Law On Public Officers
Law On Public Officers
Law On Public Officers
I. Concept and Application
i. Must be created either by law or by
Public Office authority of law;
a. the Constitution,
Used to refer to the right, authority and b. the Legislature, or
duty, created and conferred by law, by c. Municipality or other body through
which, for a given period either fixed by authority conferred by the
law or enduring at the pleasure of the Legislature;
creating power, an individual is invested
with some portion of the sovereign ii. Possess a delegation of a portion of the
functions of government, to be exercised sovereign powers of government, to be
by that individual for the benefit of the exercised for the benefit of the public;
public. [Fernandez v. Sto. Tomas (1995)] There are certain GOCCs which,
though created by law, are not
A public office is the right, authority delegated with a portion of the
and duty created and conferred by law, sovereign powers of the
by which for a given period, either fixed government (those that are purely
by law or enduring at the pleasure of the proprietary in nature), and thus
appointing power, an individual is may not be considered as a Public
invested with some portion of the Office.
sovereign functions of the government,
to be exercised by him for the benefit of iii. Powers conferred and duties imposed
the public. (Mechem) must be defined, directly or impliedly;
some of the sovereign functions of government. GENERAL RULE: A public office, being a mere
privilege given by the state, does not vest any
Public Office v. Public rights in the holder of the office. This rule applies
Employment when the law is clear.
Public employment is broader than EXCEPTION: When the law is vague, the person‟s
public office. All public office is public holding of the office is protected and he should not
employment, but not all public be deprived of his office.
employment is a public office.
Public employment as a position lacks Public Office is not Property
either one or more of the foregoing A public office is not the property of the public
elements of a public office. (Bernard v. officer within the meaning of the due process
Humble [182 S.W. 2d. 24. Cited by De clause of the non-impairment of the obligation of
Leon, page 8-9]) contract clause of the Constitution.
o created by contract rather than by force of Exceptions:
(1) In quo warranto proceedings relating to
the question as to which of 2 persons is
Public Office v. Public Contract entitled to a public office;
(2) In an action for recovery of
Public Public compensation accruing by virtue of the
Office Contract public office.
1. Election
May a person be compelled to a. Selection or designation by popular vote.
accept a public office?
2. Appointment
GENERAL RULE: NO. Designatio Appointmen
n t
EXCEPTIONS: Definition Imposition of Appointing
1) When citizens are required, under additional authority
conditions provided by law, duties upon selects an
2) to render personal military or civil existing office individual who
service (Sec. 4, Art. II, 1987 will occupy a
Const.); certain public
3) When a person who, having been office
elected by popular election to a public
office, refuses without legal motive to be
sworn in or to discharge the duties of Extent of Limited Comprehensiv
said office (Art. 234, RPC; Note: the Powers e
penalty shall be either arresto mayor, or
a fine not exceeding P 1,000.00, or Security of No Yes
both) tenure?
Is …a 2nd …a 2nd
prior/1st designated appointive
sit as substitute Justices of the Supreme Court in · 40 years old on day of election
treason cases without them necessarily having to · resident of the Philippines for at least
possess the required constitutional qualifications 10 yrs immediately preceding
of a regular Supreme Court Justice. (Vargas v. election day
A proviso which limits the choices of the b) Senator (Sec. 3, Art. VI, Constitution)
appointing authority to only one · Natural-born citizen
eligible, · 35 years old on day of election
e.g. the incumbent Mayor of Olongapo City · able to read and write
(Flores v. Drilon); · registered voter
A legislative enactment abolishing a · resident of the Philippines for not less
particular office and providing for than two years immediately
the automatic transfer of the preceding election day
incumbent officer to a new office
created (contemplated in Manalang c) Congressmen (Sec. 6, Art. VI, Constitution)
v. Quitoriano); · Natural-born citizen
A provision that impliedly prescribes · 25 years old on day of election
inclusion in a list submitted by the · able to read and write
Executive Council of the Phil. Medical · registered voter in district in which
Association as one of the qualifications he shall be elected
for appointment; and which confines · resident thereof for not less than
the selection of the members of the one year immediately preceding
Board of Medical Examiners to the 12 election day
persons included in the list (Cuyegkeng
v. Cruz) ; d) Supreme Court Justice
· Natural born citizen
· at least 40 years old
Time of Possession of Qualifications · 15 years or more a judge or engaged
in law practice
Q: When must the qualifications be possessed? · of proven CIPI (competence, integrity,
A: Where the time is specified probity and independence)
by the Constitution or law:
o At the time specified. e) Civil Service Commissioners (Sec. 1 [1], Art. IXB.
