Agrıcultural Extensıon and Communıcatıon Sample Questıons1

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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science & Technology

San Isidro Campus

Final Exam

NAME: ------------------------------- COURSE &YEAR:___________________

Instruction : Encircle the letter of your choice that corresponds to your answer.

1.) Which of the following is not definition of agricultural extension?

A. Teaching and influence process B. Technology transfer
C. Non-formal system of education which is organized to provide rural useful and practical knowledge/technology in
agricultural and teaching them to apply these on their farms/homes.
D. The introduction of “technical know how” to the farming population to increase agricultural production and thereby
raise the standard of living.
2.) The term “extension education” was first used in
A. Italy C. Greece
B. United States D. England
3. The Bureau of Agricultural Extension was created by virtue of Republic Act
No.680 on
A. June 16, 1952 B. August 8, 1963 C. November 1, 1972 D. July 16, 1952
4.) When Republic Act No.3844 otherwise known as the Land Reform Code of the Philippines was approved in
1963. The Bureau of Agricultural Extension was renamed
A. Department of Agrarian Reform B. Department of Agriculture and natural Resources
C. Agricultural Productivity Commission D. Department of Local Government and Community Development
5.)The functions of the Department of Agriculture was devolved to the local government units through the enactment of
Republic Act No. 7160 on November 10, 1991 otherwise known as
A. Land Reform Code B. Local Government Code C. Bell Survey Mission D. National Integrated Pest Management

6.) In the Philippines, agricultural extension work started in the 19 th century through the introduction of
A. Sorjan farming B. Communal irrigation system
C, “granjas modelos” (model farms) D. Cooperative organization for farmers
7. The Secretary of Agriculture is
A. Leandro Montemayor B. Raul Roco C. Leonardo Montemayor D. Heherson Alvarez
8. To be able to get positive response from the extension clientele, the extension worker must suit the program to their social,
cultural, financial and intellectual levels. This guiding principle in extension work is referred to as
A. Extensions begins where the people are and with what they have. B. Extension works with and through people
C. People learn to do by doing D. The spirit of self-help is essential for a democratic living.
9. An extension worker must bring technology to where the clientele can reached. This means going to their farms/homes to
introduce farming /homemaking practices. This guiding principle in extension work means
A. Extension programs are based on the peoples needs . B. Extension education is carried on either with individuals or groups of people
C. Extension activities should go to numbers of rural families where they are. D. Extension begins where the people are and with what they have.
10. When an extension worker provides opportunities for his clientele to apply what they have learned, this guiding principle
in extension work is referred to as
A. The “classroom” in extension is where the people are B. Extension programs are based on the people’s need and decided by them
C. Extension starts where the people are with what they have D. People learn to do by doing

11. Which of the guiding principle extension work refers to bringing about desirable changes the behavior of the extension
A. Extension worker must be reasonably well-treated B. Extension workers must live in the rural are where they serve
C. Agricultural extension must be educational D. Extension must be closely related to research.
12. In order for the extension worker to promote access to the people he serves and get a better appreciation of the people’s
problems, what guiding principle in extension work must be taken into consideration by the agricultural extension worker?
A. Extension worker must be reasonably well-treated B. Local people must be involved in extension program planning
C. Extension worker must live in the area where he serves D. Extension worker must be provided with useful teaching materials
13. The total process by which a new idea spreads out among farmers or the sequence of acceptance of a new idea or practice
among designated group of people is
A. Innovation B. adoption C. diffusion D. implementation
14. As far agricultural extension is concerned, innovation means
A. acceptance of new farm practice B. any changed farm practice
C. diffusion of new idea D. knowing the pros and cons of new farm practice
15. The first step towards adoption of an innovation is
A. evaluation B. awareness C. interest D. confirmation
16. The stage in the adoption process in which the individual practices the idea in a small scale is
A. awareness B. adoption C. trial D. evaluation

17. At this stage of the adoption process, the individual develops curiosity or concern in the new idea/practice
A. awareness B. evaluation C. interest D. trial
18. When an individual weighs the pros and cons of the new idea, this stage of the adoption is referred to as
A. awareness B. trial C. adoption D. evaluation

19. At this stage of the adoption process the individual decides the new practice is good enough for full-scale use
A. evaluation B. persuasion C. adoption D. awareness

