Estimating Transition Probabilities From
Estimating Transition Probabilities From
Estimating Transition Probabilities From
This tutorial presents practical guidance on transforming various typesof information published in journals, or available online
from government and other sources, into transition probabilities for use in state-transition models, including cost-effectiveness
models. Much, but not all, of the guidance has been previously published in peer-reviewed journals. Our purpose is to collect
it in one location to serve as a stand-alone resource for decision modelers who draw most or all of their information from
the published literature. Our focus is on the technical aspects of manipulating data to derive transition probabilities. We
explain how to derive model transition probabilities from the following types of statistics: relative risks, odds, odds ratios,
and rates. We then review the well-known approach for converting probabilities to match the model’s cycle length when
there are two health-state transitions and how to handle the case of three or more health-state transitions, for which the two-
state approach is not appropriate. Other topics discussed include transition probabilities for population subgroups, issues to
keep in mind when using data from different sources in the derivation process, and sensitivity analyses, including the use
of sensitivity analysis to allocate analyst effort in refining transition probabilities and ways to handle sources of uncertainty
that are not routinely formalized in models. The paper concludes with recommendations to help modelers make the best use
of the published literature.
1 Introduction
Metastatic disease to Death. Transition probabilities would
describe the probabilities of moving from Cancer-Free to
A set of health states, or events, and the probabilities of tran-
Local Cancer, from Local to Regional, from Regional to
sitioning from onestate to others during a specified period of
Metastatic, and from any of those states to Death, over, say,
time (“transition probabilities”) are the fundamental building
1 year. Different probabilities would be needed to describe
blocks of decision models. A state-transition model to evalu-
the natural (untreated) course of the disease versus its course
ate cancer interventions, for example, might start with the
with treatment. The yearly time period, called the cycle
Cancer-Free state and proceed through Local, Regional, and
length, would repeat until an appropriate stopping point was
reached. The total number of years (cycles) represents the
* Risha Gidwani model’s time horizon. The usual recommendation is that the
[email protected] time horizon should be long enough to capture all significant
health outcomes, which often requires modeling the remain-
Department of Health Management and Policy, UCLA ing lifetimes of patients [1, 2].
School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA, USA
There are two common challenges a modeler faces
Health Economics Resource Center, VA Palo Alto Health when deriving transition probabilities for use in a decision
Care System, Menlo Park, CA, USA
model. One challenge is that the data from the published
Center for Innovation To Implementation, VA Palo Alto and publicly available literature, such as data published by
Health Care System, Menlo Park, CA, USA
the United States (US) Census Bureau or the Centers for
Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, Disease Control and Prevention, are often not reported as
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, USA probabilities. Rather, evidence that is relevant to the deci-
5 sion model may be in the form of counts, rates, relative risks
Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics
and Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University (RRs), or odds ratios (ORs) that need to be converted into
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA probabilities. A second challenge is that when the evidence
1154 R. Gidwani, L. B. Russell
data, it may be possible to extrapolate using life tables, or the resulting modeler-derived estimate of p1 to be valid and
mortality rates by cause, available from national vital statis- applicable to the population being modeled.
tics systems. An important issue for such extrapolations, to Of note, when the RR reported in the study has been
which we return in the section on uncertainty analysis, is the adjusted for covariates and the probability of the event in
need to increase the variance around the model’s estimates the unexposed group has not, the denominator of the RR
to include extrapolation-based error. In addition, in models does not cancel out:
with long time horizons, transition probabilities, including ( )
probabilities of adverse events, which are too often omitted, p1 ≈ × p0_unadjusted . (3)
usually need to be modified as the cohort ages. p0_adjusted
The modeler may, for lack of other data, use Eq. 3 any-
way, recognizing that there is an unknown degree of error in
4 Relative Risks and Odds Ratios
the resulting estimate of p1. A plausible range of values for
p1 should be tested in sensitivity analyses to determine the
As noted, published information about disease burden and
likely importance of this error to the analysis.
treatment efficacy is often summarized in the form of RRs or
ORs. Here we discuss how to derive transition probabilities
from these statistics.
