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UNIT 1 Inf+Gerd

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1. Use INFINITIVE or GERUND to complete the sentences:

1. I don’t fancy (go) out tonight

2. She avoided (tell) him about her plans 2.- Complete with the Infinitive or Gerund form.
3. I’d like (come) to the party with you 1. We were fortunate (get) tickets for the concert. I
heard they are already sold out!
4. He enjoys (have) a bath in the evening
2. What is wrong with my computer? It keeps
5. She kept (talk) during the film
(shut) down by itself.
6. I’m learning (speak) English 3. I don't know if I have enough time (finish) all
7. Do you mind (give) me a hand? this work before I have to leave.
8. She helped me (carry) my suitcases 4. Mike's desire (see) the world is what made
him join the Foreign Service. Now, he's working in the embassy in
9. I’ve finished (cook) – come and eat!
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia.
10. He decided (study) biology, at the end
5. The hitchhiker stood on the side of the road
11. I dislike (wait)
(wait) for someone to offer him a ride.
12. He asked (come) with us 6. We had fun (raft) down the Colorado river.
13. I promise (help) you tomorrow 7. We stopped (get) something to eat at a

14. She agreed (bring) the pudding to the dinner little diner just next to the freeway.
8. She stopped (read), closed the book, laid
15. We hope (visit) Amsterdam soon
it on the table, and turned off the light.
16. She suggested (go) to the museum
9. His bad attitude is starting (get) on my nerves.
17. They plan (start) college in the autumn. 10. Amy disliked (travel) on the mountain roads
18. I don’t want (leave) yet at night. She preferred to travel during the day
19. We discussed (go) to the cinema, but we 11. She just keeps
stayed (make) the same mistake over and
at home over again.

20. I don’t recommend (take) the bus – it 12. I have been trying (contact) Steve, but I still

takes forever! haven't been able to get in touch with him.

13. Nate goes (run) every afternoon.
14. On the way home from work, he stopped (buy)
some groceries.
15. I forgot (learn) that word in class. Now I
18. He despises her constantly (ask) her remember! The teacher wrote it on the board and gave us several
questions while she was working. example sentences.
19. I know I've met her before. I remember 16. Don't waste your time (look) in the phone book.
(meet) her at John's party last summer. Just look the address up on the Internet.
20. After several months of studying Japanese, I am finally beginning 17. Did you remember (unplug) the iron before we
(understand) native speakers when they talk to me. left the house?

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3.- Put the verbs in brackets into the Infinitive or Gerund.
1. Tom stopped (pick up) his dry
24. I can’t imagine (not have) a car!!
cleaning on the way home. 25. Pauline couldn’t manage (eat) all the ice-cream
2. If you don't stop (eat) so much 26. I’ve decided (not sell) my bike after all
chocolate, you 'll make yourself ill. 27. A witness reported (see) Terry at the
3. Try (phone) John at the office if he's not at home. scene of the crime
4. I tried my best (finish) the test, but there 28. William pretended (not notice) the “No
Parking’ sign
just wasn't enough time.
29. One of the boys finally admitted (start) the fire
5. He was promoted in 1990 and went on (become) a
30. I suppose I tend (buy) more books than I used to
company director.
31. Diana went on (work) all night long
6. The band went on (play) even after the lights
32. Bill told Christine that he couldn’t go on
had gone out. (live) without her
7. Jane was afraid (show) her school report to 33. Sometimes I regret (move) to this part of
her parents. the country
8. I'm afraid of (lose) my way in the forest. 34. Did you notice anyone (wait) outside
when you left?
9. What do you mean (do) with all that money?
35. Mark expects (finish) work round about 6:00
10. Playing a musical instrument well means
36. I regret (tell) you that you have failed your exam.
(practice) for years
37. The director went on (say) that the strike
11. I regret (tell) you that your appointment was over.
has been cancelled. 38. I won’t forget (meet) you. You are an incredible
12. She regrets (spend) so much person!!
money on her new dress
4. Put these verbs in Infinitive or Gerund.
13. Do you remember (ride) a bicycle for
the first time? 1. Sheryl forgot (bring) her purse, so I lent her ten dollars
14. Remember (post) the letters on your 2. I completely forgot (come) here when I was a kid.
way home. But now I remember! My parents brought me here when I was three.
15. I really miss (play) tennis like I used to 3. Lydia really regrets (drop) out of high school. She
16. I’m sorry. I meant (write) to you, but has really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision.
I’ve been busy 4. I regret (inform) you that Mr. Smith has passed away.
17. Harry says he doesn’t remember (meet) 5. Did you remember (pack) your swimsuit? Our
Sally before vacation in Hawaii won't be much fun if you can't go swimming.
18. Martin failed (pay) the rent on time 6. Do you remember (be) stuck in that elevator when
yet again. we were in New York? I thought we would never get out of there!
19. It’s not worth (buy) a return ticket 7. If you can't find the key, try (open) the lock with
20. Have you ever considered (work) something else, like a knife or a screwdriver.
as a teacher? 8. She tried (tell) him the terrible truth, but she just
21. I promise I won’t forget (feed) the cat. couldn't bring herself to do it.
22. We’ve arranged (meet) outside 9. I dread (think) of what might happen next.
the school at 4:30 10. I dread (go) to work tomorrow. I think I'm going
23. If you’ve got a headache, why don’t you try to call in sick.
(take) an aspirin?

