Aha Questions

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1_ why Heartsaver Total course is different from other courses?

Answer: it is done for licensing

2- Where you can find the information regarding putting your logo in the training material

Answer PAM

3- What is an example of the minimum number of courses you can teach within a 2-year period to
maintain an AHA Instructor status?

Answer: Teach 2 BLS Provider Courses, 1 HeartCode BLS Course, and 1 Heartsaver Course.

4. What is d importance of lesson plan?

Answer. To ensure the course is conducted as per the design

5. As an AHA instructor when do u complete a course roster?

Answer. Before starting the training at the arrival of students to the course.

6. What are the AHA core competencies for instructor candidates?

Answer. Skills, course delivery, testing, professionalism & program administration.

7. you r going to teach AHA provider course and need to check that all equipment is in good condition
and is working. In what step of the AHA instruction cycle would u complete this action?

Answer. Prepare

8. Why is it important to use the skills testing checklist during skills testing?

Answer. To have an objective method for evaluating skills performance.

9. When you evaluate a student performing infant CPR, what rate of compressions should you look for?

Answer: 100 to 120/min

10. When you evaluate a student performing child CPR, what depth of compressions should you look

Answer: At least one third the depth of the chest, approximately 2 inches (5 cm)

11. When you evaluate a student performing 2-rescuer adult CPR, what ratio of compressions to
ventilations should you look for?

Answer: 30:2

12. You are teaching a BLS Provider Course with one other instructor and have 8 students in your class.
What is the minimum number of manikins that you must have to teach the course?

Answer: 3 manikins

13. What is the AHA Instructor Network?

Answer: A resource for all instructors that includes information about AHA Emergency Cardiovascular
Care programs and science.

14. You are teaching the AHA Course in the blended-learning format. Students have taken the online
course and are now coming into the classroom for the hands-on session. After collecting the students’
online certificates, what should you do?

Answer: Follow the directions on the blended-learning Lesson Plans for student skills practice and

15. A student fails to get the correct depth and rate of compressions on the infant skills test. You show
him the skills testing checklist and which steps he didn’t pass, and then you coach him through practice.
On a second attempt, the rate is better, but the depth and recoil are wrong. What should you do?

Answer: Don’t issue the course completion card; inform the student that he didn’t pass the skills test
and will need additional practice and remediation

16. You are teaching a Heartsaver course at a manufacturing warehouse that uses highly corrosive
chemicals. Before class, the manager shows you the in-house policies about managing electricity,
electrical burns, and chemical burns and asks you to use the in-house materials to teach during the
burns section of the course. How can you incorporate the materials into the course?

Answer: Present the in-house information at the end of the course, specifying that the material is not
from the AHA
17. If students in your class are struggling with team roles in the high-performance teams activity, what
should you say to help the students improve their skills?

Answer: There seems to be confusion about the first few steps. Would you like to review the team
dynamics diagram in your provider manual and try again?”

18. You see a student giving shallow compressions to an infant manikin during BLS skills practice. What
should you do?

Answer: Explain the correct depth of compressions and provide positive and corrective feedback

19. What is the AHA Instructor Network?

Answer: A resource for all instructors that includes information about AHA Emergency Cardiovascular
Care programs and science.

20. What is a prerequisite to becoming an AHA Instructor?

Answer: Be aligned with a Training Center

21. As an instructor, you would use the Program Administration Manual for which of the following?

Answer: Policy, ethics, and Training Center organization

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