Materi Bing
Materi Bing
Materi Bing
A. Definition
The human respiratory system consists of the upper respiratory system consisting of the
nose, pharynx and larynx and the lower respiratory system consisting of the trachea, bronchi
and lungs.
a. Nose
The nose and nasal cavity are divided into two parts by the nasal septum. The external
part of the nose is made of cartilage and skin. The nasal cavity has a mucous membrane
and fine hair which has the function of capturing foreign objects that will enter the
respiratory tract and the blood capillaries function to warm the incoming air (Hillegass,
2017; Wibowo, 2015).
b. Pharynx
The pharynx is a tube-like channel that connects the posterior nasal cavity and mouth to
the larynx and esophagus. The pharynx has a funnel-like shape with a length of 13 cm.
The walls of the pharynx are continued by skeletal muscles which are lined by a mucous
membrane. The pharynx is in a fixed position when the skeletal muscles relax and is in
the process of swallowing when the skeletal muscles contract. The pharynx is divided
into nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx. The pharynx has a function as a
channel for incoming and outgoing air, a channel for swallowed food, and provides a
reverberation space (resonance) for conversational sounds (Tortora & Derrickson, 2014;
Wibowo, 2015).
c. Larynx
The larynx is a collection of muscle fibers composed of 9 parts of cartilage tissue, 3
single parts and 3 paired parts. The paired parts are the arytoneid, cuneiform and
corniculate cartilages. Arytenoid cartilage is a very significant part, this network
influences the movement of the mucous membranes in producing sound. The single parts
are the thyroid, epiglottis and cricoid. The thyroid and cricoid function to protect the
vocal cords. The epiglottis has a function as a protector of the airways and helps in the
process of transitioning food and drink to pass through the esophagus (Hillegass, 2017;
Wibowo, 2015).
d. Trachea
The trachea is a tube that is approximately 4-4.5 inches long and about 1 inch in diameter
and extends downward along the midline of the neck, ventral to the esophagus. The
trachea has 16 to 22 cartilages that resemble horseshoe ribbons (c-shaped). The posterior
tracheal wall is devoid of cartilage and is supported by tracheal muscles. The trachea is
lined with ciliated columnar epithelium which works to trap substances other than
incoming air so that they are pushed upwards across the esophagus which will later be
swallowed or excreted through phlegm (Hillegass, 2017; Patwa & Shah, 2015).
e. Bronchi
The throat branches into two parts, namely, the right and left bronchi. The structure of
the mucous lining of the bronchi is the same as that of the trachea. The cartilage in the
bronchi has an irregular shape and in the larger bronchi, the cartilage rings completely
encircle the lumen. The two bronchi lead to the lungs where they branch into
bronchioles. The right bronchus has 3 branches: superior, medial and inferior.
Meanwhile, the left bronchus has 2 branches, namely superior and inferior (Hillegass,
2017; Wibowo, 2015).
f. Lungs
The lungs are organs that are shaped like pyramids and are paired together and
connected to the trachea via the right and left bronchi. The lungs are located in the chest
cavity (mediastinum) and are protected by the clavicle structure (Somantri, 2012). The
right and left lungs are separated by the mediastinum, where the heart, large blood
vessels, bronchi, esophagus and other organs are located. Each lung consists of
respiratory tract and alveoli. Healthy lungs have a soft and light texture. The lung stroma
consists of elastic fibrous connective tissue that can help the lungs to deflate during
expiration. The lungs are lined by visceral pleura while the chest cavity is lined by
parietal pleura (Aung et al., 2019; Hillegass, 2017).
The lungs have a conical shape which is described as having an apex, a base or floor,
three sides (anterior, inferior, posterior), and three surfaces (costal, medial, and
diaphragm). The right lung has three lobes namely, right upper lobe, right middle lobe,
and right lower lobe. Meanwhile, the left lung is relatively smaller than the right lung.
The left lung has two lobes namely, the left upper lobe and the left lower lobe. These
lobes will further divide into segments. In the right lung there are ten segments namely
three segments are in the superior lobe, two segments in the medial lobe, and five
segments in the inferior lobe. The left lung has eight segments, namely four segments in
the superior lobe and four segments in the inferior lobe (Algifari et al., 2020; Hillegass,
2017; Wibowo, 2015).
The lungs consist of bronchioles, alveoli, elastic tissue, and blood vessels. The
bronchioles are the last air passages before entering the alveoli, where gas exchange
occurs. The alveolus is composed of epithelial and endothelial cells. The number of
alveolar bubbles is around 700,000,000 in the right and left lungs (Hillegass, 2017; Patwa
& Shah, 2015).