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5.- Put these verbs in Infinitive or Gerund. 6.- Write the correct preposition for each verbs
and the verb in brackets into the correct form:
1. The Smiths really want (invite) to the wedding.
2. Shelly admitted (be) in the my flat that evening. 1. After a long time we eventually succeeded
a flat (find)
3. I recall (visit) the Singapore once as a child,
2. I’ve been thinking for a new job (look)
but I don't remember it very well.
3. His parents didn’t approve him
4. Nathan claims (graduate) from Harvard at the age of out so late (stay)
16, but I don't believe him. 4. I wonder what prevented him to the party (come)
5. Mr. Thompson was interested in (consider) for 5. I’m getting hungry. I’m looking dinner (have)
the new job availability as a general manager.
6. Jack insisted out by himself (go)
6. Bill’s (fire) one month before he retired was a
7. I don’t feel today (study)
shock to the whole company.
8. Forgive me you but I must ask you a
7. We were very thrilled (give) the opportunity to question (interrupt)
speak to the Dalai Lama in person.
9. The arrested man was suspected into a house (break)
8. The applicant’s (not/study) French hurt her
10. Have you ever thought married? (get)
chances for the job.
11. I’ve always dreamed on a small island in
9. Jenny´s (not/admit) to the university the Pacific (live)
upset the entire family. 12. The cold water didn’t stop her a swim (have)
10. Tina expects the children (clean) their rooms
13. Have you ever been accused a crime? (commit)
before their grandparents arrive this afternoon
14. She apologized me so rude the
previous night (be)
7. Similar Meaning in another way: 15. We have decided a new car. (buy)
1. Nobody noticed the actress when she left the theatre -
The actress left the theatre by anyone. 10. They saw him fall off the chair.

2. It seems they have been waiting for some time. He chair.

They for some time. 11. It looks as if she has completed the work

3. The teacher made him rewrite the exercise She the work

He the exercise by the teacher. 12. He admitted that he had tried to open the safe

4. All the baby does is eat all day He admitted open the safe.

The baby all day. 13. Alex found it difficult to justify his opinion.

5. Liz studied every day not to fall behind with the rest of the class Alex his opinion.

Liz studied every day with the rest of the class 14. I’m not in the habit of doing my own ironing

6. Carl pretend he hadn’t heard what I said. I’m my own ironing.

Carl pretended what I said.

