Episode 1 - Learning Environment912

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Name: Joy Mae B.

Reales Date: September 11, 2023

Course & Year: BSED-Science 4 Subject: Field Study 1

Learning Episode 1:

Page 2
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus

Resource teacher: Mrs. Rosalie S. Bitangcor School: NDMU- IBED

Grade Level: Grade 10 - SMC Subject Area: Science Date: 09/06/23


1. Office of the principal

- Description: It is where the office of the highest school administrator. It where the
students and parents meet with the principal to discuss about academic matters or
other issues.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, because this office provides a safe, supportive, and conducive environment since
one of the duty of the principal is to create a positive school condition that is inclusive
to learning.

2. Library
- Description: A place provides services to students, where you can found collection
of books, researches, and magazines, it also provides information from other
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, the library support the students’ academic journey by providing information
from newspapers, books, and manuscripts. It provides students a space for studying to
focus on their tasks. And it is a place promotes literacy.

3. Counseling room
- Description: It is where student and counselor meets to discuss important matters
such as personal, mental or academic concerns. A place where the students are
respected, feel safe and comfortable.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, in terms of students’ having personal, social, academic issue, the counseling
room provides them a safe and comfortable space to discuss private matters. It focuses
on the wellness of the students for the improvement of the students’ academic and
mental well-being.

4. Canteen/Cafeteria
- Description: A place that provides services to students and teachers where they can
by foods and drinks. Also, where students can socialize and meet with their friends to
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
“Mind will not work with an empty stomach”. Yes, in a way that this place provides
healthy foods,to improve students’ physical, mental and energy levels that help
students to stay focus.
5. Medical Clinic
- Description: A place students receive medical care when there’s an emergency.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, it promote the physical well-being of the students by giving students a secure
health care.

6. Audio visual/learning resources

- Description: A place where we can find tools like projectors, laptops, and
whiteboards that can be used to facilitate learning.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, the tools used in this place pushes students to learn more in an interesting and
participatory way.

7. Science laboratory:
- Description: Where students perform hands-on experiences from science subject.
Where laboratory equipment/materials are found, students dressed like a scientist with
gloves, laboratory gown, head cap and mask.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, students will learn what they demonstrate, hands-on experiments help students
skills to improve and used it in the future career.

8. Gymnasium
- Description: Where students perform and engage in physical activity such as sports
and dancing.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, because students are encourage to care about their physical health in order for
the mind to work properly in class. It also supports the students’ development and
growth in a way of caring of good lifestyle.

9. Outdoor/garden:
- Description: Where students can relax, meet with their friends, study and appreciate
the beauty of environment.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, a school needs a conducive learning, if there’s a clean environment, students will
be able to perform in class. Also, students need to relax by looking on the green plants,
and inhaling clean air where supports mind to work properly.

10. Home economics

- Description: Where students performs different skills such as, cooking, sewing and
planting. Materials present in this place are pans, tables, etc.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, this place supports students development by developing their skills and by
preparing them for their responsibilities such as household chores in atheir adult life.

11. PTA office

- Description: A location where parents and teachers meet and discuss matters such
academic matters, learning/physical environment, and the well-being of the students.
Teachers and parents collaborate to monitor the students and their school.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, teachers and parents agree on one decision and that is for the wellness of their
students and children. They build projects or donates materials for the learning of the

12. CR for boys

- Description: It is a facility where boys can be comfortable, where they can wash
their hands, and use lavatory and use it for hygenic purposes.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, it provides student a comfortable place to be clean and neat at the same time that
aid their learning and growth.

13. A CR for girls

- Description: It is where the girls do their beauty care, because this is the proper
place to comb hair, get some powder and brush their teeth.
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
Yes, it gives students clean and hygienic environment that contribute to the physical
and mental health of a student.

14. Computer lab

Description: Students can utilize computers at a computer lab to learn about
- Will it contribute to the students’ learning and development? Why?
It can help students learn and grow by preparing them for the workforce of the
twenty-first century.
Page 5

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.

- The school has good environment, the community surrounds it is friendly and
respectful. However in terms of the environmental temperature, students felt the heat
of the sun, however it is handled in a good way because every classroom has four
ceiling fans and there are trees that sheds the classrooms.

2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of
the buildings?
- The school campus has its own field, there are trees, gardens and there are garbage
in every floor of the building, the prominent color present is white, green, and yellow.
The buildings are in good condition, safe, spacious and organized.