4.2 Using Relative Risks to Derive Subgroup
Transition Probabilities
4.1 Using Relative Risks to Derive Transition
Probabilities are often available for a population, but not
Probabilities for the Treated Group
for subgroups that are important for the model. RRs can
help in this situation because a population probability is a
Investigators often compare the probability of an event in
weighted average of subgroup probabilities and RRs pro-
people exposed to an intervention or condition to the proba-
vide the weights. To illustrate, an analysis of the cost-effec-
bility in those not exposed—the probability of lung cancer in
tiveness of maternal immunization to prevent pertussis in
smokers versus nonsmokers, for example, or the probability
infants, which compared maternal immunization plus rou-
of heart attacks in those who take statins versus those who
tine infant vaccination with routine infant vaccination alone,
do not. A relative risk (RR) (also called a risk ratio) is the
required probabilities of pertussis death in infants by vac-
ratio formed by the probability of the event in the exposed
cination status and age group [17]. Probabilities of pertussis
group divided by the probability of that same event in the
death for infants aged 0–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–8, and 9–11 months
unexposed group:
were available from Brazilian mortality and hospitalization
p1 data systems. Probabilities that infants in each of those age
RR = , (1)
p0 groups had received no, one, or two to three doses of vac-
cine were modeled from survey data [18]. But probabilities
where p1 is the probability of the event in exposed persons, of pertussis death by vaccination status, needed to estimate
and p0 is the probability of the event in unexposed persons. the impact of vaccination on pertussis mortality in infants,
When the RR is multiplied by the probability of the event were not available.
in unexposed persons, p0, the denominator of the RR cancels To derive probabilities by vaccination status, the over-
out, leaving the probability of the event in the exposed, p1: all probability of pertussis death in each age group was
( )
p1 expressed as a weighted average of the probabilities of death
p1 = RR × p0 = × p0 . (2) by vaccination status:
( ) ( ) ( )
pmtotal = p0 × pm0 + p1 × pm1 + p23 × pm23 , (4)
Use of Eq. 2 necessitates knowing p0. Often, the probabil-
ity of the event in the unexposed is reported in the same arti- pmtotal is the known probability of dying of pertussis for the
cle that reports the RR. In other cases, this information will age group as a whole; pm0, pm1, and pm23 are the unknown
come from a different source. For example, the probability, probabilities of dying of pertussis for infants who received
p0, that an untreated diabetic person develops diabetic retin- no dose, one dose, or two to three doses of vaccine. p0, p1,
opathy may come from one source (such as the control arm and p23 are the known proportions of children of that age
of an RCT) and the RR of diabetic retinopathy for treatment who had received no dose, one dose, or two to three doses
versus no treatment from another, such as an epidemiologic of vaccine.
study. The modeler needs to decide whether p0 and the RR Multiplying the right-hand side by pm0/pm0 allows the
come from sufficiently similar populations (or whether there equation to be restated in terms of the RRs of death by vac-
is reason to believe the RR is similar in all populations) for cination status:
Guidance for Model Transition Probabilities 1157
( ( ( )) ( ( )))
pm1 pm23 Assume the
pmtotal = pm0 × p0 + p1 × + p23 × , Outcome is yes OR
pm0 pm0 <10% or OR is
close to 1.0
a RR
( ( ) ( )) no
pmtotal = pm0 × p0 + p1 × RR1 + p23 × RR23 ,
Use Equa on Obtain p0 from
RRs were available from Juretzko et al. [19] (albeit for acel- 7 to convert data sources as
the OR to a RR Mul ply RR by
lular pertussis vaccine, not the whole-cell vaccine used in similar as possible
p0 to obtain p1
to the ones used
Brazil), and p0, p1, and p23 were obtained from Clark using to derive the RR
the methods described in Clark et al. [18], so the equation
could be solved for pm0. Once pm0 is known, the RR equa-
Fig. 1 Deriving a transition probability from a reported OR. OR odds
tions can be used to solve for pm1 and pm23, ratio, p0 probability of the event in unexposed persons, p1 probability
of the event in exposed persons, RR relative risk
RR1 = 0.32 and RR23 = 0.05.
covariates will yield different baseline risks. And, of course, 5.1 The Probability‑Rate Equations when there are
regressions that use different datasets will produce different Two State Transitions
baseline risks [25]. In principle, it is possible to calculate
an average baseline risk for a specific regression by insert- Equations 8 and 9 show the relation between a probability
ing the means of the covariates into the published logis- (p), rate (r), and time (t) [11, 26–28].
tic regression [24], or to calculate a baseline risk that best
represents the model population by specifying appropriate −ln(1 − p)
r= , (8)
values for the covariates. In practice, this is usually not pos- t
sible because even when authors publish the coefficients for
all covariates, they rarely include the value of the intercept, p = 1 − exp(−rt). (9)
which is also needed.