7. There is no point in putting the blame on her.
It is the blame on her
8. Do you object if I check your work?
Do you your work?
9. Dan was shocked when he learnt his results.
Dan was his results

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1. Spending all your money at once was silly – WAS
1. We are trying to solve the problem of transport. – COME
It all your money at once.
We’re trying the problem of transport
2. He made us rewrite our essays. – WERE
2. Supper will be ready soon – LONG
We our essays.
It supper is ready
3. Do I have to learn these phrases to pass the exam?-NECESSARY 3. Daniel lost his job when the factory closed – REDUNDANT
Is these phrases to pass the exam? Daniel when the factory closed
4. Mary came up with the idea that we go out for dinner together – 4. The crowd responded angrily to the referee’s decision-DREW
SUGGESTED The referee’s decision the crowd.
Mary for dinner together 5. Luckily, they were able to return to Anne’s idea when John’s plan

5. I can hardly make out his signature – DIFFICULTY failed – FAIL

Luckily, they had when John’s plan failed
I his signature
6. You cannot fit more than 200 people in this hall – MAXIMUM
6. It isn’t worth trying to get out of doing the washing-up – WASTE
200 is you can fit in this hall
It to get out of doing the washing-up
7. I don’t care if you’re tired; we’ve got to keep going – DIFFERENCE
7. We succeeded in finding a better offer – MANAGED It tired or not; we’ve got to keep going.
We a better offer 8. I didn’t think of asking Simon to help – OCCURRED
8. I always make the same mistake – KEEP It Simon to help
I same mistake 9. I’m afraid I must strongly disagree with his plan – OBJECTION

9. I think I might spend the evening watching TV.- CONSIDEREING I’m afraid I must to the plan
10. That latest clue makes me believe that Johnson was right -LEADS
I the evening watching TV
That latest clue that Johnson was right
10. Marie says that she didn’t break the vase – HAVING
11. Just because you have qualifications doesn’t mean you’ll
Marie the vase
succeed.- GUARANTEE
11. I try not to buy cat food that contains less than 50% meat. AVOID
Qualifications of success.
I try to that contains less than 50% meat 12. I didn’t pay the bill because I forgot all about it, I’m afraid-SLIPPED
12. They didn’t bother to say goodnight when they left.- WITHOUT I didn’t pay the bill because I’m afraid.
They goodnight. 13. I tried to tell him not to make the jump – DISCOURAGE
13. All they do is sit around and complain – NOTHING I tried the jump

They and complain 14. The date of the archery contest is the 21st. – TAKE
The archery contest 21st.
14. Kelly pretended she hadn’t seen me – HAVE
Kelly pretended me
15. Do you mind if I borrow your notebook? – OBJECT
Do you your notebook?
16. The newspaper article about the politician past astonished him. –
The politician the
newspaper article about his past.

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1. Charles really hates to be ignored, doesn’t he? – BEING 1. Peter likes squash.
Charles ignored, can he?
Peter enjoys
2. Sam managed to win all four races – IN
Sam all four races 2. “Let´s go to a vegetarian restaurant,” she said.
3. I’ll always remember my first visit to London – FOR She suggested
I’ll the first time
3. Parents tell their children that they should do their homework.
4. Why not say you’re sorry? – SAYING
How you’re sorry? Parents want their
5. It was no point in shouting at him – TO 4. I can´t play the piano very well.
It at him
I´m not able
6. He got home without being seen by anybody. - SAW
his way home I´m not good at
7. We don’t think we will find any more survivors HOPE 5. When I have finished reading this page, I´ll have lunch.
There is any more
8. “Yes, it was me who broke the window” said the little boy- TO 6. You need to clean your car.
The little boy the window. Your car needs
9. When you’re in Britain you must learn to drive on the left-hand
7. I didn´t give him the information.
side of the road – DRIVING
In Britain, you on the left-hand side of the road. I denied
10. I can’t wait to see Uncle Rob – SEEING 8. Driving a car is easy.
I Uncle Rob
11. Would you mind not making so much noise? – RATHER
I’d so much noise 9. They have been printing the paper for two hours.
12. I’d like to change the tiles, and the window too – TO They started
In the tiles, I’d also like to change the windows
10. Why don´t we pay a visit to Sarah and Hector? She said.
15. You could burn yourself if you’re not careful – DANDER
You are yourself if you’re not careful. She suggested
16. I was completely astonished to see Bill recover very quickly-
To Bill recovered very quickly
17. She was a very dominant father – INFLUENCE
His father her.
18. Pollution of rivers has doubled in ten years – TWICE
There is there was ten years ago.