20. The first persons in locally to adopt an innovation are called

A. early adopters B. early majority C. innovators D. non-adopters

21. A type of adopters who are the last ones to changed are called
A. late majority B. innovation C. late adopters D. non-adopters
22. The people in the locality who quickly follow the lead set by the innovators are called
A. early majority B. early adopters C. innovators D. laggards
23. Those who do not adopt a new practice until most of their neighbors have already made the change are referred to as
A. late adopters B. laggards C. late majority D. innovators
24. This made up of those who watch the innovators and the early adopters through several time periods
A. early adopters B. late majority C. early majority D. laggards

25. An attribute or characteristics of a technology/innovation that refers to the extent to which a new idea or practice fits into
the farmer’s views about what ought to be, what he does on the farm and how he does it
A. relative advantage B. compatibility C. complexity D. trialability
26. The degree to which an innovation or a new idea is superior to the one it intends to replace is
A. relative advantage B. compatibility C. complexity D. observability
27. This refers to the fact that some innovations are more complicated than others.
A. trialability B. complexity C. compatibility D. observability
28. This applies to the quality of an innovation that permits trying a little at a time.
A. relative advantage B. observability C. trialability D. complexity
29. This refers to the extent to which an innovation or its results can be seen
A. compatibility B.observability C. trialability D. complexity

30. This mass method of extension reaches many people more quickly in all parts of the country without delay. This is also
considered as the most important mass medium for farmers in less industrialized countries. Survey studies have
shown that this is the best medium to penetrate the remote barangays of the Philippines.
A. newspaper B. radio C. poster D. newsletter

31. This is known for being basically pictorial using drawings and/or photographs with a text as brief and vivid as possible. Its
size and appearance are similar to a poster, but often contains more written material and a variety of information.
A. newsletter B. circular letter C. wall newspaper D. poster

32. This type of publication covers a wider scope of subject matter such as rice growing. This usually contains a complete
summary of the information available on particular subject.
A. leaflet B. newsletter C. bulletin D. newspaper

33. This is a single sheet (paper or cardboard) with an illustration and usually, a few simple words. It is used to announce
extension activities or to publicize campaign objectives.
A. wall newspaper B. leaflet C. poster D. handout

34. These are systematic display of models, specimens, charts, posters, etc. In a sequence to create awareness and interest, to
increase people’s knowledge and to stimulate action.
A. newspaper B. exhibits C. wall newspaper D. publications

35. These carry posters, wall charts, bulletins handouts and announcement of extension activities, agricultural information and
A. story boards B. publications C. bulletin board D. exhibits
36. A group of method of extension teaching, which is given by an extension worker for the purpose of teaching skills to a
group. It shows how something is done step by step.
A. result demonstration B. method demonstration C. field trip D. panel discussion

37. In this extension teaching method, a group travels to another location to observe agricultural practices, projects or
demonstrations not available locally.
A. result demonstration B. method demonstration C. lecture D. education tour/field trip

38. These are usually held on farms, experimental stations or government centers to demonstrate successful farming
techniques or to see field tests, machinery demonstration, athletic contest, or other events.
A. result demonstration B. field day C. field trip D. method demonstration

39. This method of extension teaching is usually used in crop farming and requires a farmer cooperator. The main purpose of
this method is to prove that they new practice is superior to the one currently being used by the farmers.
A. method demonstration B. lecture C. result demonstration D. field day

40. These are usually held to introduce and discuss new ideas or practices, to obtain the opinions of a community, or gain the
support of the people on local problems and extensions programs.
A. informal group discussion B. meetings C. panel discussion D. role playing

41. A moderated meeting in which a limited number of experts or specialists representing different fields of discipline give
short presentations on the same subject.
A. informal group discussion B. symposium C. panel discussion D. general meetings

42. This is a verbal presentation by a single speaker to a group of listeners. It is used to present technical information, or
develop background and appreciation of and to integrate ideas.
A. method demonstration B. field day C. lecture D. informal group discussion

43. This extension method usually consist a small group where farmer-neighbors can get together in a certain place and time to
get acquainted with each other, to change farming information and ideas to share common problems in order to help
each other.
A. informal group discussion B. symposium C. panel discussion D. role playing

44. This is a dramatization in which an open ended scenario is described and participants area assigned roles to act out the
situation or problem.
A. symposium B. panel discussion C. informal group discussion D. role playing

45. This is a short series of lecture, usually two to five speakers, each with a different viewpoint.
A. illustrated lecture B. panel discussion C. symposium D. informal group discussion

46. This involves meeting individually with the farmer at the farm or home to give the extension worker an opportunity to work
out practical solutions to specific problems.
A. Official calls B. Farm and home visit C. informal contact D. Model farmer

47. This method is concerned with personal visits made by the extension clientele to the extension office to seek information
or assistance.
A. Telephone call B. Personal letter C. Informal contact D. Office call

48. These are unstructured and/or planned meetings with clientele which can take place on the street, in the market place, or
at local celebrations.
A. Informal contacts B. Personal letter C. Office calls D. Farm and Home visit

49. This method involves the identification of a farmer whose agricultural practices and personal attitudes are superior that his
operation can serve as a model for others to follow.
A. Farm caller B. Paraprofessional C. Innovator D. Model farmer

50. An extension approach which promotes the production of a certain crop by emphasizing the available product factors. This
sometimes called multi-purpose or integrated approach.

