2006 Wireless Relay Communications Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
2006 Wireless Relay Communications Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
2006 Wireless Relay Communications Using An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
di,u= _A.Xi2 y ,2 h ,2 (4) where p is defined as p = 2 (oN is the noise power, and
We use the well known Kronecker approach [7], [8] to 11 lFdenotes the Frobenius norm. Plugging (3) into (7), we
model the correlation matrix RH of the MIMO wireless obtain
channels, i.e., RH = RTX 0$ RRx, where RTX are RRx Hnorm 2 (8)
are respectively the normalized transmit and receive channel
correlation matrices. If APl and AP2 are located in multipath A similar analysis can be used to find the SNR of the downlink
scattering environments, we would see low spatial correlation channel from the UAV, if we replace d1jU with d2,u and M
at APL and AP2. At the UAV side, however, high spatial with N.
correlation is expected since there are few if any scatterers In [13], using the inverse Laplace transform, the probability
near the UAV. The normalized channel matrix is expressed as density function (PDF) of lHrnorm ll2 is derived as
Hr = (RRx )'2G[(RTx) /2]T (5) p mj ki
where the stochastic V by MI matrix G contains independent
and identically distributed (IID) C.A(0, 1) elements, (.)T de-
f (x) =
j= 1k=
(k )
c u(x), (9)
notes transpose, ( ) 1/2 is defined such that R1 /2 (Rl /2)H where o-j (j = 1 2, P) are the distinct non-zero eigen-
R, and (H) is the lHermitian transpose. values of RH, and mj denotes the respective multiplicities
C. Adaptive modulation of o-j. By solving a system of linear equations, Ajk can be
We assume that the system employs adaptive modulation determined [13]. By defining
based on the current channel SNR, denoted by y. For a given
desired SER, the required SNR thresholds are predetermined g(Ti, a, X) = ! axdx
using the SER expression given in [9], [10]: I ,ax n
0 i .
(1 0)
Pe N_ Q( ) (6)
the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of urH,, F can
wxhere P, is the cymbol error probability, N is the number be expressed as in (ll\)
of nearest neighbor constellation points, and dmi0r is the min-
imum separation distance between points on the underlying A Ergodic normalized transmission rate
constellation. Due to the random nature of the channel matrices, the
Assume that Yk and k+l are the predetermined SNR instantaneous transmission rate is different for different chan-
thresholds for the kth and (k + 11th modulation schemes nel realizations. Therefore, we define the ergodic normalized
respectively. If k+l > -Yk, the kth modulation scheme transmission rate (ENTR) and. use it as the criteria to quantify
will be used to transmit the message. If y < 71, no transmit the performance of the link. ENTR is defined in equations (12)
scheme will be chosen, which indicates there will be no and (13),
transmission between the transmitter and. the receiver. RiP 0 (t) = 3 (loE1 2 (t) (12)
X L mj
F(x) = f (t)dt :
E -'
[g(k 0-i
g(k 1
0)I (11)
j=l k=
where is a scalar that takes into account the rate loss when Using this alternative form and interchanging the order of the
OSTBC is used. Note that for 2 x 2 Alamouti coding, = 1. integrations, the SER can be rewritten as in (19). Recalling
In (113), Ki is the number of the constellation points for the ith the definition in (10), it is straightforward to derive the SER
modulation scheme, and L is the total number of modulation expression given in (20).
schemes used in the system. Defining Ci (t) = ]L d 2 (t), it 2) SER upper bound: In order to relieve the computational
is straightforward to show that the expression for the ETNR burden when evaluating (20), an upper bound, for the SER is
of the API-UAV link can be written as in (14). A similar derived by resorting to the results of [15]. In Chiani's work,
expression can be obtained for the UAV-AP2 link. an improved exponential bound for Q function is given as:
Since the communication between APL and AP2 is through
the UAV relay, and, also due to the two-hop half-duplex charac- bix2
teristics of the communication system, the overall transmission Q(x) < E aiexp(
) (21)
rate is
R(t) = mint{R1, (t), R2,u,, (t) I (15) where
2(0i i- )
ai (22)
In order to improve the system performance, i.e. to increase 7r
the overall network transmission rate R(t), we position the and
UAV according to the following optimization problem: 1
bi (23)
arg max R(t) s.t. sin o
xtZ (t), Y".; (t), h.jL (t)
Note that this bound is much better than the popular Chernoff
P1 U) < PT
bound. After some manipulation, the upper bound of the SER
Pe 2, u) <- PeT (16) is found to be given by (24).
where P6(i, u) i = 1, 2 is the SER between the ith AP and
the UAV, and PIT is the quality of service (QoS) criterion. IV. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS
However due to the specific method we have used to select the
thresholds for adaptive modulation, the inequality constraints In this section, numerical simulations are conducted on both
in (16) can be removed. the link level (i.e. AP - UAV) and system level (i.e. APl -
UAV - AP2). In the simulations, we assume both APs and
B. SE analysis the UAV are equipped with 2 antennas, and that Alamouti
This section is dedicated to the derivation of the SER
coding is used. The transmit power at hoth API and the
analysis at the link level Once the error analysis for each UAV is 1 W, and the noise power density at both AP2
link has heen performed, the SER of the whole system can he
and the UAV is 10 -16WHz The carrier frequency of the
(sitd2n d))(l9)
P =l j= 1i
1 ( Pdi (i&)
4sin2o ji Ci+ (t ) I
I), Ci(t))]d9
j=l k=l 1 2
1 ~4min (N) + a-i -), Ci+1(t)) -g(k -1-( b,pd 4in(N) a-i)
ci M)l
prnj Q
N,(N). anAjgk- 1, b-(b0pd2
( '(N) I-),N(t)0 (24)
2 »=I = n=l
Q(k a-i
along with the theoretical system data rate. From Fig. 3, we the same. This is because the UAV is positioned right above
conclude that the theoretical results match the simulated results API for all these a, and the system data rate is limited by the
well. Furtheirmore, the data rates for both links are close to link between the API and the UAV.
each other, which indicates the proposed optimization method
reaches the desired balance between them B. SER simulation results
We also studied the influence of the path loss exponent av In this section, we simulate a scenario in which the AP
on the system performance. In this simulation, the path loss and UAV are 1.6 km away, and each of them is equipped
exponent is fixed at 1.5 between API and UAV. From UAV with 2 antennas. The path-loss exponent is 1.5, and we run
to AP2, a is varied between L and 2. During the simulation, 100 channel realizations to simulate the SER. The transmit
~62 Il
Simulated Network Rate
-6 - - -Theoretical Network Rate
1. 0.1 Theoretical
.t~ Chernoff
- - N= 10
.5 --
0.0O - - N= 19
52 N = 28
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 50(
Time (s)
z 3.
--- Simulated Link
- -Simulated Link 2 Rate
'n 0.04
-t. 32 -- -: --- -:- -- ---
P4 0.02
-t. 1.
m -
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (s) 1 2 3 5 6
Fig. 3. System and link data rates Fig. 5. Link level SER
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