Course Syllabus EDUC 6
Course Syllabus EDUC 6
Course Syllabus EDUC 6
POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE OF THE CITY OF 2. Identify learning outcomes that are aligned
MEYCAUAYAN with learning competencies;
Pag-asa Street, Malhacan, City of Meycauayan, Bulacan 3. Demonstrate knowledge in designing,
(044)228-5442 / [email protected] developing, selecting and using appropriate
diagnostic, formative and summative assessment
TEACHER EDUCATION PROGRAM strategies in line with K to 12 standards,
guidelines and requirements;
4. Demonstrate knowledge and monitoring and
evaluating learner
progress using learner attainment data;
Program: Teacher Education Program 1st Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022
5. Demonstrate understanding of the role of
assessment in making instructional decisions;
6. Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely,
Course Code: EDUC 6 accurate and constructive feedback to improve
learner performance; and
Course/Descriptive Assessment of Learning 1 7. Demonstrate familiarity with strategies for
Title: communicating students’ learning needs,
Course Overview: This course focuses on the principles, development progress and achievement to key stakeholders.
and utilization of conventional assessment tools to
improve the teaching learning process. It emphasizes DELIVERY DESIGN
the use of assessment of, as, and for learning in INTENDE
measuring knowledge, comprehension and other WE D
thinking skills in the cognitive, psychomotor or EK LEARNIN ASSESSM RESOU
affective domains. It takes pre-service teachers NO G ENT RCES
through the standard steps in test construction and . OUTCO
development, the application of grading systems, and ME
the provision of timely, accurate, and constructive 1 ORIENTA - Familia
feedback to improve learner performance. Trends and TION rized
issues related to assessment are also addressed.
- PCCM with
Learning After successful completion of the course, the pre- Vision, the
Outcomes: service teacher should be able to: Mission VMC of
, Core PCCM
1. Demonstrate current, research-based
Values - Be
knowledge and understanding of the basic
- Course aware
concepts and principles of assessment and how
Outline with
they are applied in teaching and learning;
Page 1 of
Finite course
Differenc outline
2 Unit 1 – At the 1. Analysis Comparat
Prelimina end of PowerPoi and ive
ry the unit, nt Present Analysis:
Concepts pre- Presentati ation K to 12
and service on: DepEd Inclusion
Recent teachers Inclusive Reflecti Program
Trends should Education on and IDEA
A. What be able Policy Paper
is to: 2.
educatio - Explain 2. Reflectio
nal the basic PowerPoi n Paper:
assessme concepts nt: IDEA Impleme
nt? and ntation of
1. principle 3. Online the
Basic s in Discussio Inclusion
principles educatio n Program
2. nal since its
Types of assessm launch in
assessme ent 2009
- 3. Unit
Assessme Test
nt for (BLEPT-
learning type) on
- the
Assessme definition
nt as , goals,
learning and
- scope of
Assessme Inclusive
nt of and
learning Special
3. Education
Users of in the
Page 2 of
education Philippine
al s and
assessme other
nt countries
3 Common At the 1. Docum 1.
terminol end of Lectures ent Quizzes,
ogies the unit, and/or Review comparat
1. pre- library/on on the ive essays
Measure service line Philoso and/or
ment teachers research phies, research
2. Testing should on the Statem posters
- be able various ents of on the
Standardi to: bases of Laws, various
zed - Discuss Special Regulati bases of
testing on the and ons and Special
- High role of Inclusive Policies and
stakes assessm Education from Inclusive
testing ent in UN, Education
3. making UNESC
Evaluatio instructi 3. Forum O, EFA, 2.
n onal discussion DepEd Reflective
4. Types decisions . Journal
and to
distinctio improve
ns of teaching
tests and
4 High At the Online - Module Pre-
Quality end of Messenge / Work Discussio
Assessme the unit, r, Text / n Activity
nt pre- Facebook, Study / Oral
Compone service Google Guide – Recitatio
nts teachers classroom Transac n/
1. Clear should , Google tion Online
purpose be able Meet exercise Quiz /
2. Clear to: Offline - s Essay
and Modular writing /
Page 3 of
Page 4 of
6 Target At the Lectures Module Pre- Textbo
Setting end of and/or / Work Discussio ok /
A. the unit, library/on Text / n Activity Interne
Standards pre- line Study / Oral t
based service research Guide – Recitatio resourc
Assessme teacher s on the Transac n / es
nt 1. should different tion Online
be able
Construct types, exercise Quiz /
ive identificat s Essay
alignmen - ions; writing /
t formulat etiologies, Assignme
2. K-12 e causes, nt
assessme appropri characteri
nt ate stics of
guideline learning learners
s objectiv who have
- Content es and special
standards outcom needs
- es that
Performa are 2.
