مذكرة جرامر الصف السادس الترم الاول 2024 منهج جديد مستر حسام عبد الله
مذكرة جرامر الصف السادس الترم الاول 2024 منهج جديد مستر حسام عبد الله
مذكرة جرامر الصف السادس الترم الاول 2024 منهج جديد مستر حسام عبد الله
Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 1
The present simple المضارع البسيط
االستخدام ذ انثابتت ٔانٕظائف انثابتتٛ يع انًٕاعٙأتٚ ٔ قتٛعبش عٍ عادة تحذث أٔ حقٚ
التكوينHe - She - It V. انفعم+ s/es / ies.
I - We - You - They inf. انًصذس
النفيHe / She / It doesn't + inf. انًصذس
I / We / You / They don't + inf. انًصذس
السؤال He / She / It Does + فاعم+ inf. انًصذس+ ?
I / We / You / They Do + فاعم+ inf. انًصذس+ ?
always دائما often غالبا
sometimes احيانا never ابدا
usually عاده every كل
.هذه الكلمات تأتي قبل الفعل األساسي وبعد الفعل المساعد
V. to. be V. to. do V. to. have
I am I do I have
We are We do We have
You are You do You have
They are They do They have
He is He does He has
She is She does She has
It is It does It has
I have a cold .
She has a lot of money .
We have a lot of homework .
She is sad .
V. to. have V. to. be V. to. do
I don’t have I am not He doesn’t do
We don’t have He isn’t She doesn’t do
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
You don’t have She isn’t It doesn’t do
They don’t have It isn’t We don’t do
He doesn’t have We aren’t You don’t do
She doesn’t have You aren’t They don’t do
It doesn’t have They aren’t I don’t do
I don’t have enough money .
She doesn’t have a car .
1- I live in a very small village.
2- I go to my farm every day.
3- He plays tennis every week.
4- I usually play tennis at the club
5- It often snows in winter.
6- We eat three meals a day.
7- She is always clever.
8- Do they have money?
9- Does she cook well ?
10- How do you go to school?
11- When do you sleep?
12- She doesn’t have money.
13- We don’t play well .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Translate into English .
-1أنا ال أحب السمك
-2نحن ال نأكل األرز
-2أنت ال تريد سلطه
-3هو ال يشرب شاي
-4نحن ال نشرب لبن
Translate into English .
-1هل نحن نأكل األرز؟
-2هل هو يشرب شاي؟
-3هل نحن نشرب لبن؟
-4هل هي تريد سكر ؟
-5هل أنا أشرب قهوه؟
Translate into English .
-1نحن غالبا نأكل األرز.
-2أنت دائما تريد سلطه
-3هو غالبا يشرب شاي
-4نحن احيانا نشرب لبن
Translate into English .
-1ماذا انت تريد ؟
-2ماذا هي تأكل ؟
-3اين هو يعيش ؟
-4كيف تذهب الي المدرسة ؟
-5متي انت تنام ؟
Translate into English .
-1كم مره انت تذهب الي القاهرة ؟
-2كم مره انت تزور المتحف ؟
-3كم مره انت تأكل سمك ؟
-4كم مره انت تلعب كره القدم ؟
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 2
The present Continuous المضارع المستمر
االستخدام ش عـٍ انًسـتقبـمٛستخـذو نهتعـبٚٔ حذث اثُاء انكالوٚ عبش عٍ حذثٚ
التكوين I am
He\She\It is + v. ing
We\ You\They are
( النفيam- is- are) / ( بعذn’t /not) بـ
كلماته Now ٌ االLook اَظس listen اسخًع today انيٕو
at the moment في حهك انهحظت still ياشال
At the present time في انٕقج انحانيnowadays ْرِ االياو
1- I am playing football now.
2- She is making food.
3- I am doing my homework now.
4- She is cooking fish now.
5- I am watching a nice film .
6- What are you doing now?
7- Where are you going next week?
8- Where are you travelling?
9- Are you playing tennis well?
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 3
Past simple الماضي البسيط
س نّ أ٘ اثش االستخدامٛ ٔأَتٓٗ ٔنٙ انًاضْٕٙ حذث تى ف
التكوين V. انفعم+ d / ed / ied
النفي did not +inf.انًصذس
كلماتهYesterd أيسago يُز last ٙانًاض
once ِراث يش in the past ٙ انًاضٙف
مالحظات ( يا عذاed) ٓاٛضاف إنٚ ع االفعالًٛ ج-
( d ) ّٛضاف إنٚ ( e ) ُتٓٗ بـٚ ٖ انفعم انز-1
( ied )ٗ( قبهٓا حشف ساكٍ تقهب إنY) ُتٓٗ بـٚ ٖ انفعم انز-2
امثلة1- I saw an ant
2- She watched a film last week
3- We were happy at the party
4- He could swim in sea
5- She didn’t eat fish .
