Lecture 06
Lecture 06
Lecture 06
Dr Roshan Thotagamuge
Senior Lecturer
Department of Nano Science Technology, Faculty of
technology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
XRD basics
P. Debye in
W. H. Bragg and W. L. Chemistry for work
Bragg in Physics for on dipole moments
W. C. Roentgen in crystal structure K. M. G. Siegbahn in and diffraction of X
Physics for the derived from X-ray Physics for X-ray rays and electrons in
discovery of X-rays. diffraction. spectroscopy. gases.
• Electromagnetic wave
• High penetrating power
• Very small wave length
Generation of X-rays
X-ray Spectrum from an Iron target
Ø Short Wavelength Limit lSWL (nm) =
Ø Continuous spectrum I CS = AiZV m
n = C(Z - s )
I K = Bi (V -V k) n
Production of X-rays
Interaction with a single particle
Interaction with a crystal
Wave structure
At certain angles to a crystal plane, the X-rays will constructively interfere (diffract)
and produce a diffracted beam with a much higher intensity that at other angles.
This is described by Bragg's Law:
where n is an integer, λ is the wavelength of the X-rays (in our case 1.54 Å for a
copper tube source), d is the spacing between planes in the atomic lattice of the
sample, and θ is the diffraction angle in degrees.
Diffraction of X-rays by a crystal cont’t.
Diffraction measurements
Diffraction measurements
Anatomy of an X-ray diffractometer - Intro
What the data tells you
B cos q B
Ø Source
Ø Optics
Ø Detector
Ø Reduction in intensity of Kα
Ø Choose 2θ range