benefits of stevia have been carried out. Stevia delivers a
stronger flavor potency and more consumer acceptance than other sugar substitutes. The study
focuses on three main points: 1) raising people's awareness of Stevia so that marketers can use it
as a low-calorie alternative to raw sugar; 2) consumer perception of Stevia; and 3) Stevia's
potential as a PCOS prevention nutrient. The information presented in this research will be
helpful for customers and marketers looking for an alternate treatment because the benefits of
Stevia in PCOS have recently come under scrutiny.
To conduct the quantitative research study design and collect information and statistics,
the study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design. The gathering of pertinent information
(data) at a certain point in time is what distinguishes cross-sectional analyses from other types of
research. Cross-sectional studies typically enable researchers to swiftly gather a vast amount of
data. Self-report questionnaires are a simple and economical way to collect data. Then, from a
huge group of volunteers, researchers can get a lot of data. Researchers can gather information
on a few multiple parameters to examine potential correlations between the important outcome
variable and differences in sex, age, educational attainment, and income, for instance. The
study's participant’s exposures and outcomes are assessed by the researcher. Cross-sectional
studies could employ analytical or descriptive methods. While descriptive studies often aim to
offer information on the prevalence of wellness, traits, activity, people's attitudes, knowledge, or
health practices and benefits, analytical studies attempt to establish correlations between various
elements (Kermode, 2018). The goal of the study was to assess how well-known PCOS is among
the general public, hence a descriptive cross-sectional design was used to analyze the results.
This method fits the research questions and literature review. The main focus of this
study is awareness of stevia as an alternative sugar source and what its impact is on marketers
and consumers as well. On the other hand, also for the female who has PCOS that will be a big
help for them. This method is very suitable to be conducted in public or the respondents of the
study because it will facilitate the result through survey. The study is phenominal situations of
many women’s for today’s generation. It has different results and outcomes to them. Many
studies and articles find a way or remedy to prevent this kind of diagnosis and one factor that
helps it to be cured is the Stevia. Experts made a study on it and proved that it really helps with
PCOS. It is advisable to replace sugar with a natural sweetener that is healthier. Stevia is a plant
that produces Stevia rebaudiana, a sugar substitute. It doesn't cause an insulin response and has
no calories or sugar content. It has no effect on blood sugar levels, in contrast to other aspartame.
Stevia sweeteners are the ideal substitute for PCOS-afflicted ladies. Additionally, they have anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that benefit the liver, kidneys, and pancreatic.
Total population sampling was the sample strategy utilized in this investigation. Total
population sampling, according to Glen (2018), is a kind of purposeful sampling in which the
entire population of interest (group whose individuals all share a similar trait) is investigated. It
is feasible to gain in-depth insights into the dynamics you are interested in since population
elements sampling includes every individual within the population of interest. With such
extensive total population, there is also a lower chance of overlooking valuable insights from
excluded participants. Finding and choosing people or groups of people who are particularly
educated about or experienced with a topic of interest is known as sample selection (Cresswell &
Plano Clark, 2011). Females with PCOS were chosen for the group since the study's goal was to
evaluate the usage of stevia and its advantages in PCOS. Also, the respondents are the marketers
and consumers in a particular area to viewed their response that was from the survey will be
conduct online or in face to face. Thus, the replies of the participants were gathered for this
investigation. It will be carried out online in accordance with the created research question.
The literature review of the study divided into three parts which is fit to the research
method and sampling used which is design to the respondents as well as for the result of the
study. Concept differs of stevia's benefits, including as its products reduced calorie and sugar
content, has increased their appeal on a global scale. This has altered consumer appetites and
preferences for low-calorie and low-sugar foods and beverages, which has increased the potential
role of sugar substitutes in supporting the identification of these tendencies. Stevia's preventive
care, which promises a number of health benefits together with the usage of an advertising tool
with alluring interactions, would be an excellent platform for awareness in order to attract
customers' interest in shifting from higher natural sugar to Stevia. Perception of people, as
people's perception of sugar substitutes changed from synthetic to natural sweeteners, it gave the
notion that they were a complementary medicine. Important studies shown that people's
acceptance of and shift to Stevia is primarily related to their enjoyment of its flavor rather than
awareness alone. Whether health-educated people embraced and interpreted Stevia as a new
form of sweetener depended on how many people appreciated the sweet taste of Stevia and its
alteration to their typical drinks. Because of this, there is a high likelihood that individuals will
transition from high-calorie raw sugar to Stevia. This highlights the fact that products containing
Stevia have more sweetening effectiveness and greater customer acceptance than products
including other sugar replacements. PCOS prevention, stevia works to reduce the likelihood of
developing PCOS. Our taste senses mostly need sugar to be satisfied. Women who struggle to
avoid sugar might investigate the various options for flavoring their food especially when PCOS
is present. Avoid using sucralose or other artificial sweeteners that have been added. A natural
sweetener called Stevia, which is made from the leaves of the Stevia Rebaudiana plant, is the
finest substitute for sugar. It provides the same level of sweetness to meals as sugar. Because it is
so sweet, relatively little of it is used in food or beverages. Both a concentrated liquid and
powdered form is offered on the market. The absence of calories is one advantage. Stevia is a
healthy substitute for sugar because it has no calories or carbs. People who are trying to lose
weight or control their blood sugar, such as those with diabetes and those who are insulin
resistant, frequently use stevia because it contains no carbohydrates. Additionally, it is the best
option for PCOS women who wish to lose weight by consuming fewer than zero calories.
Normal endogenous insulin keeps blood sugar levels stable, which lowers the risk of developing
diabetes. Stevia consumption lowers blood pressure, safeguards the heart, and boosts urine. This
organic sweetener offers anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics.
As a method for the data gathering, survey questionnaire will be conducted which was
composed of the different references and other studies that were aligned to the objective of this
study. Using questionnaires is a fast, easy, and reasonably priced technique to collect a lot of
data from a wide sample of people. Since the researcher wouldn't have to be there when the
surveys were filled out, data can be gathered rather rapidly. Upon completion of data collection,
the data were organized in a Microsoft Excel Sheet which data are encoded and statically
computed and interpret. For further analyzation, the statistical treatment to be used in the study
was applied. Noted that all procedures were done virtually and none of the respondents had to go
outside of their houses to ensure the safety of everyone.
For the statistical treatment, the data gathered were organized and processed through the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 20(SPSS). Researchers' lives are made much
easier by SPSS, which instantly sets up and exports the desired variable names, variable types,
titles, and value labels. Once survey data is exported to SPSS, there are numerous alternatives for
data analysis. As one of the rules followed in the use of the software, the formula of statistical
tools used was not reflected anymore since the computer did not follow the steps in the manual
computation. The statistical techniques were applied to treat the specific problems raised in the
study with was connected on the research problem and questions. As it concludes, the study
conducts a quantitative research using a cross-sectional design and purposive sampling.
Kesmodel, U. (2018). “Cross-sectional studies – what are they good for?”.
Cresswell JW, Plano Clark VL. Designing and conducting mixed method research.
California: Thousand Oaks.
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