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Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics,
and the Concept of Sustainable Development
The growth of world population and the rapid growth of economic activity
have caused environmental stress in all socio-economic systems. There is a
wide scientific consensus that problems such as the greenhouse effect (and
climate change), ozone depletion, acid rain, loss of biodiversity, toxic pollution
and renewable and non-renewable resource depletion are clear symptoms of
environmental unsustainability.
Traditional neo-classical economics analyses the process of price formation
by considering the economy as a closed system: firms sell goods and services,
and then they remunerate the production factors (land, labour and capital). It
is interesting to note that while classical economists such as Malthus (1798),
Ricardo (1817), Mill (1857) and Marx (1867) had clear in their minds that
Traditionally, Gross National Product (GNP) has been considered as the best per-
formance indicator for measuring national economy and welfare. But if resource
depletion and degradation are factored into economic trends, what emerges is
a radically different picture from that depicted by conventional methods (Daly
and Cobb,1990). In environmental terms, the GNP measure is plainly defective
because (Faucheux and OʻConnor, 1997):
• no account is taken of environmental destruction or degradation;
• natural resources as such are valued at zero; and
• repair and remedial expenditure such as pollution abatement measures,
health care, etc., are counted as positive contribution to GNP inasmuch as
they involve expenditures of economic goods and services.
classical school take inspiration from Newtonʼs mechanics. They tend to believe
in value neutrality and objectivity and regard their arguments as ʻscientificʼ.
Rational decisions are connected with the existence of optimal solutions based
on calculations in monetary or other unidimensional terms (the assumption of
complete commensurability). It has to be noted that to put a precise monetary
value to an environmental externality implies the solution of very important
problems, e.g., uncertainty connected to the environmental impact, correct time
horizon and correct discount rate.
Neo-classical economists have a quite optimistic view of technological
progress and economic growth. They generally recognise that even if the pro-
duction technologies of an economy can potentially yield increases in output
commensurate with increases in inputs, overall output will be constrained by
limited supplies of resources (growth theory with exhaustible resources). But these
limits can be overcome by technological progress: if the rate of technological
progress is high enough to offset the decline in the per capita quantity of natural
resource services available, output per worker can rise indefinitely. A stronger
statement is the following: even in the absence of any technological progress
exhaustible resources do not pose a fundamental problem if reproducible man-
made capital is sufficiently ʻsubstitutableʼ for natural resources (Dasgupta and
Heal, 1979; Hartwick, 1977, 1978; Solow, 1974a and 1974b; Stiglitz, 1979).
This concept of substitution of more productive man-made capital for natural
capital can be criticised from many sides.
(i) If capital depreciates by a constant proportion, the exhaustible resources
are essential, since consumption should eventually fall to zero (assuming
no technical change).
(ii) Man-made capital is not independent of natural capital; since resources are
required to manufacture capital goods the success of any attempt to substi-
tute capital for resources will be limited by the extent to which the increase
in capital requires an input of resources. ʻThe idea of substitution might be
rescued if we can demonstrate that the extra productivity in KM (man-made
capital) outweighs the extra natural resources that get used up in the produc-
tion of KM. At this stage all we can say is that this is not obviousʼ (Pearce
and Turner, 1990, p. 49).
(iii) A limit to the substitutability between man-made capital and natural
capital is that natural capital has the feature of multifunctionality (all the life
support functions), such a feature is not shared by man-made capital (Pearce
and Turner, 1990).
The so called weak sustainability concept (Pearce and Atkinson, 1993) states that
an economy can be considered sustainable if it saves more than the combined
depreciation of natural and man-made capital. ʻWe can pass on less environment
so long as we offset this loss by increasing the stock of roads and machinery, or
other man-made (physical) capital. Alternatively, we can have fewer roads and
factories so long as we compensate by having more wetlands or mixed woodlands
or more educationʼ (Turner et al., 1994, p. 56). Weak sustainability is based on
a very strong assumption, perfect substitutability between the different forms
of capital, so all the criticism presented above also applies in this case.
Under weak sustainability conditions, sustainability is equivalent to leav-
ing future generations with a total stock of capital not smaller than the one
enjoyed by the present generation. Cabeza (1996) notes that the concept of
weak sustainability is nothing but a by-product of growth theory with exhaust-
ible resources when:
(i) the definition of inter-generational equity is restricted to a non-declining
level of consumption per capita; and
(ii) the environment-economy relationship is restricted to the introduction of an
aggregate input called natural capital into the production function.