A. area approach B. farming system approach C. commodity approach D. participatory extension approach
51. In this extension approach, efforts are made to have a whole village /community grow just one variety of crops that is best
adapted to locality.
A. area approach B. single-purpose approach C. commodity approach D. training visit approach
52. This approach has been devised in order to bring about agricultural development through the involvements of
responsible farmers. I.e. utilizing farmer-leader whom the Agricultural Technologists have selected best on their knowledge
and skills on new farming techniques and are willing to assist their neighboring peer through regular visits.
A. Farmer field school B. participatory development C. training and visit approach D. farming system approach
53. Through this approach, it has been the researcher’s task to identify, analyze and solve farmer’s technical problems. The
results have been translated as messages to farmers via the extension worker, who serves as the link between the researchers
and farmers.

A. participatory technology development B. transfer of technology approach C. area approach D. farmer field school
54. This is essentially a process of purposeful and creative interaction between the villagers and the outside facilitators, the main
aim of is enhancing the local capacity to analyze on-going processes and to develop relevant and feasible technological
innovations suited to the local CONDITION.
A. Participatory technology B. farmer field school C. transfer of technology approach D. training and visit approach
55. In this approach, farmers are involved in the whole process of decision making, from data collection and analysis,
identification of problems, constraints and opportunities, preparation of improvement plans to implementation, monitoring and
A. participatory technology and development B. Participatory extension approach
C. farming system approach D. farmer field school
56. This refers to the experimental learning approach where the farmer’s field is the primary resource in carrying out extension
training on integrated pest management throughout the entire growing season of the crop.
A. training and visit approach B. farming system approach C. farmer field school D. participatory extension approach
57. Adoption of an innovation means to use it.
A. fully B. impartially C. legally D. partially
58. Communication barriers are so-called because they;
A. impede B. accelerate C. hasten D. facilitate
59. To communicate an innovation means by any of the following activities except
A. creating B. talking C. sharing D. joking

60. Diffusion of an innovation is the spread of the information from;

A. denser B. less dense B. equally concentrated D. community

61. Extension is teaching

A. middlemen B. professionals C. consultants D. community people

62. Extension of agriculture information is strictly restricted that it must be:

A. shared B. searched C. stored D. forgotten

63. An innovation is something that is;

A. traditional B. novel C. common D. beautiful

64. An extension worker is a rolled-into-one being such as the following except:

A. teacher B. insulter C. adviser D. planner

65. Process through which an individual passes from the first knowledge it until he confirms its use is called
A. planning B. evaluation C. implementation D. innovation-decision

66. Innovation decision period is co-terminus to:

A. time log B. diffusion period C. incubation period D. integration period

67. The element of the communication process which generates the development-oriented technology is:
A. source B. receiver C. message D. channel
68. Another element of the process which refers to the perceived target-beneficiary is
A. source B. receiver C. channel D. message

69. Possible consequence/outcome of the communication process is called:

A. source B. receiver C. message D. effects

70. The degree similarity between two communications is technically known as:
A. conformity B. uniformity C. heterophily D. homophily
71. The state of an individual or a system in which excessive communication inputs can no longer be processed thus reading to
breakdown is called:
A. information overload B. technological gap C. disinformation overloads D. technical error

72. Parts changes agents roles to develop need for changes in this client are the following accept:
A. offers alternative to existing problem B. dramatizes importance of the problem
C. convinces clients of their capability to control problem D. discourages them to be persistence
73. To established an information-exchange relationship a change agent must prove his credibility in terms of the following
A. competence B. empathy C. trustworthiness D. dishonesty

74. First and foremost he must be:

A. Self-centered B. innovation-centered B. Client-centered D. reward-centered

75. In arriving at a diagnostic conclusion he must view the problematic situation from
A. his own perspective B. agency’s perspective C. clients perspective D. community perspective

76. The agent’s main goal is to develop self-renewing behavior on:

A. himself B. agency system C. client system D. others

77. The agent’s success and his effort in contracting his clients are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