Regular verbs األفعال المتنظمة
ed d ied
مضارع ماضي ماضي مضارع معني ماضي مضارع معني معني
wash washe يغسلuse used يستخدمtry tried يجرب
play played يلعبlike liked يحبcry cried يبكي
cook cooke يطبخlove love يحبcarry carrie يحمل
d d d
clean cleane ينظفlive lived يعيشdry dried يجفف
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Translate into English .
-1انا لعبت كره القدم أمس .
-2هي طبخت سمك أمس
-3نحن عشنا في القاهرة .
-4انا جففت المطبخ أمس
-5نحن نظفنا غرفه النوم .
-6أنا بكيت أمس .
األفعال الغير متنظمة irregular verbs
ed d ied
مضارع ماضي معني مضارع ماضي معني مضارع ماضي معني
go went يذهب read read يقرأ sleep slept ينام
see saw يري take took يأخذ feel felt يشعر
eat ate يأكل get got يحصل fly flew يطير
have had يتناول swim swa يعوم give gave يعطي
make made sendيصنع sent يتحدث speak spokeيرسل
sell sold writeيبيع wrot cutيكتب cut يقطع
sit sat readيجلس read يقرأ lose lost يفقد
thro threw hurtيرمي hurt يؤلم have had يمتلك
win won يفوز lose lost hitيخسر hit يضرب
am was يكون is was areيكون were يكون
Translate into English .
-1انا ذهبت الي القاهرة .
-2هي اكلت سمك.
-3هو شرب شاي .
-4هي قرأت كتاب االسبوع الماضي .
-5هو كان سعيد .
-6انا قطعت الكتاب .
-7هو نام في غرفه النوم .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Translate into English .
-1هو لم يذهب الي القاهرة.
-2هي لم تأكل سمك.
-3هو لم يطبخ االرز .
-4هي لم تنظف المطبخ .
-5هو لم ينام مبكرا.
-6نحن لم ننم أمس .
-7هي لن تلعب التنس .
-8انا لم أكل سمك.
-9هي لم تعيش في القاهرة .
-11هو لم يقرأ الكتاب.
Translate into English .
-1هو كان حزين.
-2هي كانت سعيدة.
-3هو كان جوعان .
-4هي كانت متعبه.
-5هو كان عطشان.
Translate into English .
-1هو لم يكن حزين.
-2هي لم تكن سعيدة.
-3هو لم يكن جوعان .
-4هي لم تكن متعبه.
-5هو لم يكن عطشان.
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 4
Prepositions of time حروف جر الزمن
in حرف الجر
)..... موسم, شهر, سنه, قبل أي ( قرن-1
قبل بعض الكلمات الزمنية-2
January يُايس March يازس spring عٛانشب
February فبسايس April ابسيم summer فٛانص
The evening انًساء The morning انصباح
The afternoon بعد انظٓس
He went there in 2000.
She was in Paris in the summer .
We are in the 20th century. ٍانقسٌ انعشسي
I was born in the 1990s ( ) انخسعيُاث
on حرف الجر
)......... تاريخ, قبل أي ( يوم-1
قبل بعض الكلمات الزمنية-2
Saturday انسبج Sunday االحد Tuesday انثالثاء
on 16 May 2012 حازيخ on my birthday ٘الدٛذ يٛع
I go to Cairo on Friday .
He was on my birthday
I was born on 16 May 2012.
at حرف الجر
) بعض أجزاء اليوم, قبل أي ( الساعة-1
night نيم midday يُخصف انُٓازmidnight مَٛصف انه
dawn فجسthe weekend في اإلجاشةSix a.m. انساعتٙف
1- I don’t drink coffee at night .
2- It's hot at midday .
3- I see the moon at midnight.
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
3-Choose the correct words between brackets:
1- My birthday ………. May .
2- My birthday ………. 15 Jan 1995.
3- The built it ……..the 14th century .
4- I see stars …….. night .
5- I don't drink coffee ………… night .
6- I do my homework ………..six o'clock .
7- She goes to Cairo ……….. Sunday .
8- It's hot …………… the summer .