Indeed, weak sustainability is simply a different statement of the so called
Hartwick-Solow rule (Hartwick, 1977, 1978; Solow, 1974b, 1986), stating that
in order to have a stream of constant level of consumption per capita to infinity,
society should invest all current returns from the utilisation of the flows from
the stock of exhaustible resources. Criticism of the empirical results of Pearce
and Atkinsonʼs calculations can be found in Martinez-Alier (1995).
• the total value of the natural resource stocks should remain constant in real
terms (standard economic approach);
• the unit value of the services of the natural resources, as measured by the
prices of natural resources, should remain constant in real terms; and
• the value of the resource which flows from the natural resource stock should
remain constant in real terms. Where resource flow is the product of price
and quantity used, it is possible to allow quantity to decline but the price to
rise, keeping value constant.
Pearce and Turner recognise some of the shortcomings of each of these definitions
of a constant stock of natural capital, and other weak points have been indicated
by Victor (1991). Measurements of natural capital stock made exclusively in
physical terms are problematic, according to these authors, because of the dif-
ficulty in adding up different physical quantities expressed in different units. For
this reason the second interpretation is offered. By valuing each resource stock
in money terms, the total value of natural capital can be measured. One obvious
problem here is that many natural resources (e.g., air, water, wilderness) do not
have observable prices. Thus one would need to find implicit or shadow prices
in some way. Even those prices that do exist may not be useful; they may be
affected by market imperfections and taxes, and they may exclude externalities
involved with the production and use of the resource.
There are additional problems in using market prices to value the aggregate stock of
natural capital. Resource prices or net prices reflect conditions at the margin and to
use these to value entire stocks can give perverse results. For example, it is possible
for the real price or net price of a resource to rise over time at the same rate as (or
faster than) the rate of decrease in the physical stock of the resource..... This possibil-
ity is of more than theoretical interest. If price or net price rises as resource quantity
is declining, the value of resource stocks as an indicator of sustainability can give
precisely the wrong policy signal to government. As long as the value of the stock
remains constant or rises, the government, through this indicator, will not perceive
a problem even though the flow of resource is becoming increasingly valuable (as
measured by price) and the physical stock is declining. (Victor, 1991, p. 204)
Pearce and Turnerʼs third and fourth interpretations of a constant stock of natu-
ral capital also utilise market prices and so similar criticisms made in relation
to keeping the value of the capital stock constant apply. Although the idea of
a constant natural capital stock is quite important and desirable (maintaining
natural capital is an important prerequisite for sustainability), one has to admit
that the above considerations demonstrate that the development of relevant
indicators of sustainable development connected to this idea is quite difficult.
This is mainly because it is based on the assumption of complete monetary
The linkages between ecosystems and economic systems are the focus of eco-
logical economics. A good definition of what is meant by Ecological Economics
is the following.
Increasing awareness that our global ecological life support system is endangered,
is forcing us to realise that decisions made on the basis of local, narrow, short-term
criteria can produce disastrous results globally and in the long run. We are also be-
ginning to realise that traditional economic and ecological models and concepts fall
short in their ability to deal with global ecological problems. Ecological economics
is a new trans-disciplinary field of study that addresses the relationships between
ecosystems and economic systems in the broadest sense..... Ecological economics
(EE) differs from both conventional economics and conventional ecology in terms
of breadth of its perception of the problem, and the importance it attaches to envi-
ronment-economy interactions. (Costanza et al., 1991, pp. 2-3)
as a reflection of real power structures, but not the whole story. To choose any
particular operational definition for value involves making a decision about
what is important and real; other definitions will reflect the commitments of
other stakeholders.
One should note that the view that, concerning environmental issues, con-
flicts between interests and interested parties are the normal state of affairs is
also shared by institutional economics (Bromley, 1989, Myrdal, 1973, 1978).
ʻInstitutional economics focuses on actors, their world views, habits, etc., and on
institutional arrangements. The latter term refers to organisation, rules of game,
power relationships, entitlements and other types of control over resourcesʼ
(Söderbaum, 1992, p. 131).
Some relationships between ecological economics and institutional economics
have been investigated by Aguilera-Klink (1994; 1996), Klaassen and Opschoor
(1991), Opschoor and van der Straaten (1993) and Söderbaum (1992). The main
common points are recognition of the impossibility of a value free science,
emphasis on the importance of the distribution of property rights, and strong
criticism of monetary reductionism. How much is a songbird worth? To answer
this question represents a new problem of valuation, one where measurements
cannot pretend to be independent of methodology and ethics.