3. Lung Physiology
The lungs have the main function of gas exchange between the blood and the atmosphere.
The gas exchange aims to provide oxygen to the tissues and expel carbon dioxide. Changes in
lung volume occur through contraction of the skeletal muscles, especially those that insert into
the rib cage and the diaphragm during inspiration. In addition to this, the elastic recoil of the
lungs so that they can be stretched and can return to their original position during expiration also
plays a role in the respiratory cycle. External respiration includes four stages, namely pulmonary
ventilation, distribution, diffusion, and perfusion. Pulmonary ventilation is a process that
functions to process the entry and exit of air between the alveoli and the atmosphere. While the
process after ventilation is diffusion, namely, movement of oxygen from the alveoli into the
blood vessels and vice versa for carbon dioxide. Diffusion can occur from areas of high pressure
to low pressure (Putra, 2016; Tortora & Derrickson, 2014).
There are two types of respiratory cycles, namely the inspiratory and expiratory cycles. At the
start of the respiratory cycle intrapulmonary (intra-alveolar) pressure and atmospheric pressure
are equal and there is no air movement (0 pressure gradient). Inspiration is an active process and
involves one or more of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles. Contraction of the
diaphragm flattens the floor of the chest cavity, increasing chest volume and gradually decreasing
intrapleural pressure. This pressure drops to about -4 to -6 mm Hg. During this period the
intrapulmonary pressure fell to -1 mmHg which was followed by the entry of air into the lungs
(Laitupa & Amin, 2016; Tortora & Derrickson, 2014).
Expiration is generally a passive process, but can be active depending on the level of
respiratory activity. In quiet breathing, the diaphragm relaxes and the elastic recoil properties of
the lungs (elastic recoil), the chest wall and abdominal structures will compress the lungs so that
when expiration begins, intrapleural pressure and intrapulmonary pressure increase rapidly
pushing air out of the lungs. At the end of expiration, there is no more air movement as there is
no longer a difference between intrapulmonary pressure and atmospheric pressure. The amount
Translated from Indonesian to English -
of air that enters is the same as that which leaves the lungs, this is called tidal volume (Laitupa &
Amin, 2016).
The nose is the main organ of the respiratory tract which is directly in contact with the outside
world which functions as a passage for air to enter and exit through the breathing process. In
addition, the nose also functions to maintain and warm incoming air, as a filter in cleaning
incoming foreign objects and plays a role in sound resonance, as a location for alfactory
The pharynx is the intersection between the respiratory tract and the food passageway, located
under the base of the skull, behind the nasal cavity and mouth in front of the cervical spine.
The larynx is a respiratory tract that is located between the oropharynx and the trachea, the
function of the larynx is as a passage for air, clearing the passage for food to enter the
esophagus and as sound production.
The larynx is often referred to as the voice box and consists of:
- Epiglottis: a flap of cartilage that covers the ostium towards the larynx
during swallowing
- Glottis: the ostium between the vocal cords in the larynx
The trachea is a tube organ between the larynx and the apex of the lung, about 10-12 cm long,
as high as the 6-thoracic cervical 5 Also called the windpipe The end of the trachea branches
into two bronchi called the carina
The bronchi are branches of the trachea that branch into the right lung and the left lung. The
right bronchus is shorter and larger in diameter. The left bronchus is more horizontal, longer
and narrower.
1. Bronchi
- Divided into right and left bronchi. Called right lobar bronchus (3
lobe) and left lobar bronchus (2 bronchi)
- The right lobar bronchus divides into 10 segmental bronchi
The left lobar bronchus divides into 9 segmental bronchi
- These segmental bronchi then subdivide into subsegmental bronchi which are surrounded by
connective tissue which have: arteries, lymphatics and nerves
2. Bronchioles
- Segmental bronchi branch into bronchioles
- The bronchioles contain submucous glands that produce submucous glands that form a
continuous blanket to line the inside of the airway
3. Terminal bronchioles
Bronchioles branch into terminal bronchioles
(which does not have mucous glands and cilia)
4. Respiratory bronchioles
Terminal bronchioles then become respiratory bronchioles
Respiratory bronchioles are considered transitional channels between passageways
breath conduction and airway gas exchange
The lungs are an organ that is mostly located in the upper chest cavity, limited on the sides by
muscles and ribs and on the bottom by a strong muscular diaphragm.
