Johari Window Essay

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The Johari Window activity can be an eye-opening experience, shedding light on aspects of

our personality and how others perceive us. Through this exercise, I discovered that my friends
openly perceive me as an artistic person. However, I also discovered that they saw me as a
patient, friendly, mature, and wise person. It honestly felt great to know about their perception of
me. I’m a firm believer that self-perception often forms the core of our identity. Still, external
perspectives can add layers of understanding that were previously obscured. Understanding that
my friends perceive me as an artistic person boosts my confidence and inspires me to explore
this aspect of myself more fully. This revelation has far-reaching implications, offering valuable
insights into my self-awareness, expectations, and my ability to give and receive feedback.
Expectations play a significant role in self-disclosure and feedback. I have discovered new
facets of my personality through this exercise, but the process also highlights the importance of
managing expectations. This makes me wonder why these positive traits weren't apparent earlier,
leading to self-reflection about how I perceive myself versus how others do, which taught me
that self-awareness is an ongoing journey, and not everything is immediately evident. Aside from
that, I also want to embrace these newfound qualities consciously and integrate them into my
daily life. Maybe I can strengthen my patience, use my friendliness to deepen connections and
apply maturity in my decision-making. These traits can guide me toward a more fulfilling and
enriching life.
However, I’m aware that there are challenges to consider. The Johari Window can be
emotionally draining, as it exposes vulnerabilities and areas of improvement. It's essential to
approach feedback with an open mind, recognizing that growth often comes from acknowledging
and addressing weaknesses. Therefore, I can apply my newfound knowledge by actively
expanding my open quadrant. I can engage in open and honest conversations with my friends to
gather more feedback and better understand myself. This process can lead to enhanced self-
awareness, stronger relationships, and personal growth.
The Johari Window activity has been enlightening and enriching. I now understand how
my friends perceive me and have discovered hidden qualities within myself. This new realization
provides me with new spaces for personal growth and self-improvement. By embracing the
positive traits that I was unaware of, I can try to navigate life's challenges with greater self-
assuredness. I learned that The Johari Window can help me to take control of my self-awareness
and actively shape my future, making it a valuable tool for personal development.

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