Sariva Dvaya

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In Indian system of traditional medicine it is told that the

knowledge of Ayurveda is given by gods of different world. It is
accepted as the oldest written medical system & that is also supposed
to be more effective in certain cases than modern therapies.
The origin of Ayurveda has been in pre historic antiquity, by
their characteristic concept appear to have been natured between
2500 & 500 B.C. in India. Ayurveda is accepted to be the oldest
treaties on medical system which came into the existence is about
900 B.C. The word Ayurveda derived from to words. Ayu which means
life, veda means science. Thus Ayurveda means science of life.
Ayurveda has branched into 8 wings. It is called as Ashtanga of
Ayurveda. The concept of dosa-mala is the basic philosophy of
Dravya Guna is the science of Dravya properties, action & uses.
It includes dosage, compatibility & processing of drugs.
The science Ayurveda stands on the foundation of the basic
fundamentals of Pancamahabhutha and Tridosa. The composition of
Drugs & their properties described on basis of panchamahabhuta
their action is described in applied manner on the basis of Tridosa.
Ayurvedic texts explains mainly about 2 varieties sariva. So it is
called as sariva dvaya. They are swetha sariva, krisna sariva. Acharya
charaka catogorise it under jwarahara, Daha prasamana, Purisa
sangrahaniya, Sthanya shodana.

1 Sariva Dvaya
Acharya Parishishta quotes sariva. Anantha is also described in
the same text.
Two varieties of sariva are known from charaka’s time. He
enumerated Anantha in Kasaya Skandha & Gopavali in madhur
skandha. Though charaka & Susrutha quoted Sariva Dvaya at several
instances, vagbhata appears to be quite on this aspect.
In the Nighatu’s white (swetha) black (krsna) varieties are
mentioned. Dhanwanthari Nighantu indicates that the black variety
as Krsna mula. Shotala considered the white variety as Utpala sariva.
Bhavamisra described that Krsna Sariva is characterized by the
leaves simile to that of Jambu & Possessing great aroma. He further
denoted white variety as Gopa & black variety as Gopavalli.
Dalhana commented that sariva & utpala sariva are the names
of same plant.
Scholars in the modern era have confirmed the following
botanical names for the above varieties.
Swetha sariva : Hemidesmus indicus R.Br.
Sariva are the names of same plant
Scholars in the modern era have concerned the following
botanical names for the above varities.
Swetha sariva : Hemidesmces indicus R.Br.
Krsna sariva : Ichnocarpus frutescens R.Br.
Since the term Jambu patra sariva is mentioned, cryptolepis
buchanani is made as the botanical source for it.
At present 70-80% of the market samples of sariva are decalepis
hamiltonii which are bulky in size & less costly than hemidesmus
indicus. Due to indiscriminate wild collection decalepis hamiltonii is
listere as endangered now.

2 Sariva Dvaya

Kingdom : Plantae
Order : Gentianales
Family : Apocynaceae
Subfamily : Asclepiadodeae
Genus : Hemidesmus
Species : Hemidesmus indicus – R.Br.
Binomial Name : Hemidesmus indicus – R.Br.

3 Sariva Dvaya
Vernacular names means the different names of a drug in
different language & regions. It is having importance because the
people living in rural areas or different parts of India may not knowing
the botanical names of plants. But sometimes they may knowing the
plant & its medicinal properties.
Vernacular names:
Swetha sariva : B.N. Hemidesmus indicus R.Br.
English : Indian sarasaparilla, Country sarasaparilla
Hindi : Anantamal, Magrabu
Kannada : Namada balli or sogade beru
Malayalam : Nannari, Saribam
Telugu : Sugandi pala, Gadisugandhi
Bengali : Ananta mal
Gujarathi : Sariva
Marathi : Anantamal, Upal sari, Dudha Sali
Punjab : Ananta mool
Konkini : Dudvali
Arabic : Zaiyona
Persian : Ushbanindi, Yasminbarri
Oriya : Onontomulo
Krsna sariva:
B.N. Ichno carpus frubscens or cryptolepis bachaniana
Sanskrit : Krsna sariva
Hindi : Kalibhar, Kalii, Anantha mula
Bengali : Krsna, Anantha mula, Shyama latha
Malayalam : Shyama latha
Kannada : Kariambu
Tamil : Nalathiga
(Ref: Database Vol. I)

