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CV Vijay

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+91 9985543867, +91 9000652650

Experienced UI UX Designer looking to gain a position in that capacity,
coming with 12 years of robust experience working with project teams to

develop user-friendly and appealing application interfaces and mobile

apps for users. I have a well-rounded skill set in I.T with proficiencies in

Adobe Suite, FIgma, HTML, Javascript, and CSS. My most significant

advantage aside from my expertise in UI UX Design is having a firm SKILL SET
understanding of business because I used to be an entrepreneur. For 12 - User Interface Design
years, I built and designed websites for clients. It is easy for me to - Website Template Design
translate business objectives into the user experience. Also, possess - Mobile Application
expertise in resolving website functionality issues. - Visual Design & User Flow
- Mockups, Wireframing
A passionate designer since 2010, disciplined, reliable, attentive to detail, - Low/Hi Prototype
with a broad knowledge of color, typography, graphics, and design - Interaction Design
principles. The skills and abilities Adaptability, Analytical, Best Practice, - Product Presentations
Collaborate, Communication & Interpers, Con, Critical Thinking, - Logo, Brochure Design
Cross-Functional Supervision, Decision Making, Design Thinking, - Newsletters, Infographics
Forecasting & Budgeting, SEO Knowledge, Mentoring, People Manage- - Marketing Objectives
ment, Performance Tracking, Problem Solving - Design Thinking

PA S S I O N S & H O B B I E S
Photography, Driving, Reading Books & Contributing to Music


https://www.behance.net/vijaykumarbonagiri DIPLOMA IN SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT, APTECH

Email [email protected]

Phone +91 9985543867, +91 9000652650

Social Media https://www.linkedin.com/in/vijay-kumar-bonagiri-15238621b


Address VIJAY KUMAR BONAGIRI H.no. A-286, Sri Krishna Nagar, Hyderabad, 500045, Telangana, INDIA

L E A D U I / U X D E S I G N E R | O N PA S S I V E T E C H N O L O G I E S P V T. LT D

Onpassive is a private technology company. It aims to provide advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for businesses, primarily through its flagship
product called "GoFounders/ONPASSIVE." The company positions itself as an AI-powered business platform that offers a range of tools and services to
help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed in the digital world..


• Creating user-centered designs by understanding business requirements, and user feedback

• Creating user flows, flow charts, Branding and Style-guide, wireframes, prototypes and Visual Mockups for Web and Responsive Applications
• Translating requirements into style guides, design systems, design patterns and attractive user interfaces
• Designing UI elements such as input controls, navigational components and informational component

• Developed web applications that brought exceptional user experience

• Creating original graphic designs (e.g. images, sketches and tables)
• Identifying and troubleshooting UX problems (e.g. responsiveness)
• Identifying web access for developed sites
• Collaborating effectively with product, engineering, and management teams

• Presented design concepts and deliverables to stakeholders and product team members
• Handling team effectively, monitored daily activities and make necessary modifications to improve overall efficiency
• Incorporating customer feedback, usage metrics, and usability 1findings into design in order to enhance user experience

P R O J E C T S D E A LT :

• ONPASSIVE Website www.onpassive.com

1. Created and maintained UI standards for 20+ websites, which included over 100 pages

2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents

7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.

8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,

Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.

9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
• GoFounders www.onpassive.com

1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%
4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype

5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
• O-Commerce (eCommerce Product) www.onpassive.com
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability

