Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
the term juvenile delinquency determines over a wide range, from socially
sometimes in the middle life of everyone has experienced or heard about crime,
such as violence, rape, theft, and fraud. Crimes are committed by criminals from
the level of adulthood to the youngest (adolescents). for groups of teenagers the
desire to do evil because of the reading, the influence of films and other
pornographic images.
actually the result of Juvenile delinquency. In this case can be taken as an example
of their children’s right of school children, who come from families who do not
prioritize their study. Usually these children are indifferent to their duties that
included in the close category and results in sanctions imposed by the school on
to (Greil Marcus and Werner Sollor, 2009) says that “literary means not only what
form”. people can discuss many things from literature. Many ideas will be
Pickering, James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D(1981. 01:307) says that "
already a part of human beings, because humans have had a great curiosity since
literature divides into play, poetry and novel. In this thesis, the writer is
focus on Novel. A novel is a literary work that has a long story about a person’s
life. Richard taylor (1981 : 46 ) says : “A novel is normally a prose work with a
In other words, novels works that have long stories to provide value to
humans. futhermore, this is very nice for young people today who really like to
enjoy the work of literature through a book or film. A novel also divided into two
such as fitction and non fiction. Fiction is a life stories that through out the author
‘s idea become someone’s story, Non fiction is a story that lifts a person’s true
story. According to Alterbend and Lewis in Nurgiyantoro (1966 : 14) state that
fiction can be interpreted as imaginative narative prose, but the story does
commonly make sense and contains the truth which dramatizes humans
human through stories that are sometimes picked up a true story of human life.
Based on what has been studied in the background of study, since then and
now, some adolescent lives are very alarming because they can damage the future
if they not addressed properly since young, alienation of life that may be able to
change the mindset of young children to move in one direction without the right
reasons and goals, here the writer wants to analyze Charlie's alienation in the girl
The goal of study is to explain, the main character's life journey in the
novel, with people who are also related to disadvantaged backgrounds. which
means that the function of the purpose of analyzing this novel is to find out what
interesting that can be discussed in specific. Charlie's life which made her get
passed bad days all the time, it makes me want to analyze the alienation of her life
3. The writer make deeply analyzes of this novel to make her easily understand
Reading on
Glasgow’s Novel
“Perfect Couple”
Choosing and
learn Karl Marx's
Theory of Provides An Analysis of Alienation’s life
of Charlie in Kathleen Glasgow’s Novel
“Girl In Pieces”.
Analyzing the
novel deeply
Analyzing the
2. Previous of study
This chapter presents the review of related literature, which deals with some
previous findings and theoretical approach. The writer presents some previous
delinquency is a behavior deviate from the habit or break the law. Jensen (in
Sarwono, (2012: 256) divides juvenile delinquency into the following four types.
First, delinquency that causes physical harm to others: fights, rape, robbery,
theft, pickpocketing, extortion, and lying down. Third, social delinquency which
does not cause casualties on the part of people Other: prostitution, approved
drugs. Fourth, juvenile delinquency which is against status, for example denying a
child's status as a student by ditching, deny the status of parents by running away
The second Juvenile Delinquency in the Novel Love Letters to the dead
by Ava Dellaira In this works, the term juvenile delinquency focused in the
depiction of each types of juvenile delinquency in the novel and the effect
previous study will be applied the theory to reveal the depiction towards the novel
and the effect behavior towards the character in Love Letters to The Dead by Ava
Dellaira. In this case, the causes of each Laurel’s delinquent act was influenced by
her friends and her broken-home family. The family background greatly
influences educating and growing the children up. Besides the influence of
commit delinquency. Families must provide good examples for every child
thatwill have a positive effect on their character growth. Besides that, families
also have the responsibility to monitor the behavior of their children outside the
home. yang ketiga In this case, the causes of each Laurel’s delinquent act was
influenced by her friends and her broken-home family. The family background
greatly influences educating and growing the children up. Besides the influence of
commit delinquency. Families must provide good examples for every child
thatwill have a positive effect on their character growth. Besides that, families
also have the responsibility to monitor the behavior of their children outside the
The third, Causes of the type of nayla delinquency in the nayla novel by
djenar maesa ayu review of literary psychology by wishnu Yuliarda ni. The author
sees there are obstacles experienced by the character Nayla to meet the need for a
sense of belonging to have funds for love. from the start his mother required
Nayla to choose her mother or father. he can only choose and have one, his
mother or father. the author examines the nayla delinquency by analyzing the
causes and types of nayla delinquency, the analysis stage is used to analyze nayla
delinquency. the first stage by using the theory of basic human needs abraham
maslow. in the theory of basic human needs it is said that humans have five needs
for ownership in the possession of funds for love, the need for appreciation, the
need for self-actualization. if some of these needs cannot be met, it can lead to
Nayla only gets physiological needs, while the other needs are not fulfilled and
“according to maslow, human beings have basic needs which are arranged in
behavior. not meeting some basic needs can cause illness or abuse.”