To convert a probability from one time frame to another,
If the modeler does not have access to the complete
the modeler can use Eqs. 8 and 9, which are the ones most
original regression, Grant recommends establishing a range
frequently found in published articles, or the equivalent
of baseline risks and calculating the corresponding range
Eq. 10 [11].
of RRs, then conducting one-way sensitivity analysis to
determine the influence of that range on the model’s results p = 1 − (1 − p)1∕n . (10)
[24]. A plausible range can be based on previous published
research or on expert opinion. The Appendix demonstrates both approaches for a hypo-
thetical example.
As a real-world example, consider the 12-month prob-
5 Converting Probabilities to the Model’s ability, 10.8%, that a child under age 6 living in Milwaukee,
Cycle Length Wisconsin is newly diagnosed with elevated blood lead lev-
els (defined as ≥ 5 mcg/dL of blood) in 2016 [29]. If the
Once the evidence is in the form of probabilities, it may need model has a 3-month cycle length, a 3-month probability is
to be converted to the model’s cycle length. For example, a needed. Using Eq. 8, we convert the 12-month probability
trial may report outcomes at 2 years’ follow-up, while the to a 12-month rate. Since the time period does not change,
model has an annual cycle length. For a model node with the denominator is 1,
only two branches, that is, two possible state transitions, the −ln(1 − 0.108)
relationship between probabilities and rates provides a sim- 12 month rate = = 0.114289.
ple way to derive probabilities that match the model’s cycle
length. Recall that a probability is the number of events in a Next, using Eq. 9, we convert this 12-month rate to a
time period divided by the total number of people followed 3-month probability,
for that time period, and ranges from 0 to 1.0. A rate is the
( )
number of events divided by the total time at risk experi- 3 month probability = 1 − exp −0.114289 ×
enced by all people followed, and ranges from 0 to infinity.
= 1 − 0.97183 = 0.0282.
Thus, probabilities and rates for the same event are differen-
tiated by their denominators: the calculation of a rate takes The 3-month probability is thus 0.0282 (alternatively, we
into account the time spent at risk, while the calculation could have converted the 12-month probability to a 3-month
of a probability does not [26]. See Appendix for a detailed rate, and then the 3-month rate to a 3-month probability).
example and the assumptions involved in the formula. Using Eq. 10 yields the same 3-month probability:
Panel C: Results of a Markov model using the annual two-state probabilities in panel B to project 3 years of outcomes for a cohort of 124
1 70.7494 45.0543 45.0543 8.1963 8.1963 124
2 40.3667 25.7061 70.7604 4.6765 12.8728 124
3 23.0316 14.6669 85.4273 2.6682 15.5411 124
Correct numbers 9 92 23 124
3 month probability = 1 − (1 − 12 month p)1∕n transplant and followed for 3 years, there are three possible
1∕4 transitions: remain a good candidate, receive a transplant, or
= 1 − (1 − 0.108) = 1 − 0.8921∕4
die. The two-state formula will give incorrect annual transi-
= 1 − 0.97193 = 0.0282. tion probabilities for this row.
The 3-month rate can be verified by using it to calculate Panel B shows the study data applicable to the first row of
the probability that a child will be diagnosed over a year the transition matrix; study outcomes, 3-year probabilities
(Table 2, especially column C, end of cycle 4). calculated from the study outcomes, and (incorrect) annual
probabilities derived from the 3-year probabilities using the
5.2 Changing Cycle Length When There are Three two-state method. Panel C shows the results of a Markov
or More State Transitions model that used the incorrect annual probabilities to pro-
ject health outcomes for a baseline cohort of 124 patients
The conversion procedure for two state transitions (124 chosen to match the source study and facilitate com-
(Eqs. 8–10) does not yield correct probabilities when three parisons). The correct numbers, calculated using the 3-year
or more state transitions can occur in a cycle, a common probabilities from the study, are shown in bold in the last
situation [11, 26, 28, 30]. The problem is illustrated in row of panel C. The annual probabilities derived using the
Table 3, which is based on a study of patients with severe two-state method substantially overestimate the number of
congestive heart failure evaluated for a heart transplant [31]. good candidates remaining at 3 years and underestimate the
Panel A depicts the transition probability matrix of a Markov other two health states.
