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Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 1 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Judge Assigned: O'Neill, Steven T. Date Filed: 01/26/2022 Initiation Date: 11/29/2021
OTN: R 204847-6 LOTN: Originating Docket No: MJ-38112-CR-0000487-2021
Initial Issuing Authority: Edward C. Kropp Sr. Final Issuing Authority: Edward C. Kropp Sr.
Arresting Agency: Lower Pottsgrove Police Dept Arresting Officer: Musselman, Matthew C.
Complaint/Citation No.: 20211128M0001A Incident Number: 20211128M0001A
County: Montgomery Township: Lower Pottsgrove Township
Case Local Number Type(s) Case Local Number(s)


Related Docket No Related Case Caption Related Court Association Reason

CP-46-MD-0002120-2021 Comm. v. Shustak, Ryan Joseph CP-38-46-Crim MD-2120-2021 to
CP-46-MD-0002120-2021 Comm. v. Shustak, Ryan Joseph CP-38-46-Crim MD-2120-2021 to

Case Status: Closed Status Date Processing Status Complaint Date: 11/29/2021
08/31/2023 Sentenced/Penalty Imposed
08/31/2023 Awaiting Sentencing
06/14/2023 Awaiting Call of the Trial List
02/09/2022 Awaiting Pre-Trial Conference
01/26/2022 Awaiting Formal Arraignment
01/26/2022 Awaiting Formal Arraignment
01/26/2022 Awaiting Filing of Information

Case Calendar Schedule Start Room Judge Name Schedule
Event Type Start Date Time Status
Formal Arraignment 03/02/2022 1:30 pm Video Room #2 Scheduled
Pre-Trial 02/27/2023 2:00 pm Courtroom G Judge Steven T. O'Neill Scheduled
Pre-Trial 04/26/2023 1:30 pm Courtroom G Judge Steven T. O'Neill Scheduled
Pre-Trial 06/12/2023 10:30 am Courtroom G Judge Steven T. O'Neill Scheduled
Call of the Trial List 08/28/2023 1:30 pm Courtroom G Judge Steven T. O'Neill Scheduled

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 2 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Date Of Birth: 11/28/1982 City/State/Zip: Pottstown, PA 19464

Participant Type Name
Defendant Shustak, Ryan Joseph

Shustak, Ryan Joseph Nebbia Status: None

Bail Action Date Bail Type Originating Court Percentage Amount

Set 12/01/2021 Unsecured Magisterial District Court $10,000.00
Change Bail Type 12/01/2021 Monetary Magisterial District Court $5,000.00
Change Bail Type 01/19/2022 Unsecured Magisterial District Court $5,000.00
Change Non-Monetary 02/11/2022 Unsecured Common Pleas $5,000.00
Surety Type Surety Name Posting Status Posting Date Security Type Security Amt
Self Shustak, Ryan Joseph Posted 01/19/2022 Bond Signature $0.00
Seq. Orig Seq. Grade Statute Statute Description Offense Dt. OTN
1 1 F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes SBI to designated individuals
2 2 F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes SBI to designated individuals
3 3 F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes SBI to designated individuals
4 4 F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes SBI to designated individuals
5 5 M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1 Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
6 6 M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1 Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
7 7 M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1 Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
8 8 M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1 Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
9 9 M1 18 § 907 §§ A Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
10 13 S 18 § 2709 §§ A1 Harassment - Subject Other to Physical 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
11 14 S 18 § 2709 §§ A1 Harassment - Subject Other to Physical 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
12 15 S 18 § 2709 §§ A1 Harassment - Subject Other to Physical 11/27/2021 R 204847-6

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 3 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Seq. Orig Seq. Grade Statute Statute Description Offense Dt. OTN
13 16 S 18 § 2709 §§ A1 Harassment - Subject Other to Physical 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
14 17 M2 18 § 5104 Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
15 18 F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes BI with deadly weapon
16 19 F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes BI with deadly weapon
17 20 F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes BI with deadly weapon
18 21 F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4 Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
causes BI with deadly weapon
19 22 M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1 Simple Assault 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
20 23 M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1 Simple Assault 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
21 24 M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1 Simple Assault 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
22 25 M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1 Simple Assault 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
23 10 M1 18 § 907 §§ A Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
24 11 M1 18 § 907 §§ A Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
25 12 M1 18 § 907 §§ A Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int 11/27/2021 R 204847-6
Case Event Disposition Date Final Disposition
Sequence/Description Offense Disposition Grade Section
Sentencing Judge Sentence Date Credit For Time Served
Sentence/Diversion Program Type Incarceration/Diversionary Period Start Date
Sentence Conditions