An elastic, conical organ Located in the thoracic or thoracic cavity The two lungs are separated
by a central mediastinum which contains the heart and several great vessels Each lung has an
apex and a base The right lung is larger and is divided into 3 lobes by the interlobar fissure The
left lung is smaller and divided into 2 lobes. These lobes are divided into several segments
according to the bronchial segments.
It is the terminal part of the bronchial branches and is responsible for the structure of the lungs
which resembles a small bag open on one side and a place for the exchange of O2 and CO2.
There are around 300 million of which, if united to form one sheet, would cover an area of 70
arterial blood increases. This stimulates the respiratory center in the brain to increase the
speed and depth of breathing. This additional ventilation removes CO2 and picks up more
Tissue respiration or internal respiration. Blood that has saturated its hemoglobin with
oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) circulates throughout the body and finally reaches the capillaries,
where the blood moves very slowly. Tissue cells pick up oxygen from hemoglobin to allow
oxygen flow, and the blood receives, in return, carbon dioxide.
Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease of the upper part of the nasal cavity or paranasal
sinuses. Sinusitis is caused by bacterial, fungal, viral infections, decreased
immunity, flu, stress, smoking addiction, and dental infections. (Herbal Sinusitis
5. Tuberculosis (TB)
D. Chest Therapy
Chest therapyis one of the physiotherapy interventions that can be used in patients with
respiratory diseases or children with diseases related to chronic neuromuscular. Chest
therapy can be used as an alternative treatment for respiratory problems with several
conditions. This intervention can improve gas exchange, limit pathological progression, and
reduce the need for ventilation support (Abdullahi, 2020; Hanafi & Arniyanti, 2020).
According to Chaves et al., (2013); Lisy, (2014) the aim of chest therapy in children is to
help clear secretions in the tracheobronchial tract thereby reducing respiratory obstruction
and making it easier to breathe. This therapeutic treatment can also improve gas exchange,
increase chest expansion and increase the strength of respiratory muscles (Prabawa et al.,
2021; Thomas et al., 2020).
The indication for chest therapy is if there is a buildup of secretions in the respiratory
tract which has been proven by physical examination and clinical data, there is difficulty in
removing or coughing up secretions in the respiratory tract. This chest therapy can be
applied to everyone regardless of age, both in infants and adults. Meanwhile,
contraindications for chest therapy are patients with heart failure, status asthmaticus or
severe asthma conditions, susceptibility or decreased blood pressure, and bleeding
(Maidartati, 2014).
Chest therapyor chest physiotherapy has several techniques that can be applied to
improve lung function. Chest therapy has several techniques which can be classified as
conventional, modern and instrumental techniques (Gabriela et al., 2019). These techniques
are recommended as an intervention to clear the airway due to a buildup of secretions (Amin
et al., 2018; Putri et al., 2018).
5. Conventional Technique
This technique can also be performed by applying percussion and vibration (Gabriela
et al., 2019; Kuswardani et al., 2017).
3) Percussion
Percussion techniques are also called cupping, clapping, and tapotement. The
purpose of this percussion is to provide kinetic energy intermittently to the chest wall
and lungs. This technique is performed by delivering rhythmic blows to the chest
with cupped hands or using a mechanical device directly over the lung segment to be
cleared of secretions. According to Astriani et al., (2021), giving clapping in a semi-
flower position can increase oxygen saturation. After being given the semi flower
position for 30 minutes, the average oxygen saturation value has increased (Astriani
et al., 2021; Gabriela et al., 2019).
4) Vibration and Clapping
Vibration techniques are applied by providing subtle vibrations. In this
technique, rapid vibrational impulses are transmitted across the chest wall from the
therapist's flattened hands by isometric contraction of the flexor and extensor muscles
of the forearm, to loosen and expel secretions in the airways (Gabriela et al., 2019).
Vibration and clapping aims to make it easier to remove secretions so that the
airways are smoothed and secretions can be removed through the mouth with a
coughing mechanism. According to Astriani et al., (2021), giving vibration and
clapping in the semi-flower position for 30 minutes, on average, can increase oxygen
saturation (Made et al., 2021).
5) Effective Cough
7. Instrumental Engineering
Instrumental techniques such as non-invasive ventilation may also be used as
adjunctive therapy to clear the airway and provide support to the respiratory system.