9- It's cold …………… the winter .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 5
Relative pronouns ضًائش انٕصم
Who ...... ضمير وصل يأتي بعد اسم عاقل ( إنسان ) الذي – اللذان
Where حيث- ضمير وصل يأتي بعد مكان
When متي- ضمير وصل يأتي بعد كلمه زمنيه
Which .... – ضمير وصل يأتي بعد اسم غير عاقل الذي – اللذان
whose وصل يشير للملكية ضمير
1- Mr .Hossam is the man who is a teacher .
2- A vet the person who can treat animals .
3- A butcher is the person who can sell meat .
4- A hospital is the place where a doctor works .
5- A bakery is the place where a baker works .
6- A school is the place where a teacher works .
7- A masjid is the place where I pray . ٙصهٚ
8- Friday is the day when I go to Cairo .
9- January is the month انشٓشwhen I was born ٔنذث.
10- 1995 is the year when I was born ٔنذث
11- A giraffe is a wild animal which is tall .
12- A fox is a wild animal which is cunning .يكاس
13- An ox is a wild animal which has two horns .
14- Eyes are organs which helps you to see .
15- This is the boy whose car is red .
Complete with ( Who – which – where -when )
1- A carpenter is the person …. can mend doors .
2- 2012 is the year …………… I was born ٔنذث
3- A bakery is the place ……………. a baker works .
4- A carpenter is the person …… can mend doors .
5- A masjid is the place …………… I pray .
6- A school is the place ……….. a teacher works .
7- 1995 is the year ………… I was born ٔنذث
Year ُّ س- place ٌ يكا- person شخص
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Rewrite the following sentences .
1- Ali is a small boy. He is my brother (who )
2- I bought a nice car. It is expensive (which )
3- Cairo is a nice place. I was born there ( where
4- I saw a film. It was boring (which )
5- Ahmed is a nice man. He is my brother (who )
6- They sent a new teacher. she looks nice (who
7- My wallet was stolen. It has my money (which )
Correct the underlined words.
1-She is a nice girl which wears a nice dress .
2- This is the boy who father is a doctor .
3- I met the boy where the teacher hit yesterday.
4- I went to the hospital when my father works .
1- I went to the hospital when is clean
Complete with a relative pronoun
1- The doctor ………….... you want has just left .
2- The film ……………..….you saw was nice .
3- The eggs …… I ate yesterday were delicious.
4- Where is the shop …………….... sells meat.
5- The flowers ………….…… I picked , are nice .
6- The house ………….…. They built , is wide.
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 6
ing adjectives – ed adjectives
ing مؤثر ed متأثر
Exciting مدهش Excited مثار
Amazing مذهل Amazed مندهش
Relaxing مرٌح Relaxed مسترخي
Interesting ممتع Interested مهتم
Fascinating مبهر Fascinated منبهر
Boring ممل Bored يشعر بالملل
Tiring متعب Tired متعب
frightened خائف frightening مخيف
1- I was excited . The film was exciting .
2- He was frightened because the lion was frightening.
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 7
Countable and uncountable nouns
االسًاء انخي حعد ٔانخي ال حعد .
األسًاء انغٛش يعذٔدة
uncountable Nouns
–a األسماء غير المعدودة :هي أسماء ال يمكن جمعها وال عدها وال إضافة
anقبلها مثل ( األطعمة – المشروبات – الكميات ) وتأخذ فعل مفرد ) ) is
sand رمل fish سمك
water ماء salad سلطه
grass عشب meat لحمه
milk لبن tea شاي
juice عصير coffee قهوه
air هواء sugar سكر
salt ملح honey عسل
pasta مكرونة jam مربي
cheese جبن fruit فاكهه
There is some يوجد هناك بعض
-1يوجد هناك بعض اللبن
-2يوجد هناك بعض الشاي
يوجد هناك بعض الخبز -3
-4يوجد هناك بعض الملح
-5يوجد هناك بعض السلطة
There isn’t any ال يوجد هناك أي
-1ال يوجد هناك أي لبن
-2ال يوجد هناك أي شاي
ال يوجد هناك أي خبز -3
-4ال يوجد هناك أي ملح
-5ال يوجد هناك أي سكر
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1- There ………….. some water ( is – are )
2- There ………….. some tea ( is – are )
3- There ………….. some salad ( is – are )
4- There isn’t ……………. Fish ( some – any )
5- There is ……………. Fish ( some – any )
6- There is some ………………… ( apples – water )
7- There …………………. any milk ( isn’t – aren’t )
األسًاء انًعذٔدة
countable Nouns
