Umar Hitting Slaves
Umar Hitting Slaves
Umar Hitting Slaves
Narrated Abd Al-A’laa from Mo’ammar from Al-Zuhri from Anas who said:
Umar saw a slave-girl wearing Hijab then he beat her and said: "Do not
make yourself like free women!"
Narrated Alee Ibn Mos’har from Al-Mokhtar Ibn Folfol from Anas Ibn
Malik who said: A slave girl of Muhajirun or Ansaar came to Umar
wearing Jilbab (complete Hijab), he said: "Have you been freed?" She said:
“No!” He said: “Put it off your head.” Jilbab is for the freed women. So she
hesitated, so he got up to her with the whip (darrah), and he hit her on the
head, until she threw it.
Hadith nr.2
Narrated Abd Al-A’laa from Mo’ammar from Al-Zuhri from Anas. (Al-
Albani: I say: This chain is Authentic, if Al-Zuhri heard it from Anas)
Narrated Alee Ibn Mos’har from Al-Mokhtar Ibn Folfol from Anas Ibn
Malik who said: A slave girl of Muhajirin or Ansaar came to Umar wearing
Jilbab (complete Hijab), he said: "Have you been freed?" She said: “No!” He
said: “Put it off your head!” Jilbab is for the freed women. So she
hesitated, so he got up to her with the whip (Darrah), and he hit her on the
head, until she threw it.
Ibn Hajar:
Narration of Umar: "Take off your your veil, you stinky! Are you
resembling yourself to free women?" I haven’t seen it in this form, but it is
famously known that Umar has beaten a slave-girl who had veil and he
said "Take off your veil, and do not resemble yourself to free women", it
has been narrated by AbdulRazaq through an Authentic chain. And from
Abdulrazaq from Ibn Jarij who said: "Umar beat Aqeela a slave-girl of Abi
Musa because she wore Jilbaab (full veil)."
And Ibn Abi Shayba recorded another incident through an Authentic chain
from Anas that: Umar saw a slave-girl wearing Jilbaab (Full veil),
whereupon he said: "Have you been freed?" She said: “No! He said: “put it
off your head.” Jilbaab is for the freed women. She hesitated, so he went
up to her with the whip (Darrah), and he hit her on the head, until she
threw it. And narrated it Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan in Al-Athaar from Abi
Hanifa from Himad from Ibraheem that Umar used to beat the slave-girls
who wore veil and used to say: "Do not resemble yourselves to free
Defence One
سألت أبا عبد هللا (ع) عن المملوكة تقنع رأسها إذا صلت؟ قال ال قد كان ىأب إذا رأى الخادمة تصىل ر يف مقنعة رضب ها لتعرف الحرة من
Reply One
Imam Al-Baqir (a.s) said: “There is no cover for the slave girl during
Reply Two
Defence Three
Imam Jafar Al-Saddiq (a.s): “No, when my father, (a.s) saw a slave girl
praying and she had a scarf on her, he hit her! And he said: ‘You rascal! Do
not resemble the free ones!’”
Source: Qadi Nu`man al-Maghribi’s Da`a’im al-Islam. Vol. 1, Pg. # 177. Also
recorded in Mustadrak Al-Wasa’il. Vol. 3, Pg. # 217.
Reply Three