Io Psych
Io Psych
Io Psych
Consistency theory states that there is a relationship between work motivation and: self
2. An employee thinks he is an idiot and will never be able to master the new computer
system. The employee takes a training class on the new system and fails. This situation
might best be explained by: galatea effect
3. Fred's parents tell him to try his best in college. Fred's first semester GWA is 1.8 and his
parents are mad. What was wrong with the goal set for Fred? It was not specific
4. In Expectancy Theory, __________ is the perceived relationship between the amount of
effort an employee puts in and the resulting outcome, and __________ is the extent to
which the outcome of a worker's performance will result in a particular consequence.
Expectancy; instrumentality
5. __________ is the attitude one has toward her job and __________ is the extent to which
an employee identifies with and is involved with an organization. Job satisfaction;
organizational commitment
6. People prone to be satisfied with their jobs have: high self-esteem
7. Job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment attempt to satisfy needs at which
level? Self-actualization
8. If you were to develop a test to determine who would be most satisfied with their jobs,
you would probably develop a test that would identify people with a high level of:
internal locus of control
9. The Thematic Apperception Test measures needs for: power; affiliation; and
10. Help wanted signs, job fairs, and direct mailings are all examples of: external
recruitment methods
11. __________ is the process of attracting people with the right qualifications to apply for
the job. Recruitment
12. Based on the available research, which of the following recruitment strategies may
enhance employee morale and motivation? Internal recruitment
13. An organization that does not want its name in public, or fears that people would not
apply if they knew the name of the company, would probably: blind box ad
14. One of the concessionaires in Madonna of Japan Recreational Park offers its employees
a financial incentive for recommending applicants who are subsequently hired and
remain on the job for a specific period of time. This best exemplifies: employee referral
15. According to research, the most effective realistic job previews are presented in a/n
__________ format. Multimedia
16. “Can you work weekends?” and “Can you work overtime when needed?” are examples
of which type of interview question? Disqualifier
17. Mr. Yausseau gave better remarks to his employees because of his earliest memory of
that employee. This first impressions suggests: primacy effect
18. Applicants attempting to be interviewed immediately after a poor applicant are
demonstrating their understanding of the: contrast effect
19. What recommendations would you give to HR practitioners to ensure that interviewers
base their decisions on relevant information? Use structured interview
20. Which of the following is not true regarding the use of grade point average for employee
selection? GPA has low adverse impact
21. Which of the following is good advice in asking for a letter of recommendation? All
three other options are good advice
22. The first step in creating an assessment center is to: conduct a job analysis
23. Which of the following assessment center techniques allows the applicant to demonstrate
such attributes as creativity, decision making, and ability to work with others? Business
24. Though work samples are excellent selection tools for several reasons, the main reason
for not using them is that they can be: both are expensive to administer and to
25. When computing internal reliability, __________ is used for dichotomous items and
__________ is used for interval and ratio items. Kr20, coefficient alpha
26. A student takes the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) as a requirement to get into college.
Her score on the test is 1020. Three weeks later, she is asked to take the identical test
again. This time she scores 900. This inconsistency in scores is an issue of: test-retest
27. An industrial-organizational psychologist correlates the responses to the even numbered
items on a selection test with the responses to the odd numbered items from the same test.
Which of the following answers best describes the concern of the psychologist? Spilt-
half reliability
28. If a police applicant is asked questions about her favorite hobbies and religious beliefs,
she may feel the test is not valid. In this case, her impression demonstrates the
importance of __________ validity. Face
29. If we use the weight of an infant to predict the subsequent performance of the infant in
college, the weight measure is probably: reliable but not valid
30. The extent to which a test found valid for a job in one location is valid for the same job in
another location refers to the concept of: validity generalization
31. Dr. Frank Einstein correlates scores on a test (Test 1) with scores on other tests (Test 2
and Test 3). The analysis demonstrates that the scores on Test 1 correlate highly with
scores on Test 2 but do not correlate with scores on Test 3. This type of analysis is used
to determine: construct validity
32. Dr. Franchesca Einstein wants to estimate the percentage of future employees who will
be successful on the job if an organization uses a particular test. What would you
recommend? The use of: taylor-russel tables
33. A type of distribution error in which a rater tends to rate every employee in the middle of
the scale is called: central tendency
34. Which of the following performance appraisal approaches would have dimensions such
as prevent crimes from occurring and minimize citizen complaints? Goal focus
35. A test predicts performance for two different groups of applicants (e.g., men and
women); however, the test predicts the performance significantly better for men than it
