11° TOPIC 1 Personality Traits
11° TOPIC 1 Personality Traits
11° TOPIC 1 Personality Traits
Objectives. SWABAT
• Reviews ideas and opinions related to personality traits and
professional background of famous people.
• uses the past tense of be in sentences
• improves reading and comprehension
Can you name some jobs and occupations?
TOPIC Read carefully and practice
Let’s see some examples of jobs and occupations
Reliable Outgoing
Honest Hardworking
Easygoing Outstanding
Creative Patient
Generous Smart
1. A teacher _______________________________________
2. A nun __________________________________________
3. A scientist _______________________________________
4. A painter ________________________________________
5. A Politician _______________________________________
I am ____________________________________
Albert Einstein
At age twelve Einstein learned complex mathematics on his own. He was very bored with the
simple work at school. He always wanted to learn more and more. So, besides learning at
school, he loved studying on his own. He read a lot of books that were not in the school course.
A lot of people began to think Einstein was very stupid because he did not do so well in his
school subjects. What they did not know was that he was too intelligent for the school work they
gave him.
He loved studying physics and maths the best and loved to play the violin in his free time. He
became world famous when he came up with the scientific formula E=mc2.
Some of Einstein's ideas were used by other scientists to make bombs. However, Einstein
himself was a peaceful man. He talked very much about how the world is better without bombs
and war. He will be known forever as one of the greatest minds of the world.
Before the verb BORN: I was born in David. You were born in…
He was born in… She was born in… They were born in…
Activity 5 Project
Choose one famous person and write about him or her.
Activity1: Reading comprehension After reading several times, answer the
following questions.
1. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879.
2. He is known as one of the greatest scientists.
3. When he was born his head was bigger than the rest of his body. / He
started to speak when he was 3 years old.
4. At age 12, he learned complex Mathematics.
5. A lot of people began to think Einstein was very stupid because he did not
do so well in his school subjects.
6. He loved studying Physics and Math.
7. He loved to play the violin.
8. He became famous when he came up with the scientific formula E=mc2
9. He will be known as one of the greatest mind of the world.
10.He died on April 15, 1955.
Activity 2: Find the opposites. Complete the chart. Simple/complex
born/die intelligent/stupid bigger/smaller strange/common
Activity 3: Was or Were Complete the sentences with was or were. 1. Was
2. Was 3. Were/were 4. Was 5. Was
Activity 4: Used to/would 1. Used to/would 2. Used to/would 3. Used
to/would 4. Used to/would
Work independently
• Work independently