Agri Fishery

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AGRI-FISHERY Uses of Ornamental Plant

Agriculture - Gardens may be composed entirely of ornamental

plants or combined with herbs, fruiting plants and
- is the art and science of cultivating the soil, vegetables
growing crops and raising livestock. - Ornamental plants in hanging baskets brighten a
- It includes the preparation of plant and animal porch and soften the facade of a building.
products for people to use and eat. - Ornamental plants that are grown in the water
- is the process of producing food, feed, fiber and (Aquarium plants)has many uses
many other desired products by the cultivation of ➔ They give natural look to aquarium
certain plants and the raising of domesticated They provide food for fishes
animals (livestock) and fish. ➔ Beautify a Landscape
- can mean either the enterprise of raising or Plant Propagation
harvesting fish and other aquatic life; or more
commonly, the site where such enterprise takes - can be defined as controlled reproduction of a
place. plant by a man in order to perpetuate a selected
individuals, or group of individuals which is having
Commercial fisheries specific values to him.
- include wild fisheries and fish farms, both in Two Method of Propagation
freshwater bodies and the oceans
1. Sexual Propagation
Ornamental plants Sexual Propagation
- are those plants grown for decorative purpose. - Multiplication of plants by using seed is called as
They enhance the beauty of the surroundings of sexual propagation.
the home.
- They are used as decorative materials in Advantages of Sexual Propagation
constructing a lawn, plaza and various kinds of
gardens. 1. The plant raised by seed is planted lived.
2. They are hardy with deep root system. So they are
2 Classification of Ornamental Plants vigorous in growth.
3. The possibility is there to obtain change in
1. FLOWERING seedling, the performance of which are better
2. NON-FLOWERING than their parents. E.g. mango variety.
4. The polyembryony. The phenomenon of
Importance of Ornamental Plants
propagation of more than one seedling from a
- Give aesthetic in the house single seed, produce true to type, nuclear
- Humidifier embryonic seedling which could be used as
- Produce green that is Pleasant in the eye rootstock for uniform performance. E.g. Mango,
- Provide fragrance varieties. It is also common in citrus and jamun.
5. Seed propagation is necessary when vegetative
Factors to Consider in Growing Ornamental Plants propagation is unsuccessful or expenses e.g.
papaya, coconut and Areca nut.
 Total green garden area available » The focal area
6. Roots stocks are usually raised by seed e.g.
 The site conditions-favorable and unfavourable
7. When seedling is required in large number, seed
 The type of soil
propagation is the only easy mean e.g. Dry land
 List of suitable plants for consideration
fruit, and Forest spp.
 Requirements of plants for healthy growth
 Selection of the Garden Site Disadvantages of Sexual Propagation
 Types of Soil
 Selection of the Ornamental Plants » Preparation 1. When progenies are not true type and so they
of Land become inferior because in the commercial
 Air and Sunlight orchard, it is necessary to have uniform quality,
 Indoor Plant Care growth and yielding capacities.
 Temperature 2. Choice tree or any hybrid trees cannot be
perpetuated true to type by seed. (except in
 Light
Apomixes )
 Humidity
3. Seedling has a long juvenile period. In crops like
 Fertilizers
citrus, coca, and rubber. The seeds must be sown
 Watering
afresh. i.e. immediately after extraction. Many
varieties are seedless.
4. Seeds loose its viability in short period Plant Propagation by Cottage