The issue is not whether it is only the marketplace that can determine value, for
economists have long debated other means of valuation; our concern is with the as-
sumption that in any dialogue, all valuations or ʻnumerairesʼ should be reducible to
a single one-dimension standard. (Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1994, p. 198)
organisation and rationalise action. Values and beliefs which fit the ecosystem survive
and multiply; less fit ones eventually disappear. And thus cultural traits are selected
much like genetic traits. At the same time, cultural values and beliefs influence how
people interact with their ecosystem and apply selective pressure on species. Not only
have people and their environment coevolved, but social systems and environmental
systems have coevolved. (Norgaard, 1994, p.41)
Agriculture began between five and ten thousand years ago when there
were approximately five million people in the world. The incredible increasing
of population was only possible through an increase in the effectiveness with
which people interacted with their environment through changes in knowledge,
technology and social organisation. According to Norgaard, the increase in
material well-being and in the rate of population during the past century can be
understood as a process of coevolution. With industrialisation, social systems
evolved to facilitate development through the exploitation of coal and petro-
leum.3 Social systems no longer coevolved to interact more effectively with
environmental systems.
Hydrocarbons freed societies from immediate environmental constraints but not from
ultimate environmental constraints – the limits of the hydrocarbons themselves and
of the atmosphere and oceans to absorb carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
associated with fossil fuel economies. (Norgaard, 1994, p.44)
comes out of it in a state of high entropy, Roegen states his controversial fourth
law as follows: ʻin a closed system (as the Earth practically is) mechanical work
cannot proceed at a constant rate foreverʼ (Georgescu-Roegen, 1993, p. 198),
or more simply, matter cannot be completely recycled. A consequence of this
law is that a programme based on the substitution of terrestrial energy by solar
energy such as Dalyʼs steady state, cannot work. Interesting discussions of the
meaning and consequences of the so-called fourth law can be found in Mayumi
(1991, 1992, 1993).
Regarding technological progress, Georgescu-Roegen is quite pessimistic.
He defines ʻPromethean techniquesʼ as those that allow obtaining a surplus of
accessible energy (getting more accessible energy than that used in the operation).
A new technology requires a new Promethean technique, not just one already
familiar alternative. The Promethean technique that saved the wood crisis was
the steam engine, but nowadays neither controlled fusion nor direct harmessed
solar energy have the characteristics of a Promethean technique.
According to Georgescu-Roegen (1984), a technology is viable if and only if
it can maintain the corresponding material structure which supports its resource
and sink functions, and consequently the human species.
A technology that draws down irreplaceable stocks, or generates irreducuble pol-
lution, or violates the ability of funds to provide assimilative and restorative services,
is not viable. The relevance of all this to weak sustainability is that all production
processes are characterised by inflows fron Nature and outflows of waste to Nature
which are limitational. (Gowdy and OʼHara, 1996)
natural property
resources rights, power resources
system thermal
solar & and income degraded
industrial distribution energy
(economics, ecology, physical sciences,
philosophy, etc.)
One should note that the issue of ʻvalue-free scienceʼ is important in real-
world environmental policy. For example, David Pearce claims that his work for
the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), where lives of people
in rich nations are valued up to fifteen times higher than those in poor countries,
is a matter of scientific correcteness versus political correctness! (New Scientist,
19 August, 1995). Is it really a matter of value-free scientific correctness to use
valuations based on assessments of a communityʼs willingness and ability to
pay to avoid risks of death? The impossibility of eliminating value conflicts in
environmental policy and the call for a plurality of approaches creates a clear
need for environmental philosophers and ethicists to play an important role in
ecological economics.
Comments by Joan Martinez-Alier and two anonymous referees are gratefuly acknowl-
Here we do not enter in details regarding the so called ʻgrowth debateʼ. The interested
reader can refer to: Galbraith, 1959; Hirsch, 1977; Hueting, 1980; Meadows et al., 1972;
Mishan, 1967 and 1976; Nordhaus and Tobin, 1972; Scitovsky, 1976.
ʻIn this textbook we show how we can use the main body of economic thought to derive
important propositions about the linkages between the economy and the environment.
Rather than looking for some “different economics”, we are seeking to expand the ho-
rizons of economic thoughtʼ (Pearce and Turner, 1990, p. 30).
Martinez-Alier (1987) shows that the increase in productivity of modern agriculture
depends on the underestimation of energetic inputs from fossil fuels, the low value given
to the contamination caused by pesticides and the loss of biodiversity.
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