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The benefits and challenges of evidence based public health: the experience of
the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Beneficios y retos de la salud pública basada en la evidencia: la experiencia del National
Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Antony Morgan
Centre for Public Health (CPH), National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London, United Kingdom

Public health activities can contribute to the reduction of per- This framework describes four vectors –population, environment,
sistent health inequalities that exist both between and within society and organisations – which are used to articulate the mech-
countries.1 At a global level, there is political commitment to anisms of cause and interventions. They highlight how guidance
support such activities, evidenced by World Health Organisation might be developed to alleviate differences in health experience
(WHO) Member States signing up to the sixty fifth World Health at population and sub-population levels. Guidance developed to
Assembly resolution Reducing health inequities through action on the reduce harm from the misuse of alcohol provides an example
social determinants of health.2 Many countries, including England of its use in practice.11 A range of recommendations were made
and Spain have followed through to identify the most effective including: minimum pricing on alcohol (population level); restric-
context specific actions required to bring about fair and equal tions on advertising (industry focussed) and locally based brief
opportunities for health.3,4 However, publishing such reports is not interventions by primary care and other professionals. The pur-
sufficient to achieve equity goals, without the necessary willingness pose of the guidance was to uphold a basic principle of public
and capacity to act. health. That is, to promote a range of interventions that can act
The Centre for Public Health (CPH) at the National Institute synergistically to bring about multiple health and often social
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) aims to contribute to the benefits.
implementation of such actions through the production of evidence Secondly, CPH strives for methodological diversity, which Bon-
based guidance. CPH provides national guidance on the promotion nefoy et al.12 argue is essential for building an evidence base
of good health for those working in the NHS, local authorities and for action on the social determinants of health. Evidence is not
the wider public and voluntary sector. It makes recommendations appraised on the basis of adherence to a single evidence hierarchy
for England on what is known from research and practice about the where a particular method (or design) is given priority. Instead, it
effectiveness and cost effectiveness of interventions and broader is assessed on whether the research method used is appropriate
programmes. for the question being asked (and the decision needing to be made)
So what benefits does the NICE public health approach hold and and the extent to which its own methodological principles are well
what are the challenges? executed.13 This approach compensates for the fact that evidence
The most obvious benefit is the robust processes and methods derived from a single source, rarely provides simple answers of
which have secured NICE’s reputation as one of the most produc- what to do. For example, CPH guidance Hepatitis B and C – ways
tive and best organized developers of guidance in the world.5,6 to promote and offer testing employed both quantitative and qual-
Together they ensure that guidance is: based on a rigorous assess- itative research to help produce it.14 The former highlights what
ment of the evidence; developed by independent committees; works in general. The latter describes how the barriers to acces-
regularly informed by the public, patients, and service users; sing available services can be overcome for those most at risk of
guided by potential implementers of it; and subjected to ongoing infection. Taking a mixed method approach to the collection and
consultation with stakeholders to ensure its rigour and appropri- synthesis of evidence ensures that public health guidance is based
ateness. In professional circles at least the guidance is trusted.7 on a better understanding of how interventions might be applied
The credibility of the organisation has grown through a commit- effectively in real life.11,15 Given the complexity of solutions to
ment and willingness to undergo ongoing public scrutiny of its most public health issues and that evidence only provides the start-
work.8 ing point for a set of plausible actions, methodological pluralism is
More specifically for public health, CPH ensures its guidance is essential to ensure guidance is fit for purpose.11,16
aligned with a strong public health approach. This is illustrated in Assessing value for money is a core function of NICE. It is an
a number of ways. opportunity to present the economic case for public health and as
First, it is set within the context of a social determinants and such provides a third benefit. Despite a paucity of public health eco-
health inequalities approach to population health. Guidance devel- nomic studies and the methodological difficulties associated with
opment is supported by a conceptual framework9,10 that ensures assessing interventions,17,18 NICE methods allow estimates of cost
the multiple layers of influence on health are accounted for. effectiveness to be made based on extrapolations of effectiveness
All published recommendations for action are deemed to be cost
effective. Owen et al.19 found that overall the public health inter-
E-mail address: [email protected] ventions assessed by CPH, as judged against the NICE threshold20

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288 A. Morgan / Gac Sanit. 2013;27(4):287–289

are good value for money and cheap. Economic appraisal work context becomes ever more critical. The capability of NICE methods
has been further developed to include the ‘return on investment’ and processes provide a good starting point for this task.
(ROI) initiative. Using tobacco control as an example, it has devel- Is learning from NICE transferable? Of course it is, but context
oped a tool to support local decision-making and prioritisation. matters. The success of NICE has depended as much on the pro-
It examines a portfolio of tobacco control interventions using cess by which its guidance is produced as the science upon which
local data to assess the economic returns that can be expected it is based. For public health, this by necessity involves context
by them individually or in combination in the short to long specific; assessments of population health goals; an understand-
term.21 ing of how best to configure local systems and circumstances for
Of course, the benefits described above are my personal choice effective implementation; and perhaps most importantly identifi-
and as an employee of NICE might be subject to bias. The reader can cation, commitment and engagement of all those actors who have
review the most recent editions of the CPH process and methods an opportunity to create the optimum conditions for health.
manuals to decide for themselves whether the NICE public health
approach has relevance for the Spanish context.22
NICE guidance can make a contribution to health goals but chal-
lenges exist to ensure its advice is followed.
Public health guidance is not mandatory! Whilst the organisa-
tion has an obligation to make certain that its guidance is robust
and credible, expressed appropriately, and disseminated in ways Conflict of interest
that encourage the widest possible use,23 its implementation is
subject to the enthusiasm of professionals. Given the wide range None. Views expressed in this editorial are personal and do not
of professionals required to bring about public health goals, this is constitute the formal view of NICE.
a challenge. In the health service, some staff are employed directly
to implement NICE guidance. However, the responsibility for pub-
lic health in England is now with local government. Evidence based References
culture in this setting is not so well known, used or even accepted.
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A general lesson for guidance producers is to ensure they pay atten- Social Determinants of Health Final Report. Geneva: WHO; 2008.
tion to the needs of those who are in a position to implement it. The 2. World Health Organisation. All for equity. In: World conference on the
next big task for CPH is to make its work relevant for local govern- social determinants of health. 2011. Report available at: http://www.who.int/
sdhconference/resources/wcsdh report/en/index.html
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