3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

E X P4.E RDid
I Esome
N C front
E end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
L E A6.D Application
U I / U X successfully
D E S I G connected
N E R | aO N PA S S I V E T E C H N O L O G I E S P V T. LT D
user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
Onpassive isDeveloped
a private mobile and company.
technology web responsive
It aimsdesigns.
to provide advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for businesses, primarily through its flagship
8. called
product Handful of experience on Android
"GoFounders/ONPASSIVE." ThePhone applications
company positionstools
as Microsoft FrontPage,
an AI-powered Macromedia
business Dream
platform that weaver,
offers Flash,
a range Adobe
of tools andPhotoshop,
services to
Adobe illustrator,
help entrepreneurs Adobe
and businesses fireworks.
succeed in the digital world..
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
• O-Net (social media Product) https://xd.adobe.com/view/3807f6d7-52dc-4e63-8a54-69bcb09f74eb-6d54/
• Creating
1. user-centered
Created designs UI
and maintained by standards
understanding businessApplication,
for websites requirements, andincluded
which user feedback
over 100+ pages
• Creating
2. user flows,
Worked flow charts, with
cross-functionally Branding and Style-guide,
developers wireframes,
to implement prototypes
new features and Visual
and maintain Mockups for Web and Responsive Applications
site usability
• Translating
3. requirements
Re-designed into style
the website and guides, design
decreased the systems, design
bounce rate by patterns
100% and attractive user interfaces
• Designing
4. UI elements
Did some such
front end as input controls,
programming (HTML navigational components
5, CSS, JavaScript) and informational
to build component
actual web based prototype
• Developed
5. web load
Improved applications
speed onthat brought
mobile, fromexceptional user experience
14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
• Creating
6. original graphic
Application designs
successfully (e.g. images,
connected a user sketches and tables)
base of over 150 babysitters and parents
• Identifying
7. and troubleshooting
Developed mobile and webUXresponsive
(e.g. responsiveness)
• Identifying
8. webofaccess
Handful for developed
experience sitesPhone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
on Android
• Collaborating effectivelyAdobe
Adobe illustrator, with product, engineering, and management teams
• Presented
9. designmarketing
Designed concepts materials
and deliverables to stakeholders
for marketing and product
across media team
(web, print, members
video and software applications)
•• Handling
O-Mart team effectively, monitored daily activities and make necessary modifications to improve overall efficiency
• Incorporating
1. Created customer feedback,
and maintained UI usage metrics,
standards and usability
for websites 1findingswhich
Application, into design in over
included order100+
to enhance
pages user experience
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability

P R O3. J ERe-designed
C T S D EtheA LT : and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
• ONPASSIVE Website www.onpassive.com
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
1. Created and maintained UI standards for 20+ websites, which included over 100 pages
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
6. successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
• ONPASSIVE Dashboard for across all products https://xd.adobe.com/view/32f077eb-183a-4316-a7b7-f48adaaf78f0-67a3/
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
• GoFounders www.onpassive.com
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)
A. Tata Telecom Makarashtra Limited http://kdms.in/ttml/login.aspx
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability

3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,

Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.

9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications
10. marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)

S R G R A P H I C & U I D E S I G N E R | K A R V Y D ATA M A N A G E M E N T
Karvy Data Management Services Ltd (KDMSL) is an Indian company that specializes in data management and related services. It is a subsidiary of
Karvy Group, a diversified financial services company Karvy Data Management Services has catered to clients across various sectors, including banking and
financial services, healthcare, insurance, e-commerce, government, and more. Their aim is to assist organizations in leveraging their data assets to drive

operational efficiency, improve decision-making, and enhance customer experience.

• Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
• Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe

illustrator, Adobe fireworks.

• Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications)

P R O J E C T S D E A LT :
• Karvy Data Management:
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages

2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.

8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,
Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.
9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications
• Karvy Data Management www.kdms.in
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages

2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability
3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents

7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.

8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,

Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.

9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications
• Oriental Bank http://kdms.in/obc/login.aspx
1. Created and maintained UI standards for websites Application, which included over 100+ pages
2. Worked cross-functionally with developers to implement new features and maintain site usability

3. Re-designed the website and decreased the bounce rate by 100%

4. Did some front end programming (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript) to build actual web based prototype
5. Improved load speed on mobile, from 14 to 6 seconds, by applying recommendations by Google Lighthouse
6. Application successfully connected a user base of over 150 babysitters and parents
7. Developed mobile and web responsive designs.
8. Handful of experience on Android Phone applications tools like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dream weaver, Flash, Adobe Photoshop,

Adobe illustrator, Adobe fireworks.

9. Designed marketing materials for marketing across media (web, print, video and software applications

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