Where the Constitution or law is silent: · Natural-born citizen
There are 2 views: · 35 years old at time of appointment
(1) qualification must be at the time of · proven capacity for
commencement of term or public administration
induction into office; · not a candidate for any elective
(2) qualification / eligibility must exist at position in elections
the time of the election or immediately preceding
appointment appointment
* Eligibility is a continuing nature, and must f) COMELEC Comm. (Sec. 1[1], Art. IXC)
exist throughout the holding of the public · Natural-born citizen
office. Once the qualifications are lost, then the · 35 years old at time of appointment
public officer forfeits the office. · college degree holder
· not a candidate for elective position
Eligibility is Presumed in election immediately preceding
IN FAVOR of one who has been appointment
elected or appointed to public office. · chairman and majority should be
The right to public office should be members of the bar who have been
strictly construed against engaged in the practice of law for
ineligibility. at least 10 years (See Cayetano v.
(De Leon, 26) Monsod)
i.e., no person owing allegiance to another nation, year after such election. (Art. IX-B Sec. 6)
shall govern our people and country or a unit of 2. Elective officials during their tenure
territory thereof. [Frivaldo v. COMELEC (1996)] are ineligible for appointment or
designation in ANY capacity to ANY
Effect of removal of qualifications during public office or position (Art. IX-B Sec.
the term 7(1))
Q: What happens if the qualification is lost 3. Appointive officials shall not hold any
which the officer is holding office? other governmental position.
A: The officer must be terminated.
Unless otherwise allowed by law or his
position„s primary functions (Art. IX-B Sec
Effect of pardon upon the disqualification 7 (2))
to hold public office
GENERAL RULE: A pardon shall not work the
Note: There is no violation when another
restoration of the right to hold public office. (Art.
office is held by a public officer in an ex
36, Revised Penal Code)
officio capacity (where one can„t receive
compensation or other honoraria anyway),
as provided by law and as required by the
(1) Where such right to hold public office
primary functions of his office. [ National
is expressly restored by the terms of the
Amnesty Commission v. COA (2004)]
pardon (Art. 36, RPC);
(2) When a person is granted pardon
because he did not commit the offense
imputed to him (Garcia v. Chairman, Public Officer Disqualifications
COA) The President, Vice shall not hold any
President, the other office or
Members of the employment during
Cabinet and their their tenure, UNLESS
deputies or assistants otherwise provided in
the Constitution, (Art.
VII, Sec. 13)
E. Disabilities and Inhibitions
Senator or Member of may not hold during
of Public Officers the House of his term any other
Representatives office or employment
Disqualifications to Hold Public in the Government, or
any subdivision,
Office agency or
IN GENERAL: Individuals who lack ANY of thereof, including
the qualifications prescribed by the government -owned or
Constitution or by law for a public office are -controlled
ineligible (i.e. disqualified from holding corporations or their
such office). subsidiaries Effect: or
else he forfeits his seat
Authority: The legislature has the right to Shall also not be
prescribe disqualifications in the same appointed to any office
manner that it can prescribe when such was created
qualifications, provided that the or its emoluments
prescribed disqualifications do not violate were increased during
the Constitution. his term. (Art. VI, Sec
General Constitutional Disqualifications Members of the shall not be designated
1. Losing candidates cannot be Supreme Court and to any agency
appointed to any governmental office other courts performing quasi-
within one established by law judicial or
functions and declare in what manner and by particularly where rights of individuals may be
what persons they shall be exercised. jeopardized by his neglect.
The right to be a public officer, then, or to
exercise the powers and authority of a public e. As to choice and supervision of subordinates
office, must find its source in some It is the duty of a public officer
provision of the public law. having an appointing power to make
The government itself is merely an agency the best available appointment.
through which the will of the state is The degree of care required in selecting
expressed and enforced. Its officers subordinates must depend upon the
therefore are likewise agents entrusted nature of the work to be performed
with the responsibility of discharging its and the circumstances of each case.
functions. As such there is no presumption
that they are empowered to act. There must f. Ethical duties
be a delegation of such authority, either
Every public officer is bound to perform
express or implied. In the absence of a valid
the duties of his office honestly,
grant, they are devoid of power. What they
faithfully and to the best of his ability,
do suffers from a fatal infirmity. [Villegas v.
in such a manner as to be above
Subido (1969)]
suspicion of irregularities, and to act
primarily for the benefit of the public.
