MHE RDG Wonders LVRDR G3 ELL U6W1 26
MHE RDG Wonders LVRDR G3 ELL U6W1 26
MHE RDG Wonders LVRDR G3 ELL U6W1 26
by Dawn McMillan
illustrated by Maxim Larin
The Perfect Present
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Comprehension ELL Vocabulary
Strategy: Make Predictions beginnings, miracle
Skill: Theme
Vocabulary Strategy alarmed, anguish,
Root Words necessary, obsessed,
possess, reward,
treasure, wealth
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ISBN: 978-0-02-118606-8
MHID: 0-02-118606-5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DOC 15 14 13 12 11 10
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Essential Question
How do you decide what is important?
by Dawn McMillan
illustrated by Maxim Larin
Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Scene One
The New City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Scene Two
The Gods’ Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Respond to Reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
The Perfect Present . . . . . . . . . . 17
Focus on Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
The Naming of Athens
Cecrops (SEE-krahps), a half-man, half-serpent,
who will be the king of the new city
Gods and Goddesses of Olympia,
Zeus, king of the gods
Poseidon (puh-SIGH-duhn), god of the sea
Athena, goddess of wisdom
Citizen One
Other Citizens
List of Props
Poseidon’s trident, a large rock, water jars,
an olive seed, an olive tree
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Scene One
The New City
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Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
GODS AND GODDESSES: (together) No! No!
We want to name this new city after one of us.
Call it after me!
No, me!
The city should have my name.
I’ll name the city.
POSEIDON: Listen, my friends! The city should
have my name. I am Poseidon, god of the sea.
Everyone knows
trident Poseidon
how powerful
the ocean is.
This city is
surrounded by
ocean water. The
city should be
called Poseidon!
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
ATHENA: Poseidon, I can see that you are
obsessed with the idea of the city having your
name. But I don’t think it’s a good idea. The
ocean can be wild and angry. The city should
have a quieter name, like mine. I am the
goddess of wisdom. The people in our new city
will need to be wise.
POSEIDON: That is nonsense! I…
ZEUS: Wait!
Arguing will only
bring us anguish.
Poseidon, Athena,
both of you
deserve to have
the city named
after you. I need
to find a way to
decide between
you. I will ask
the thunder to
help me.
Thunder rolls.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
ZEUS: I think it’s necessary for the citizens of
the new city to see Poseidon and Athena’s gifts.
I will send a rainbow to lead them here.
Of course!
The citizens must agree!
Fair enough!
The citizens must decide!
ZEUS: See you tomorrow, then.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Scene Two
The Gods’ Gifts
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
POSEIDON: I possess great powers. See the
magic that happens when I strike this rock!
Poseidon marches forward and strikes a large rock
with his trident, then turns to face the citizens.
Look at the water coming from the rock!
Citizens of the new city, I bring you a source of
water that will never dry up! Your crops will not
dry up and die in the hot summer sun. You will
never go thirsty. This gift is a miracle. It is what
the city needs!
CITIZEN 1: Is it fresh water?
POSEIDON: Of course! It is fresh, clean water.
Taste it for yourselves!
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
CITIZEN 1: This water tastes terrible! It’s salty,
like the sea!
CITIZENS: (tasting the water)
We cannot drink this water!
CITIZEN 1: Poseidon, we can’t drink seawater.
This will not do! This water is not a suitable gift
for our city.
The citizens shake their heads and pour the water
from their jars.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
CECROPS: Indeed, it will not do!
ZEUS: Poseidon, your power as god of the sea
is too strong. Strike the rock again and stop
the flow of this salty water!
Poseidon strikes the rock. Then he leaves the
stage angrily.
CITIZENS: Athena! Athena! We want Athena!
ZEUS: Yes. Athena, come and show us
your gift.
Athena comes to stand in front of the citizens,
gods, and goddesses. Everyone is excited to see
what Athena will bring.
ZEUS: (looking confused) Where is your gift,
Athena opens her hand to show an olive seed.
She turns to face the citizens.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
GODS AND GODDESSES: It is a miracle!
CITIZENS: Incredible!
Everyone claps.
CITIZEN 1: This is a gift we need. It will bring
our city wealth. Athena, we will name the city
after you.
CITIZENS: Athena! Athena! Athena!
olive tree
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
ZEUS: Our problem is solved. Cecrops, announce
the name of the new city.
CECROPS: Athena, naming the city after you
is a great reward for bringing us such a perfect
gift! Our new city will be named Athens. We
will build beautiful temples and present you with
treasure. Our new city is to be called Athens!
CITIZENS: (dancing around) Athens! A great
name for a new city!
Athena bows and everyone applauds.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Summarize Detail
Text Evidence
1. What kind of text is The Naming of Athens?
List two things that are special about this
kind of text. GENRE
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Compare Texts
Read how Luke finds a perfect present for his mother.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
On the way home, we went to the grocery
store. I found a better present for Mom. I
could afford strawberries! Strawberries were my
mother’s favorite fruit.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Mom sat up. “Strawberries are my favorite!
And what a beautiful card!” said Mom.
Make Connections
In The Perfect Present, how did Luke decide what
to buy for his mother? ESSENTIAL QUESTION
What helps the citizens in The Naming of Athens
Illustration: Sole Otero
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Plays A play is a story that is written to be
performed, rather than read. The people that
perform in a play are called actors. Sets show the
audience where the action is taking place. Props,
such as the olive tree in The Naming of Athens, also
help make the story come alive.
Your Turn
Imagine if Apollo, the god of the sun, also
entered the competition in the play. What gift
might he have offered? Write another scene for
The Naming of Athens. Remember to use text
features to show which character is speaking,
and what the character is saying and doing.
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
Literature Circles
What is The Naming of Athens
mostly about?
What is The Perfect Present
mostly about?
Author’s Purpose
Why do you think the author wrote
The Perfect Present?
Who are the main characters in
The Naming of Athens?
Who are the supporting characters?
Where is The Naming of Athens set?
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF
ISBN-13 978-0-02-118606-8
MHID 0-02-118606-5
9 780021 186068
Program: CR 14 Component: LR G3 U6 W1 E
Vendor: Learning Media Level: 34 PDF