Waived for Court (Lower Court) Defendant Was Present

Lower Court Disposition 01/19/2022 Not Final
1 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
2 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
3 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
4 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
5 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Waived for Court (Lower Court) M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
6 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Waived for Court (Lower Court) M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
7 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Waived for Court (Lower Court) M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
8 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Waived for Court (Lower Court) M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 4 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Case Event Disposition Date Final Disposition
Sequence/Description Offense Disposition Grade Section
Sentencing Judge Sentence Date Credit For Time Served
Sentence/Diversion Program Type Incarceration/Diversionary Period Start Date
Sentence Conditions

9 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Waived for Court (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
10 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Waived for Court (Lower Court) S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
11 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Waived for Court (Lower Court) S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
12 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Waived for Court (Lower Court) S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
13 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Waived for Court (Lower Court) S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
14 / Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Waived for Court (Lower Court) M2 18 § 5104
15 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
16 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
17 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
18 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Waived for Court (Lower Court) F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
19 / Simple Assault Waived for Court (Lower Court) M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
20 / Simple Assault Waived for Court (Lower Court) M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
21 / Simple Assault Waived for Court (Lower Court) M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
22 / Simple Assault Waived for Court (Lower Court) M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
23 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
24 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
25 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
Guilty Plea
Guilty Plea Hearing 08/31/2023 Final Disposition
1 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
2 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
3 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
4 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F1 18 § 2702 §§ A2
SBI to designated individuals

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 5 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Case Event Disposition Date Final Disposition
Sequence/Description Offense Disposition Grade Section
Sentencing Judge Sentence Date Credit For Time Served
Sentence/Diversion Program Type Incarceration/Diversionary Period Start Date
Sentence Conditions

O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023

5 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Nolle Prossed M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
6 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Nolle Prossed M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
7 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Nolle Prossed M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
8 / Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another Nolle Prossed M1 18 § 2706 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
9 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Nolle Prossed M1 18 § 907 §§ A
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
10 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Nolle Prossed S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
11 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Nolle Prossed S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
12 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Nolle Prossed S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
13 / Harassment - Subject Other to Physical Contact Nolle Prossed S 18 § 2709 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
14 / Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce Guilty Plea M2 18 § 5104
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
Probation Min of 2.00 Years 08/31/2023
Max of 2.00 Years
2 years
within monthly installments as directed.

15 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4

BI with deadly weapon
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
16 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 6 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Case Event Disposition Date Final Disposition
Sequence/Description Offense Disposition Grade Section
Sentencing Judge Sentence Date Credit For Time Served
Sentence/Diversion Program Type Incarceration/Diversionary Period Start Date
Sentence Conditions

17 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4

BI with deadly weapon
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
18 / Aggravated Assault - Attempts to cause or causes Nolle Prossed F2 18 § 2702 §§ A4
BI with deadly weapon
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
19 / Simple Assault Guilty Plea M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
Probation Min of 2.00 Years
Max of 2.00 Years
2 years
20 / Simple Assault Nolle Prossed M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
21 / Simple Assault Nolle Prossed M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
22 / Simple Assault Nolle Prossed M2 18 § 2701 §§ A1
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
23 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
24 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023
25 / Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int Withdrawn (Lower Court) M1 18 § 907 §§ A
O'Neill, Steven T. 08/31/2023

The following Judge Ordered Conditions are imposed:

and comply with recommended treatment. MH
shall comply with Montgomery County and/or PA Board of Probation and Parole rules, regulations and special conditions of
supervision and electronic monitoring if applicable. Attached and imposed.
Defendant shall pay the monthly offender supervision fee.

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 7 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Link 1
CP-46-CR-0000302-2022 - Seq. No. 19 (18 § 2701 §§ A1) - Probation is Consecutive to
CP-46-CR-0000302-2022 - Seq. No. 14 (18 § 5104 §§) - Probation


Name: Caroline Rose Goldstein Name: Patrick Thomas Doherty
District Attorney Private
Supreme Court No: 322790 Supreme Court No: 326167
Phone Number(s): Rep. Status: Active
610-278-3121 (Phone) Phone Number(s):
Address: 267-675-7076 (Phone)
Montgomery Co Da's Office Address:
Po Box 311 1650 Market St Ste 3669
Norristown, PA 19404 Philadelphia, PA 19103
Representing: Shustak, Ryan Joseph
Name: Emily Adams D'Aguanno
District Attorney
Supreme Court No: 081112
Phone Number(s):
610-389-7493 (Phone)
County Courthouse 4th Floor
Po Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404

Name: Montgomery County District Attorney's

Office - Criminal Division
Supreme Court No:
Phone Number(s):
610-278-3090 (Phone)
Montgomery County Courthouse
PO Box 311
Norristown, PA 19404
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

1 01/26/2022 Court of Common Pleas -

Montgomery County
Original Papers Received from Lower Court

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 8 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
01/26/2022 eService Served

1 02/08/2022 Griffith, George M. Jr.