a – an هي أسماء يمكن جمعها و عدها و إضافة: األسماء المعدودة
: قبلها مثل
cat قطه bee نحله
ant نمله tree شجره
father أب dog كلب
sister أخت cow بقره
tomato حبه طماطم horse حصان
orange برتقاله banana موزه
There are some يوجد هناك بعض
There is a – an يوجد هناك
يوجد هناك بعض النمل-1
يوجد هناك نمله-2
يوجد هناك بعض القطط-3
There isn’t a - an ال يوجد هناك
There aren’t any ال يوجد هناك أي
ال يوجد هناك أي قطط-6
ال يوجد هناك أي وز-7
ال يوجد هناك أي بط-8
ال يوجد هناك كلب-9
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
a slice شريحه Of meat شريحه من اللحم
a kilo كليو Of flour كليو من الدقيق
a bowl سلطانيه Of soup سلطانيه من الشوربة
a loaf رغيف Of bread رغيف من الخبز
a bar قالب Of soap قالب من الصابون
Complete with one word from the following
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1-How …………..boys are there ? ( much – many)
2-How ………..sugar do you want ? ( much – many)
3-How ……….……cars did you see ? ( much – many)
4-How ……………. girls are there ? ( much – many)
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 8
Polite request الطلب المهذب
) تستخدم في صيغه الطلبcan – could – would ( هذه األفعال
Could you help me , please ? هل ممكن تساعدني من فضلك ؟
Would you like some tea ? هل تريد بعض الشاي ؟
.الحظ الفرق
Would you like some tea ? هل تريد بعض الشاي ؟
Do you like tea ? هل تحب الشاي
Some V.S any
some ) بعض ( تستخدم في الطلب واالقتراح واالثبات
Much ) كثير ( تستخدم في النفي والسؤال
1- Would you like some tea ?
2- Let's eat some apples .
3- There isn’t any tea .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1. Would you…………..some tea ? ( like – likes )
2. There ………….. some water ( is – are )
3. There ………….. some tea ( is – are )
4. There ………….. some salad ( is – are )
5. There isn’t ……………. Fish ( some – any )
6. There is ……………. Fish ( some – any )
7. There is some ………………… ( apples – water )
8. There …………………. any milk ( isn’t – aren’t )
9. Would you like …….water ? ( some – any )
10. I’d like …………….tea , please . some – any
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1. ………..is a countable noun . ( cat – salad )
2. …….is a uncountable noun . ( water – tree )
3. ……….is a countable noun . ( bee – tea )
4. …………is the plural of ox . ( oxen – oxes )
5. ……..is the singular of mice . ( mouse – mousse )
6. I want a ……………of meat . ( kilo – bottle )
7. She had a ……..of juice .( cup – can )
8. She will buy a ………of soap . ( bar – cup )
9. We need a ……..of bread . ( loaf – bar )
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1- She had a …….of milk . ( bottle – slice )
2- They want to buy a……..of oil . ( bottle – bowl )
3- There ……..some water ( is – are )
4- There …………any salad . (isn’t – aren't )
5- Are there ……………bees ? ( some – any )
6- Is …………………any tea ? ( there – their )
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Lesson 9
How to make a question
نٕ إجابّ انسؤال بدأث ب
Yes / No / Of course بالطبع/ Sure بالتأكٌد.
ً) ونتبع اآلت... وٌكون السؤال هنا بفعل مساعد أو ناقص بمعنً ( هل
: أو أي كلمه من الكلمات اللً فوقNo أوYes نحذف-1
: نقدم الفعل المساعد أو الناقص علً الفاعل ٔيكٌٕ شكم انسؤال كانخاني-2
فعم يساعد+ فاعم+ فعم أساسي+ يفعٕل+ ?
: األفعال انًساعدة
Be(am / is / are / was / were ) & Have ( have /
has / had) & Do ( Do – Does – Did )
: ٔانُاقصت ْي
Modal verbs (can / could / shall/ should /
will / would / may / might / must / ought to /
had to –
: األفعال دي بنستخدم معاها فعل فً المصدر
(can / could / shall/ should / will / would / may /
might / must / ought to / had to – Do – Does – Did )
1- Can you swim well ?
2- Could she play tennis yesterday ?
3- Should he sleep early ?
4- Will she sleep early ?
5- May they come early ?
6- Would you help me ?
7- Do they eat fish ?
8- Did they sleep early yesterday ?
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Let's make questions : ٌال نعمل اسأله مع بعض
……………………………………………… ?
Yes , she was sleeping yesterday evening
………………………………………… ?
Yes , they have finished studying
………………………………………… ?
Yes , they can swim in the pool
.……………………………….…… ?
Sure . they are going to Cairo
…….……………………………….…… ?
