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Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019

Ship routeing & mandatory reporting system

• Singapore Pilot VHF 20
• East Control VHF 12, West Control VHF 68
VTIS West (Sector 7) VTIS Central (Sector 8) VTIS East (Sector 9)
VHF 73 VHF 14 VHF 10
T. Piai to P. Karimun Besar Vertical at Raffles lighthouse Vertical at Changi Naval Base
Vertical at Raffles lighthouse Vertical at Changi Naval Base Vertical at 104°22.9’E (West of
Horsburgh lighthouse)
Information to report Information available for request
• Identification • Specific & critical situations which could cause
• Position conflicting traffic movements & other
o Lat/long OR information concerning safety of navigation
o True bearing & distance from clearly Reporting areas
identifiable point (state landmark) • Mandatory entering & exiting all sectors,
• Hazardous cargo if carried except when leaving sector 9 towards South
• Defects/limitations of vessel if any China Se
• Pollution or DG lost overboard with position
• Course & speed (If requested)

Shipboard Communications for COC 2

1. Notify E/R, engines ready for manoeuvring 4. Notify Officer (Clear anchor, pilot ladder)
2. Notify pilot (ETA & pilot ladder) 5. Confirm ladder on correct side
3. Notify Master 6. Report when crossing TSS
• Officer supposed to be in charge; tell him to bring crew with him to do the job

Pilot Lights & Day shape

• As per Merchant Shipping (Pilotage) regulations (have not used it in simulator)
• Requesting pilot – GOLF flag
• Pilot onboard – HOTEL flag

Ship handling (When stopping to anchor)

• When stopping vessel with astern propulsion, vessel will cant to starboard (RHP)
• Therefore, if stopping on location to anchor, head into weather on starboard bow
• As you use astern propulsion, vessel will cant & weather will come from straight ahead
• If above not done, as you try to stop the vessel, its own canting & weather will push you off

Position fixing method

• Compass – 2 objects at obtuse bearing apart
• Radar – 1 range & bearing OR 2 range (obtuse bearing apart) OR 2 bearings (obtuse bearing apart)
• Echo sounder – use depth to approximate & cross check above position

Reliability of position fixing aids

• As far as possible, use beacons or clearly defined landmass edge
• Circle objects used for position fixing on chart & have them selected on RADAR for quick reference
• ECDIS can be used, but cross check with RADAR fix in case GPS gets offset
• Cross check magnetic & gyro compass routinely in case examiner messes with it
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019
Safe Navigational watch
• Keep safe speed with enough capacity for manoeuvres or stopping, especially when in doubt
• Switch on navigational lights as appropriate
o G-G-G in vertical line for crossing TSS
• Maintain proper lookout OUTSIDE the bridge
• Plot position at regular intervals
• Use PI lines on same side of TSS lane where possible
• Familiarise with emergency procedures (Your mileage may vary; adjust as necessary)
1. Sound general alarm
2. Call Master
3. Muster crew
4. Broadcast to ships in vicinity
5. Take position & time
Engine failure Steering failure Grounding Collision
1. NUC lights (R-R) 1. NUC lights (R-R) 1. Grounding lights (R- 1. NUC lights (R-R)
2. NUC day shape (B-B) 2. NUC day shape (B-B) R + Anchor lights) 2. NUC day shape (B-B)
3. Stop engine 3. Stop engine 2. Grounding day 3. Stop engine
4. Inform E/R 4. Inform E/R shape (B-B-B) 4. Take sounding
5. Manual steering 5. Stop ship 3. Stop engine 5. Prepare lifeboat
6. Steer away from TSS 6. Anchor party 4. Take sounding
7. Check position 5. Prepare lifeboat
8. Anchor party
MOB Restricted visibility Fire
1. MOB marker 1. Navigation lights 1. Alter course, put
2. Extra lookout 2. Sound signals bridge to leeway
3. MOB signal (O flag & 3. Extra lookout (in & 2. Prepare fire team
3 long blast) outside 3. Prepare lifeboat
4. Prepare rescue boat wheelhouse)
• In event equipment malfunctions, switch to secondary source if available; if not, call Master