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12. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION – there could be more 13. KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION – there could be more
than 6 words
than 6 words
1. Finding no fingerprints, the detectives conclude that the thief had
1. She is likely to be the nest president - CHANCES
worn gloves – LED
The quite good.
The lack that the thief had worn gloves.
2. Could you please type these letters before you go to lunch?- MIND
2. You’ve no chance of succeeding if you’re going to be so
pessimistic – BOUND Would you go to lunch?

3. I fully intend to find out who is responsible for the graffiti- EVERY
You going to be so pessimistic.
I who is responsible for the graffiti.
3. I hadn’t expected him to be so easy to talk to – SURPRISED
4. It wasn’t easy for Christine to get used to living in the country –
I to talk to.
4. You’ll certainly meet lots of people in our new job – BOUND Christine living in the country
You lots of people in your new job 5. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed –
5. It is said that the has been to prison several times – REPUTED
There’s to lend you his car
He several times.
6. Mrs Wilson says she’s sorry she didn’t attend the meeting
6. How dare he call me incompetent – NERVE
yesterday morning- SENDS
He me incompetent Mrs Wilson yesterday morning.
7. The only thing I could do was to accept the conditions imposed- NO 7. The proposal has received unanimous support from the members –
He the conditions imposed.
The the proposal
8. You stand Little chance of passing with such low marks- UNLIKELY
8. They wouldn’t let the former chairman attend the conference –
You with such low marks
9. Sarah’s brother had great difficulty reading her letter because of The the conference.
her terrible writing – MADE
9. There are several categories of people who don’t have to pay the
Sarah’s brother to read her letter. new tax – EXEMPT

10. You could be arrested for not giving a blood sample to the Several the new tax
police, you know – LEAD 10. They decided not to go by boat because they thought they would
be seasick – FEAR
Refusal to give a blood sample to the police
you know Their
to go by boat.

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1. John Hardy ever goes to the opera – TO
1. If I accept marrying Lewis I will have to live in USA – MEAN
the opera is most unusual
living in USA.
2. The kids were well aware that skipping classes would end up in
punishment – BETTER 2. I don’t remember talking to that old lady before – NO

The classes. That I to that old lady before

would end up in punishment.
3. I felt I had been wrong to invite them to the wedding – REGRET
3. It wasn’t our intention to cause any damage to the building – TO
I to the wedding
We any damage to the building
4. What a nice surprise to meet Julia by accident with her Baby born –
4. Would you be kind enough to help me get on the bus? AS COMING

Would you me get on the bus? with her baby born.

5. She had the nerve to threaten me as she was leaving. – DARE 5. It would be in your best interest to invest on the project – FROM

How as she was leaving? You on that project.

6. When his father passed away he suffered a breakdown.- FROM 6. The chances of him phoning before reaching the hotel are slim –
His his father
He is not the hotel.
7. I will get the plumber to check the taps – SEE
7. It is a great idea to get shares from the new phone company –
I will the taps. WORTH

8. The politician had to resign because of the fake news – MADE It from the new phone company

The fake news made the politician resign 8. I have the impression he is in Rome for a few weeks – HIM

9. He is responsible for the new items arrival – TO I in Rome for a few weeks.

His the new items arrival. 9. Fewer and fewer people smoke nowadays. AND

10. In my opinion collecting stamps is a waste of time – BE Smoking nowadays.

I waste of time 10. Asking Paul for a solution is not worth the time – OF

11. They never even try to contact us – MUCH It Paul for a solution

They to contact us. 11. We are not allowed to swim in this part of the beach – NO

12. Mary has no chance of being happy with that man – IS in this part of the beach.

Mary with that man 12. It may be a great idea to adding water to that thick sauce – TRY

13. For me he is not telling the truth – KNOW Why to that thick sauce?

I lying 13. I didn’t find it easy to convince him to come - IN

I him to come

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