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Evaluating the students satisfaction on the reliableness of internet-based


Bataan National High School – Senior High School1

Bataan National High School – Senior High School2
Bataan National High School – Senior High School3
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract – This research study aims to evaluate the students’ satisfaction on the reliableness of internet-
based learning. This study will use a survey in a form of participants testing to collect data from a sample
of students who have taken an internet-based learning method. The survey will include instructional test
that is all about the students’ satisfaction with the resources and information they get and at the same
time evaluating the reliability of the internet-based learning platform, and the overall experience of the
students. The data collected from the survey will be analyzed to determine the students’ satisfaction with
the reliability of the internet-based learning resources.

INTRODUCTION The first study to be discussed is a survey

conducted by the University of California, Los
The abbreviation IBL refers to internet- Angeles (UCLA) in 2017. The survey asked
based learning. These are various studies that IBL students to rate their satisfaction with the
has increased in popularity nowadays because it information and resources internet provides
is way better accessible anywhere, the learning tthm that students are receiving a quality
and outsourcing is also affordable and it provides learning upon discovering at his own.
opportunities for students to engage in their
According to (Torres 2016) equally
learning. There are also IBL platforms of
agreed that internet use has a positive impact
multimedia contents and interactive modules and on academic performance. Internet use is
some IBL platforms that allows students to submit undeniably getting more relevant day by day.
their assignment and other school works also to It is used everywhere and whenever people
receive feedback automatically. wants to for their convenience. That is why
even with people's education internet is
The use of internet-based learning has become increasingly used. Internet is one of the
means used to deliver educational materials
increasingly popular continuously now and then,
for both teachers and students which is very
because it provides students with a lot of useful.
opportunity to access educational materials from
anywhere and in anytime. As such, it is important Now for one main question that must be
to evaluate the reliability of internet-based answered in this study, is that " Is internet-
learning in order to ensure that students are based learning resources and information a
receiving a quality learning upon discovering at reliable source of information based on the
grade 12 students?"
his own.
There are already varieties of conducted Statement of the problem
research studies that explore how internet-based
learning can be utilized now that the self- Internet-based delivery of education
centered learning approach is applied in k to 12 provides a variety of benefits but limitations as
setting. One study found that students who well, both for the students and teachers in the
practice IBL manage to somehow score higher on institution.
measure of achievements and engagement than Given, that students can benefit a lot from IBL still
students who did not use IBL. not all from the students are equipped with the
certainty level of ability and skill to suit that type
www.bataannationalhighschoolshs.com | [email protected]

of learning method for internet-based learning is

a self-centered learning approach.
The study focussed on the number of 200 Grade
12 HUMSS students who experienced learning Assumptions
and familiarity with internet-based learning, and
to those students who believes that they either 1. Internet-based learning environmental will
benefit or get way better in studying because of provide grade 12 HUMSS students with an
IBL. effective means and beneficial platforms to
Specifically, the researchers will seek to find acquire additional knowledge and to develop
answers with these following: their progress in learning and understanding

1. Total number of the population from grade 12 2. Internet-based learning is indeed a platform for
HUMSS SHS-students who knows about what grade 12 HUMSS students that enables them to
"internet-based learning" is. access resources and materials in a timely
2. Researchers will aim to identify if internet-
based learning is an effective alternative learning 3. The resources and information they fetch from
means for them. internet-based learning has the possibility to
consider a high quality
3. How many from the participants believes that
IBL helps them to develop their quality of learning Hypothesis
and understanding with their school works.
1. Internet-based learning will be helpful and
4. Collecting participant's response if internet- more effective to assist students specially right
based learning really do give them a better now that the learning system is self-centered
understanding and an additional knowledge approach. Internet-based learning in some ways
about a particular topic it idea with the lessons is more effective than the traditional method of
they have in class. instruction in terms at student's performance and
knowledge acquisition .
5. Does internet-based learning become helpful
for them? 2. Internet-based learning will provide grade 12
HUMSS students with a more self-engaging
Objectives of the study experience than the traditional method of
1. This research study aims to describe what is
internet-based learning and how many from
the research population knows about what is

2. To find out if internet is an advantage for

students when it comes to their academical
activities or learnings.

3. To identify if internet-based learning become

helpful for students studies and if it does
develop them with a quality of learning.
www.bataannationalhighschoolshs.com | [email protected]

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