Handing over & taking over watch (STCW A/VIII/19-23)

• Do not hand over if reason to believe relieving officer is not capable of duties; notify master
• Do not hand over until OOW is doing a manoeuvre or taking action to avoid hazard
• Relieving officer to ensure his lookout is capable of performing their duties, including vision at night
• Relieving officer to satisfy themselves of the following
o Position, course, speed, draught & track
o Navigational dangers expected during his watch
o Weather conditions
o Standing/special orders
o Main engine procedures
o Navigational situation, e.g. equipment working, compass error & traffic

Notify master (STCW A/VIII/40)

• Restricted visibility encountered/expected • Erratic/increase in traffic density
• Difficulty in maintaining course • Failure to sight expected land/marks
• Sighting of unexpected land/marks • Breakdown of equipment & machinery
• Breakdown of radio • Heavy weather (in doubt of weather damage)
• Hazards to navigation (derelict, ice, etc.) • In any other emergency or doubt
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019
My Scenario (09 Oct 19 – Khoo)
• Started off Buffalo Rock, proceed to Eastern Boarding Alpha
• Given generous amount of time to do passage planning
• Vessel container, planned 12 knots average for the exercise
• Planned route – straight path to Batu Berhanti, then cross at right angle to boarding area
• Wrote down some stuff on paper to remind myself of what to do inside the simulator
• Was given 5-10 minutes to prepare the bridge
• Familiarise with the RADAR as best you can
o I didn’t manage to get the radar target data displayed even though I have acquired until
sometime into the simulator; turns out you need to press the “DATA” button
o Relied only on relative vectors, gyro repeater & visual lookout (bino) for collision avoidance
o For PI, used Racon K (Buffalo Rock?) & Racon B (Batu Berhanti)
• Will be passing 2 precautionary areas (PA)
o 1st Precautionary area
§ Watch out for ferry coming in from starboard
§ I reduced speed by reversing and allowed her to pass
§ Watch out for navy vessel coming in from port side directly towards me
§ I sounded 5 short blasts twice, altered to starboard
§ Navy vessel proceeded to head in same direction of TSS
o 2 precautionary area
§ Watch out for ferry coming in from starboard
§ I used bino and noticed she was NUC, I slowed down to observe first
§ Noticed she was not making way, proceeded to pick up speed and cross ahead of her
§ Had 2 vessels coming out from port side, but relative vectors were clear
§ Took no avoiding action for them
• Crossing TSS
o Initially planned to cross in 2nd PA, but had to overshoot due to oncoming traffic
o Called VTIS to inform them of my intentions
o Checked port side clear & sounded 2 short blast before altering
o Initially wanted to cross between 2 vessels, but noticed there was no 3rd vessel
o By then I was roughly 50 to 60 degree to the TSS general direction
o Went to midship & allowed the 2nd vessel to pass before continuing my crossing
o Managed to cross aft of 2nd vessel, was 3 cables and proceeding at 12 knots to pilot boat before
simulator was stopped (40 mins)
• Debrief
o Khoo asked standard things like what did you think you didn’t do well etc
o Was grilled for the final approach to pilot boat due to 12 knots speed & 3 cables
o I said I was pushing to meet the ETA, he wasn’t pleased with the answer (ETA important?)
o Kept asking you can board pilot at that speed? I said I was going to slow down but simulator
was stopped. Then he said you can slow down at that speed? I said I not sure, but should be
able to if given another 10 minutes or so
o -Awkward silence-
• Result – Passed

Closing thoughts
• Would be nice if there was better familiarization with the radar & ECDIS in classroom setting
• If you can’t get the equipment to work, don’t fixate on it – go back to basics & keep lookout visually
• When the coast is clear, then try to fiddle with the equipment
• During debrief, just answer nicely – if kena screwing just keep quiet
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019
Inside TOOLS
Simulator Guidelines – Daniel Ong Oct 2019

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