4 Sariva Dvaya

Sariva (B. Pra.) : It is a useful twinner spreading extensively

Ananta (A.K) : It is a useful twinner spreading extensively
Utpala sariva (A.K.) : Having Smell like that of lotus
Karpuri Lathika (H.P.) : Having smell like that of Karpura
Gopakanya (Bha) : It is reared like family member
Gopa vadhu (Bha) : It is reared like family member
Gopa Valli (Sha.) : It protect from diseases.
Gopi (Bha.) : It protect the people from disease
Chandhana Sariva (A.M): Having smell like that of chandana
Prathanika (Dha) : It is useful twinner spreading extensively
Phanijihvaka : It has leaves like serpant’s tongue
Shaaradi : Flower appear in autumn
Sugandhimula : Root is aromatic, which is used as drug
Sphota : Fruits are dehiscent

(Ref: Namarupa Vijnana)

5 Sariva Dvaya

Acc. To Charaka,
Madhura skandha
Pradhara hara
Vata Prasamana
Sthanya Shodhaka
Purisa Sangrahaniya

Acc. To Susrutha
Vidari gandhadi

Acc. To Bhava prakasha,

Guducyadi Varga

Acc. To Vagbhata

(Ref: Dravya Guna vijnana J.L.N. Shashtry)

6 Sariva Dvaya

In Ayurvedic treatise, Varieties are found on the basis of

difference in the colour of flower, bija, shape of leaves, habitat etc.
In Sanskrit, Hemidesmus indicus & Ichnocarpus frutiscens are
both called sariva and are described under the name of sariva dvaya.
They are often used together. When however sariva is used in the
singular number, it is Krsna sariva.

Sariva is of two types

1. Swetha sariva
B.N. : Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.
F : Asclepidaceae
2. Krsna Sariva
Considered by 2 botanical name
a. Cryptolepis bachaniana
F : Asclepidaceae
b. Icnocarpus frutiscens
F : Apocynaceae

(Ref: Dravya Guna Vijnana P.V. Sharma)

7 Sariva Dvaya

Swetha sariva:
Greater part of India, from Gangetic plain east wards to Assam
& through out central, western & Southern India. Reported to be
threatened in western ghats.

Krsna Sariva:
Mainly found in Nepal, Bengal, Assam & in southern asia.

(Ref: Database Vol. 1)

8 Sariva Dvaya

Swetha sariva : B.N. Hemedesmus indicus R.Br.

F – Asdepiadaceae
A slender, laticiferous, twining, some times prostrate or semi-
erect shrub.
Leaves : Opposite, shortly petioled, very variable, elliptic- oblong to
linear – lancolate, pale-beneath & very frequently with a whole streak
Flowers : Greenish outside, purplish inside, crowded In subsessile
axillary cymes, follicles slender, 10 cm long, cylindrical, sometimes
curved, divaricate.
Seeds : Numerous, flattened, black with a silvery white come.
Root : Dark brown, silvery white, tortoborous & has pleasant smell &
Krsna Sariva:
a. Cryptolepis bachaniana:
A climber or twining glabrous shrub.
Leaves : Some times obovate, apiculate or acuminate, it resembles
leaves of jambu gives milky latex when broken.
Flower : Flower lobes lanculate, sepals are short
b. Ichnocarpus frutiscens:
A woody climber or twining wine, large every green lactiferous.
Leaves: Opposite, elliptic – oblong to broadly lanceolate.
Flowers: Fragrant, greenish white or purplish.

(Ref: Database Vol 1)

9 Sariva Dvaya
The part of Dravya is which veerya is more is used for
treatment. All the part of the plant are linked with one another. Where
it comes to medicinal preparations won’t use all part of a plant

Useful part of Sariva : Root

(Ref: Dravya Guna J.L.N. Shastry)

10 Sariva Dvaya

Posology means the study of doses. Dose is very important to

achieve the derived result & maintain the concentration of drug in
In condition where rogabala & rogi bala are more if we are going
alpamatra aushadha it will not effective. In condition where rogabala
is less & if we are giving aushadha in larger dose it will causes
Dose should be decided acc. To the condition of diseases &

Infusion : 50-100ml
Paste : 5-10gm
Powder : 3-5gm

(Ref: Dravya Guna Vignana J.L.N. Shastry)