3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?

- I am impressed of the different bulletin board every offices where
announcements, .members of the organization and facts are posted. Also, every
offices are neat and clean, well-arranged and organized wherein visitors will feel
comfortable when entering the offices.

4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and find
out the other facilities that the school has.
- The school has science laboratory, specifically, physics lab, biology lab, and
chemistry lab. It has clinic, computer laboratory, home economics room, and sports
Page 6

Resource teacher: Mrs. Rosalie S. Bitangcor School: NDMU- IBED

Grade Level: Grade 10 - SMC Subject Area: Science Date: 09/06/23

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
There are no heroes posted on the wall, the religious figures present are the altar, and
the image of Saint Marcellin Champagnat, the lessons are not posted as well as the
visual aids because teachers use DLP and projector as a teaching material.

2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s
table located? How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
The students' armchairs are well-arranged specifically it has 8 columns and 6 rows.
The teacher's table are located in front, left side facing the class the table and
armchairs are organized, arranged in the same distance.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

The learning materials present are projector, teacher's PC, speaker, books,and black

4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?

There are 35 students, the classroom is wide, that it can fit 35 students. They are
comfortable because the classroom is spacious.

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

The classroom is well lit and well ventilated because there are 8 fluorescent lamps,
and 4 ceiling fan, the windows are open and it is made of glass, and it has 2 doors, 1
for way of entrance and 1 for exit way.
Page 7
Classroom Facilities Matrix

1. Wall Displays- At the back of the room, only one bulletin board can be seen inside
the room. The bulletin is placed at the center of the back of the wall. It is well
arranged and neat.

2. Teacher’s Table- The teacher' table is located beside the board Only one table is
present on the room. It is well-arranged and the computer is always clean. The table
is well maintained and clean.

3. Learner’s Desks - The learners' desk were divided into groups inside the room.
There are 35 chair inside the classroom. the arrangement of the desk is 19 chairs at the
left side facing the board and 16 chairs at the right.

4. Blackboard- The black board is located in front of the classroom. Only 1 board is
present inside the classroom. It is placed at the middle of the wall. There are some
sport on the board that were not fixed but overall the condition is good.

5. Learning Materials / Visual Aids- They use the DLP and it is placed in the
middle of the room. There is only one DLP available inside the room. hanging in the
middle of the room. The DLP is maintained and neat all the time.

6. Altar - The altar is located at the left side facing the class and there is only one
altar present inside the room. It is well maintained but there are a little bit of dust.
Page 8 - 9


Name of the School Observed: NDMU - Integrated Basic Education

Location of the School: Poblacion, Brgy. Zone III, City of Koronadal, So. Cot.
Date to Visit: September 05, 2023

NDMU-IBED is quite fascinating, because I encountered unique things and characters

that I wasn’t expecting, such as the discipline of every students. Moreover, the school
environment that NDMU-IBED has is conducive for learning, they have the
significant offices as well. Most especially, the teachers that provide quality service to
students are visible.


1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning
of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?
School campus and the classroom are the most essential part of the education. It
serves as a place for teaching and learning: where teachers deliver their lesson and
where students learn the the lesson.

2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent

development/How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
The learning transitions of a child and the learning environment matter, therefore,
good learning environment must be observed. It fosters learning to students so that
they will become effective and well-equipped with knowledge.


1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why?
Yes, because the school environment that I observed are in positive condition, the
place are pleasant, the important offices present, there are trees, grasses and gardens.
The comfort rooms and canteen are clean, finally, classrooms are conducive for
teaching and learning because it has learning materials such as DLP, and PC.

2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning?

The kind of school that is conducive to learn is:
Offices are present and open when needed such as clinic, students guidance, peace
office, etc. There are places for socialization and relaxation such as tables at the
canteen, lobby and chairs under the small trees. A school that has exact number of
classroom for the number of students. Also, a school that is spacious for example the
gymnasium, it is wide that is good to accommodate the large number of students,
finally, the school campus that practices CLAYGO because this promotes cleanliness
to school campus.