aceh barat district oleh H. Zainuddin. The research that the author carried out took
delinquency analysis, and this research was conducted in August 2011. Reasons
for choosing a place research based on consideration because this district is often
the teenagers committing anger or delinquency that can affect life community, so
through in-depth interviews with the public contains about the problem of juvenile
process and in the analysis of the dynamics of the relationship between the
This does not mean that the approach qualitative does not use
trying to answer research questions through formal ways of thinking and tative
phenomenon for Hegel and Feuerbach. It is the consequence of viewing the world
in an erroneous way. 12 But for Karl Marx it is a material and social process. He
which delineates the separation or detachment of beings or things that are or have
been naturally united together. This also describes the causes, placement and the
effects of antagonism among things and persons or groups that are or have been in
depicts the situation of alienation in social affairs e.g. peoples’ estrangement from
society he elaborates, the workers are bound to sell their power, strength, expertise
and skills to the capitalists. Consequently, the workers have no control over their
product of labour and on the labour itself which is their life activity and this
becomes only a means to an end of the capitalist. So they got estranged from it
and fall a prey to alienation. Due to these circumstances the workers became
estranged from their own-self and their own-nature on the one hand and also
alienated from other human beings as well as from their work.13 This situation
creates two classes viz. The Worker Class and The Capitalist Class. The former is
labouring and alienated and the latter is non-worker but controls the workers and
gets the profits of others’ labour. The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of
1844, was publish by Karl Marx. In it he described the course and methods due to
which the workers’ class was exploited by the capitalists. He also elaborated, how
the Capitalists, by adopting such modes of production which can benefit them and
cause exploitation of the workers. Due to that exploitation the Capitalists and the
That means that working people put everything into their jobs but get little in
return. That causes class conflict and estrangement between the both. So Marx
claimed that under the capitalist rule or in a society of capitalism, the workers and
encompasses all areas of life– religion, politics, social and economic relations –
One of the greatest obstacles in the study of self injurious behaviors is that
researchers and clinicians often use vague and inconsistent terms and definitions
for the different phenomena under examination. For instance, it is not uncommon
self-harm,” “cutting,” and “parasuicide.” Fortunately, over the past several years,
clinicians have begun to make more careful distinctions and to use clearer and
more consistent terms and definitions for these behaviors. At the broadest level,
all behaviors that are performed intentionally and with the knowledge that they
most researchers and scholars draw a clear distinction between behaviors in which
bodily injury is the intended purpose of one’s behavior (i.e., directly self-injurious
is made between phenomena that are suicidal in nature, in which there is some
intent to die from the behavior, and those that are non-suicidal, in which there is
no intent to die (see Figure 1). Because determination of a person’s intent during
likely to include bias, inaccuracy, and ambivalence about dying the convention
any evidence of any intent to die (i.e., at a “nonzero” level) as suicidal. This errs
Suicidal phenomena can be further classified into three primary types. Suicide
ideation refers to having thoughts about killing oneself; a suicide plan refers to the
consideration of a specific method through which one intends to die; and a suicide
is some intent to die. Non-suicidal phenomena also can be further classified into
individuals lead others to believe they intend to die from their behavior when
really they have no intention of doing so. The purpose of the behavior is instead to
communicate distress and/or to seek help from others (Nock & Kessler 2006).
destruction of body tissue in the absence of any observable intent to die. Self-
injury thoughts refer to having thoughts of engaging in the behavior but not doing
so, which itself is typically only studied as a precursor to self-injury. There is not
there is general agreement among researchers and clinicians that the behavior
typically varies on a scale from mild (e.g., low frequency and severity), to
moderate (e.g., more frequent and severe, perhaps requiring medical attention), to
severe (e.g., high frequency, severe injury, and resulting impairment). Several
recent empirical studies provide some initial evidence for such distinctions
(Klonsky & Olino 2008, Whitlock et al. 2008). A distinction also is made among
specifically to this topic (Nock & Favazza 2009, Nock et al. 2008d, Posner et al.
2007, Silverman et al. 2007). This review, and the area of scholarly work
indirect forms of selfharm and to consider how they relate to direct self-injury.
segment of the general population, we all engage in behaviors that indirectly cause
us some degree of bodily or psychological harm.We may drink alcohol, eat high-
fat foods, smoke tobacco, and so on. These behaviors typically are not performed
with the intention of causing ourselves harm, but instead are performed because
indirect and unintended side effect. Such behaviors typically are not referred to as
simply unhealthy behaviors (Baumeister & Scher 1988, Twenge et al. 2002,
Vazire & Funder 2006). In an earlier review of such behaviors, Baumeister &
self-handicapping) (Berglas & Jones 1978, Steel 2007, Vohs et al. 2008). Risk-
taking behaviors are a third type of indirectly harmful behavior (or alternatively
by observing those around us (Bandura 1977, 2006). This is true in the case of
both nonpathological behaviors (e.g., learning how to interact with others, dance,
binge drinking, and drug use). At the broadest level, people’s decision to engage
learned about this behavior from others. Indeed, it is well known that the behavior
of one’s peers can have an especially strong effect during adolescence and can
including alcohol and drug use, risky sexual behaviors, and self injury (Prinstein
hatred or self deprecation (Favazza 1996, Strong 1998, Walsh & Rosen 1988).
Anecdotally, this can be seen in instances in which self-injurers carve words into
Implicit attitude/identification
When faced with the option of choosing one of several different behaviors
that all serve the same function, people’s decision also may be influenced by their
potential interpersonal functions of self-injury is: Why would people cut their skin
as a means of communicating with others rather than using language or some less
effective at eliciting help from others than milder forms of communication, such
Pragmatic Hypotesis
the coping skills required to deal effectively with stressful situations, are less
social network, and are less likely to have access to other maladaptive methods of
have ready access to the use of self-injury, which can be performed quickly,
quietly, and in private in virtually any setting (e.g., home, school/work restroom).