Concept Map
Concept Map
Concept Map
Constantly Unchanging,
Self is the source of all knowledge changing, eternal and JOHN LOCKE
Definition of self transient and immortal
Individual experience is important
Definition of self
He also introduced the idea
Contributor of Definition of Self DAVID HUME
Plotinus who based his views on plato’s care concept influenced the thinking of St. Augustine
Think deeply, make Biological Needs Emotions ( love, Contributor of Definition of Self
choices and achieve ( thirst, hunger and anger,
true understanding sexual desire) aggressiveness and
Reasoning ability provides the
origin of knowledge
Definition of Self
The physical body:
VIEW OF RATIONALISTIC material, mortal, non-
The self is an immortal SELF VIEW thinking entity
soul that exist over time governed by the
To achieve union with DUALISTIC physical laws of nature
God: To live in LOVE, all DESCARTES
sins are the result of VIEW OF THE
turning away from love SELF
and God
AND SOUL Philosophical Statement Definition of Self The thinking self (soul):
non-material, immortal,
conscious being, and
The self is a
independent of the
“The body is united “I THINK thinking thing,
Body as a “The body as the physical laws of the
“The soul makes with the soul so that distinct from the
“slave” to the spouse of the THEREFORE body distinct from
war with the body” man may be entire and
soul soul” complete” I AM” the body