Duties of Public Officers As to outside activities: It is the duty of
1. Duties as Trustees for the Public public officers to refrain from outside
a. To obey the law activities which interfere with the
It is the duty of an officer to obey the proper discharge of their duties
general laws and the laws which
prescribe the duties of his office, and 2. Duty to make public disclosure of statements
a public officer has no power to vary of assets and liabilities
or waive any statutory law. Public officials and employees have an
As a general rule, a public officer obligation under the Code of Conduct
must obey a law found on the statute and Ethical Standards for Public
books until its constitutionality is Officials and Employees to accomplish
judicially passed upon in a proper and submit declarations under oath
proceeding. of, and the public has the right to
know, their assets, liabilities, net
b. To accept and continue in office. worth and financial and business
It is the duty of every person having the interests including those of their
requisite qualifications, when elected or spouses and of unmarried children
appointed to a public office, to accept under 18 years of age living in their
it. The theory is that the public has the household.
right to command the services of any
citizen in any official position which it 3. Transparency of transactions and access to
may designate. information
the protection accorded to citizens by the him not by force of any contract but because the
Constitution and the laws. law attaches it to the office.
However, by reason of the public
character of his employment or Other Rights
office, a public officer is, in 1. Rights under the Constitution
general, held not entitled to the a. Right to self-organization
same protection from publications b. Right to protection of temporary
commenting on his fitness and the employees
like, as is accorded to the ordinary c. Freedom of members of Congress from
citizen. arrest and from being questioned
d. Right not to be removed or
suspended except for cause provided
b. Engaging in certain political and business
by law
activities 2. Rights under the Civil Service Decree and
a. The governmental interest in the New Administrative Code
maintaining a high level service by 3. Next-in-Rank Rule
assuring the efficiency of its employees 4. Personnel Actions
in the performance of their tasks may 5. Rights under the Revised
require public employees to suspend or Government Service Insurance Act
refrain from certain political or 6. Right to Reimbursement and Indemnity
business activities that are embraced 7. Right to Reinstatement and Back Salary
within the constitutional rights of 8. Rights to Property, Devices and Inventions
others, when such activities are
reasonably deemed inconsistent with
their public status and duties. H.Liabilities of Public
Right to Compensation
b. The power to fix the compensation of g. The liability of a public officer to an
public officers is not inherently and individual or the public is based upon and
exclusively legislative in character. is co-extensive with his duty to the
c. Unless the Constitution expressly or individual or the public. (De Leon, 2008)
impliedly prohibits Congress from doing
so, it may delegate the power to other Three-fold Responsibility of Public
government bodies or officers. Officers (De Leon, 2008)
d. The salary of a public officer may not, by h. A public officer is under a three-fold
garnishment, attachment or order of responsibility for violation of duty or
execution, be seized before being paid to for wrongful act or omission:
him and, appropriated for the payment
o Civil Liability: if the individual is
of his debts. damaged by such violation, the
e. The rationale behind this doctrine is official shall, in some cases, be held
obvious consideration of public policy. The liable civilly to reimburse the
functions and public services rendered by injured party
the State cannot be allowed to be paralyzed o Criminal Liability: if he law has
or disrupted by the diversion of public funds attached a penal sanction, the officer
from their legitimate and specific objects, as may be punished criminally
appropriated by law. [De la Victoria v. o Administrative Liability: such
Burgos, (1995)] violation may also lead to
imposition of fine, reprimand,
Basis of Right to Compensation suspension or removal from office.
f. The relation between an officer and the This administrative liability is
public is not the creation of contract, nor is separate and distinct from the
the office itself a contract. Hence, his right penal and civil liabilities. (Agpalo,
to compensation is not the creation of 2005)
contract. It exists as the creation of law and
belongs to
Preventive Suspension and Back The “no work, no pay” principle does not
Salaries apply where it has been sufficiently shown
Kinds of Preventive Suspension that a public official was wrongfully
a. preventive suspension pending investigation prevented from entering the office and
The proper disciplining authority may carrying out his duties
preventively suspend any subordinate If the illegal dismissal is found to have been
officer under his authority pending an made in bad faith by the superior officers
investigation, if the charge against such then they will be held personally
officer involves dishonesty, oppression accountable for back salaries of the illegally
or grave misconduct or neglect in the dismissed employee.
