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11° TOPIC 1 Personality Traits

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Personality traits and professional background of famous People

Objectives. SWABAT
• Reviews ideas and opinions related to personality traits and
professional background of famous people.
• uses the past tense of be in sentences
• improves reading and comprehension

Can you name some jobs and occupations?

Write 10 jobs and occupations you know in English.

1.__________________________________________ 2.

☺ Write about your dream job:

TOPIC Read carefully and practice
Let’s see some examples of jobs and occupations


Waiter Photographer
Dentist Pilot
Nurse Catholic nun
Electrician Mechanic
Doctor Painter
Businessman Lifeguard
Doorman Flight attendant
Secretary Engineer
Politician Architect
Repairman Fireman
Reporter Journalist
Scientist salesman
Construction worker Housekeeper
Professor/Teacher Farmer
Police officer Housewife

Jobs are activities that are performed in exchange of a monetary value. A

profession is a vocation that is based on specialized educational training.

Match the following famous people with their occupations.

1. Mother Teresa was … _________ a doctor.
2. Abraham Lincoln was … _________ a scientist.
3. Albert Einstein was … _________ a painter.
4. Alexander Flemming was … ________ a catholic nun.
5. Vincent Van Gogh was … __________ a politician.
Rewrite the sentences using the information above.
For example
1. Mother Teresa was a catholic nun.
2. ________________________________
3. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
VOCABULARY Look up the definition of the personality trait.

Reliable Outgoing

Honest Hardworking

Easygoing Outstanding

Creative Patient

Generous Smart

What personality traits do you think these people should have.

1. A teacher _______________________________________

2. A nun __________________________________________

3. A scientist _______________________________________

4. A painter ________________________________________

5. A Politician _______________________________________

How about you? What are your personality traits?

I am ____________________________________


PRE-READING ACTIVITY: Answer the questions:
1. Who was Albert Einsten? 2. What did he do?

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in

Germany. He is known throughout the world as one of the greatest
scientists. He was a genius. When he was born his head was bigger
than the rest of his body. His mother was very frightened. As he grew
up, it became less visible. Another strange thing, about Einstein, was
that he only started to speak when he was three years old. He was
very quiet tuntil he was nine years old. Einstein was ia very strange child compared to most
other children.

At age twelve Einstein learned complex mathematics on his own. He was very bored with the
simple work at school. He always wanted to learn more and more. So, besides learning at
school, he loved studying on his own. He read a lot of books that were not in the school course.
A lot of people began to think Einstein was very stupid because he did not do so well in his
school subjects. What they did not know was that he was too intelligent for the school work they
gave him.

He loved studying physics and maths the best and loved to play the violin in his free time. He
became world famous when he came up with the scientific formula E=mc2.

Some of Einstein's ideas were used by other scientists to make bombs. However, Einstein
himself was a peaceful man. He talked very much about how the world is better without bombs
and war. He will be known forever as one of the greatest minds of the world.

Einstein died on April 18th 1955,

ACTIVITY 1 Reading Comprehension

After reading several times, answer the following questions.

1. When was Albert Einstein born?

____________________________________________________________ 2.
How is he known throughout the world?
_______________________________________________________ 3.
Mention two strange things about this scientist.
___________________________________________________________ 4.
When did he learn complex Mathematics on his own?

5. Why did a lot of people think he was stupid?


6. What subjects did he love studying?


7. What musical instrument did he use to play?

_________________________________________________________ 8.
How did he become famous?
How will he be known forever?


10. When did he die?


Personal Pronouns Before nouns Before adjectives

+ Be (was) (were)
I was I was a child. I was smart.
You were You were a teenager. You were intelligent.
Picasso was a painter.
He was Marie Curie was a He was creative.
She was scientist. She was hardworking.
It was a telescope. It was big.
It was
We were classmates.
We were You were doctors. We were reliable.
You were They were pilots. You were patient.
They were They were honest.

