CS-626-Y23F Igor Khokhlov
CS-626-Y23F Igor Khokhlov
CS-626-Y23F Igor Khokhlov
2023 Fall
Course Prerequisites
Course Materials
Selected readings from various assigned sources, Material posted to Blackboard.
Learning Objectives/Outcomes
5. Firewalls
6. Operating Systems
Course Activities
Course Learning Activities & Assessments
You will have multiple opportunities to practice and demonstrate your progress toward
the above student learning outcomes in this course. These include, but are not limited to:
In the research assignment, you have to research and prepare a presentation on one
cybersecurity tool of your choice from the provided list.
There will be one mid-term exam, one final exam, and one final presentation. They will
be held in-class and therefore no make-ups will be given.
You will be using – VirtualBox, Linux, Python (sklearn and tensorflow).
Malware, Part 1
Final Grades
Please read this section carefully. Final grades will be determined by student performance
according to the following:
The final letter grade is assigned in accordance with the university grading policy:
Student Expectations
Expectations for Attendance and Participation
All announcements, email notifications, class material and grading will be done through
Blackboard. Check for announcements and updates daily. You are responsible for having
access to Blackboard prior to starting the course. All class notes, presentations and
examples presented in class will be available on Blackboard after the completion of each
class. Please allow up to 24 hours for a returned email.
Weekly attendance and participation is expected. Each week’s material builds upon the
previous week. More than two absences from class will result in an automatic failure from
the course.
Academic Integrity
The University has a standing policy in place with regard to academic integrity. As stated
in the University policy, this requires on the part of students a commitment to the
fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and reasonability. All students are
expected to familiarize themselves with the policy and be in compliance. This policy can
All university programs and courses adhere fully to the University Policy on Academic
Integrity, as stated in the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs and on the Academic
Integrity Web Page. Academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, plagiarism, and other unethical
behavior) could result in a grade of F for the assignment and/or course.
• Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) - offers tutoring, writing, and academic
support for all SHU students. Visit the PASS Portal to sign up for tutoring, submit
a paper for feedback through the Online Writing Lab (OWL), or look up Classroom
Learning Assistants (CLAs) and Learning Lab schedules for specific courses.
Questions? Contact [email protected].
• Office of Student Advising & Success – offers appointments with student
success coordinators and advisors who are ready and eager to meet with you
about exploring majors and programs, and key academic skills such as time
management. Questions? Contact [email protected].
• Technical Support @ The Factory – offers technical support, including
Blackboard and classroom technology help, across walk-in, phone, chat, self-
service, and help article formats. Questions? Contact
[email protected].
• Counseling & Ministry Supports - Students may experience a variety of
challenges while enrolled at SHU. Information about undergraduate counseling
and graduate counseling services are available via the Counseling Center website.
Campus Ministry also provides faith-based support for students.