11 Sariva Dvaya

Roots occur in pieces, about 30cm long & 3-8mm in diameter,

cylindrical, thick, hard, some what tortuous, scarcely roots;
possessing few thick rootlets and secondary roots, external
appearance dark brown. Sometimes with violet-grey tinge; centre
yellow, woody, surrounded by a mealy white cortical layer; bark
brownish, corky marked with transverse cracks & longitudinal
fissures & easily detachable from the hard central core; odour,
characteristic taste-sweetish, slightly acrid & aromatic.
Transverse section of root shows periderm consisting of 3 layers
of tissues, cork, cork cambium & secondary cortex; cork cells radially
flattened & rectangular in appearance filled with dark brown contents
giving reactions of tannins; cork cambium, 2 or 3 layered, compressed
& filled with dark brown contents; secondary cortex consisting of 3-4
layers of cells, similar to cork cells, with very little or no dark brown
Secondary phloem consists of sieve elements, parenchyma,
phloem ray cells along with several laticiferous ducts; parenchyama

cells filled with starch grains, diameter 7-10µ, occasional prismatic

crystals of calcium oxalate present; laticiferous ducts scattered in
parenchymatus tissues; cambium very narrow; xylem transversed by
narrow medullary rays; vessels & trachieds characterized by the
presence of pitted markings; pith absent & central region occupied by
woody tissues.

(Ref: Database Vol. 1)

12 Sariva Dvaya

Each plant contain particular chemical component which is the

cause for its action.

Physical Constituents:
Total ash : 2.6 – 4.2%
Acid insoluble ash : 15.5 – 18.8%
Alcohol soluble extractive : 1.0 – 1.5%
Water soluble extractive : 18.6 – 18.9%

Chemical Constituents:
1. 2 – hydroxy- 4 -methoxy benzaldehyde
2. Phytosterols
3. Triterpenes
4. Saponin
5. Resin acid
6. Tanins
7. Tetra cyclic triterpene alcohols
8. Fatty acids
9. Glycosides
10. 16 – dehydro pregnenolone
11. Pregnune ester
12. Diglyooside (Desinine)
13. Rutin

(Ref: Data base)

13 Sariva Dvaya

Dravya is one which gives ashraya for rasa, guna, virya, vipaka
etc. These take shetter in dravya & does the Karma of Dravya.

Rasa : Tiktha, Madhura

Guna : Guru, Snigdha
Veerya : Sita
Vipaka : Madhura
Dosaghnatha : Tridosa shamaka

(Ref: Database Vol. 1)

14 Sariva Dvaya
Samsthanika Karma:
Bahya : Daha prasamana
Abhyanthara Karma:
Pachana Samsthana:
Raktha vaha Samsthana :
Raktha shodhaka
Shvasna samsthana:
Prajanana Samsthana:
Sthanya shodhana
Garbha Sthapana
Mutra vaha Samsthana:
Mutra janana
Mutra Virajaniya
Rasayana or Vishaghna
(Ref: D.G.V. - P.V. Sharma)

15 Sariva Dvaya
Samsthanika Karma:
Pachana Samthana:
Raktha Vikara
Vata Raktha
Jirna Amavata
Shvasana Samsthana:
Prajanana Samsthana:
Sukra dourbalya
Sthanya vikara
Garbha srava
Mutra vaha Samsthana:
Mutra krcchra
Paithika prameha

16 Sariva Dvaya

(Ref: D.G.V. Vol. 2.- P.V. Sharma)

17 Sariva Dvaya

1. Vrna Shodhana: Sariva patra Kwatha

2. Mushaka Visha: Intake of ghritha prepared out of sariva mula.
3. Vishama Jwara: Decoction of patola, sariva, mustha, Pata &
Katuki is useful.
4. Kusta: Brihathi, Usira, Patola, Sariva & Katuki is to be given for
internal & external use.
5. Shwasa: Intake of ghrita prepared out of sariva mula kwatha.
6. Netra roga: Eyewash using sariva mula kwatha
7. Vataroga: Sariva mula & vasu patra taken along with ksira
8. Skandha graha & Apasmar: Sariva mula worn on the waist

(Ref: D.V.G. by J.L.N. Shastry, Ni.A. Vol. 2)

18 Sariva Dvaya

It is observed that the activity of certain drugs are activated by

means of combination. The naming of yoga is based on the name of
important drug used dose of Yoga etc.