Entry of Appearance
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/08/2022 eNotice Notified

2 02/08/2022 Griffith, George M. Jr.

Request for Pre-Trial Discovery
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/08/2022 eNotice Notified

1 02/09/2022 Doherty, Patrick Thomas

Entry of Appearance
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/09/2022 eNotice Notified
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/09/2022 eNotice Notified

2 02/09/2022 Doherty, Patrick Thomas

Waiver of Arraignment
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/09/2022 eNotice Notified
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/09/2022 eNotice Notified

1 02/11/2022 Hilles, Henry S. III

Order Granting Motion for Modification of Bail - Shustak, Ryan Joseph
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
02/14/2022 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/14/2022 eService Served

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 9 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/14/2022 eService Served

2 02/07/2023 Montgomery County Court

Hearing Notice
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
02/07/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
02/07/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/07/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/07/2023 eService Served

1 02/24/2023 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Information Filed
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
02/28/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
02/28/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/28/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/28/2023 eService Served

1 02/27/2023 02/27/2023 Shustak, Ryan Joseph

Waiver of Pa.R.Crim.P. 600/1013 (Prompt Trial)
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
02/27/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
02/27/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/27/2023 eService Served

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 10 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/27/2023 eService Served

2 02/27/2023 02/27/2023 O'Neill, Steven T.

Pre-Trial Conference Order
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
02/27/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
02/27/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
02/27/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
02/27/2023 eService Served

1 04/05/2023 Montgomery County Court

Hearing Notice
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
04/05/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
04/05/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
04/05/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
04/05/2023 eService Served

1 04/26/2023 04/26/2023 O'Neill, Steven T.

Pre-Trial Conference Order
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
04/26/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
04/26/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
04/26/2023 eService Served

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 11 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
04/26/2023 eService Served

1 04/27/2023 04/27/2023 Shustak, Ryan Joseph

Waiver of Pa.R.Crim.P. 600/1013 (Prompt Trial)
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
04/27/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
04/27/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
04/27/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
04/27/2023 eService Served

1 05/16/2023 Montgomery County Court

Hearing Notice
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
05/16/2023 eService Served
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
05/16/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
05/16/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
05/16/2023 eService Served

1 06/01/2023 Doherty, Patrick Thomas

Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to Rule 600
D'Aguanno, Emily Adams
06/01/2023 eNotice Notified
Griffith, George M. Jr.
06/01/2023 eNotice Notified
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
06/01/2023 eNotice Notified

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 12 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

1 06/08/2023 D'Aguanno, Emily Adams

Change of Prosecutor
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
06/08/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
06/08/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
06/08/2023 eService Served

1 06/15/2023 06/15/2023 O'Neill, Steven T.

Pre-Trial Conference Order
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
06/15/2023 eService Served
Goldstein, Caroline Rose
06/15/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
06/15/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
06/15/2023 eService Served

2 08/08/2023 Montgomery County Court

Hearing Notice
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
08/08/2023 eService Served
Goldstein, Caroline Rose
08/08/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
08/08/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
08/08/2023 eService Served

2 08/31/2023 O'Neill, Steven T.

Guilty Plea

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.
Docket Number: CP-46-CR-0000302-2022
Court Case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Page 13 of 13
Ryan Joseph Shustak
Sequence Number CP Filed Date Document Date Filed By
Service To Service By

Issue Date Service Type Status Date Service Status

Doherty, Patrick Thomas
08/31/2023 eService Served
Goldstein, Caroline Rose
08/31/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
08/31/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
08/31/2023 eService Served

3 08/31/2023 O'Neill, Steven T.

Order - Sentence/Penalty Imposed
Doherty, Patrick Thomas
08/31/2023 eService Served
Goldstein, Caroline Rose
08/31/2023 eService Served
Griffith, George M. Jr.
08/31/2023 eService Served
Montgomery County District Attorney's
Office - Criminal Division
08/31/2023 eService Served

CPCMS 9082 Printed: 08/31/2023

Recent entries made in the court filing offices may not be immediately reflected on these docket sheets . Neither the courts of the Unified Judicial
System of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania nor the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts assume any liability for inaccurate or delayed
data, errors or omissions on these reports. Docket Sheet information should not be used in place of a criminal history background check which can
only be provided by the Pennsylvania State Police. Moreover an employer who does not comply with the provisions of the Criminal History Record
Information Act may be subject to civil liability as set forth in 18 Pa.C.S. Section 9183.

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