No , they haven’t finished yet
…….………………………………………… ?
Sure .They were eating fish
.……….………………………………….…… ?
Certainly . She was late last week
….………………………………………..… ?
Yes , of course .She is going to come
……………………………………..….…… ?
No , they aren’t happy
Yes , he is Egyptian
No , they aren’t coming tomorrow
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Complete with a single word أكمل بكلمه واحده
1-Does ……… want a cat ? Yes, she ………...
2- Are they …. now ? No, They aren’t happy now .
3- ………...she Salma ? No , ……….. isn’t Salma .
4- Can they ……….football ? No , They can't play .. .
5- Are they ………? Yes , they ………… happy .
6- ………………they watch films ? Yes , she did .
7- ………………they watch films ? Yes , she do .
8- ………………she watch films ? Yes , she does .
1-…………they watched films ? Yes , they have
2-Does she like fish ? Yes , she …………
3-Did she sleep early ? Yes , She …………..
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
How + الصفات
How many كم عدد How tall كم للطول
How wide كم للعرض How long كم للطول
How heavy كم للوزن How deep كم للعمق
How fast كم للسرعة How high كم لالرتفاع
What + االسم
What height ما االرتفاع What length ما الطول
What width ما العرض What depth ما العمق
What weight ما الوزن What speed ما السرعة
قياسات وأوزان
ton (t ) centimeter سنتيمتر
kilogram ( kg) كليو جرام Millimeter مليميتر
kilometer ( km) كليو متر gram (g) جرام
mile ( m) ميل meter (m) متر
second ( s) ثانيه hour(h) ساعه
minute ( m) دقيقه liter ( l ) لتر
K/h كليو علي الساعة
It's زقىkg -cm – m – km/h - g
1- How tall is this school ?
2- How kilograms is this camel ?
3- How wide is this house ?
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Choose the correct words between brackets:
1- How ……………… is this car ? ) fast – deep )
2- How ……………… is this tree ? ) long – tall )
3- How ……………… is this road? ) long – tall )
4- How ……………… is this snake? ) long – tall )
5- How …………… is this giraffe? ) long – tall )
6- How ……………… is this car? ) heavy – many )
7- It's 400 kilograms …………… ? ) heavy – deep )
8- It's 400 kilometers ………… ? ) heavy – deep )
9- It's 400 meters ……………… ? ) long – deep )
It's رقمkg - cm – m – km / h – g
1- How tall is this school ? ………………………………..
3- How kilograms is this camel ?..................................
3- How wide is this house ? …………………………….
4- How fast is this car ?...............................................
5- How heavy is this camel ?
. لما تكون بتسأل عن اسم عاقلwho استخدم
. لما تكون بتسأل عن اسم غٌر عاقلwhich استخدم
1- Hossam won a prize .
2- The black dog ate the fish ?
3- Ali is taller than Samy .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
. لما تكون بتسأل عن زمنWhen استخدم
. لما تكون بتسأل عن مكانWhere استخدم
لما تكون بتسأل عن وسائل مواصالت او كٌفٌهHow استخدم
.………………………………………… ?
1-She will go to Cairo tomorrow by car .
.………………………………………… ?
2-She will go to Cairo tomorrow by car .
.………………………………………… ?
3-She will go to Cairo tomorrow by car .
4-He can play the drums happily .
5-They watched a match at the stadium yesterday
مٌن ٌعرف ٌعمل أكثر من سؤال ؟
3- ……………………………………………………….?
4- …………………………………………………...?
5- …………………………………………………………
Hossam will go to the sea by car tomorrow to swim.
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
. لما تكون بتسأل عن ملكٌهwhose استخدم
Whose + اسم+ is – are + ( this – that – these –those ) ?
……....................................…………… ?
1- This is Ali's Car .
2- These are my books .
3- This is his cat .
Complete with a single word أكمل بكلمه واحده
What does he ………….………? He has a car .
…………………………is the cat ? It's on the desk .
………………….…..'s he ? He is my father .
Why are ………………sad ? As I have lost my wallet .
What did they …………..? They cooked fish and
…………..many boys do you have ? Six boys .
………..much does it cost ? It's three dollars .
12- Why are you sad ? ……….I have lost my wallet .
13- How many cats did he …………? He saw 12 cats .
14- How many cats ………. he see He saw 12 cats .
15- How many …….……. did he saw 12 cats .
16- What is your name ? I …………….Salma .
17- When …..they sleep ? They sleep at night .
18- ………… do they sleep ? They sleep at night
19- When ……..they ….. ? They sleep at night .
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Index الفهرست
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