Before the verb BORN: I was born in David. You were born in…
He was born in… She was born in… They were born in…

Activity 3 Complete the sentences with was or were

1. Franklin Delano Roosevelt ___________ (be) the 32nd President of the
United States from 1933 until his death in 1945. 2. Albert Einstein
_____________ (be) a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the
general theory of relativity. 3. The Beatles_____________ (be) an English
rock band. They __________ (be), and still are, one of the most successful
and influential bands in the history of modern music. 4. Mother
Teresa ________________ (be) a Roman Catholic . For over forty years, she
took care of needs of those without money, those who were sick, those
without parents, and those dying in Calcutta (Kolkata). 5. Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi _______________ (be) one of the most important
people involved in the movement for the independence of India.


We can use used to talk about past We can use would to talk about
states that are not true anymore and repeated past actions that don't
to talk about past habits (repeated happen anymore.
past actions) that don't happen
-We used to live in Las Tablas -Every Saturday, I would go to the
when I was a kid. zoo.
-There didn't use to be a -My mom would read me amazing
McDonalds there. When did it stories every night at bedtime.
open? -We would go to the river every
-Did you use to have a pet? summer.
- I used to buy toys every month
when I was a child.
She used to swim in the pool.

Activity 4 used to or would


1. I _______________________ play hide and seek with my neighbors.

2. My sister ____________________ sleep until noon when she was a child.

3. My mom _______________________ wear eyeglasses. Now, she wears

contact lenses.

4. We _______________________ go to Boquete every year.

5. My dad ________________________ take me to the playground.

Activity 5 Project

Choose one famous person and write about him or her.





Glossary Personal Traits

1. humble: modest, not arrogant
2. brave: courageous
3. loyal: faithful
4. selfish: self-interested
5. generous: willing to give and share unstintingly
6. self-confident: showing poise and assurance in your own worth
7. respectful: exhibiting an attitude of admiration or esteem
8. considerate: showing concern for the rights and feelings of others
9. creative: having the ability or power to invent or make something
10.honest: marked by truth
11.adventurous: willing to undertake new and daring enterprises
12.hardworking: characterized by hard work and perseverance
13.responsible: competent
14.helpful: providing assistance or serving a useful function
15.ambitious: having a strong desire for success or achievement
16.curious: eager to investigate and learn or learn more
17.strict: rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard
18.talented: endowed with talent or talents
19.tolerant: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness
20. wise: having intelligence and discernment

Activity1: Reading comprehension After reading several times, answer the
following questions.
1. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879.
2. He is known as one of the greatest scientists.
3. When he was born his head was bigger than the rest of his body. / He
started to speak when he was 3 years old.
4. At age 12, he learned complex Mathematics.
5. A lot of people began to think Einstein was very stupid because he did not
do so well in his school subjects.
6. He loved studying Physics and Math.
7. He loved to play the violin.
8. He became famous when he came up with the scientific formula E=mc2
9. He will be known as one of the greatest mind of the world.
10.He died on April 15, 1955.
Activity 2: Find the opposites. Complete the chart. Simple/complex
born/die intelligent/stupid bigger/smaller strange/common
Activity 3: Was or Were Complete the sentences with was or were. 1. Was
2. Was 3. Were/were 4. Was 5. Was
Activity 4: Used to/would 1. Used to/would 2. Used to/would 3. Used
to/would 4. Used to/would

Academic Skill Report Card

Task to evaluate:___________________________ Date:

Content Answer correctly ______Pts

Spelling write each word correctly Miss spelled -half point less
Capital Letters uses where needed No Capital letter- half point less
Punctuation Uses where needed No P. mark . Half point less

Soft skill Report Card

Estimate Escale
Activity to evaluate:_________________ Date______________
Always Frequentl Sometime Almost
5 pts y4 pts s3 pts never (1)

Maintain attention to task

Respect Teacher and

Work independently

• Late : five point less

Soft skill Repord Card

• Maintain attention to task .(do not cause disturb or disorder)

• Is respecful with teacher and classmate

• Listen and carry out teachers direction

• Neatness (avoids deleting and crossing out)

• Enjoys and work hard

• Work independently

• Complete assigned tasks on time (punctuality)

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