ST Alipius Review Report Final Nov 2020
ST Alipius Review Report Final Nov 2020
ST Alipius Review Report Final Nov 2020
Prepared for
YEAR 2020
Leadership and the teaching staff are committed to focusing on holistic student development
through a varied curriculum and engaging pedagogy. There are twelve class groupings – Foundation
to Year 6 (ranging between 18 and 26 students in each class). St Alipius has the second largest
indigenous intake (26 students) in the Diocese. Learning and teaching is based on the Constructivist
approach, responding to the ages and stages of students within a Project Based Learning process,
beginning in Play and moving into Deep Inquiry.
The POL structure includes the Principal, Deputy Principal and leaders in Learning and Teaching,
Wellbeing and Catholic Culture. Connections and communication are strong at St Alipius with
stakeholders feeling they have an opportunity to contribute and know their views are respected.
A hardworking staff - a good mix of youth and experience - some excellent practitioners – are
focussed on establishing the strategies needed to meet a diverse learning community. Under the
current Principal, the leadership structure is based on openness, transparency and feedback. This
structure is changing in 2021 with the school’s vision for learning being led by the Principal, Deputy
and current Wellbeing Leader.
● Talking and acting in a lifegiving way - congruence is foundational to what we are on about.
● The remote learning platform, allowing families access to learning experiences and
● Teachers dedicated to the core, being available 24/7, maintaining their enthusiasm and
producing engaging lessons during lockdown.
● Developing a culture where, in a community of learning, improved teacher and student
performance is the major focus.
● A highly able leadership team, developing leadership structures to support a Performance
and Development Culture.
● An increased focus on formative assessment to target point of need teaching and summative
teaching to measure growth and set future goals.
● With a strong wellbeing focus, being a significant face of the Royal Commission, growing
beyond an historical St Alipius – holding the Gospel at the centre, being authentically
Catholic throughout the journey and working through trauma.
● Leading the way in terms of the Reconciliation Action Plan.
A defining characteristic of St Alipius is its welcoming, resilient and respectful community which
builds strong links with the parish and broader community through its social justice programs. The
school has an effective and supportive School Advisory Council comprising a passionate group of
professionals dedicated to the growth of St Alipius Parish School.
Communicating student achievement and areas for growth to home takes place through SeeSaw.
Teachers have a consistent approach to reporting. Teachers and students share learning goals and
work samples and communicate achievement. Families interact with the learning and provide
feedback to their child and the teacher. School families have grown in their understanding and use
of technology – the remote learning platform - particularly during COVID-19 lockdowns.
Classroom teachers are reflective and prepared to challenge their own impact and the impact of
team. A Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum has been developed for Reading, Writing and
Mathematics. Data analysis informs teaching to point-of-need. Appropriate progressions of Learning
have been developed to support Essential Learnings. Planning and collaboration are consistent
across teams. All staff attend significant professional learning sessions ie: Leading through Learning,
The Journey Continues and a Visible Learning conference. A review of the Assessment Schedule – the
purpose of each assessment and its impact on student learning – resulted in streamlined
assessment, the introduction of formative and summative assessment tool (Essential Assessment)
and the introduction of Student Performance Analyser (SPA). There is a focus on inquiry learning and
a desire to give students a stronger voice and agency in the classroom.
Student and staff wellbeing are priorities at St Alipius. The appointment of a Wellbeing Leader has
resulted in pastoral care being available for all student and staff via Mindfulness tools and other
strategies. The Peaceful Kids program has raised awareness of how to teach and embed mindfulness
into all school activities – within and outside the classroom. Together with the Peaceful Parents
Program, they have provided a strong base for Social and Emotional Learning. In addition, a Bounce
Back drive was created – Scope and Sequence and resources to support the implementation of the
The review panel spoke of leadership developing strong links between learning and teaching and the
wellbeing structures that underpin the school's vision and mission. A very caring and supportive
environment is evident and respect underpins relationships between adults and students. There is
recognition that addressing engagement and wellbeing is of paramount importance - seeking
student feedback on their learning and staff feeling comfortable to seek feedback on their impact.
There is dedicated PLT time where teachers have significant conversations about student
performance. Shared leadership is being developed.
The school’s area of growth is staff culture. The past two Insight SRC surveys (2017 and 2019)
highlight professional growth, supportive leadership, teamwork, empowerment and appraisal and
recognition, as areas requiring a deeper focus. The teacher focus group projected a sense of, at
times, the detail being lost in what we do, we could have a greater awareness around each other and
Leadership is determined to enhance the expertise and capability of each member of staff. It is keen
for the staff to value, not fear, accountability – to trust, to be goal congruent, adaptable and to be on
the journey of continuous growth. The challenge is to gain full buy-in.