3. What king of classroom is conducive to learning?

A kind of classroom that is conducive to learning are:
Well lit and well ventilated, because students can learn effectively if they are
comfortable. Classroom has learning materials such as DLP, projector, PC and books,
also classroom must be clean, the armchairs are in good condition and the teachers are
visible to the students but not destructive. There are no over decorations on the wall,
and there must be 2 to 3 colors of paint or decoration. Finally, 2 doors must be present
for exit and and entrance of the students.

4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?

To accomplish my answer in number 3, I will arrange my classroom especially the
chairs of the students and the teacher's table. I will put the announcements on the
bulletin board and update time to time, put 4 ceiling fans or 4 wall fans, the color of
the paint must jot destruct the students. Then, the teacher's table must be visible to
students and no any different decorations inside the classroom.

5. Write your additional learning and insights here.

I also learned that the stairs has an arrow for guiding the studnets where to step, so
that the students will be organized when going up or going down the building. I am
also impressed with the tags beside the door l, the written tags are clinic and comfort
room (CR), it is used during class when students want to go to CR or clinic, they have
to wear this for them to identify where to go and not to be identified cutting the class.
Page 9-11

Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays

Resource teacher: Mrs. Rosalie S. Bitangcor School: NDMU- IBED

Grade Level: Grade 10 - SMC Subject Area: Science Date: 09/06/23

1. There are 9 bulletin board displayed inside the campus. And every classroom has
its own bulletin board and some does not.

2. The board are displayed when the student can see it, for example at the gym,
student can pass through it and some boards are displayed before you enter the room.

3. Most of the board displays the liquidation, announcement, deadline and other thing
that need to be announced. Some boards have images and color but most of the boards
only post announcement in a letter form. They post the announcement and image in a
correct way.

4. Most of the boards has wooden outline but the main boards has an aluminum
outlines. They used cartolins and colored papers to design the boards. They also used
bond paper to announce an important matter.

5. Based on my observation, there are some boards that I don’t see any errors or
misspelled words but some of the boards don’t have covers and some are not

6. The messages are clear and easily understood because they use words that are
common to the students.

7. The part that got my attention is the color combination of the board. The boards on
the main lobby at the school because of the design and the color of the boards.

8. Picture attached.
From the Prefect’s Office - Proper Wearing of
Uniform Main Lobby of JSH- IBED Building

Words are understandable, it

is written in simple and clear

Chosen colors are in good

combination, and can catch
Objects are organized, and
the design is connected to
the theme.

The display uses colors and

borders that are common
and not exaggerated.

Very good style and

approach because it causes
students to engage and to

It has small size font-not

readable when far.

The content are free from

errors. No misspelled words,
and the grammar is correct.

Materials used are durable,

it was securely attached.
Page 13

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Joy Mae Reales

Location: Main lobby (IBED)
Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: It is located at the main lobby of the
school and it has layout and covered with glass


Description of the bulletin board layout:

It is well created and it has a boarder where it separates from other information.
Everything you need to know about the school in terms of activity it is pasted at the

The main strength of the board is that it is covered with glass and no one can touch it
unless granted by the admins. Student cannot paste any decoration, announcements
and other that needs to know the student.
The combination of the color does not compliment from each other. It cannot get the
attention of the student because of the colors.

Evaluation of educational content:

The content of the board is commendable because it give you the information you
needed in term of the schools activity, announcements, and rules.

The strength of the boars is everything that is pasted is based from the information of
the school and it gives the student the map of the school, mission vision of the school
and other information needed by the student.

There are texts that are to small for the student to read. The glass sometime reflect and
the information sometimes are blurry. Student with eye problem will have to move
around just to see whats the announcement.

Recommendations or suggestion for improvement:

Suggestion in terms of design, they need to put the color where it compliments each
color and they need to put information large enough for student to read clearly. They
must emphasize the boarder of each offices to avoid misunderstanding.

Signature of evaluator over Printed name:


Page 14

My Board Display Lay-out

Page 15


1. What do you think was the purpose of the board display?

- The purpose of the board display is to inform students about an update or an
announcement, offices posts their reports, post the pictures about their activities l and
schedules of events. Also, it is use a visual aid, the simple decoration makes students
interested to read the message that needs to convey. Additionally, it contributes to the
learning environment of the student, for example, some trivia are posted, title of the
books that are interesting to read.

2. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?
Why? Why not?
- Yes, the board display attracts the students, for example, the bulletin is about peace
organization, so the design is also about peace, where students can reflect peace.
Additionally, for example, the target audience is junior high school, their interest is
more on sport so the design must align to the interest, however, it is difficult to know
the interest of the students, that's why the designers must use techniques such as
changing the design every month or the design must depend on the theme of the

3. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand?
Why? Why not?
- Yes, the language used are clear and simple because in order for the message to be
easily understood, also to avoid students to confuse, this could lead to
misinterpretation. Additionally, it must be clear and simple so that many students will
engage. Teachers can use short paragraphs, familiar words and use active voice.
Avoid using jargons and many technical terms.

4. Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?

- The board displays are effective because, the words written are easy to understand,
the information present are engaging and interesting and relevant, are updated
regularly, well-organized and you can witness the students participate to the said
event that was announced on the board display.

5. What suggestions can you make?

- I suggest to have a feedback box beside the board display so that the teacher or the
person in charge to that board will be aware of the comments of the viewer or students.
Page 16.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: A Place of Discovery: Science Laboratory

Board title: Enter the World of Science

Rationale: The science laboratory is a place for discovery where anyone can explore
the world of science. The scientific concepts and principles can be learn in this place
through conducting experiment for hypothesis testing. This board display will help to
promote science laboratory as a place for learning experience.

1. To inform student that science laboratory is not for experience for learning but it is
a place where science skills are learned.
2. To make students experts in using scientific method.
3. And to encourage students to be one of the scientist of the world.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

1. The board display uses simple and easy term that are understandable for the target
2. There are science quiz and science trivia posted everyday.
3. The design of the board depends on what zodic sign.

Content resources:
1. Quotes from famous scientists.
2. Published articles related to science.
3. Books that are used by teachers.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

1. Paste
2. Double-sided tape
3. Ribbon
4. Glitter
5. Pictures of scientific instruments
6. Recycled maerials
7. Models of scientific experiments.
Page 17


1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with
effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
- Here are the five skill needed to come up with effective board display.
Crafting skills - you need to know how to craft a board for you to make a great
bulletin boards and eye catching boarder lines.
Knowledgeable - it is necessary to have knowledge in building r creating a board
display because everyone will read the information pasted on the boards
Responsible - everything you plan won’t work if you are not responsible on you work.
Everything must start on us/you.
Creative - to have a effective board it needs to be creative where board will get the
attention of the student and read the information.
Resourceful - as a 21st learner/teacher we must be resourceful at all times because not
all the time we have the fund to make the boards.

2. Which of the skills you need in # 1 do you already have? Recall your past
experiences in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
- The kills i have now is the resourcefulness, since i grew up in a school were it does
not need big money, I learned how to be resourceful in term of the materials of the
outputs. Way back in my junior high school, I build an project out of the wooden
scrap. Everything around you can be a material and you just need to be creative
enough in how you will formulate or create it as a project.

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on
how you can improve on or acquire these skills.
- The skill I need to improve is being knowledgeable in a specific area. We all learn
everyday and everything is a lesson for us. I need to dig more information for me to
gain those insights I needed in the future. As future educator we must filled with
knowledge for us to be an effective teacher.

Page 18-19: LINK theory to practice.

1. C.
2. D.
3. C.
4. A.
5. B.
6. C.
Page 20: Photo Essay

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

A school is a place to learn where teachers are the medium and the environment is
the foundation. Parents send their children to school because they trust the teachers and
school heads, most importantly, parents consider the environment of the school. Parents
want their children to be knowledgeable, safe and healthy. How do we authenticate that
the school is safe and conducive for learning? Every member of the community must
consider the environmental condition of the school.

An effective school environment starts outside the school campus; the community
surrounds it. Entering the school, it must have facilities and offices that monitors students’
safeness, health,well-being and relationship. The use of display boards or bulletin boards
is to convey information, this is important material that can be seen around the school
campus. The cleanliness of the school need to be consider, from canteen, comfort room,
lobby, to classrooms, and these promotes peace to the learning environment of the
student. Classrooms must well-organized, well-lit, well-ventilated and in good condition.

Yes, we know that there are a lot of words to describe an effective school
environment. Every school aim to reach this goal; the goal to be an effective organization.
Today, teachers must consider the condition of the campus by monitoring every
classrooms and other facilities. The physical environment attracts students to perform
well in class, the discipline must embody by every students, finally, the support from
parents, teachers and school heads is the most important, because schools are none
without parents.

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