performance of duty or if there are The award of backwages is limited to a
reasons to believe that the respondent maximum period of 5 years and not to full
is guilty of the charges which would back salaries from illegal termination up to
warrant his removal from service (De reinstatement [David v. Gania, (2003)]
Leon, 2008)
No compensation is due for the period of
preventive suspension pending
investigation because such is not a I. Immunity of Public
penalty but only a means of enabling the
disciplining authority to conduct an Officers
unhampered investigation. (De Leon,
2008) Doctrine of Official Immunity from Liabilities
for Public Officers
b. preventive suspension pending appeal if the Rationale: promotion of fearless,
penalty imposed by the disciplining authority vigorous and effective administration of
is suspension or dismissal and, after review, policies of government.
the respondent is exonerated [Caniete v. It is generally recognized that public
Secretary of Education, (2000)] officers and employees would be unduly
Employees are entitled to compensation hampered, deterred and intimidated in the
for the period of their suspension discharge of their duties, if those who act
pending appeal if they are found improperly, or even exceed the authority
innocent. Such suspension is actually given them, were not protected to some
punitive so that a public officer should reasonable degree by being relieved from
be reinstated with full pay for the private liability. The threat of suit could also
period of the suspension. deter competent people from accepting
public office.
o usurping or unlawfully holding office; succeed one another. It is a fixed and definite
o exercising the functions of public period of time to hold office, perform its
office without lawful right; functions and enjoy its privileges and
o ineligibility for the public office emoluments until the expiration of said period
as required by law
Tenure of office represents the
period during which the incumbent
The de facto officer cannot excuse
actually holds office.
responsibility for crimes committed in
his official capacity by asserting his de
facto status. 2. Reaching the age limit (retirement)
This mode results in the compulsory
and automatic retirement of a public
Right to Compensation of De Facto
3. Death or permanent disability
The death of the incumbent of an office,
GENERAL RULE. which is by law to be filled by one person
None. A de facto officer cannot sue for only, necessarily renders the office vacant.
the recovery of salary, fees or other The public official cease to hold office
emoluments attached to the office, for upon his death and all his rights, duties
the duties he has performed. His acts, as and obligations pertinent to the office are
far as he himself is concerned, are void. extinguished
(63A Am. Jur. 2d 1094-1095) Permanent disability covers both physical
The rightful incumbent may recover or mental disability.
from the de facto officer the salary
received by the latter during his 4. Resignation
wrongful tenure, even though he entered Resignation is the formal renunciation or
into the office in good faith and under relinquishment of a public office. It implies
color of title.[ Monroy v CA (1967) an expression by the incumbent in some
form, express or implied, of the intention to
surrender, renounce and relinquish his right
to the office and its acceptance by
Where there is no de jure public officer, competent and lawful authority.
the officer de facto who in good faith has To constitute resignation of public office,
had possession of the office and has there must be an intention to relinquish a
discharged the duties pertaining thereto part of the term, accompanied by the act
is legally entitled to the emoluments of of relinquishment.
the office. [Monroy v. CA [1967]) A written resignation, delivered to the
board or officer authorized to receive it and
fill the vacancy thereby created, is prima
K. Termination of Official facie, but not conclusive evidence of the
Relation intention to relinquish the office.
each other, in the subordination of one to the primarily intended for the protection of the State,
other and in the nature of the functions and duties not for the punishment of the offender.
which attach to them
The President, the Vice-President, the
It exists where: Members of the Supreme Court, the
o There is conflict in such duties and Members of the Constitutional
functions, so that the performance of Commissions, and the Ombudsman may be
the duties of one interferes with the removed from office on impeachment for,
performance of the duties of the other as and conviction of, culpable violation of the
to render it improper from Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and
consideration of public policy for one corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal
person to retain both
of public trust. All other public officers and
o One is subordinate to te other and is employees may be removed from office as
subject in some degree to its provided by law, but not by impeachment.