This review was initially planned for Term 2 but with COVID-19 and two substantial periods of
lockdown, the review was deferred until mid-Term 4. The pre-review was conducted via Zoom,
providing an opportunity for the Principal and Reviewer to discuss the school context, school
performance and the direction for the field and panel days. The following data was made available
to the panel:
School Reflection Report 2020
Characteristics of a Highly Effective Catholic School data and Self-Assessment Summary
School Organisational Health Report (Insight SRC) 2019
2016-2020 School Strategic Plan
2020 Annual Action Plan
ECSI report.
On the first day of the review, external members of the panel were taken on a tour. Focus groups
The Leadership Team – Principal, Deputy Principal, the Learning and Teaching Leaders and
the Wellbeing Leader.
The Teaching and Learning, Wellbeing and Catholic Identity Teams.
Learning Support Staff.
Seven parents (including some members of the School Advisory Council).
Ten Student Leaders
Ten Year 3-5 students.
The school’s vision - Excellence, Equity and Empowerment - is inspired by being open to God’s
presence and being an authentic Catholic learning community.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are evident within this
Aspect (4.97).
● A Christ-centred learning community, the school celebrates a rich Tradition of Catholic
belief, values, practices and history.
● There is a commitment that all students are safe.
● The whole person is nurtured, developing individual competencies and impact on others.
● Empathy is the lens with which all members of the school community are encouraged to
encounter each other.
● Seeking wisdom in all, through deep inquiry.
● A celebrating community, inspired by hope and a positive vision for the future.
Agreed key improvements for this aspect for the next five years as articulated through the
review process
● Deeper articulated connection across the community with the Vision and Mission.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are mostly evident
across all components within this Aspect (4.77).
● The RE program is authentically based on the Gospel and aligned with the Liturgical Calendar.
● RE leads conversations at St Alipius – constantly asking the question: How does RE drive what
we do?
● The push for Recontextualisation has been very positive – making sense for self and for others.
● Expressing Catholic Traditions through symbolic religious artwork, an active and accessible
prayer life, connections with community groups, recognition and celebration of our first nations
people and engagement with Catholic Social Teaching.
● Looking for signs of Gospel in the ‘now’.
● The diversity of Faith backgrounds within the school community is embraced – enriched
learning as the result of a diversity of religious groups.
● Rich and inclusive prayer life.
● Acknowledging and celebrating our First Nations people - Reconciliation Action Plan,
Acknowledgement of Country, celebration of NAIDOC Week and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander perspectives that impact positively on the curriculum.
● Catholic Social Teachings driving project-based learning – the Sustainability Program, biannual
unit team performances and Whole School Prayer.
Agreed Key Improvements for this Aspect for the next five years as articulated through
the Review Process
● Professional Learning in RE to create a holistic focus across the school (Spiritual Capabilities,
Catholic Social Teaching, theological formation and ECSI)
● Identify and respond to gaps which may be apparent following an examination of ECSI data.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are mostly evident
across all components within this Aspect (4.77).
Community Partnerships
● The school engages actively with the broader community to enhance student learning and
wellbeing ie: participation in Parish, Anointing and Sacramental Masses.
● Connection with Mercy Place and engagement with the Mercy Charism.
● Connection with charity organisations – Eureka Mums, Ballarat Soup and Shower Buses,
Winter Appeal and the school’s Giving Tree program.
● Family engagement with art shows, classroom expos, sporting events, science, music and
Japanese programs.
● Connection with groups that support Science and Sustainability and the Music and Japanese
● In response to COVID, a community focus on building strong capability and resilience in
students enabling a positive transition to remote learning.
● School Advisory Council is an effective conduit between parents and the leadership team.
● Learning experiences with an authentic audience so as to better connect with the broader
Agreed Key Improvements for this Aspect for the next five years as articulated through
the Review Process
● Build stronger family connections to engage them in contemporary learning at St Alipius
(including Capabilities and Visible Learning).
● Learning experiences include an authentic audience throughout the learning process in order
to promote community partnership.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are mostly evident
across all components within this Aspect (4.76).
Shared Leadership
● A successful restructure of the leadership team resulting in the establishment of a
Performance and Development Team.
● Classroom teachers from each unit team directly involved in decision-making.
● Developing a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum.
● Developing relevant assessment tasks enabling collective responsibility for learning
● Increased data analysis to inform point of need teaching.