does for women. This exemplifies: differential validity
36. Which of the following is the most important use of performance evaluation results?
Employee training and feedback
37. Bob has been a model employee all year except for the last two to three weeks; yet, his
ratings on his performance appraisal reflect his performance during this last two week to
three week period. This type of rating bias is referred to as: recency effect
38. If an employee was to produce a work product of a quality level above the organization's
standards, it technically would be called: error
39. According to literature, the greatest problem with all of the employee comparison
methods is that they do not provide information about: how well an employee is actually
40. Which of the following training methods requires trainees to discuss appropriate and
inappropriate employee behaviors, watch the appropriate behavior being performed and
role play the appropriate behavior? Behavior modeling
41. Which of the following training methods is best for learning interpersonal skills? Role
42. __________ exercises allow the trainee to work with equipment and in an environment
like that found in the actual job. Simulation
43. You examine the job descriptions for every position in your company and determine that
every employee must know how to use Excel to be successful. What level of analysis is
this? Task analysis
44. Which of the following is the best training objective? By the end of this training, the
employee: will be able to answer correctly 90% of the customer questions
45. Lectures, use of videos, discussions, and question and answer periods are activities
which belong to which of the following training methods? Classroom training
46. Which of the following types of needs analysis has the purpose of determining factors
that either facilitate or inhibit training effectiveness? Organizational
47. Overlearning helps increase: transfer of training
48. A task analysis conducted as part of a training needs assessment is made easier if: job
descriptions are available
49. Supervisors who set goals, provide feedback, and encourage employees to use their
training are trying to motivate employees to: transfer what is learned in training to the
50. A Solomon four groups design attempts to do all of the following except: be more
practical than other designs
51. In an experiment designed to test the effect of noise on employee performance, noise is
the __________ and employee performance is the __________. Independent variable;
dependent variable
52. Andrei is completing a questionnaire containing 400 items covering five major
categories: tools and equipment, perceptual and physical, mathematical, communication
and decision making and responsibility. Andrei is using the: job component analysis
53. Which of the following sections in a thorough job description can be used in help wanted
advertisements, internal job posting, and company brochures? Work activities
54. According to research, there is a __________ correlation between how well employees
liked a training program and how much they learned. Small
55. During the job analysis interview, the questions asked should be: open ended
56. Creating a list of tasks that are thought to be involved with a job, and having job
incumbents rate the tasks on scales such as frequency of occurrence and importance, best
defines which job analysis method? Task analysis
57. Once task statements have been written, the next step is to: rate the task statements
58. Job analysis is the not the best foundation for: providing a raise for an employee doing
a job well done
59. After conducting a job evaluation we find that Bob is underpaid by P5,000 and Bill is
overpaid by P5,000. We would probably: give bob a raise and leave bill’s salary alone
60. Which of the following is an essential skill for a cashier? Proficient in the use of cash
61. If a researcher calculated a correlation coefficient of r=1.27 between two variables, you
would conclude that there is a/n: error in calculation
62. The best method/s to use in analyzing a job appears to be: dependent on how the
information will be use
63. __________ leadership focuses on task-oriented behaviors whereas __________
leadership focuses on long-term goals. Transactional; transformational
64. According to two-factor theory, __________ is an example of a hygiene factor. pay
65. Matt constantly posts charts and graphs indicating the latest production statistics. Matt
seems to believe in: providing feedback
66. Operant conditioning focuses on: reinforcement of behavior
67. Managers constructing a reinforcement hierarchy for employees are probably using:
68. Type B personalities: are less likely to react negatively to stress
69. Darnell was hired as a cook's assistant but all he has been doing for the past five months
is clean tables and take out the trash. Darnell's stress level can probably be explained by:
role conflict
70. Clay is very intelligent and Joshua is not very bright. On the basis of result of existing
research, we would expect Clay to be __________ with his job and Joshua to be
__________ satisfied with his job. Intelligence is not related to job satisfaction
71. __________ refers to the extent to which group members like and trust one another.
