Pharma Prelim Assignment 1 - Pharmacodynamics..
Pharma Prelim Assignment 1 - Pharmacodynamics..
Pharma Prelim Assignment 1 - Pharmacodynamics..
Prelim Assignment 1
All questions apply to the case of the patient related to pharmacodynamics. Your
responses should be direct to the point. Place all your answers in MS Word format, 8”x13”, use
Arial 11 for the font, and single space only. Provide a logo on the top sheet.
Grades will be based on the rubrics attached below. Turn in your output through the
LMS-Moodle on or before September 15, 2023, at 5 pm. Indicate your filename using this
Surname_Firstname _Pharma_Pre_Assign1
Case Scenario:
Mrs. A, age 30, is married and has a 6-year-old child. Mrs. A complained to her health
care practitioner of painful urinary frequency and urgency. The client has an elevated
temperature of 38.0 deg C. The plan was for her to have a urine examination. Initially, the client
was given a Cefuroxime 500mg PO 2x a day and Ibuprofen 500mg prn to relieve pain. The
initial diagnosis is Urinary tract infection ( UTI).
1. Briefly discuss the pharmacodynamics and the effects of cefuroxime & ibuprofen in the
2. Give the classification of Cefuroxime & Ibuprofen.
3. Discuss the efficacy of both drugs.
4. When will it take the peak action of Cefuroxime and Ibuprofen in the body?
5. How long it would take for the onset and duration of action on the two drugs in the body?
6. What do you think were the possible adverse reactions or toxic effects of Cefuroxime &
Ibuprofen? Provide nursing interventions.
ANALYSIS 4 3 2 1
IDEAS/SUPPORTING Ideas are Ideas are Has idea but Vague ideas,
DETAILS strong and strong but lack no supporting no details, and
supported with support. details. no supporting
other readings. evidence.
FORMAT/SPELLING All parts follow A few parts do Many parts do All parts do not
the prescribed not follow the not follow the follow the
format. All prescribed prescribed prescribed
words are format. Few format. Many format. More
spelled words (1-2) are words (3-4) are than 5 words
correctly. spelled spelled are spelled
incorrectly. incorrectly. incorrectly.