● Progressions of Learning building a shared commitment for learning outcomes.
● Establishing a Reconciliation Action Plan.
● Implementing and monitoring the Assessing Wellbeing in Education.
● Facilitating Peaceful Kids and Peaceful Parent Programs.
● A deepening understanding of Catholic culture through ECSI data analysis.
● Building a strong foundation of community.
● Building a recontextualised community, rich in dialogue.
● Teaching and non-teaching staff have gained a deeper understanding of the support or
adjustments provided for students whose learning is impacted by disability and to name the
quality differentiated teaching practice evident in classrooms.
Stewardship Of Resources
● The school vision Excellence, Equity and Empowerment, underpins the distribution and
allocation of resources.
● Resource management is targeted to meet the learning and wellbeing needs of students and
● Flexible structures and processes allows the school to respond appropriately to each
student’s needs.
● Policies, processes and practices are aligned to provide equitable access to education for all,
especially the poor and marginalised.
● The transition to ICON, demonstrating sound financial management and accountability
● The development of a Master Plan aligned to the school’s educational vision.
● Strong system and legislative compliance and accountability around child safety and OH&S.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are mostly evident
across all components within this Aspect (4.84).
Effective Teaching
● Students taught at their point of need – teachers know their students.
● Students work in small groups targeted to their explicit learning goals.
● Teachers have created a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum and Progressions of Learning.
● Unit team common assessment tasks enable teachers to analyse data, identify students’
point of need and map their next steps for learning.
● All teachers set clear and rigorous expectations for students, identify what they know and
the next steps for learning and then communicate this with students and families.
● Essential Agreements provides a vehicle to identify students strengths and future learning
goals and to track their learning.
● SPA used to identify and track student growth.
● Through, SeeSaw, staff and students have the opportunity to share the learning process and
the stages of learning.
● Strong student agency supporting students to develop their social and emotional skills.
● Students contribute to their learning and have meaningful input into many aspects of the
● The Learning and Teaching team is on the journey in unison with the Wellbeing team –
making adjustments to learning that are wellbeing focused.
● Teachers can now access data in Essential Assessment, PAT-R, PAT-M, PAT-S, AWE and SPA.
● Data is shared with staff during planning meetings to discuss how they are performing
against their learning goals.
● Tier Two offers Pre-Lit Foundation, Mini-Lit Years 1-2, Macquarie Lit Years 3-4 and Reading
Tutor program in Years 5-6.
● Tier Three offers individual counselling.
● A Speech Therapist is employed three days a week , students receiving individual lessons.
● Intervention data informs planning, teaching and establishes appropriate learning programs.
Agreed Key Improvements for this Aspect for the next five years as articulated through
the Review Process
● Focus on making learning visible with students actively engaged in the learning process.
● Focus on pedagogy through Tier 1 teaching.
● Creating Assessment Capable Learners - fostering self-responsibility - using data to inform
student growth, teacher practice and to drive learning experiences.
The school's data profile indicates characteristics of a highly effective school are evident across all
components within this Aspect (5.28).
Quality Relationships
● The focus on the dignity of each person.
● The Behaviour Policy and Behaviour pathways are available on the website.
● Assessing Wellbeing in Education surveys have supported staff and students to develop
proactive wellbeing behaviours.
● As indicated in the AWE survey, there has been an increase in ‘Work Relationships’.
● Building and strengthening relationships with the parent community through Peaceful Kids and
Peaceful Parents programs.
● Established a working party to develop the school’s first Reconciliation Action Plan.
Wellbeing Practice
● Wellbeing is something we all do here.
● The Wellbeing team is on the journey in unison with the Learning and Teaching team – making
adjustments to learning that are wellbeing focused.
● A variety of powerful programs have been implemented to support student, staff and parent
● Staff have high satisfaction in response to the school supporting student wellbeing.
● The Peaceful Kids program provides an intensive intervention for students experiencing stress,
anxiety and other social and emotional challenges – it has allowed parents to access support
and guidance in developing mindful parenting techniques.
● A cohesive and unified approach to Mindfulness.
● Trauma-informed practice.
● Protective behaviours.
Agreed key improvements for this aspect for the next five years as articulated through the
review process
● Establish a clearly documented F-6 curriculum map for social and emotional learning (non-
cognitive skills)
● Rigorous and safe learning communities where rigour, excellence and risk-taking are evident for
staff and students.
● Implementation of initiatives that stem from wellbeing data collection and analysis.
The Review (Validation and Planning) Panel endorses each of the Key Priorities articulated .