78. Agents contact with his clients and higher social status among clients are related;
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

79. The agents success and his empathy with clients are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

80. Agents contact with his clients and their cosmopoliteness are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

81. Agent’s contact and clients higher educational status are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

82. Agents contact and clients greater participation are related.

A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

83. Agent’s success and programs compatibility to clients needs are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

84. Agent’s success and his credibility in the clients eyes are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

85. Agent’s success and the extent that he works with opinion leaders are related;
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally

86. Agent’s success and clients ability to evaluate innovation are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
87. Among the socio-economic filters of communication include the following except:
A. availability of financial institution. B. land tenure arrangement C. economic motivation in farming
D. agricultural commodity being engaged in
88. Perceived relative advantage of an innovation and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. directly B. never at all C. inversely D. neutrally

89. Perceived consistency of the innovation with the clients existing values and effectiveness in communication are related;
A. directly B. never at all C. inversely D. neutrally

90. Perceived complexity of innovation and effectiveness in communication are related:

A. directly B. never at all C. inversely D. neutrally
91. Innovation’s trialability and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. directly B. never at all C. inversely D. neutrally

92. Innovation’s observability and effectiveness in communications are related:

A. directly B. never at all C. inversely D. neutrally
93. The following are some attributory considerations for appropriateness of the channel except:
A. purpose of the communication B. kind and quality of the receiver
C. competence of the user D. introductory music being used
94. Clients age and effectiveness in communication are related:
. A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
95. Client’s education and effectiveness in communication area related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
96. Client’s social status and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
97. Client’s large size farm units and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
98. Client’s attitude towards credit and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
99. Client’s specialization in his farm operation and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
100. Client’s social mobility and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
101. Client’s empathy and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all
C. negatively D. neutrally
102. Client’s rationality and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
103. Client’s intelligence and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
104. Client’s attitude towards science and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
105. Client’s attitude towards education and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
106. Client’s fatalism and effectiveness in communication are related:
A. positively B. never at all C. negatively D. neutrally
107. This function of university/college explores and discovers new knowledge and skills, to make teaching more effective and
A. instruction B. extension C. research D. mass media

108. This function provides pre-serve and in-service training, backstopping of subject matter specialist and releases farm, home
and fishery information:
A. instruction B. extension C. research D. AFMA

109. This law decentralizes the authority to manage and supervise the country’s extension service to the provincial,
municipal and village levels.
A. RA 7610 B.RA 7601 C. RA 7160 D. RA 7016

110. The decentralization law of extension is embodied in a code known as:

A. Local Government Code of 1990 B. Local Government Code of 1993
C. Local Government Code of 1991 D. Local Government Code of 1995
111. The law that puts extension in the pivotal role to accelerate the transformation of Philippine agriculture and fisheries from a
resource-based to a technology-based industry.
A. RA 8435 B. RA 8534 C. RA 8345 D. RA 8543
112. The Agriculture and Fishery Modernization act prescribes the:
A. one crop one system B. one program one system C. One system one program D. one system one crop
113. The state universities and colleges are mandated to improve the LGU extension service.
A. ability B. integrity C. honesty D. capability
114. The research, instruction and extension functions of a University/college are:
A. not related B. independent C. complementary D. relevant
115. The mutual stimulation of research, teaching and extension, is essential to the best progress of:
A. cooperatives B. NGO C. Colleges/Universities of Agriculture D. institutions
116. Dole and Del Monte are examples of sources of information/technology categorized under:
A. International Agricultural Research Center
B. Research Institute of Dept. of Agriculture
C. Private Firm/industry
D. Farm magazine
117. A knowledge that is unique to a given culture which is passed down from generation to generation. This is usually the
source of information of farmers.
A. common knowledge B. agricultural knowledge
C. indigenous knowledge D. important knowledge
118. A source of information/technology which serves the farmers of a particular crop here in the country and abroad.
A. informal source
B. University agricultural Research Center
C. International Agricultural Research center
D. Agribusiness firm
119. A systematic plan adopted in presenting instructional materials to influence people to become interested in solving their
problems through their own efforts.
A. experimental learning B. hierarchical education
C. extension D. teaching method or technique
120. The purpose of extension is to change the behavior of the person. One of the components of behavior is attitude which is
also termed as the:
A. cognitive domain B. psychomotor domain
C. affective domain D. skills practices
121. Knowledge skills and attitudes are human factors to consider in the choice of:
A. teaching learning process B. technology
C. extension method D. subject matter
122. Which of this statement is not correct?
A. No one single extension method is adequate in a certain given occasion.
B. No one method can be considered more effective than the others.
C. Each method has its own merits and shortcoming in certain situations.
D. Extension methods are equally effective in all situations.