supervisory power for obviously in such (Sec. 2, Art. XI, Constitution)
a situation, the design that one acts as a
check on the other would be frustrated The House of Representatives has the sole
o The Constitution of the law itself power to initiate all cases of impeachment
declares the incompatibility even while the Senate sits as a court for the trial
though there is no inconsistency in the of impeachment cases. Judgment in cases
nature and functions of the offices of impeachment shall not extend further
than removal from office and
disqualification to hold any office under the
6. Abandonment of office Republic of the Philippines, but the party
Abandonment means the voluntary convicted shall nevertheless be liable and
relinquishment of an office by the holder of subject to prosecution, trial, and
all right, title, or claim thereto with the punishment, according to law. (Sec. 3, Art.
intention of not reclaiming it or XI, Constitution)
terminating his possession and control
10. Abolition of office
As a general rule, Congress may abolish any
7. Prescription of right to office office it creates without infringing upon the
Under the Rules of Court, quo warranto is rights of the officer or employee affected.
the proper remedy against a public officer Such power may be exercised at any time
for is ouster from office which should be and even while the office is occupied by a
commenced within one year after the cause duly elected or appointed incumbent.
of such ouster or the right of the plaintiff to Absent any constitutional prohibition, an
hold such office or position arose; office created by Congress may be abolished
otherwise, the action will be barred by it during the term of the incumbent.
Rationale for the one year period: Title to The fundamental principle afforded to civil
public office should not be subjected to service employees against removal ―except
uncertainties but should be determined for cause as provided by law‖ does not
as speedily as possible. protect them against abolition of the
positions held by them in the absence of
8. Removal any other provision expressly or impliedly
Removal entails the ouster of an prohibiting abolition thereof. [Castillo v.
incumbent before the expiration of his Pajo, (1958)]
term. It implies that the office exists after
the ouster. 11. Conviction of a crime
Removal from office may be express
or implied. When the penalties of perpetual or
temporary absolute disqualification or
9. Impeachment penalties of perpetual or temporary special
Impeachment has been defined as a method disqualification are imposed upon
of national inquest into the conduct of conviction of a crime, termination of
public men. official relation results, for one of te effects
Its purpose is to protect the people from of the
official delinquencies or malfeasances. It
Ill Gotten Wealth All local officials first elected during the
Ill-gotten wealth means any asset, property, local elections immediately following the
business enterprise or material possession ratification of the 1987 Constitution shall
of any person acquired by himself directly or serve until noon of June 30, 1992;
indirectly through dummies, nominees, No official shall serve for more than 3
agents, subordinates and/or business consecutive terms for the same
associates by any combination or series of position;
the following means or similar schemes: Voluntary renunciation of the office for any
o through misappropriation, conversion, length of time is not an interruption in the
misuse, or malversation of public continuity of his service for the full term
funds or raids on the public treasury; for which he was elected.
o by receiving, directly or indirectly,
any commission, gift, share, RA 9164: Synchronized Barangay and
percentage, kickbacks or any other Sangguniang Kabataan Elections (2002)
form of pecuniary benefit from any Sec. 2. Term of Office
person and/or entity in connection
Term of office of barangay and sangguniang
with any government contract or
kabataan officials: 3 years
project or by reason of the office or
position of the public officer No barangay elective official shall serve for
concerned; more than 3 consecutive terms in the same
o by the illegal or fraudulent conveyance position
or disposition of assets belonging to the Reckoned from the 1994 barangay elections
National Government or any of its Voluntary renunciation of office for any
subdivisions, agencies or length of time shall not be considered as an
instrumentalities or government-owned interruption
or controlled corporations and their
o by obtaining, receiving or accepting
directly or indirectly any shares of
stock, equity or any other form of
interest or participation including the
promise of future employment in any
business enterprise or undertaking;
o by establishing agricultural, industrial
or commercial monopolies or other
combinations and/or implementation
of decrees and orders intended to
benefit particular persons or special
interests, or
o by taking undue advantage of official
position, authority, relationship,
connection or influence to unjustly
enrich himself or themselves at the
expense and to the damage and
prejudice of the Filipino people and
the Republic of the Philippines. (Sec. 1,
RA 7080)
M. Term Limits
All elective local officials, except barangay
officials (Sec. 8, Art. X, Constitution; Sec.
43 LGC)
Term of office: 3 years from noon of
June 30, 1992 or the date provided by