nce construc Infographi
standards tively cs on
- aligned Learners
Assessme with
nt types Special
ds. Needs
Page 5 of
Page 6 of
4. Other
y (Biggs
8 Unpackin At the Lectures Module Pre- Textbo
g end of and/or / Work Discussio ok /
Learning the unit, library/on Text / n Activity Interne
Compete pre- line Study / Oral t
ncies service research Guide – Recitatio resourc
1. teacher s on the Transac n / es
Unpackin should different tion Online
be able
g types, exercise Quiz /
compete identificat s Essay
ncies - ions; writing /
using formulat etiologies, Assignme
5Ps e causes, nt
2. ABCD appropri characteri
of the ate stics of
Statemen learning learners
t of objectiv who have
es and
Page 7 of
Online test / Scheduled exam date
10 Designing At the Online - Module Pre- Textbo
and end of Messenge / Work Discussio ok /
Developi the unit, r, Text / n Activity Interne
ng pre- Facebook, Study / Oral t
Assessme service Google Guide – Recitatio resourc
nts teachers classroom Transac n / es
A. should , Google tion Online
Character be able Meet exercise Quiz /
istics of to: Offline - s Essay
Quality Modular writing /
Assessme - develop Assignme
nt Tools assessm nt
B. Types ent
of tools
Teacher- that are
made learner
Tests appropri
C. ate and
Learning target-
Target matched
and ;
Page 8 of
Table of
11 Assessme At the Online - Module Pre- Textbo
nt Tools end of Messenge / Work Discussio ok /
Develop the unit, r, Text / n Activity Interne
ment pre- Facebook, Study / Oral t
A. service Google Guide – Recitatio resourc
Assessme teachers classroom Transac n / es
nt should , Google tion Online
developm be able Meet exercise Quiz /
ent cycle to: Offline - s Essay
B. Test Modular writing /
item - Assignme
formulati improve nt
on assessm
C. Item ent tools
analysis based on
D. assessm
Reliability ent
1. data.
2. Index
3. Inter-
Page 9 of
Page 11
to intended
improve stakehol
instructi ders.
14 Feedback At the Online - Module Pre- Textbo
ing and end of Messenge / Work Discussio ok / P – ERFORM your academic tasks diligently. Aim to
Communi the unit, r, Text / n Activity Interne Instructor’s achieve the highest standards because you can do it.
cating pre- Facebook, Study / Oral t Notes and You are expected to work on the module on your own
Assessme service Google Guide – Recitatio resourc Study Tips but you can ask help from others. Nevertheless, do
nt teachers classroom Transac n / es your best to do it first.
Results should , Google tion Online
15 Construct be able Meet exercise Quiz / C – OMMIT to submitting academic requirements with
ive to: Offline - s Essay integrity and on time. Submit the accomplished
Feedback - make Modular writing / activities in the module before the end of the midterm
ing value Assignme and finals.
16 Self- judgeme nt
assessme nts on C – OLLABORATE with your parents, siblings or friends
nt assessm when you think the lesson is hard to understand. Also,
17 Peer ent read the material several times until you get the point
assessme results of the lesson.
nt based on
empirical M – ANAGE your time well. Make use of a calendar to
evidence schedule your reading assignments and tasks.
; and Remember that you still have other modules to
- accomplish this semester.
rate S – TRICTLY observe netiquettes during online classes. Log
strategie in ahead of time (10 minutes before scheduled time).
s to Also, please wear an appropriate attire such as your
commun school uniform/collared shirt during synchronous
icate classes/meetings.
needs, E – XPLORE new modes of learning. Make sure to follow
progress the guidelines when using the agreed free learning
and management system (Google Classroom & Facebook
achieve App). Observe the Online Learning class schedule both
ment to in the synchronous and asynchronous modes. Use
Page 12
Grading System
Major Examinations (midterm and finals): 30%
Flexible Learning Activities : 70%
Page 13
avail of our
student b. Subject Mr. Glenn [email protected]
services/ac Teacher V. Ferolino h
ademics, Facebook/Messenger:
please feel Glenn Ferolino
free to get 0945 221 5887
in touch Dr.
with the Rederick Facebook/Messenger:
following Cardenas Redcardenas Cardenas
offices 0932 445 1447
Mrs. [email protected]
Sheena om
Carla Facebook/Messenger:
Autor - Sheena Carla Autor –
Dionisio Dionisio
0935 408 4270
Page 14
d. Clinic Ms. Marie [email protected] RONA R. DELA ROSA, MAEd DR. RENELIZA C. STA. ANA
Hazel om TEP Head College Dean
Castro Facebook/Messenger:
Marie Hazel Mistica Castro
Page 15