123. The values and standards which the extension officer and farmer have learned, their own perceptions of the “places” of the
world, their positions in their own social class, are part of the:
A. attitude of the source towards the subject matter B. socio-cultural environment
C. attitude toward receiver/source D. subject matter to be taught
124. Which of the following does not affect the choice of an extension method:
A. interest and abilities of extensionist B. subject matter/technology taught C. facilities available D. teaching techniques
125. Which of these methods encourage maximum clientele participation;
A. lecture method B. discussion method C. news stories D. leaflet
126. Which of these methods disseminate same information at the same time?
A. farm and home visit B. office calls C. news stories D. all of the above
127. The channels which have high probability of selected screening:
A. individual methods B. group methods C. mass methods D. all of the above
128. The method which create awareness and spread information rapidly
A. individual methods B. group methods C. mass methods D. all of the above
129. A type of mass medium which can give a “how to do it” method demonstration.
A. radio B. flashcards C. TV D. wall newspaper
130. These are extension methods which giver timely advice or warning on important problems.
A. news stories B. educational campaign C. circular letters D. all of the above

131. Poster photographs enlargement, models, drawing and other devices are used to put up this method/channel for purposes
of conveying a theme related to agricultural development.
A. publication B. Television C. exhibits D. puppets
132. Color slides, lantern slides, filmstrips, overhead projector and cinema films are examples of this method.
A. display visual B. presentation visuals C. projected visuals D. story board
133. A visual which contains graphically certain process, like the life cycle of pests and pest control techniques.
A. bulletin board B. handouts C. mobile units D. wall chart
134. It teaches very important skills on putting oneself in other fellow’s shoes in order to understand how one reacts in a
particular situation, and enables one to see and appreciate his point of view.
A. music B. role play C. folk song D. poster
135. The fisheries Code which provides for a development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic resources.
A. RA 5058 in 1998 B. RA 8055 in 1991 C. RA 8550 in 1998 D. RA 8550 in 1997
136. The law which emphasizes the role of the private sector by encouraging the participation of farmers and fisher folk
cooperatives/associations and others on the private sector
A. DA AO # 5 B. DA OA # 7 C. DA OA # 6 D. DA OA # 8
137. Holding of degree and non-degree training, program, provision of technical assistance, evaluation of LGU extension projects
and information supports services are extension activities of:
A. international Agricultural Research Centers B. State Universities/Colleges C. Farmers organization D. Private industries
138. Incorporation of farm problems in the discovery of new knowledge is made possible by:
A. research B. instruction C. extension D. evaluation
139. These extension methods have low cost per individual reached and lead to changes in weakly held attitudes.
A. Individual methods B. mass methods
C. personal contacts D. group methods
140. It has these facilities: a public address system, slides and projectors, tape play back desk, record player and stock of
extension literature and is usually used for educational campaign.
A. story board B. music
C. mobile units D. puppets
141. A display visual which is used to aid recall of the message.
A. leaflet B. bulletin
C. handout D. poster

27. B 56. C 85. A 114. C

ANSWERS KEY 28. C 57. A 86. A 115. C
29. B 58. A 87. D 116. C
1. B 30. B 59. D 88. A 117. C
2. D 31. C 60. D 89. A 118. C
3. D 32. C 61. C 90. A 119. C
4. C 33. C 62. A 91. A 120. C
5. B 34. B 63. A 92. A 121. C
6. C 35. B 64. B 93. D 122. D
7. C 36. B 65. D 94. C 123. B
8. A 37. D 66. A 95. A 124. A
9. C 38. B 67. A 96. A 125. D
10 B 39. C 68. B 97. A 126. C
11. D 40. B 69. D 98. A 127. C
12. C 41. C 70. D 99. A 128. C
13. B 42. C 71. A 100. C 129. C
14. C 43. A 72. D 101. A 130. B
15. B 44. D 73. D 102. A 131. A
16. C 45. C 74. B 103. A 132. C
17. C 46. B 75. C 104. A 133. D
18. D 47. D 76. C 105. A 134. B
19. C 48. A 77. A 106. C 135. BONUS
20. C 49. D 78. A 107. C 136. BONUS
21. C 50. C 79. A 108. B 137. B
22. B 51. A 80. A 109. C 138. A
23. C 52. C 81. A 110. C 139. B
24. C 53. B 82. A 111. A 140. C
25. B 54. A 83. A 112. C 141. C
26. A 55. B 84. A 113. D

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