model. Among those considered good candidates for heart There are three possible solutions to the problem of
deriving model transition probabilities when more than two
1160 R. Gidwani, L. B. Russell
individual-level data, this linkage can be done through other models for extrapolation [34]. Modelers who are limited to
mechanisms. For example, in a model evaluating multiple the published data will not be able to use these approaches,
lines of treatment for cancer, it may be necessary to link the but should consider widening the range around extrapolated
probability of response to second-line treatment to the prob- probabilities to reflect the additional uncertainty associated
ability of response to first-line treatment, perhaps by defin- with extrapolation. The importance of the problem is illus-
ing the probability for second-line treatment as a fraction of trated by an analysis of artificial hips that found extrapola-
the probability for first-line treatment. If the two values are tions based on the 8 years of follow-up data available at the
left independent, the PSA can produce implausible model time of the original analysis turned out, once 16 years of
iterations. follow-up became available, to have identified the wrong
Another source of uncertainty derives from the time artificial hip as the most successful and cost-effective [15].
frame of the original statistic. Consider again the probability
of new mothers reporting post-partum depression symptoms,
11.5%. This outcome was reported for a mean follow-up 7 Discussion
time of 125 days, approximately 4 months, after delivery
[22]. To derive a transition probability, the modeler may There are many complex issues to be addressed in the pro-
treat the value of 11.5% as the probability for 4 months and cess of developing a decision model. Here, we summarize
use Eqs. 8 and 9, or Eq. 10, to transform it to the cycle length some best practices for using data from the published litera-
of the model. But because not everyone was followed for at ture that may mitigate downstream challenges.
least 4 months (the mean follow-up was 4 months), this is First, as Miller and Homan warned more than 2 decades
not correct, and the probability has not only the usual sam- ago, statistics are not always correctly described in the origi-
pling error, but also an additional error associated with the nal source [27]. Modelers should carefully review whether
time frame. While this remains an area for future research, the reported statistic is actually a probability, an RR, a rate,
modelers should test the impact of this measurement error or something else; sometimes statistics reported as rates are
by conducting a series of one-way deterministic sensitiv- actually probabilities. As noted earlier, one clue to the dif-
ity analyses using values associated with varying the time ference is that a rate has time at risk explicitly stated in the
frame—for example, transition probabilities derived using denominator, (e.g., ten events per 100 person-years) while
the mean, median, minimum, and maximum follow-up times a probability does not (e.g., ten events per 100 persons).
reported for the statistic. If the model results are sensitive Another clue is that for a probability, persons must be fol-
to the difference, modelers may wish to contact the study lowed for the entire time period, whereas for a rate, persons
investigators for data stratified by follow-up time or explore are followed only until the event occurs [26].
alternative sources of data. Once the published data relevant to the decision model
An important issue, for which there is as yet no good are correctly identified, the methods described in this paper
solution, is how to represent the uncertainty involved in can be used to derive transition probabilities appropriate to
extrapolating transition probabilities beyond the time hori- the model. Our purpose here has been to collect the meth-
zon of the available data. When the modeler has access to ods available in the literature in a single place to make the
the original data, the standard approach is to fit a variety process of derivation easier for modelers. We have described
of parametric models to the data, and, using a goodness- how RRs can be used to derive transition probabilities for
of-fit statistic such as the Akaike and/or Bayesian informa- disease or for treatment efficacy, or can serve as weights
tion criterion, choose the best-fitting model to extrapolate for deriving transition probabilities for population sub-
beyond the original data, even though goodness-of-fit to groups. We described how to derive probabilities from the
the observed data is not an appropriate test of the fitted frequently-reported OR, including in situations where the
model’s ability to extrapolate accurately. Negrin et al. [34] event is not rare. Probabilities derived from summary sta-
and Latimer [16] suggest conducting sensitivity analyses by tistics such as RRs or ORs will be affected by the accuracy
comparing, say, the cost-effectiveness results for the best- and suitability of additional elements required by the deriva-
fitting model with results based on those that fit less well. tion, such as the probability of an event in the unexposed,
This approach shows whether an intervention deemed cost- and we have discussed how modelers can incorporate the
effective (or not) using the best-fitting model remains so uncertainty introduced by these elements.
when other models are used and focuses attention on the We have discussed several types of statistics that are of
effects of the extrapolation method on decision uncertainty. direct use for estimating transition probabilities for decision
Another approach is to fit parametric models to different models. There are other statistics that, while not directly
subperiods within the observed data to explore the stability useful, are excellent leads to sources of the statistics needed
of the estimated parameters and, rather than using the single for models. The population attributable fraction (PAF) is
best-fitting model, use Bayesian model averaging to combine one such example [35, 36]. Since it shows the maximum
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