Important Yogas of Sariva:

1. Pinda taila
2. Saribadyasava
3. Mahatiktaka ghrita
4. Pippalyadi ghrita
5. Amrta ghrita
6. Sariva Dvayarista
7. Patrangasava
8. Aravindasava
9. Sarivadi vati
10. Chandrakala rasa
11. Sarivadyavaleha

19 Sariva Dvaya

Osawin syrup:
Indication: intellect promotion, dementia
Indication : Loss of weight, physical stress, mental & sexual fatigue.
Indication: Scabies, eczema
Sogadesaran Syrup:
Indication: Insomnia,, hypertension, anaemia
Abhynga Taila:
Indication: Muscular pains, sprains.
Indication: Rhumatoid arthritis, back ache, leg cramp
VST – Oil:
Indication: Rheumatic pains, Lumbago, Spondylitis, Neuralgia
Indication: Dysuria, Gonorrhoea, Spermatorrhoea
Chandan sudha
Indication: Burning micturition
Indication: Leucorrhoea, Excess virginal secretion & Pelvic congestion.

(Ref: Ayu Med Care)

20 Sariva Dvaya
1. The aq. extract caused a slight increase in the urinary flow in
rats. Alcoholic & aq. extracts also led to a rise in the BP &
splenic contraction in dog & also contraction of the isolated
guinea pig ileum. An increase in the cardiac rate in rabbit was
noticed with aq. extract. (Satoskar et. Al. 1962).
2. A saponin from it was found to have anti-inflammatory activity.
3. The PE, Chloroform & alcoholic extract of roots showed anti-
bacterial activity against staph. Aureus, staph.adbus,
sal.typhosa, vib.chlora, Esch.coli etc. (ICMR, Bulletin, 1972)
4. The essential oil exhibited marked antibacterial activity against
B. portens, Pr. aeruginosa, Staph. pyogenes & Esch coli.
(Prasad et al. 1983)
5. The aqueous ethenolic extract of whole plant (0.05 mg/ml)
showed antiviral activity against Ranikhet disease virus (Dhar
et. Al. 1968). The antiviral activity may be due to the presence
of inter feron-like factors in the plant. (Babbur et. Al. 1970).
6. The ethylacetate extract exhibited significant anti inflammatory
activity in both acute & sub acute methods of inflammation.
(Dutta et al 1982)
7. The root is used as anti-leprotic (Gupta 1981); Plaque formation
suppressant (Namb et. Al. 1985), as nematocidal (Kiuchi et al
1989), as weak antifilarial (Suresh & rai, 1990) & as an anti-
allergic in allergic conjunctivitis (Sharma -1994)
8. It showed inmuno modulator activity & immuno suppresent
activity. It decrease the phagocytosis in experimental studies.

21 Sariva Dvaya
Sariva is a useful plant in all cases. Mainly it is useful in case of
Trsna & it is also medhya.

Mainly it has 2 varieties:

1. Krsna
2. Swetha

Swetha sariva - Hemidesmus indicus:

About Krsna there is a controversy we use 2 drugs in the name
of Krsna sariva. They are,
1. Ctryptolepis bachanniana
2. Ichnocapus Frutiscens
Charaka included it under madhura skandha, prathahara, vata
prasamana, Jwarahara. Susrutha included under the gana sarivadhi,
valli panchamula. Acc. To Bhavaprakasha –Guducyadi varga.
Mula is used as the Prayojyanga.
It has tikta, madhura rasa, guru, snigdha guna, sita veerya,
madhura vipaka. It is tridosha shamaka.

22 Sariva Dvaya

1. Charaka Samhitha – Acharya Charaka

2. Susrutha Samhitha – Acharya Susrutha
3. Dravya Guna Vignana – J.L.N. Shastry
4. Dravya Guna Vignana – P.V. Sharma
5. Database – Vol. 1
6. Indian medicinal Plants – P.S. Varier
7. Namarupa Vignana
8. Materia medica – Dutt
9. Dhanvanthari Nighantu – P.V. Sharma
10. Bhavaprakasha Nighantu –Sri. Bhamasankaramisra, Sri.
Rupalgi vaisya
11. Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Acharya Kaiyadeva
12. Shotala Nighantu - Shotala
13. Ayu Med Care

23 Sariva Dvaya

24 Sariva Dvaya
25 Sariva Dvaya

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