Common instrumental techniques are as follows (Yadav et al., 2020):
1). Positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP)
Positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) is a component of mechanical
ventilation that must be considered in the management of patients with Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). This PEEP is applied by applying pressure in
the lungs (alveolar pressure) above atmospheric pressure (external pressure) at the end
of expiration to ensure that the alveoli do not collapse easily (Cavalcanti et al., 2017;
Levenbrown et al., 2020). The two types of PEEP are extrinsic PEEP (ventilator-applied
PEEP) and intrinsic PEEP (PEEP caused by incomplete exhalation). The pressure
applied or increased during inspiration is called support pressure (Levenbrown et al.,
Positive end-expiratory pressureExtrinsic PEEP (PEEP) can be used to
increase oxygenation. Based on Henry's law, the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly
proportional to the pressure of the gas above sea level. This also applies to mechanical
or non-invasive ventilation as increasing PEEP will increase the pressure in the system.
This, in turn, increases the solubility of oxygen and its ability to cross the alveocapillary
membrane and increases the oxygen content in the blood. Extrinsic PEEP can also be
used to improve ventilation-perfusion mismatch. Application of positive pressure in the
airways can open or “bandage” airways that may have collapsed, reducing atelectasis,
increasing alveolar ventilation, and reducing ventilation-perfusion mismatch (Carpio,
2022; Cavalcanti et al., 2017).
Positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) intrinsic or also auto-PEEP is a
complication of patients who use mechanical ventilation. Ordinarily, passive breathing
will allow complete emptying of air in the lungs until lung pressure equals atmospheric
pressure, but in some cases the lungs may not fully deflate, leaving air trapped in the
lungs at the end of the breath to produce a higher pressure. remain in the lungs (Carpio,
2022; Sahetya et al., 2017).
2). Continuous Positive Airway Pressure(CPAP)
Continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) generated by exhalation against
constant opening pressure; this results in positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP).
Continuous positive airway pressure can also be provided by commercially available
pressure drivers. This generally requires a well-fitting nasal fork or a CPAP face mask.
Bubble CPAP can be used in low resource settings and in the pediatric population. It
consists of an interface (nasal cannula), inspiratory tube, and expiratory tube immersed
in an underwater bottle system (Gabriela et al., 2019).
3). High-flow Nasal Cannula(HFNC)
4). High-flow nasal cannula(HNFC) is a relatively safe and effective non-invasive
ventilation method that has recently been accepted as a treatment for acute respiratory
assistance that previously used endotracheal intubation or invasive ventilation (Drake,
2018; Wraight & Ganu, 2015). HNFC therapy is most often used in babies with acute
bronchiolitis. Other indications for HNFC therapy are asthma, sleep apnea, pneumonia
and post-extubation respiratory support (Lodeserto et al., 2018; Mikalsen et al., 2016).
1. Introduction:
Enter the examination room confidently.
Greet the patient appropriately, introduce yourself, and confirm the patient's name and date of
Explain that you are going to conduct a respiratory examination, its purpose, and obtain the
patient's consent.
Ensure privacy and draping.
2. General Inspection:
Begin by observing the patient's overall appearance and position (e.g., sitting upright, using
accessory muscles).
Note any signs of respiratory distress, such as cyanosis, clubbing, or pursed lip breathing.
3. Hands-On Examination:
Inspect the patient's hands and nails for clubbing or peripheral cyanosis.
Palpate the patient's chest for tenderness or deformities.
4. Assess chest expansion:
Place your hands on the patient's chest, thumbs at the level of the 10th rib.
Ask the patient to take a deep breath; note the symmetrical expansion of the chest.
Perform percussion over the anterior, lateral, and posterior chest, comparing resonance.
5. Auscultate lung sounds:
Use a stethoscope to listen to breath sounds at various lung fields (apex, base, axilla, posterior).
Describe normal vesicular breath sounds, and mention if you hear any abnormal sounds (e.g.,
crackles, wheezes).
6. Special Tests (if required in the scenario):
Perform additional tests based on the scenario (e.g., egophony, whispered pectoriloquy,
bronchophony) and interpret the findings.
7. Assessment of Accessory Muscles and Respiratory Rate:
Observe for the use of accessory muscles and assess the respiratory rate.
Mention if you see any paradoxical breathing or abnormal patterns (e.g., Kussmaul breathing).
8. Summary and Discussion:
Summarize your findings concisely.
Offer a provisional diagnosis or differential diagnosis based on the examination findings.
Discuss further investigations or additional examinations that may be required (e.g., chest X-ray,
Explain the importance of follow-up and management.
Address any questions or concerns the patient may have.
Thank the patient and ensure they are comfortable before leaving the room.
Remember to maintain good communication skills throughout the OSCE station, be attentive to patient
comfort and dignity, and demonstrate professionalism. Time management is crucial, so try to complete all
tasks within the allotted time frame for the station. Practice and familiarity with the OSCE format are essential
for success.