Group cohesiveness
72. Lily is working on a group project with three other students. The project is going great so
Lily decides to reduce her effort. The theory that best explains her social loafing is: free-
73. A situation in which a group becomes so cohesive and like-minded that it makes poor
decisions by ignoring information relevant to the decision-making process is: groupthink
74. During the __________ stage of team development, team members often become
frustrated with their roles. Storming
75. People who join a group to be with other people have __________ needs. Affiliation
76. Social impact theory is related to: group size
77. Julie provides information to Julia who provides information to Julius who provides
information to Julie. This is an example of which type of communication network? chain
78. Anita is typing and starts to make mistakes when she notices that the person sitting next
to her is typing much faster and making fewer mistakes. Anita’s increase in mistakes is
probably due to: comparison
79. Which of the following is true about the effect of individual dominance in a group?
Group performance will increase if the dominating person is competent.
80.Under IMPACT Theory, a leader can become effective by: changing her style to meet
the situation.
81. Some people have a high need for attention. The __________ yells a lot for attention and
the __________ gets attention by poking fun at others. grenade; friendly sniper
82. What field research gains in __________ it loses in __________. External validity;
83. Sashimi Industries has a policy of promoting employees who perform well.
Unfortunately, many of the people promoted do not become effective supervisors.
Currently there is a crisis because most of the supervisors are getting poor performance
reviews. Sashimi Industries seems to be a good example of: peter principle
84. Which of the following is not true of job titles? All 3 of these statements are true
85. An employee who inquires about his/her level of pay compared to other employees
within the same organization is addressing the issue of: internal equity
86. According to Situational Leadership Theory, the most effective leader behavior to use on
staff who are unable and unwilling to do a job is: directing
87.Which is not true regarding an ideal compensation system? When employees believe
that they are paid the most in the field.
88. Increasing the perception that a group is difficult to obtain membership in helps to
increase: group status
89. Rating task statements as the third step in job analysis cannot include which procedure
below? budgetary allotment associated to the task
90. Rating task statements as the third step in job analysis cannot include which procedure
below? budgetary allotment associated to the task
91. Berto has been frustrated with his job for the last three months. He was given two new
assignments to complete in addition to his regular duties. To make matters worse, his
computer is too slow to handle the programs he needs to run. Berto's stress level can
probably be explained by: role overload
92. Ruth believes that she can effectively handle any customer complaint, whereas Jill is
worried that she will cry if a customer yells at her. The __________ would predict that
Ruth will perform better than Jill. Self-fulfilling prophecy
93. Which need theory has three levels of needs and allows individuals to skip levels? ERG
94. An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for
exams. Because doing laundry is liked more than studying, __________ predicts that the
opportunity to do laundry will motivate a person to study. premack principle
95. All of Armand's employees make the same amount of money but he thinks they lie to
each other about how much they make. To stop this, he posts all salary information on the
bulletin board. Armand seems to believe in: equity theory
96. Allowing employees to make decisions about their jobs: combination of all other option
97. A leader who uses an achievement-oriented style: sets goals and rewards performance
98. Making goals __________ would not increase their effectiveness. General
99. Every Friday, a group of bank employees wear matching T-shirts with the logo of their
bank's baseball team. This best demonstrates the needs for: identification
100. Bill is required to complete five forms for every request he makes. Bill is upset
because he considers these forms to be examples of a: paper cow
Which of the following demonstrates a “glass ceiling”in the workplace?
a) Joshua who was told to quit due to conduct problems
b) Letty who was told that she’d never be a manager despite her efforts
c) Mia who remembers her slow and confusing career progression
d) Flynn who was confused with what he really does in the company
If you want to use a quiz show format in your training, then you would most likely do:
a) In-basket technique
b) Business games
c) Role play
d) Equipment simulations
Team oriented workers or those working in sales might most likely score very high on which of
the following needs according to McClelland?
a) Needs for Affiliation
b) Needs for Achievement
c) Needs for Engagement
d) Needs for Powers
. In ERG theory, this need is related to the lowest levels in Maslow’s hierarchy
a) Growth
b) Existence
c) Physiological
d) Safety and Security
. For McClelland, people with a strong need for power may be motivated to:
a) Seeks Challenges in Work
b) Want Approval from others
c) Control their environment
d) Be an outstanding performer
A person with _______ is most likely to engage in a lot of Organizational citizenship behaviors:
a) High extraversion
b) Low neuroticism
c) High agreeableness
d) Low Conscientiousness
Someone who most likely volunteers himself as leader would have ___:
a) High conscientiousness
b) High extraversion
c) High openness to experience
d) High agreeableness
Hygiene; dissatisfaction