Seed Germination and Seed Propagation Cottage

Seed propagation is necessary in the following cases: - is a method of asexual propagation in which a
portion of any Vegetative part such as stem, leaf
i. Where vegetative propagation is unsuccessful or or root is cut from the parent plant and is placed
difficult or expensive. under favorable environmental condition to form
ii. It is necessary for raising rootstock for grafting roots and shoots, thus producing a new
and budding. independent plant.
iii. In all such cases rootstock plants have to be - Stem Cutting:
raised through seeds mostly  This is the most important type of cutting and
Asexual Propagation can be divide into three types based on the
nature of the wood used in marketing the
- Asexual propagation or vegetative propagation cutting.
refers to the multiplication or perpetuation of any i) Hard wood cutting
plant from any vegetative parts as plant other ii) Semi- hard wood cutting
then the seed. iii) Soft- wood cutting.
 In propagated by stem cuttings, segment of
Advantages of Asexual Propagation shoots contain lateral or terminal buds
1. The progenies are true to type like mother plant. handled under proper condition to develop
2. Vegetative propagation is the only alternate where adventitious roots and form independent
no seed is formed or germination of seed is very plants.
slow or no viable seed is formed. (e.g. Banana, Pine Plant Propagation by Layering
apple and roses, seedless grape ).
3. Certain rootstock has the capacity of resisting or Layering
tolerating the adverse environment factors such as
frost and adverse soil factors like salinity or - is the development of roots on a stem while it is
alkalinity. E.g. frost resistance, foncirus trifoliate still attached to the parent plant. The rooted stem
(Trifoliate orange ). Rangpur lime. is stem is then detached to become a new plant
4. The ability of certain rootstock to resistant pest and growing on its own roots. Thus rooted stem is
diseases can be advantageously expected. An apple known as layer.
when grafted on rootstock like Merton 778,793 is
Root Formation During Layering is Stimulated by Various
resistant for wholly aphid.
Stem Treatments
5. Vegetative propagated plants are generally dwarfed
in nature than the seedlings. Dwarf trees facilitate 1. Bending of shoots to a sharp V shape.
pruning spraying and harvesting easy seedling. Dwarf 2. Giving a cut or incision of the lower surface of
trees facilitate pruning, spraying and harvesting easy the shoot
and more number of plants can be accommodated in
a unit area. Plant Propagation by Grafting
6. To replant an undesirable existing tree either with
Grafting and budding
reference to its quality or susceptibility to pests and
diseases. The defect can be overcome easily by - is art joining two different plant parts together, in
vegetative propagation through grafting or budding such a manner that they unites and continues
of desirable scion to the existence tree by top their growth as simple plant. In case of building
working technique. single bud is inserted in to the stock, where as in
7. Many plants are propagated by vegetative means grafting a bud stick consisting two or more buds is
because of the speedy easy of multiplication. inserted in to the stock.
8. Novelty can be developed by grafting or budding on
single plant many varieties. E.g. Roses. Plant Propagation by Grafting
9. To convert inferior varieties in superior, side grafting
in mango

Disadvantages of Asexual Propagation

1. Plant is not vigorous and long lived.

2. No new varieties are evolved or developed.
Plant Propagation by Budding
3. These methods are expensive and laborious and
time consuming. Budding

- is the vegetative method of plant propagation and

can be defined as “ an art of insertion of a single
mature bud in to the stem of the rootstock in such
way that the union takes place and the Goat Raising
combination continues to grow.
 “Poor Man’s Cow
HOW TO TAKE CARE OF PLANTS  Remember: Newborn should receive colostrum's
during their 1 st to 3 rd day
- Knowing how to take care of a plant will mean
that the plant stays healthy and continues to
grow. Without proper care, the plant will die or its
growth will be stunted. But all plants are not the Cattle Raising
same. Some plants grow in low light and some
grow in sunlight only

1. Add water to the plant soil. Each plant has a different

water need. Some plants need a damp soil all the
time, while some need to have the soil dry between
watering. You can use a water monitoring meter that Fish Raising
you stick in the soil to check the wetness of the soil for
 Fish is a business for it is a source of income, food
accurate results
and livelihood if it can be cultured for commercial
2. Place the plant in the proper light. Each plant species
purposes and marketed properly
has a different light need. Select the best location for
plants that need direct sunlight, indirect sunlight or no Branches of Fishery
sunlight at all and just light in the home.
3. Add fertilizer to the soil. Some plants require a  Fish Culture (Ponds or Pens) - Source of Income
fertilizer that is specific to the type of species. For Personal Consumption Good source of livelihood
instance, the African Violet needs African Violet food  Fish Cultivation Growing business Fresh water
and the Bonsais needs Bonsais food, while others can (rivers, lakes, dams)
use the all plant food variety. Fertilize as per the
4. Keep the temperature ideal for the plant. Every plant
has a different temperature need. This means you may
need to keep your home or sunroom at the ideal
temperature for all plants. Try to have plants that fit
into the same temperature need.
5. Choose a pot that is best for the plant. Some plants
need to have their roots bound before they will Methods of Fish Cultivation
blossom or produce offspring. Some plants will need a
larger pot so the roots have plenty of room and do not  Fish Pen Method - Inland water in lakes or lagoon
become bound. Each plant has a different specification  Fish Pond Method -fresh, brackish or marine
for its roots water. Natural food is grown.
6. Check the humidity need of each plant. Some plants  Open Water Method -this method done in bays,
will need to have a water-holding tray on the bottom coastal lagoons. It cultivates oysters. Mussels,
so its roots can have the humidity that is needed. The seaweeds and others.
Orchid is a plant that needs this type of humidity.
• High protein food, the most important
 We can care our pet by cleaning its home
livestock in the Philippines.
• It give farmers additional source of income.  We should give bath to our animals
 We should take our pet to the Veterinarian
Hog Raising regularly
 We can give food and water in their home
- Raised by pork and meat is highly demand in the
 We should avoid hitting and hunting animals
Remember: Hog House should be constructed in
ideal sites to guarantee good hog performance.


 Sell fattening hogs as soon as they reach 60 to

80 kilos
 Sell animals based on weight and never on
per heads

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